The Heavier The Chains...

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The Heavier The Chains... Page 8

by M. E. Clayton

  Aaahhh…it all made sense now.

  “So, you were just trying to save Jason from a beat down, is that it? How noble,” I deadpanned.

  The corner of her lip curled in a snarl, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before she lost her composure and I got to see the real Kenzlee. “Not all of us are savages,” she spewed.

  I slammed her up against her locker, and my dick got hard at the widening of her eyes. I wasn’t one to manhandle females, but Kenzlee needed to understand just how serious I was about this-about her. “You haven’t seen savage,” I barked. “But keep fucking around and you’re about to, White.”

  Alex walked up, saving Kenzlee just in time.

  Chapter 10

  The chaos that can shut us down.


  It was finally Friday, and I had a fight tonight, and thank God.

  All week was an exhausting battle of the wills between me and Kenzlee, and that shit was exhausting as fuck. I needed a fight to purge all the frustration eating me alive with that girl.

  We got the point where she’d let me walk her to our classes, but that was all the give she gave. If I wanted to hold her hand, I had to grab it and damn near break every bone in it to hold on. If we ate lunch together, I had to abandon my regular table and go to whatever table she chose to sit that day. And any affection between us was in the form of my kissing her on the side of her head whenever I had to leave her, but that was it.

  And then there were the rumors running rampant all over school. Because Kenzlee was still walking around with a scowl on her face every time I was near, people were still confused as to what we were doing. Now, normally, I didn’t give a fuck what people said about me, but I cared what they said about Kenzlee.

  It wasn’t her fault I...fell for her. It wasn’t her fault she made me feel what no other girl on the planet has ever made me feel. And it wasn’t like she even tried. She fucking ran into me.

  That’s it.

  That’s all.

  She ran into me and I felt.

  She ran into me and she’s all I’ve been feeling since. I stopped questioning it last week and if people wanted to label it love at first sight, well, so be it. I’m still not exactly sure what it was, but whatever it was, it was strong enough for me to know that I wasn’t giving her up no matter how pissed off she was at me. And if she was only walking around with me to keep Jason from getting his ass kicked, I’ll take it.

  Now, I was headed towards third period gym, and for the first time in years, I was looking forward to it. I had so much pent up frustration, I felt sorry for the poor sucker who’s scheduled to fight me tonight. The moneymakers will be upset at the quick show, but I didn’t care.

  I was rounding the corner into the hallway that led to the gymnasium when I saw Tammy Jones leaning up against the side of the building.


  She stepped to me as I walked past her towards the gym’s double doors. “Talon,” she said, stepping in line with me.

  “Tammy,” I replied, trying to ignore her, but not be a complete dick about it.

  “Do you have a minute?” she asked, even though it was clear everyone was scrambling to get to class. The second warning bell had already rung.

  “Not really, Tammy,” I answered, trying not to grit my teeth. “I need to get to gym.”

  She touched my shoulder, and I couldn’t help it, I jerked back and turned to face her. “This will only take a second,” she assured me as she snatched her hand back, knowing she went too far.

  I’ve known Tammy for years. We were brought up through the same school system all our lives. We weren’t neighbors, but I’ve always known who she was. I also knew she was bad news. Normally, I didn’t care about shit like that, but her thinking she could approach me and touch me was a problem. I’ve spoken maybe a handful of sentences to her during our entire lives, I didn’t owe her anything.

  “What is it, then?” I asked as we stopped in front of the gym doors.

  Tammy started gnawing her lower lip, and I was quickly losing my patience. She finally spoke, and I wasn’t surprised. “Are the rumors about you and the new girl true?”

  I barely refrained from rolling my eyes. “And which rumors would those be, Tammy?” I asked, irritated as fuck. “There is a shitload of rumors going around about Kenzlee and me.”

  She straightened her back, pushing her tits out, and I resented her presence immediately. “The rumors that you and her…that she’s your girlfriend,” she answered haughtily.

  I took a deep breath and did my best to get my point across. “Tammy, not only is Kenzlee my girlfriend, but she’d be my wife right now if I thought she’d go for it.” I ignored her shocked gasp. “Does that answer your question?” Now, granted, I wasn’t ready to get married, what with my plan to help Edie and Mom first, but I figured if I threw that in, there’s be no mistaking my intentions where Kenzlee was concerned. I didn’t need this girl thinking she could come between me and Kenzlee with a flash of cleavage or anything else.

  I didn’t need any girl thinking she could turn my attentions from my obsession.

  “Are…are you serious?” she squawked.

  “If there’s anything I’m serious about, it’s Kenzlee, Tammy,” I said, making sure she heard me correctly.


  “That’s none of your business,” I said, finally at my wits’ end of dealing with this girl. “Just know that if you fuck with Kenzlee, you’re fucking with me.” I didn’t wait for her to comment. I turned my back on her and entered the gym.

  I threw head nods at the random greetings that met me as I made my way to my gym locker, but other than that, I didn’t make any small talk.

  I knew Kenzlee would be a target amongst the girls and a curiosity amongst the guys, but I was arrogant enough to believe my reputation would keep her safe. However, having Tammy approach me, I realized that wasn’t true. I could beat the shit out of any dude who bothered her, but I didn’t put hands on females. Well, except for Kenzlee because she made me murderous, but other than her, I didn’t touch girls out of anger.

  Not ever.

  So, how in the hell would I be able to make sure Tammy-or any girl-didn’t bother Kenzlee? And, hell, I knew so little about Kenzlee, I didn’t even know if she could swing them or not. Since she was raised wealthy and to ever be the proper young lady, odds were that she’s never been in a fight in all her life. I was going to have to trust that she’d be okay because she always had one of us with her. If I wasn’t with her, Alex was, and if Alex wasn’t with her, Edie, Lars, or Hunter were with her. That was going to have to be enough.

  It had to be, or else God help anyone who goes after her.



  Here was I was, worried about my future and what I was going to do to support myself now that college wasn’t an option anymore, only to realize that I didn’t need to worry about that anymore.

  My future was going to be filled with a block room that housed one toilet and, hopefully, a roommate who wasn’t crazy, because I was going to end up in prison.

  I was going to end up in prison for murdering Talon Draven.

  I was fairly certain Alex would visit me, but I could kiss my friendship with Edie Draven goodbye, because I couldn’t see her forgiving me for killing her brother.

  No matter how much he deserved it.

  The entire week has been nothing but side-eyes, whispers, curious glances, and just…being on display.

  If Talon or Alex weren’t with me, then Edie, Lars, and/or Hunter were stalking me. I couldn’t escape Talon’s band of stalkers no matter what I tried.

  When I had told Jason that Talon was my boyfriend it really was to keep him from becoming unrecognizable. I already knew Talon was at his limit with Jason, and if the rumors about his underground fighting were true, there was no way Jason would be able to get away unscathed.

  I had to make the sacrifice for Jason’s sake.

  At least, that’s wh
at I kept telling myself.

  The truth of the matter is that I was still drawn to Talon every bit as much as I had been the day I ran into him. He irritated the hell out of me, and his territorial ways pissed me off, but I was still very much attracted to him as I have been.

  Had I humiliated him in front of Jason and the kids lingering in the hallway that day, I would have lost that connection. And, while I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it, I knew I hadn’t been ready to sever it just yet. And that bullshit led to the realization that I wanted to sleep with Talon.

  The pull between us was more than just physical, but I couldn’t ignore the physical need he brought out in me. Every time he held my hand or kissed the side of my head, I wanted to lean into him. I wanted to feel that…intensity he eluded. The only example I had of sex was with a boy who worked a condom like a math problem and never asked me if it was good for me. Cameron always assumed I had been satisfied, but I hadn’t been.

  I really, really hadn’t been.

  I had…participated.

  Now, it was finally Friday, and Alex and I were making our way to sixth period. “Two more classes,” I mumbled. “Two more classes and I can breathe.”

  Alex’s stepped faltered, and her face looked pained when I glanced her way. “Uh, maybe not,” she replied, chewing her lower lip all to hell.

  “What do you mean?”

  She stopped walking and turned towards me. “Okay, don’t hate me…”

  “Oh, God,” I groaned. Alex slapped on a smile that was too wide for her face and showed all her teeth. “What, Alexandria?”

  “It’s Friday, Kenzlee,” she replied.

  “Yeah? And?”

  “It’s fight night, Kenzlee,” she rushed out. “I know…I know you probably don’t want to go,’s fight night, Kenzlee.” She said it like it was the Oscars or something. “Everyone will be there and Talon’s fighting.”

  My stomach dropped at that little tidbit. Alex already told me that Talon fought, but now that I knew him…now that I had this…connection to him, I didn’t like the idea. That, in itself, made me realize I needed to make up my mind about him and soon.

  “Alex, I don’t want to see Talon fighting some guy,” I told her. “What if he gets hurt?” That last part was telling, but Alex didn’t call me on it.

  I appreciated that.

  She just rolled her eyes before saying, “Talon is not going to get hurt, Kenzlee. That man of yours has mad knuckle skills.”

  “How do you even know he’d want me there?” I mean, I’d been fighting him all week long. Why would he want me there?

  “Doesn’t matter,” she replied. “Everyone goes. Even people from neighboring towns make the trip to show up to the fights.” She shrugged a shoulder. “It’d actually be weird if you weren’t there.”

  The second warning bell rang, and we resumed walking to class. “I don’t know, Alex,” I muttered. “It’s not my scene.”

  “Come on, Kenz,” she begged. “The fights always rock. It’s like a party with arranged fighting. It’s always a good time.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, a good time for everyone but the poor bastard who gets his ass kicked,” I pointed out.

  She grimaced. “Yeah, okay. Maybe not a good time for him,” she conceded. “But everyone else has a blast.”

  “And everyone goes, huh?”

  “Well, everyone, except for Edie,” she clarified. “Rumor is she doesn’t approve of Talon’s fighting, so she doesn’t go.”

  That made me pause my steps. “If he adores her, why would he keep fighting if it upsets her?”

  Alex shrugged. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “Like I said, I don’t know them that well. Other than what’s going on with you and Talon, I’ve never gotten personal with him or Edie up until now.”

  We started walking again. “I don’t know, Alex,” I said. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Look, just…promise you’ll go, and if you truly hate it, I won’t ask you to go to another one ever again,” she bargained.

  We reached sixth period, and as I opened the door, I knew I was going to regret my next words. “Okay, but…if I want to go, we leave, got it?”

  Alex grabbed my forearm and did a little hop. “Promise,” she said gleefully. “I’ll even give you my keys so there’s no way you can’t leave.”

  I cocked my head. “And how would you get home?”

  She batted her hand at me. “Please,” she huffed. “I can always catch a right with someone or Uber it if you want to leave but I don’t.”

  Holding the door open, Alex passed and as I followed her to our seats, the knot in my stomach grew, and grew. “Fine,” I said, surrendering all my common sense.

  This was a bad idea.

  This was a bad idea, but I was going to go, anyway.

  Just like Talon Draven was a bad idea, but I was going to give in, eventually.

  I could feel it.

  Chapter 11

  The realizations we fear.


  I couldn’t believe I was here.

  When Alex pulled up to a wooded clearing, I had images of axe murderers running through my head. These secluded wooded areas are the exact same places where a group of teens are murder with the entrails pulled out through the hold in their necks because they were up to no good.

  But, it wasn’t until we walked a country mile, that I saw the abandoned barn that was lit up like Christmas, and the crowd of people everywhere.

  It was crazy.

  The walk made me grateful that I had worn sandals instead of heels though. Alex had opted for dressing for noticeability, where I just wore a plain white blouse, a dark blue skirt that fell loose at mid-thigh, and a pair of white sandals.

  Alex had worn a dark red tank top that showcased her girls to perfection, tight black jeans, and black ankle boots. Her hair was thrown back in a very sophisticated ponytail and her makeup was flawless. It was a wonder her parents let her out of the house.

  My hair was thrown back in a low ponytail and my makeup was mascara with some tinted lip balm. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew I didn’t want anyone asking me about my prices either.

  We squeezed our way through the barn doors, and shit, sure enough, there was a ring in the center of the farm building. The place looked exactly like what you’d imagine an underground fighting ring to look like. The only crazy thing was the bar that was set up on the west side of the building. This was an actual money-making traveling event.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  “Right?” Alex said, excitedly. “Isn’t it awesome?”

  I craned my neck to try to see everything, but it was so crowded, all I could make out was the ring itself, the bar, and through the sea of people, I could see a few tables and chairs scattered about.

  The only other thing I could see was the huge dry erase board with names and odds written on it. When I saw Talon’s name, my stomach cramped, and I was reminded of how badly I didn’t want to see him fight. I was with Edie on this one.

  Alex grabbed my arm and dragged me through the crowd to get a better vantage point. All the while she was yelling, “Talon always fights first, so we need to get up closer, so we don’t miss it.”

  “Why does he always fight first?” I yelled. I would have thought they’d save the best fight for last.

  “I don’t know,” she yelled back. “I think it’s his preference.”

  The second we reached the edge of the crowd, a few people recognized us, and made some room. One girl even gave us a thumbs up. I looked at Alex. “What’s that for?”

  “They must think you’re here for Talon,” she said, giving me a cheeky grin. “You are his girlfriend, after all.” I rolled my eyes but didn’t refute her claim. I knew, sooner or later, I was going to cave. It wasn’t worth the effort to debate my Talon status.

  Alex was about to say more but, suddenly, music started pounding through the speakers and the crowd noise skyrocketed to unre
achable levels. The entire room was amped up and ready to go. I couldn’t see anything, but I soon discovered we were on the opposite side of where the fighters entered. It wasn’t until I looked up into the ring that I saw Talon.

  Holy Mary, Mother of God.

  He was wearing a pair of loose basketball shorts, with the pads of his feet and fists taped up only, which didn’t make sense. I thought fighters had to wear tight clothing so that their opponents couldn’t grab onto their clothing and anchor them.

  Granted, I didn’t know much about fighting, but all the fighting commercials and ads I’ve seen always showed the fighters wearing formfitting clothing, not loose basketball shorts.

  But that was the least of my observations.

  The rest of my brain, heart, libido, and lady parts were consumed with the vision of Talon Draven with his shirt off. The guy was sporting a goddamn eight-pack. Like…eight-count them. I thought those things were a myth. I mean, you see six-packs in magazines all the time. Every social media site is littered with guys lifting their shirts to show off their muscular perfection.

  But Talon?

  Talon was sporting a freakin’ eight-pack that looked…dangerous.

  Dangerously like I wanted to run my tongue all over them bad boys and get to know them better.

  I was in big trouble.

  It was already getting harder, and harder to resist Talon, but now knowing what he looked like underneath those Henley and Quicksilver shirts…holy shit. No wonder girls were throwing me the side-eye and wanting me gone. Who doesn’t want that in their bed?

  The ringmaster made introduction, but honestly, I missed it all. All I could focus on was Talon and how…hot he looked up there. He looked…goddamn scorching. Like, I could feel ovaries exploding all over the room. That’s how sexy he looked up there. His unreal-colored eyes were lasered on his opponent, and it was as if he saw nothing but the guy across from him. The chanting, whistles and screams weren’t fazing him at all.

  “Holy shit, Alex,” I said loud enough for her to hear me.


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