Praying for Grace

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Praying for Grace Page 8

by M. Lauryl Lewis

“Gross,” mumbled Abbey. “Get a room.”

  For the first time in days, I felt a sense of pure joy. I was in the arms of my soul mate, who only a day before I had thought dead.

  “Abs, mind helping Gretchen with Emmett? Zoe needs to grab a nap.”

  “Yeah right,” teased Danny. “Have a good ‘nap,’ guys.”

  Abbey smacked him playfully on the arm. “Sure I’ll help with the baby,” she said while glaring at Danny. Her face was beet red.

  Gus took my hand in his and led me out of the bunker.

  “You look cute in red,” he said once we were alone.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Someplace that’ll be quiet while they get the big feast ready.”

  “I feel bad leaving Emmett.”

  “He’ll be fine. Really.”

  We walked across the compound toward the mobile homes. As we got nearer, my pace slowed and I looked toward the building where the captive Runner had been taken.

  “They’re underground. A basement of sorts. And under guard. I promise you’re safe, darlin’.”

  I continued on, Gus still holding my hand. He led me to one of the farthest units. It looked about the same as the others, drab and gray on the outside. Weathered. Gus let go of my hand as he ascended the three steps to the front door.

  “It’s not fancy, but it’s quiet here. It’s a shared house. It’s used for anything from family dinners to sleepovers for the kids. A classroom sometimes. Meetings.”

  I walked in behind him and looked around. The walls were painted a pale blue and sheer beige curtains covered the windows. It smelled faintly of cinnamon.

  “I’ll show you more of the whole place later.”

  Gus stepped close to me and I could feel his hips against my own as his hands wrapped around to my backside. He leaned down and began kissing my neck sweetly. I tensed in response. So much had happened and things were a jumble in my head.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked under his breath, sensing my hesitation.

  “It’s hard to explain. When I woke up yesterday, I thought you were gone. So much has happened.”

  I could feel myself trembling. He moved his hands from my butt to my upper arms and rubbed at them reassuringly.

  “I can stop if you want. I just need to feel you so bad.”

  One of his hands moved to my still-damp hair. I looked up into his eyes and didn’t say anything. After a moment of just taking each other in, he kissed me gently as if asking for permission. He smelled like fresh soap and the man I had grown to miss so very much. I returned his kiss eagerly.

  “Is this ok?” he asked, breaking the kiss.

  I nodded slowly, realizing that I needed his touch as much as he needed mine. I reached up and placed my palm against his smooth face and watched as he closed his eyes and leaned into my touch. He took my hand in his and guided my fingers to his lips. He drew my thumb into his mouth and tasted it deeply. The sensation traveled straight to my core and made me shiver.

  “I wanted to die,” I whispered. “Without you.”

  “I felt your pain,” he said after he released my thumb and traded it for my index finger. “I’m so sorry.”

  He reached behind me and unzipped the fitted dress, allowing me to breathe easier. He lifted me into his arms and carried me to a back bedroom. Laying me down on the bed, he pulled his t-shirt over his head before climbing in next to me.

  “You look engorged,” he whispered as he pulled my loosened dress bodice down off of my shoulders.

  I watched him as he studied my upper body. His eyes held a sadness and I reached up and traced the lines of his muscular chest. I breathed in deeply when I felt the heat of his hand on my thigh, under my dress.

  “I thought I might never find you again,” he mumbled as he leaned over and kissed the base of my neck, near my throat.

  He found my panties and gently pulled them down. As his finger found its way inside of me, he carefully found one of my hard nipples with his hot mouth. The pain of engorgement was eased by the pleasure his hand provided as he gently stroked me on the inside. His hard cock pressed against my leg and I could hear his desire as he moaned with my breast still in his mouth. Once he knew that my chest discomfort had been eased on both sides, he picked up the pace with his finger, driving me wild.

  “Is it ok if I make love to you?” he whispered near my ear. “I need you so bad…”

  I nodded. He pulled my panties down the rest of the way and pushed the skirt of my dress up.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he moaned as he leaned down and kissed me sweetly just above my clit.

  I spread my legs as he eased himself into position to enter me. “I missed you so much,” I whispered. “Promise you’ll never leave me again?”

  He took his shaft in his hand and guided the head to my entrance. “I promise,” he groaned as he plunged himself into me. He was usually gentle, but not this time. I gasped as his thrust jolted me to the core, but he didn’t slow. Soon I was matching his pace, forcing him even deeper. It was a welcome pain that excited me, to my surprise. He was vocal; more so than he had been with me before. We climaxed together. I wasn’t aware of just how loud I had called out when I shattered in his arms, nor was I aware that I was crying. He stroked my hair and kissed me gently afterward, assuring me everything would be alright. Eventually I fell asleep in his arms.


  When we woke, it was near dusk. We dressed quickly and I re-braided my hair in an attempt to not look like I had just rolled in the hay, so to speak. As we left the mobile home, the smell of cooking food hit me like a brick wall.

  “Barbecue?” I asked, my mouth already salivating.

  “Ayup. Most likely chicken, since we have it readily available. A hunting party went out earlier today so there might be some rabbit, or if we’re really lucky a deer.”

  “Why the big feast?”

  “In honor of new people, but mostly in honor of you.”

  “Why me?” I asked, somewhat creeped out at the idea of me being a guest of honor.

  “You and the baby are a big deal, darlin’. As far as any of us know this is the first baby from parents who are both infected with different strains. Brecken, one of the guys who sees visions, is pretty sure your baby may hold the key to a cure. Everyone here’s very intent on protecting you, and protecting the baby.”

  “Seems weird,” I grumbled. Being the focus of everyone’s attention was not something that was at all appealing to me.

  As we left the cluster of homes and crossed the garden area, a gathering of people came into view. Large folding tables were set up in a u-shape pattern that surrounded several barbecues. White smoke rose from all of them, carrying with it the rich smells of cooking food. My stomach growled and I grew ravenous as we walked hand-in-hand. Gus’ grip tightened on my hand, which I attributed to his own excitement.

  “Come on over!” shouted Moe as she saw us. “Food’ll be ready soon!”

  “Gus? I need to change clothes,” I whispered. I felt silly in the flowered red dress that Abbey had picked out for me.

  “Why? You look pretty.”

  I rolled my eyes at no one in particular. “It’s too tight,” I whispered since we were now within earshot of the gathering.

  “I’ll take it off you soon enough,” he whispered back with a bit of a chuckle. “I promise.”

  “Can you still hear my thoughts?” I asked randomly.

  He squeezed my hand in reply. “Not so much. Just some basic emotions.”

  “Good. I’m glad you can feel at least part of me.”

  “There’s Boggs,” said Gus, tilting his head toward one of the tables that was laid out with food.

  I smiled, catching sight of my oldest and dearest friend. I tried to pull Gus forward, anxious to talk to Boggs, but he stayed his ground, letting go of my hand.

  “You go ahead, darlin’.”

  I smiled my thanks at him and skipped ahead to join Boggs. A feeling of festivity and excitement fil
led the air. I caught Boggs smiling as I approached.

  “Hey,” I said as I stood before him.

  “Hey, kid. You look pretty.”

  I looked down at the silly dress I was wearing. “Thanks. Abbey picked it out. It’s not very comfortable.”

  “Well, it looks good,” he said.

  “You look clean,” I said with a smile.

  “Yeah, the shower was nice.”

  Without warning, he took a small step forward and wrapped his arms around me. He was warm and felt familiar. I allowed him to hold me.

  “Ivar filled me in on the basics here. They have quite a setup,” he said as he finally released me from his arms.

  “Do you think we’re safe?” I asked.

  “I do. They’ve been really open. I can’t see them hiding anything.”

  “Have they asked you yet? If you want to be used for research for a cure, if you ever turn?”

  He nodded. “They did. I told them I’d need some time to think about it. I did let them draw some blood since I’m infected.”

  “No one’s asked me,” I said.

  I turned, hearing footfalls approaching from behind. I smiled at Gus as he rejoined me.

  “Everyone’s excited to meet you and congratulate you on the baby,” said Gus as he wrapped an arm around me.

  I heard Boggs sigh heavily. I knew he wasn’t at all pleased with my situation. To be honest, neither was I.

  “The meat’s ready!” we heard a woman call out. “Let’s eat!”

  Almost everyone clapped in response and began crowding around the food tables. There were bowls of green salad, potato salad, macaroni salad, baked beans, fried zucchini, coleslaw, mashed potatoes and gravy, and canned corn. Platters of barbecued chicken were being carried to the tables.

  “There’s Tanya with her bread,” said Gus cheerfully. “We don’t have butter, but she’ll serve it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dipping.”

  The red-headed woman whom he had indicated was walking across the garden area, just as Gus and I had. She carried a large basket that contained loaves of fresh baked bread.

  “Where does she bake it?” I asked.

  “Over in the houses. There’s two set up as greenhouses and one as a kitchen. They managed to grow vegetables all winter.”

  “Maybe I can help? Learn something useful?”

  “I don’t see why not. Tanya, Katie, and Gretchen can all get you set up to help.”

  “How is Katie?” Boggs asked, hearing her name.

  “Last I saw she was with Gretchen. In pretty rough shape,” I answered. “I guess she’s known Trudy since they were kids.”

  “Gretchen’s bringing her and Emmett up in a few minutes,” said Gus.

  I looked at him, wondering how he knew. He tapped his temple with his index finger and winked at me.

  “Well you two can stand here all night if you want, but I’m all over that food,” said Boggs as he walked away.

  Gus put an arm around my shoulders and we followed. It was near-chaos around the tables as people piled food onto their plates. I tried to count heads, but with everyone crowding it was difficult. I guessed there were twenty or so, plus Gretchen and Katie who were still inside. I knew some people were guarding the perimeter, but it seemed as if numbers were overall less than what Gus had estimated the census to be.

  “I wonder where Abbey and Danny are.” I said casually.

  “Helping with Emmett. They’re coming up with Gretchen too. Hey, Zoe, go ahead and grab some food. Something’s wrong down in the bunker. I need to go check on them.”

  “What’s up?” I inquired.

  “I’m not entirely sure. I’ll be back soon though, ok?”

  “Yeah sure.”

  I watched as Gus set off toward a woman near the barbecues. He spoke to her briefly, she set her plate of food down on a nearby table, and she and Gus headed toward the bunker. They both seemed worried. Just before they disappeared into the stone building, Abbey and Danny appeared. He was carrying the baby and Abbey looked pale. I immediately began walking toward them.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Danny handed Emmett over to me before speaking. “There’s a kid down there who blew chunks all over the library area. It made Abbey sick to her stomach.”

  “Aw, Abs, I’m sorry.”

  “I’ll be fine. It was the smell. The fresh air’s helping.”

  “There’s a whole bunch of food over by the barbecues. Do you think you can eat?” I asked.

  Abbey nodded. “I’m sure I’ll manage.”

  “Want me to hold Emmett while you eat?” offered Danny.

  “You’re so sweet,” I said with a smile. “But you and Abbey go ahead. Enjoy yourselves.”

  I adjusted Emmett in my arms as the two teenagers headed toward the food. Emmett was getting heavier, to my delight. He’d been with us for over a week now and seemed to be out of danger of failing to thrive. I smiled down at him as he wriggled in my arms and stretched. I walked with him toward the gathering, hoping to fix myself a plate one-handed. I received a lot of smiles and nods from strangers. Moe walked up beside me and led me to a table where someone had prepared a plate piled with food for me. Boggs was waiting and pulled my chair out. He offered to hold the baby, but I declined. I was actually content to hold him after being apart from him most of the day. I watched as Abbey and Danny talked to a girl close in age while they ate. I was glad to see them making friends already. Using my free hand, I started eating the food on my plate. I stuck to the baked beans and potato salad since I could scoop those easily. I allowed Boggs to cut my chicken up for me, and eventually I caved and let him feed me a bite. I hadn’t had fresh meat in a long time and it nearly melted in my mouth. Gus walked up and from the look on his face, I guessed he had seen the exchange and misunderstood.

  “Hey Gus,” I said with a smile. “Everything ok?”

  “I think so. Sharron’s daughter got sick with some bad vomiting and has a fever. Sharron tucked her into one of the bedrooms and is making her some soup. It’s probably just the stomach flu.”

  “Think it’s contagious?” asked Boggs.

  “Pretty likely. Zoe, with being pregnant you shouldn’t go into their room. You and Gretchen will be more susceptible so make sure you use lots of hand sanitizer and steer clear of them the best you can.”


  “I’ll make an announcement to the others. Give me a minute and I’ll be back.” He paused in thought. “I’ll hold Emmett so you can feed yourself.” I noticed a moment of tension between him and Boggs.

  Gus walked to the center of the crowd and stuck two fingers in his mouth, ultimately producing an ear-splitting whistle. I hadn’t been aware that he could do that. It made me cringe and it startled the baby. I stroked Emmett’s forehead to soothe him in hopes of keeping him from crying.

  The crowd quieted and Gus explained what had happened and suggested precautions that should be taken. The bunker would only be used for Sharron’s daughter, Steffi, and those who had just come into direct contact with her. He included me in that group, since it was felt that I would be safest locked below ground. I knew they all meant my unborn child, rather than me. Gretchen was amongst those also to be quarantined. Danny and Abbey had just been in the bunker, but had not been in the same room as the girl. They would stay in a mobile home with Katie that would be set aside for those who had just been in indirect content with the little girl. Hand washing was stressed, as well as boiling clothing and dishes until all signs of illness were gone. The cluster of mobile homes would house everyone else, with one set aside for anyone who might come down with symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, fever. Gus explained that his main concern was that too many would become ill and our security could be compromised. I was in awe of his leadership skills, once again.

  Once he finished answering a few questions, Gus returned to my side and offered to take Emmett so that I could eat. I declined again, enjoying holding onto his warm little body. I was a
lso already full from the small amount I had eaten. Alcohol had been brought out at some point and people were beginning to dance. A man off to one side was strumming a guitar. Candles were lit as daylight faded. The mood was one of excitement and I found myself wishing I could fully participate. Being drunk would be wonderful, but I had both Emmett to feed and a new life depending on my sobriety. Boggs eventually caught up with Danny and Abbey and the three left to settle into one of the small houses for the night. I looked up at the tops of the walls, taking note of several armed guards. All of them had been taken plates of food, preferring to not leave their posts until relieved by the next shift. I overheard a few people talking. They were worried about the smells of food and the sounds of the feast attracting the dead. Both would be unusual, and the dead often gathered when something changed in their environment.

  Emmett fell asleep in my arms and my shoulders grew stiff from holding him. I yawned and leaned against Gus, who was sitting close beside me.

  “Tired?” he asked.


  “Let’s get you both to bed then. Maybe we should have Abbey take Emmett until we’re sure this isn’t going to spread.”

  “I need to keep him with me. If you think I’m ok down there, then he should be too.”

  “I’ll keep you both safe,” said Gus. “It’ll just be important to not hang out where Steffi is, ok?”

  I nodded.

  “Here, let me take him,” said Gus.

  I passed the sleeping baby off to Gus and stood. We walked to the bunker and made our way into the depths. The party was still going on behind us. Gus closed the hatch and secured the lid. “Straight to my room,” he mumbled. “I’ll check on Steffi and then be in.”

  I took the baby from him and went to our room, where I set Emmett on the bed while I slipped out of the uncomfortable dress. I changed his diaper before picking him up and took him to the couch with me. We nestled in together and I covered both of us with an afghan that I found draped over the backrest. Emmett seemed tired, and I wasn’t sure when he had last been fed. I nursed him while waiting for Gus, and the baby was fast asleep within just a few minutes of latching on. I held him close and closed my own eyes, taking a moment of silence to rest. The room was chilly and I welcomed the tiny natural heater that I held in my arms. Gus was gone longer than I expected, but he had been adamant about my not leaving the room. Eventually he returned, carrying the portable playpen that Emmett had used in the small reading room earlier in the day.


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