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Denouement Page 7

by Kenyan, M. O.

  He growled in sexual frustration as he watched her body sway side to side. Her hips and breasts seemingly taking on a life of their own. He watched as the other man put his hands around her, as he rubbed against her with the clear intention to conquer. Tobias didn’t know how much more he could take. He turned away and just as he did he locked on Jessie’s condemning gaze.

  “You broke her,” she accused.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Marietta never drinks. She hates alcohol,” she whispered into his ear. “Her father was an abusive drunk. Her mother offed herself with a combination of pills and alcohol, although they don’t know what killed her first. The loss of blood when she slit her wrist or all the poison she had just dumped in her body. Marietta is a warrior and there is no challenge she won’t face head on. Nothing she can’t overcome, that is until you came along. So yes, you broke her.” Jessie shoved him out of the way and headed towards Marietta.

  Tobias had been known to wield the power to ruin women, but never the strong ones. He took pride as his ego fed off their pleas and opportunities to be with him ‘for the last time.’But he didn’t like the fact that Jessie just accused him of ruining the one person he cared about. Her past wasn’t unknown to everyone who had the internet but it pained him to know he was another source of her pain. Tobias turned towards Marietta in time to see her kiss the other guy.

  Rage he had never felt before built up inside him. With a couple of long strides he was at her side. Tobias grabbed Marietta’s elbow and dragged her along with him. He could hear the other man’s footsteps as he pursued them, but he wasn’t going to stop.

  * * * *

  Marietta winced in pain as her hand slowly grew numb. She looked up at Tobias in confusion as he dragged her along with him like a rag doll. “What’s wrong with you? What’s going on?”

  She wasn’t sure who had seen the mad man drag her out of the hall but she was aware that her dance partner was in hot pursuit. With one strong tug, Marietta pulled her elbow free only to lose her footing and land in the other man’s arms. Glad to be on her feet and not on a floor in an indecent heap she stood beside her hero.

  Marietta glared at Tobias but her expression soon turned soft when she was finally able to see his face. Sure the anger was there, his fingers balled into fists at his side were a clear give away. But what she didn’t expect to see was the look of regret and remorse. She felt the other man hold her arm and without looking at him she pushed him aside. She quickly realized she wasn’t good at this cat and mouse game. Marietta strode past Tobias and rushed into the elevators, and just as the doors closed she caught a glimpse of his eyes.

  Once she was in her room, Marietta pulled out her suitcases and emptied the contents of her draws into them. A loud banging on the door scared her out of her wits. Her hand flew to her chest as she tried to steady her breathing. But before she could catch a breath the banging started once more. Marietta stood by her bed, staring at the door watching it about to come out of its hinges. She knew it was Tobias on the other side of the door, what she wasn’t sure of was whether she wanted to see him or not.

  “If you don’t open this door I swear I will break it down,” she heard him shout from the other side.

  Marietta mulled it over, there was no way that he would hurt her physically, emotionally that was a definite yes, but never physically. The banging grew louder and louder as if Tobias was building momentum to knock it completely off its hinges. Marietta gave in, she unlocked the door and left it ajar before going back to her packing. She could hear his heavy breathing. She glanced at him for a second and gasped at how red he looked his chest heaving, his shoulders sturdy, and his fingers fisted and pure rage burning in his eyes. He looked like a bull and her hotel room seemed like it was about to be the china shop.

  “What do you want?” He didn’t answer.

  Marietta looked up when she heard the door bang closed. She gazed at him inquisitively wondering what point he wanted to make. She soon realized what it was when he slowly begun to ease his jacket off. She averted her eyes back to her suitcase and busied her trembling fingers with folding.

  “What are you doing?” his voice sounded gruff and on the verge of losing any patience he had in reserve.

  “What does it look like?” Marietta retorted, “I’m leaving this place as soon as I can.”

  “What were you doing down there, on the dance floor with that guy?”

  “What did it look like? You can’t be that—,”

  Marietta couldn’t finish what she was about to say, all of a sudden she felt him grab both her arms and pull her against his chest. Just then, for the first time since they had started their relationship, she wished she was taller than he was. She cursed the fact that she had taken her shoes off to soon. That would at least have given her four inches, raising her to be at eye level with Tobias.

  She struggled to get free but he only held her tighter. She winced when the pain shot in now numbing arms. He pulled her against his hard frame and she found herself leaning against him. Marietta wanted to fight for her sanity before his kisses or his touch made her shuck them away. He had a talent for driving her to the edge of insanity and she wanted to hold on to the smallest chance, she had to fight him.

  “You need to let go of me.”

  Marietta felt the waves of desire build up inside her. His low chuckle vibrated inside her, breaking down any sort of resolve she had managed to create. His warm breath scorched her skin. Her body seemed to go against her mind as her head tilted to the side allowing him room to get to her throat. His open mouth kisses along her throat made her shiver as his hot tongue came into contact with her skin. Tobias’ grip on her arms eased giving her the chance to bury her fingers into his thigh muscles.

  It was just this one time, she convinced herself as her body hummed from what his lips were doing on her skin.

  “You are mine. No one can make you shiver the way I do.” The smugness in his voice was what knocked Marietta back to her senses.

  She stepped out of his embrace and turned to face him. “What exactly is it that you want from me?”

  “You.” He shot her a devilish grin as he pulled his shirt out of his waist band. The buttons were already undone as he tugged on his buckle, eased off his belt and unbuttoned his pants. Marietta froze as the object of her desire stood before her. Her gaze traced the six pack muscled abdomen, his desire for her barely contained in the loose hanging trousers. Moving higher still, she noted his strong broad chest and the firm set of his jaw and dark hair that neatly fell over his forehead. His brown eyes seemed to glow when he looked at her. Tobias Harden was pure sex on legs and she kicked herself for wanting more.

  As she watched him ease his shirt off, Marietta wondered what exactly she wanted from him. His intentions were clear.Sex was the only thing she was going to get out of the relationship. She had to balance it out, pure pleasure or a connection beyond any ones understanding. As he moved towards her she took a step back. At first his expression was that of surprise and amusement. He looked like he was enjoying this cat and mouse game. But when Marietta’s evasion tactics proved superior all the patience in his face dropped and was replaced by frustrated desire.

  Tobias charged at her and instead of tackling her on the ground he forced her up against the wall. Marietta feet couldn’t touch the ground. He had moved so fast, one second she was on the ground and the next her back was up against a wall, one leg dangling in the air while the other curled around Tobias’ hip. Something else that seemed to have happened during the confusion that she didn’t realize was that her dress was now gathered around her waist. She felt Tobias’ finger slip in between the elastic of her panties and her skin.

  She smiled smugly waiting to see what trick he had up his sleeve to get the barrier out of his way. Marietta’s smile dropped when she heard the tear of fabric. But the disappointment of defeat was soon replaced by a gasp of pleasure as his fingers soon found her center. His thumb rubbed on her nub as two of hi
s fingers dove inside of her. Like a flower her delicate center opened to him, welcoming his generous efforts to give her pleasure.

  Tobias balanced her with his hips as his free hand made a mad dash for her breast. He forced her dress down, having searched for a zipper, and not finding one, he decided to go directly to the source. Marietta gasped at the feel of his hand grasping her fleshy globes out of rough need and desire. Just as she opened her mouth to sound out her pleasure he captured her lips and his tongue slid inside hungrily stroking hers. His lips teased and stoked the fire he had just set inside her. Involuntarily she found herself replying and urging him on, gripping at his biceps, pulling on his hair and pressing her aching body into his. A quiver of excitement shot through her as she felt his pulsating, hot, erection against her thigh. Her hand smoothed over his shoulder, chest and abdomen before fishing after what she really wanted and needed. She slid her hand under the waistband of his shorts and gently wrapped her fingers round the velvety length of him.

  As if on cue they both moaned in approval as she massaged him. Heat was building inside of her and she didn’t know how much more teasing she would be able to take. Biting down gently on his shoulder, but not hard enough to break the surface, her tongue slurped on his skin. Her hips jerked against his hand as he worked another finger inside of her. The telltale sign, the tingle in her toes and the rumbling at the bottom of her womb warned her of the orgasm that was about to tear through her. She bit down on his shoulder as she jerked against his fingers as a wave of pleasure rolled through her.

  Her breath became shallow as she leaned motionless against him. His fingers had soon left her nub and were tightening around her thighs. She rested her head on his shoulder. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw his jaw tighten as he positioned his hands to grip on her rear.

  “Are you ready?” Tobias rumbled into her ear.

  He growled as an animalistic hunger surged through him. Making sure he had a sure grasp on her buttocks he thrust into her. The gasp of pleasure and shock that echoed in his ear urged him on. He could feel her tiny body shiver against his. Tobias dropped the reins he had put on himself and drove into her, harder and faster moving in the rhythm of their pounding heart beats. He felt her fingers dig into his flesh. He chuckled taking pleasure from the erotic pain. Tobias felt Marietta’s body begin to tremble and he knew she was about to climax yet again. He pounded inside her even harder as her orgasm rolled through her. He rocked against her until she was done, before he went after his own release. A couple of more hard thrusts and he poured inside her, leaning against her so as not to lose his footing.

  They sank onto the floor and leaned against each other.

  Tobias eased her out of her dress and stared at her naked body. He could feel the animal within him growl in approval as his desire began to build up. But one look at Marietta made him wonder if she could take anymore. He shed the rest of his clothes and carried the limp, satisfied woman and tucked her into bed. Tobias wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his body, and with his heavy leg, he trapped her in place.

  * * * *

  Marietta wasn’t in any position to argue with him. She wasn’t going to ruin this happy place that their hard coupling had left her in. Under the weight of his heavy leg and shackle of his arm, she eased into a comfortable position and let his hard breathing lull her to sleep. Tobias had woken her up three times that night, twice for hard and rough sex, but the last one she felt as if they had made love. He was sweet, delicate and each time he surged inside her it seemed like he was reaching for something more. Something that said forever.

  The sun poured into her room through the shutters. Marietta pretended to be asleep as she felt him leave the bed. He took a couple of seconds to get dressed, and then kissed her temple. She didn’t bother to open her eyes even when he whispered ‘I love you’ in her ear. With the night they had just had, Marietta wasn’t sure what exactly about her he loved. He had made it clear,he wasn’t one for serious relationships. So when the door opened, she clutched onto the pillow as if stopping herself from getting up and begging him to stay. When the door finally closed, Marietta buried her face in her pillow and let out a heart wrenching cry.

  So many times when she was a child, after he had left her room, she found herself in this same position, curled up in a ball crying. She was left in the midst of loneliness while the emotions that aimed to destroy her tracked her down. Marietta froze up, straightened up and closed her eyes willing herself to fall asleep.


  “Ouch!” Marietta doubled over in laughter the whole time her hand was on the side of her stomach. For the past few weeks, each time she made a move or laughed there would be this dull ache in her side.

  “Are you all right?” Jessie asked through bouts of laughter.

  “I’m good, just stop making me laugh.” Marietta stood up and took a deep breath. Her eyes cruised around the room, taking in the set. It was coming together nicely, she remarked to herself. And as her eyes continued to scan the room, she felt her body go rigid as she locked ontohis cold icy gaze. Marietta took a step back in retreat then all hell broke loose.

  “Look out!” she heard Jessie scream and saw the terror in her eyes. But it didn’t register, not until the fear was replaced by mind numbing pain.

  * * * *

  So what happened between you and Mattie?” McKenzie stared Tobias down waiting for a straight answer. He had been surprised to see that he and Tobias were on the same project again six months later. Tobias was a great actor but he didn’t think he would join another Marietta Parks original. McKenzie had waited until the table read was over to ask him.

  “I thought I was the only one who called her that.” Tobias chuckled a nostalgic feeling enveloping his heart.

  He had gone after this project specifically because he thought Marietta would be there. But she hadn’t been at the casting, or the table read. He wondered if she would be there during the shoot or if she had forfeited her project to another script supervisor because he was there. Tobias’ plan to ease back into Marietta’s life was a bust.

  “She’s in Miami. It’s the last day of filming on a two part fantasy movie, just in case you were wondering.” The old man added the last bit with a chuckle.

  “So…she will be here for this movie?” Tobias asked hopefully.

  “If she doesn’t know you have been cast, maybe she will be.” McKenzie laughed once more. “Let’s step into my office.”

  Tobias followed McKenzie to his home office He was the only director producer that he knew that would conduct a table read in his own dining room. Tobias guessed that he was trying to make everyone comfortable. But because he had already worked with the old man before he knew it was just aruse. The director was anything but comfortable he demanded hard work from his crew members and lived by his mantra, ‘time is money and a second wasted is a dollar lost.’

  “By the way how did you know about…” Tobias left the sentence hanging hoping that the director wasn’t past his years and unable to understand what he meant.

  “It was obvious. They pay me to see everything. Besides no woman grinds on you like that if she doesn’t already know what makes you tick.” McKenzie poured two glasses of old malt whiskey and drank them both with gulp. “You want any?”

  “It’s not even mid-day, old man.”

  “It’s happy hour somewhere.” McKenzie traded his whiskey for a bottle of water and sat in a chair across from Tobias. He gazed at Tobias with an old wise man look then said, “You only love once. The rest of the time it’s your heart trying to replace what you lost. If you don’t go after her now you are going to regret it. What if she ends up with that tall dark guy from her birthday party?”

  “Chris?” Tobias shook his head in denial more than in doubt. “She wouldn’t. He is her past.”

  “The past has a way of coming back unless the future can stop it.”

  “We are too similar in too many different ways.” He sighed, “We would
n’t have time to nurture the relationship with our careers and besides we both like our independence.”

  “That is crap!” McKenzie piped in. “Schedules can be coordinated. Women like to have someone they can lean on and men like being taken care of. Differences and similarities just give you more to talk about and discover about each other. Trust me I’ve done it six times.”

  “You are a very wise old man,” Tobias teased.

  “I’m not that old. I’m fifty five years old. Having six wives is what made me look older than my actual age. Take it from me, get one wife and stick to her. If you need to get more than one don’t have more than three.”

  Tobias laughed at the old man’s damaged expression. Just as he was about to land another joke one of McKenzie’s assistants came running in, short of breath and in a panic.

  “What is it?” the old man asked.

  “I think she’s dead,” The girl gasped out.

  “Who, my wife? Which one, the second, third or sixth?” he teased.

  Tobias noticed how McKenzie had left out the others. Evidently his first and fourth had been the ones he truly loved or the ones who caused him less trouble.

  “No!” The girl picked up the television remote and flipped through the channels. She stopped on TMZ and McKenzie let out a snarl.

  “You know I don’t watch that.” His protest was cut short by a gasp from Tobias.

  Tobias’ fingers dug into the chair he was sitting on. He wasn’t exactly sure what had happened or what had led to the picture he was seeing now, but that didn’t keep him from panicking. On the screen in front of him, he saw Marietta on the ground, a panicked Jessie fussing over her as a blood chilling shrill for help escaped her lips. Marietta was motionless and there was no sign of life.


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