Defender's Blood Lexi's Trials: Book 7 Final Instalment of the Defender's Series

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Defender's Blood Lexi's Trials: Book 7 Final Instalment of the Defender's Series Page 3

by A. K. Michaels

  Zach kept his eyes on the road ahead as he answered, not wanting to scare her, but needing to tell her the truth. “Firstly, the best way to make sure they’re destroyed is to decapitate them, hence the blades. Secondly, the last time we ended up covered in a rather disgusting mess that took forever to clean and get out of our nostrils. I’d hoped then never to have to deal with them again, but I guess there’s always some maniac trying to do the most heinous things they can. So be prepared, honey, it’s not going to be nice and you have to be really careful, these things can be deadly. Please, if you get near any of them just take their head off as soon as you can and move on.”

  Alex could feel the disgust pouring from her mate and she worried whether she would be able to do this. She had visions of her puking everywhere and not being able to do the job they were supposed to do. Shit! She wished she had taken the day off.

  Zach’s hand moved over, grasping one of hers and giving it a squeeze. “I know, my little one, but I’m sure you’ll be okay. Just try and treat it like any other mission and try not to smell through your nose. Trust’ll regret it if you do.”

  Alex looked out her window, still worrying whether she could do this, but realizing she had no choice. She was part of the team and had to do her part, no matter the mission. If she had known what was coming this morning then she would’ve bought some menthol rub and used it under her the did on TV, though maybe that didn’t work, she wasn’t sure. Anything would be better than nothing though.

  Zach’s voice interrupted her thoughts and she saw they were parked, “Alexina, you’ll be fine. Just remember not to think, just act. We’ll find out more on the flight, Vlad didn’t even tell us how many of these things he’s expecting and it could just be a few, no point in worrying unnecessarily, honey.”

  Zach could sense his mate’s every emotion, some of which mirrored his own...mainly disgust. However, he still held a partial block in place so as not to spook her any more than she already was. Truth be told, he wished she wasn’t coming on this mission and wondered if he could save her from the horror that he knew they would be walking into.

  He moved around, helping her out of the jeep, though being a very strong Vampire it wasn’t that she needed his help, he just liked doing it. The resulting smile she gave him was all he needed to keep on doing it. He squeezed her hand and sent a thought her way, ’You’ll be fine, little one, just stay close to me and Dmitri.’

  Alex smiled up at him, her own thought entering his head, ’Thanks, I’ll try.’

  Zach kept hold of her hand as they boarded the jet, settling down on one of the leather sofas and keeping her close by his side. James, their pilot, was doing his final checks as Lisa, his mate, closed and secured the door. James shouted through from the cockpit. “I’ll come through once we’re up and we can go over the mission, Vlad.”

  Vlad was sitting at the small table, his tablet in his hands as he obviously went over the mission details. He lifted his head, “Fine.” was the only answer he gave.

  Zach stared at his best friend, saw the tight lines around his eyes, and realised he was stressed. That was so unlike him that Zach stared more intently, seeing the stress in Vlad’s body, the way he was sitting, the way his mouth was in a thin line and not his usual smile or cheeky smirk. Christ, what the hell was he reading?

  As Vlad placed the tablet down onto the table and lifted his head to speak, Zach guessed he was about to find out. Vlad stood up, just as the jet started to taxi for take off, not heeding James’ shout to ’buckle up’, but pacing up and down the middle of the cabin. Zach saw him take several deep breaths before his friend actually spoke a word.

  Vlad ran a hand up and over his face, through his short blonde hair, then started, “Okay guys, as you know we have a report of a necromancer at work and we’re to go and take him out at the same time as the abominations he’s created. The intel we have is that the town is small, very small, with less than a thousand folks living there. It’s surrounded by woodland and rough terrain and it only has one main road in and out. Most of the townspeople that live there have left already, or been turned themselves. It started just over a week ago after the grave of a recently deceased young man who was killed in an accident was found to have been robbed of his remains. Since then several people were attacked and bitten by the first which has caused a domino effect, in that those bitten became ill within hours and died, to then rise and join the ranks of what we call the undead, zombies, whatever the fuck name you want to give them. Very soon the town was in a panic and we think most fled and luckily it doesn’t seem to have spread to the next town...yet. It’s only a matter of time for that to happen and we’re here to stop it.”

  Vlad stopped for a moment, walking to the galley and getting a bottle of water from the fridge, taking a few swigs before continuing. “So, we all know these things are god-awful and there’s only one sure way to kill them, blow them the hell apart or take their heads. You all have blades capable of taking their heads and I’ve also got some of my little gadgets along for the ride. If I see the opportunity I’ll blow them up, otherwise, it’s a case of hunting them out and killing them. However, what we really need to do is find the Witch who’s turned to necromancing. This person needs to be either apprehended or killed. Truth is I don’t give a shit which it is, so long as he’s stopped.”

  Vlad stopped again, Zach watching his friend try to relax, and fail, before he started to pace again. “We need to be careful folks, we have no idea what a bite from one of those things would do to a Vampire or a Wolf. I for one do not want to find out, so extreme caution and take the fuckers heads as soon as you can. Do not hesitate. Kill and kill swiftly guys. Any questions?”

  Zach knew Alexina’s question before it left her lips, “How many?” she asked quietly, even more uptight now than she had been earlier.

  Vlad turned to face them, “We’re not sure, Alex. We do know it’s in double figures at least, some of the folks from the town didn’t check in with the authorities so we’re not sure if all of those are just sitting in a friend or family’s house waiting on this to be sorted, or they’ve become victims themselves. I’m hoping the former and I’m hoping that there’s as few of those things as can be expected. All I know is we need to do this fast and deadly. The truth is, my first preference was getting Lexi and Conall here, but that’s obviously out of the question with Lexi’s condition and I couldn’t get a hold of Conall, so it’s just us.”

  Alex sat up straighter, “What? Did you use his mobile number?”

  Zach could feel the worry in his mate, wondering why Vlad couldn’t get a hold of their son. In fact, he was also a little puzzled, Conall always had his phone with him. Zach pulled her closer as Vlad started to shake his head.

  Their friend was also frowning as he answered. “Yes, I tried his mobile and sent him a couple of texts first thing, but he didn’t reply. I thought he was maybe just having a long lie in or something so let it go. It’s not as if he’s on my payroll so I can’t expect him to drop everything if I ask him to. I was thinking of asking if I could poach him though. I really would like to have him on my team, do you think that would be okay?”

  Zach answered, as Alexina had her phone out and was dialling their son. “I think it’s his decision, Vlad. He’s said he wants to take on a full time position, but I don’t know if he wants to work for us or you. He is very interested in all your little gadgets and your research and development side of things, so that may sway him in your favour. I’ll ask him when we catch up to him. I’m sure he’s fine and probably just turned his phone off.”

  Alex held her phone to her ear, hearing it ring and ring with no answering ’Hello’ from their son. What the hell? she thought as she finally hung up. She then sent him a text, telling him to contact as soon as possible as she was worried that neither she or Vlad could get him.

  Zach could feel her unease and he wished he could relieve her of it. However, he wasn’t naive enough to think he could, she was
like a lioness with her young, very protective and worried for them all the time. Even if both their children’s powers far surpassed anyone else on earth, she still worried as only a mother could.

  Alex turned her face to look into his eyes, worry etched in hers. “Why is he not answering? We both know he’s always got his phone with him, Zach. Bloody hell, it’s his new toy and he’s always playing with it.”

  Zach tried to hide his own unease as he knew his little wife was right. “I’ve no idea, honey, maybe he got involved with a girl or something? You know what young love’s like so he may not be thinking straight.”

  Zach knew it was a lame excuse, if Conall was involved with anyone then they would know about it. Gossip and news ran fast through Unity, so fast that they would be aware if Conall had met someone, even if it had only been the night before. Alexina raised an eyebrow as if saying, ’yeah right’ and had no comeback, none at all.

  Vlad interrupted them, “Alex, I’ve no idea why Conall’s not available on his phone, however, we’re going into a dangerous mission and you need to focus. I don’t want you getting hurt because you’re worrying about Conall. Fuck, Zach would never forgive me! So for my sake, can you focus?”

  Vlad’s tone was serious and everyone present knew he was right, even Alex. She nodded her head as she placed her phone back in her pocket. “Okay, I wouldn’t want to be the cause of you two falling out.” she tried for a laugh but it stuck in her throat as Zach pulled her nearer and almost onto his lap.

  “I’ll make sure she’s okay.” Zach answered Vlad who nodded before pacing again.

  James opened the cockpit door and joined them, taking the seat that Vlad had vacated to pace back and forth. “So, what’s the plan?”

  Vlad went over everything, again and again, as if trying to burn the details into their brains. James hadn’t been with them on the mission in New Orleans so Zach knew he had no idea what they could be walking into. His friend was a warrior and would fight to the death for any mission, however, he was sure he wasn’t going to like what he was going to say.

  Zach took a deep breath, “James, it might be best if Lisa stays with the plane...”

  James didn’t let him continue, “What? What’re you talking about? You know we go together on any missions we’re involved in. What the fuck, Zach?”

  Vlad saved him from having to carry on, “James, Zach just beat me to it. I was going to say the same. This isn’t like any other mission. We’re not dealing with Vamps, Wolves, Witches or even psycho humans. This is gonna be bad, James, and I know how brave and strong Lisa is. However, I also know how sensitive she is and trust me, my friend, you do not want her involved in this. She’ll have nightmares for months afterwards, James. Do you want that for her?”

  Zach watched as James thought hard on what Vlad said, slowly coming to the same conclusion. “Okay, if you say it’s going to be bad then that kinda scares me a bit, Vlad. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you rattled before and that also scares me. But, how do we tell her? She’s expecting to come with us?”

  Zach managed to get in before Vlad, “Simple. We tell her the plane needs to be kept secure and safe for our escape. We don’t know how many hostiles there are and the plane could be in jeopardy, so she has to guard it.”

  James looked thoughtful, turning to Vlad, “It would be better coming from you, you’re in charge and she’ll take it better if you make her feel it’s an important part of the mission.”

  Vlad nodded, “No problem, I’ll take care of it when we land. Oh yeah, about that, just where are we landing again?”

  James smiled, “Hey, I’ll get it down, don’t worry. It’s an abandoned logging site with a long stretch of road leading up to it. It’s straight, if a little overrun with weeds ’n stuff, but it’s long enough for me to get it down and the area in front of the station is large enough for me to turn and get us back in the air.”

  As he finished James got up, “Gotta get back, it’s a short flight and I want to make a pass over the landing area before I go in.”

  Dmitri spoke up for the first time since they took off, “He better be able to get us back in the air, Donna’s doing me a steak dinner tonight and the kids are all out so we’ve got the house to ourselves, for once!”

  The tension that had built up in the cabin disappeared as everyone started to laugh, or make rather rude comments to the large Russian, whose face actually turned slightly red. Zach laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes as Dmitri cursed the lot of them in his native tongue.

  Chapter 4

  It wasn’t long afterwards that Lisa stuck her head out, “James is just doing a low sweep to make sure the road is okay and then we’ll be landing folks. He says it might be best if you prepare for a bumpy landing though.”

  “Wonderful!” Vlad said as he took a seat, everyone readying themselves for what was to come.

  Zach felt Alexina’s hand tighten on his as the jet swooped low then powered up again to fly up and around. It seemed only moments before they flew lower again before the wheels touched down in a very bumpy ride along the tarmac beneath. The jet’s engines screamed as the brakes were applied and James slowed right down, turning the plane around so that it was facing the correct way for take off.

  Zach stood up, taking his long leather coat off and laying it on the sofa, Alexina’s eyes widening as he did so. He always wore his coat on missions but he wasn’t about to have it wasted by the gore he expected it to be covered in afterwards. He smiled at her as he explained, “Don’t want to have to throw it out later, I suggest you do the same or your jacket will have to go in the trash too.”

  Alex stood up and removed her own leather garment, much shorter than Zach’s, but it was her mission gear and she wore it whenever they were on one. She placed it on the sofa on top of his and double checked she had everything, picking up the double edged blade she was given back at base and hefting it in her hand to gauge the weight and balance. It was similar in size to a short sword she used often, though not quite as heavy. She knew she would be able to wield it with no problem at all, but didn’t relish what was awaiting them. She hoped there weren’t too many of the undead that they had to deal with as her body shivered at the mere thought.

  James joined them, Lisa at his back, as Vlad stepped forward, talking directly to Lisa. “Lisa, I’m afraid we have a problem and I was wondering if you could help?”

  Lisa’s eyes widened as Vlad spoke, obviously wondering what the heck she could do to help the powerful Vampire. She nodded her head and Vlad continued, “We don’t know this area and we don’t have time to scope it out and that leaves us with a huge tactical problem. We would never leave the plane unguarded in hostile territory because if we need to get out of here fast then the plane has to be safe, secure, and ready to go. So, I was gonna leave Dmitri to guard it but then I thought, shit, that’s no good. If we need a quick getaway then we need someone who knows what they’re doing and let’s be honest, Dmitri just doesn’t have the know how.”

  Vlad turned and winked at the large Russian who was now scowling deeply. “Sorry, big guy, but you know it’s true.” Vlad turned back to Lisa, “So, I wondered if you would do me a favour and guard our only means of escape? I would take it as a personal favour if you would, Lisa.”

  Vlad gave Lisa one of his stunning smiles, his blue eyes sparkling as he waited on her answer. The young Wolf seemed to blush slightly as James pulled her close, putting on a show for his mate. “Vlad, I’m not sure that’s the best idea, what...”

  Lisa cut James off, placing a finger on his lips, “Shush, Vlad’s right, you all need your exit to be clear and ready in case there’s any trouble we don’t know about. I’m the best person to stay behind James. Plus, I’ve noticed it’s all Vamps on this one and you know I can’t keep up, even in Wolf form. I would probably hold you all up, so, yes, Vlad, I’ll stay and keep watch. If there’s any trouble I can phone James. Honey,” Lisa turned into James with a little smile on her face, “if your phone rings with
my tone it means there’s danger or trouble back here, so please make sure you hightail it back here asap. Okay?”

  Zach hid the smile on his face, Vlad, as usual, had played out the scene exactly as he wanted it to unfold. Lisa would never be any the wiser that this had been his plan all along. He was pretty darn sure that after the million watt smile he had used on her that the girl would’ve done pretty much anything Vlad wanted.

  Alex stepped forward, “Yes, James, make sure you keep an ear out for your phone. Lisa, if there’s any trouble just call all of us and we’ll get back here as soon as we can.”

  Lisa nodded, “Thanks, Alex. Please be careful everyone.”

  James gave his mate a quick kiss before moving to open the door and let down the stairs, then exiting the plane. Vlad left next, giving Lisa another smile as he passed her and saw her slight blush again. Alex gave him a shove at the top of the stairs, so that he jumped down onto the roadway, turning to laugh at her.

  After everyone was out of the plane Vlad took charge, “Right we want three teams, Dmitri, Alex and Zach are with me in Alpha team, James you have the lead of the second, Simeon you’ve got the third. Team up guys and be alert, we have no idea how many, where they are, or where this necromancer is. This road goes on for almost a mile in a straight line, then it turns and goes down to the town. We’ll stop there and decide who goes where when we have a visual on the town and buildings. Let’s go folks.”

  Vlad turned and started to jog, picking his speed up and almost flying along the tarmac, with his team right beside him. Simeon’s team came next as James had taken a moment to say goodbye to Lisa, who was standing at the bottom of the steps. Her worried face watching as her mate and his men took off after the others.



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