Fear the Boss

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Fear the Boss Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  The bra dropped to the floor. His hands captured her breasts, pushing them together and thumbing both her nipples. Crying out, she flung her head back at the pleasure he created by touching her.

  “That’s right, Donna. Know who’s here wanting you.”

  Gripping her arms, she watched him touching her. His large hands with the bruised knuckles touched her with a tenderness she didn’t expect from him.

  “Don’t hurt me,” she said.

  “I won’t.” He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth. The pleasure went from her breast straight to her core. There was no room for anything else. She closed her eyes, wincing a little at the sudden pain. He sucked, tonguing the bead, then slid across to take the other breast into his mouth.

  Biting her lip she tried to keep her cries inside.

  “Don’t hide them from me. I want to hear everything you’ve got to say and scream,” he said.

  Whimpering, she shook her head.

  “You don’t give me everything I want, then I stop this here and now.”

  She opened her mouth and released the cries he wished to hear. There was no holding back. Sinking her fingers into his hair, she held him against her, loving the way he tongued her nipples.

  “Caleb.” She moaned his name as he moved from one breast to the other. He fingered the button of her jeans, and before she could stop him, he opened the denim and pushed it down her thighs. She kicked off her sneakers and helped him push the fabric down.

  He stepped away from her, tugging off his own jeans in the process. His cock was covered by a pair of briefs. The outline of his cock was clear to see. Caleb was long and thick.

  Glancing back up at him, he wrapped his arm around her. “It’s time to take this out of the bedroom.”

  She didn’t fight him as he moved her back a little more. “I can walk where you need me.”

  “I know. I like the way you feel against me. I’m not going to give that up.” She gasped as he slapped her ass. The rough slap sent another shockwave of pleasure rushing through her. “You like a little pain?”

  Donna shook her head. She didn’t have a clue what she liked. She was in no doubt as to what Caleb had in store for her by the end of the day.

  Chapter Six

  Caleb left the bedroom door open. In all of his years of fucking women, he’d never taken the time to consider a woman’s needs. All the time, in the past that he’d been with a woman, he didn’t care if she was wet or into it. Lube helped that problem, and he was happy to use it with the women. With Donna, he wanted her slick because of him. The white underwear undid him. His arousal was on the verge of pain, yet he wasn’t begging to slam her to the ground and fuck her until she couldn’t think.

  Instead, he was taking his time with his little virgin.

  Her tits were large and her nipples small. He was used to his women being on the slender side, but her larger size didn’t turn him away from her. There was no way he was going to be turned away from her. She was beautiful, sweet, and inviting.

  Cupping her head, he claimed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth, thinking about his dick being inside her sweet cunt.

  “That’s right, baby, open up for me.”

  She responded to each touch and caress he gave her. Donna opened her mouth to his tongue and met him halfway. Running his hands down her body, he pressed against her nipples then caressed down to her panties. In one tug, he tore them from her body. She squealed and jerked back. “You’ve ruined my underwear.”

  “I don’t like underwear. Its only function is to get in my way. I don’t want it in my way anymore.” He chuckled and pressed her down to the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to make you feel good.” He went down to his knees, gripped her fleshy thighs, and spread her open. Fine hairs dusted her mound. “Lie back.”

  She hesitated for a second before doing as he instructed and lay back. He stared at her pretty pink pussy. Her clit was swollen, peeking out from behind the hood. He stared at her entrance, knowing he was going to be inside her within minutes.

  The musky scent of her arousal wafted up to his nose. He never gave oral to other women, but with Donna, he wanted to. There was so much he wanted to do, craved to do, with her. His mouth watered for a small taste. Opening the lips of her sex with his fingers, he licked along her slit. He went to the opening of her pussy then up to circle her clit. Over and over he did this, and her taste exploded on his tongue.

  He lapped at her cunt, licking her juices. Donna screamed and cried out above him, begging him to stop then begging for more. He didn’t stop and loved every second of the sounds she made. Scoring his teeth over her nub, he flicked his tongue over and around seeing what actions set her off more than others. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her gripping the edge of the sheet.

  Her hand was in a tight fist in the blanket.

  When he couldn’t wait any longer, he focused on her nub, and he was rewarded as Donna shattered into climax. Nudging her up the bed, he removed the boxer briefs that kept him contained. Fisting his shaft, he stared down at her soft body, knowing he couldn’t miss the opportunity to claim her without a condom. He was going straight to hell anyway.

  Caleb knew the risks of what he was about to do, but he couldn’t stop it. Climbing up the bed, he slid his naked dick through her creamy slit. She was soaking wet and open. Coating his tip in her cum, he aligned the tip to her entrance.

  She whispered his name.

  Ignoring her call, he watched his cock as with one smooth thrust he slammed inside her to the hilt. Her tight heat surrounded him, gripping tighter than any vise.

  “Stop!” She screamed for him to stop. He caught hold of her hands and held them beside her head. Resting his head against hers, he tried to gain control of his wayward body. Nothing could stop him from taking her. “Please, you’re hurting me.”

  He silenced her with his lips. “You’re a virgin. It will hurt the first time. Give it a moment and it will get better.” Caleb hoped it got better. He wasn’t a rapist, but he didn’t know if he’d be able to stop.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to think of anything but the clenching of her cunt wrapped around his cock.

  Count sheep.

  Don’t count sheep, fuck her pussy. She wants it. She needs it.

  Locking his fingers with hers, he took deep breaths waiting for her to stop squirming.

  “Stop moving before I lose all chance of being nice, Donna.”

  “You promised not to hurt me.”

  “You’re a virgin. There’s going to be some pain.” I’ve also forgotten the condom on purpose. I could knock you up. He kept the latter to himself not wanting to deal with her upset.

  Her tight cunt was wet and perfect.

  He couldn’t give this up easily. She was untouched, and he was the first man to take her. The knowledge of being her first, knowing his cock was the only one to have been inside her, sent something primitive off in his mind. No other man knew Donna’s sweetness. She was perfect, sweet, and totally his.

  If he knocked her up, she couldn’t get rid of him.

  Caleb tried to force the plan out of his mind. There was no way he could get her pregnant and hope she accepted it.

  Kissing her lips, he nibbled her bottom lip hoping to get her to open up.

  “Relax, baby.” He nibbled her neck sucking on the pulse that exploded under his touch.

  “It hurts.”

  “It will hurt, baby. Give me a chance.” He was always begging with her.

  She whimpered, and he held onto her hands refusing to release her.

  “I’ve got you.” He whispered the words against her ear.

  Pulling back he saw her blue eyes staring back at him.

  Slowly, he pulled out of her body taking his time and relishing every ripple of her pussy as she gripped him.

  Donna gasped, throwing her head back as he released from her body until only the head was inside her.

; Caleb took his time to slide inside. He wanted her to love this as much as he did. She winced, and he paused for her to get used to the feel of him.

  “It hurts.”

  “Trust me, Donna.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  He couldn’t argue with her. Sinking into her warmth, he waited for her to accept him before sliding out. Over and over, he took his time thrusting in and out of her warmth. When she stopped wincing and her pussy grew slick with her arousal, he sped up his actions, going as deep inside her as he could. He didn’t stop, and in no time at all, he was slamming hard within her core.

  Keeping hold of her hands beside her head, he fucked her, taking possession of her lips as she cried out. He drank down every noise and moan she released.

  “That’s it, baby, scream for me.”

  Sliding a hand between them, he fingered her clit. She was attuned to him, and with a few strokes she came all over his cock.

  “Fuck!” He yelled the word as her cum washed over his shaft and he felt each ripple along his length. Being without a condom was the best feeling in the world.

  Claiming her lips, he fucked her hard, taking what he needed. His orgasm took him by surprise. Sliding inside her one final time he grunted out his pleasure.

  Donna wrapped her arms around him at the same time as he held her, turning them to their side so he wasn’t crushing her.

  She was incredibly small compared to him.

  Opening his eyes, he stared down into her face. She had her own eyes closed. His orgasm faded away. He didn’t pull out of her body as he pushed some hair off her face.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, causing her to open her eyes.

  “Do you always talk afterward?”

  “No. I don’t stick around for anything afterward. I want to be around you.” Her gaze went to his lips.

  “Is it always like this?” she asked. She touched his lips, stroking her finger down his chest.

  “No, it’s not.”

  He didn’t know what it was like for her, but she’d blown his world apart.

  “You’re going to be a little sore,” he said. At least, he’d heard of women being sore after their first time. Touching her lip he thought about what Henry said. Was he prepared to lose everything because of her?

  His first taste wasn’t enough to satisfy this craving he had for her.

  “I’m going to get you cleaned up.”


  Night had fallen several hours later, and Donna stood in his sitting room looking out of his window over the city. Bright lights and the sounds of passing cars could be heard. She’d opened the window slightly to allow some fresh air into the room. Caleb was on the phone in the other room, and she left him alone to give him privacy. Sipping at her soda, she twirled a strand of hair through her fingers. Glancing at her reflection in the window she wondered if she looked different. She felt different, but she didn’t know if the whole world would be able to see the transition.

  Sex, she’d had sex for the first time a handful of hours ago. It was a big deal, or at least it was a big deal to her. She didn’t know what Caleb thought. Well, he couldn’t keep his hands off her, so she must be doing something right. Resting a hand on her hip, she took another sip of her soda. After the first time together he took her into the bathroom where he’d made her soak in a long warm bath. He’d taken the time to add salts and get the water ready. When he joined her in the water she’d been so embarrassed she didn’t know what to do.

  Once their bath was finished he’d taken her into the bedroom and made love to her. His actions surprised her as she didn’t have him pegged as the kind of man who’d make love. He fucked. Love never entered the equation with him, and she accepted that. She wasn’t ready to settle down or to fall in love.

  She didn’t feel love for Caleb, lust maybe but certainly not love. There was no way she could feel anything for a man she didn’t know and didn’t really care to know. Tapping her finger on the can of her soda, she wondered what the hell she was doing. Nothing made any sense to her.

  You’re not a virgin anymore.

  The second time Caleb made love to her, he took his time, loving every inch of her body until she couldn’t think of where he ended and she began. One meeting in a jewelry store and she was standing in his apartment overlooking the city. “I’m sorry about that. Business needs to come first,” Caleb said. She watched him approach her butt naked. Glancing down at her can, she tried to find any reason not to look at him or see him. What were they supposed to do with their lives now?

  “No worries,” she said. “What do we do now?”

  She stopped asking questions as he wrapped his arms around her. His naked body pressed against her back, and he nudged her hair out of the way to kiss her lips.

  “Should I go home?” she asked.

  “No, you’re not going home.”

  “I’ve got to feed my cat.”

  “You don’t strike me as the kind of person to leave your cat without any food.”

  Donna hadn’t. She’d put plenty of food down for her cat so she wouldn’t starve.

  He sucked on her neck, and his tongue licked along her pulse.

  “I want to know what I’m supposed to do. This is unheard of for me.” What was the proper protocol for them? Did she walk out on her own steam?

  “Stop over-thinking everything you need to do.” He turned her around to face him.

  “I’m used to over-thinking everything,” she said. She tucked some hair behind her ear as she glanced up at him.

  He walked back into the sitting room. Gazing down his body she couldn’t look away from the hard length of his cock. He was long and thick, pressing out toward her. In the low lighting, the tip glinted with his pre-cum.

  “Then don’t. I forbid you from thinking about anything but what we’re doing.” He sat back on the sofa and tugged her onto his lap. She placed her knees on either side of his legs, giggling.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’re not going home until tomorrow. You’re in for one long night with me.”

  She didn’t want the night to end.

  Caleb didn’t do love, nor did he do relationships. She could deal with the short term providing he kept his distance afterward.

  “When we’re alone, I forbid you to wear any clothes.” He tugged the shirt she wore over her head, revealing her naked state.

  Laughing, she dropped a kiss to his lips, moaning as he slid his tongue within her mouth. He cupped her ass spreading her cheeks wide. The curtains were open, but they were far enough up that the only way for people to see would be with binoculars.

  He lifted her up, and she watched him grab his cock.

  “What about the condom?” she asked, remembering protection for the first time that day.

  “We’ve not used one.”

  She jerked, pulling away. “What?”

  “I forgot to use one. We’re safe, I promise.”

  Shaking her head, she pulled away from him. “No, we can’t have sex. I can get pregnant, and you didn’t even consider that?” She stepped away from him and grabbed the shirt she’d discarded on the floor. Her clothes were in the main bedroom. “I’ve got to go. This was a mistake.”

  One day of sex and she could end up with a child. The thought alone terrified her. Tugging on his shirt, she walked into the bedroom retrieving her jeans. She couldn’t even wear panties as he’d destroyed him.

  “You’re overreacting,” he said.

  “No, I’m not. You’re not the one who’s going to end up saddled with a kid. I don’t want a child, and you were wrong to forget.”

  You should have spoken up.

  Tears filled her eyes at her own stupidity.

  “Stupid, stupid.”

  “Look, nothing is going to happen. We’re going to be fine,” he said. His arms were spread out on either side of the door.

  “Are you insane?” she asked. “Or are you just plain dumb? All it takes is one sperm, and shou
ld I remind you thousands of sperm are released during each orgasm, and all it takes is one.” She held up her finger, glaring at him.

  Anger took over, and she started to shake. Tying her hair back with the band she kept in her jeans, she whirled on him.

  “Don’t fucking speak to me like that,” he said, growling out the words.

  She flung her hand back and slapped him across the face. “You’re an asshole and a jerk. You had no right to disrespect my body that way.” The tears fell from her eyes, and she felt weak inside. She shouldn’t let him see her pain. He didn’t deserve to know how much he upset her. “You were the first man I was with, and yet you treated me like that.”

  Shoving past him, she ignored his aroused state even as pleasure gripped her.

  “Donna,” he said.

  “No, don’t Donna me. I’ve had enough. You shouldn’t have done that.” She opened his apartment door and charged down the long corridor. He called after her, and she heard him cursing. She imagined him grabbing a pair of jeans and trying to get into them.

  Keep going.

  Stepping into the elevator she saw him at the end of the corridor. The doors closed before he even made it to her. Tapping her hands together she waited for the doors to open once again. When they did, she charged out of the front door happy when Caleb was nowhere in sight.

  Hailing a cab, she climbed inside as Caleb charged out of the building. She saw him, but he didn’t see her. Sliding down the seat she blew out a breath, thankful he hadn’t noticed her.

  “Where to, love?” the driver asked.

  She gave him her address then sat back. What the hell had happened?

  Wiping the tears away from under her eyes, she forced all the bad memories out of her mind. Thinking of the negative wasn’t what she needed to focus on.

  It was over.


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