She's No Angel

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She's No Angel Page 14

by Kira Sinclair

  She gasped for air. Begged for him. Thrashed beneath his weight.

  The crinkling tear of foil made her suck in a hopeful breath. He lifted away, but only far enough that he could roll the latex down his length. But he didn’t watch what he was doing. Instead, his eyes tangled with hers, light blue holding dark brown as he stared straight into her soul. Lexi tried to turn away, but she couldn’t break the connection. Didn’t really want to.

  A knee nudged her thighs wide apart. Cool air touched the melted center of her sex.

  And then he was there, pushing inside. Slowly. Patiently. Deliberately. He claimed her, more than any time before. He possessed every inch of her, inside and out.

  Brett sank to the hilt, filling her as nothing else ever had.

  She wrapped her hands around his hips, wanting to hold him to her. His sides labored, his ribs expanding and contracting with the strain of holding still.

  But she didn’t want him to hold still. Her internal muscles clenched around him, craving more.

  Their bodies touched everywhere. His hard planes pressed against her soft curves. Lexi hadn’t stopped long enough to realize just how perfectly they fit together. But she could feel it now, could feel all of him.

  Lexi wanted him to move, to quench the agony of need he’d painstakingly built inside her. Instead, he waited, staying absolutely still so that she had no choice but to fall into the sensation of him surrounding her.

  And she realized this was all she ever wanted. To relive this perfect moment with him over and over again, forever.

  And then he was moving. Grinding his hips against her to get the last fraction of an inch out of their joining. Pulling out with the same exacting deliberation.

  The rhythm he set drove her crazy. It built the pressure inside her to the screaming point. Her nails dug into his flanks, trying to urge him faster, but he refused to capitulate and free her from the delicious tension.

  They were both a mass of raw nerves and need. Lexi couldn’t breathe or think, all she could do was feel him and the way he worshipped her with his body.

  Unexpected tears sprang to her eyes. She closed them to hide the reaction, but he stopped until she opened them again.

  His hand scraped the hair from her face, anchoring at her nape. He brought them close, blocking out everything but her view of his wide blue eyes. Gone was the cool indifference, replaced by a burning intensity that scorched her.

  Without breaking the connection of their stare, he quickened the pace and finally let her fall. But he was there to hold her.

  Sensation swamped her, not just the release that slammed relentlessly through her, but the pain of vulnerability and the knowledge that she would never be the same. But she didn’t care.

  Not when he was staring just as relentlessly into her eyes. What she saw there scared the hell out of her—and made her want to weep with hope. For those few blazing moments she could believe she was everything. At least, to him.

  And when he finally gave in to his own release she held on to him. Her arms wrapped around his chest and her hips pumped high for him. He called her name and the sound of it was the sweetest thing she’d ever known.

  The tears she’d been holding back slipped down her cheeks. She buried her face in his neck, hoping he’d be too preoccupied to notice.

  No one had ever made her feel as beautiful as he just had.

  * * *

  LEXI STRETCHED LANGUIDLY, a smile on her face before she’d even opened her eyes. Her hand smacked into something hard. And warm. Brett grunted, but a heavy arm snaked out and pulled her beneath him.

  Sleepy blue eyes smoldered down at her. “Call in sick.”

  “I can’t. My boss is a bitch.”

  The flat of his hand smacked down across the curve of her ass. Lexi yelped in surprise and jerked against him.

  “I happen to like your boss and if you call her a bitch again I’m going to make you regret it.”

  Oh. He was playful today. It was a side of Brett she’d not seen very often. Intelligent, watchful, strong and capable. Sexy, smoldering. She’d seen all of those, but this was a new side of him. One she kind of liked.

  Was it crazy that she didn’t want last night to end? Without thinking about it, she found herself suggesting, “Why don’t you come in with me today?”

  Lexi didn’t like anyone mucking around in her kitchen. Letting someone else in required her to turn over some of the responsibilities.

  It also required her to trust.

  But surprisingly, for the second day, she was hoping to have company inside her little sanctuary. The other day had been good and she wasn’t ready to let this end.

  Brett pushed up onto his elbows, all trace of lazy somnolence gone. “Really?”

  Maybe Brett was forcing her to turn over a new leaf, because the idea of having him there felt right.

  “Why not?”

  “I have some emails to return and a conference call later, but if I can use your office...”

  Lexi smiled. She couldn’t help it. He was upending his day so that he could spend it with her. Again. That made her feel special. And not quite as anxious about how vulnerable she’d been last night. “Sure.”

  Grabbing her waist, Brett rolled them both until she was draped across his chest. The sheets were a wreck around them. He’d made good on his promise and every one of the condoms he’d spread across her bed was gone. Her naked legs stuck out from beneath the covers. A single corner was wrapped around her hips and trailed precariously up her back.

  Beneath her, he was blessedly naked. She could feel every inch of him. And he was definitely awake.

  Scraping the hair back away from her face, he pulled her mouth to his and kissed her.

  It was so easy to give in and fall beneath the wave of wanting him. The sensation was warm and comfortable, which surprised her. She was so used to being on edge around people that it was...a relief.

  For the first time in a very long time she felt like she could really be herself. And that was something she hadn’t let happen often, not even completely with her friends. The lessons she’d learned when she was younger had taught her to hide pieces of who she was. She didn’t see it as a lie, but rather acceptance of the society she belonged to.

  People conformed to all sorts of things.

  Breaking their connection, Brett pulled away. A small, teasing smile played across his unbelievably beautiful mouth.

  “Good morning, gorgeous.”

  His greeting took her by surprise. They’d been awake and talking for several minutes. But somehow it felt right. And more important than the mere words he’d just said.

  As if there wasn’t anywhere he’d rather be than right there with her.

  Embarrassed that she was putting so much emphasis on an unimportant greeting, Lexi glanced away from him and caught a glimpse of the clock sitting beside her bed.

  Pushing against his chest, she scrambled out of his hold.

  “Get up, get up, get up. We’re going to be late.”

  Brett followed her, a little more slowly. “I don’t think it’ll matter if you’re a few minutes late unlocking the door, Lexi. You deserve five minutes now and then.”

  Sticking her head around the en suite door, she mumbled around her toothbrush. “I have a delivery of supplies showing up in twenty minutes.”

  He cocked his head and considered her. “Does that mean no time for a shower?”

  The naughty gleam in his eyes gave him away, even if he did try to hide the intent.

  Pointing a warning finger at him, Lexi tried to dissuade him. “Not the kind you’re thinking. You can take one if you want. Alone. And meet me in a bit, but I’m walking out the door in five minutes with or without you.”

  Brett lunged for her. Lexi danced out of his grasp, threw h
er toothbrush back in the holder and sidestepped him to the closet.

  “What happened to the woman who was twenty minutes late to dinner at your parents?”

  Hopping on one foot, she jerked jeans up over her hips.

  “That was different. This is business and if I’m not there it’ll be days before I can get the delivery rescheduled. I need the supplies or I’ll run out of product.”

  “You need to hire some help.”

  “Funny, I was thinking the same thing, but today that’s not an option.”

  Brett stood in the doorway to her bathroom naked as the day he was born and completely oblivious and uncaring. Lexi couldn’t help but stare at every mouth-watering inch of him. He was gorgeous, and for a little while he was hers.

  “I’m trying to be good here, but if you keep looking at me that way you’re going to miss more than your delivery.”

  Lexi shook her head, ducked back inside the closet and took a deep, steadying breath. Pressing her eyes closed, she tried to find her equilibrium, or her sanity, but apparently neither was available.

  Instead, she settled for jerking a plain white shirt with little capped sleeves and a tapered waist over her head. She topped it with a red cardigan, adding a black rhinestone belt and red flats.

  Coming out fully clothed was about her only hope of getting out of the house on time.

  To her surprise, when she emerged Brett was dressed, as well. His hair was damp, tunnels from his fingers running through the dark strands, and he smelled like her vanilla body wash.

  He headed into the kitchen first, grabbed the travel mug she kept ready by the coffeemaker and filled it from the waiting pot. In Lexi’s life, one of the best inventions ever made had been the automatic timer on the coffeemaker.

  Without bothering to ask, he opened her fridge, pulled out the gourmet creamer she had stashed in the door, splashed some inside, stirred and then handed it to her. Opening her cupboard, he grabbed her spare mug and made himself some to go.

  Taking a sip, Lexi breathed in the healing power and waited for the caffeine to kick in.

  And when it did something else hit her.

  “How did you know the way I like my coffee?”

  Brett glanced over his shoulder at her. “I don’t know.” Something on his face shifted and his eyebrows beetled. “I must have seen you.”

  “I guess.” She couldn’t remember having coffee in front of him, but maybe yesterday...

  He’d paid attention to the way she preferred her coffee. That wasn’t the gesture of a man only interested in sex, was it? Not that she had time to dwell.

  Grabbing her keys off the kitchen counter, Brett bounced them in his hand and asked, “Are you ready?”

  Lexi nodded.

  This was very domestic. Too domestic.

  Unease filled Lexi, but she refused to let it take hold. She wouldn’t let it ruin the day before it had even gotten started. She was going to enjoy sharing the mundane morning tasks with him.

  Last night had been about taking a risk, letting her guard down. What good would it do to put it back up in the bright light of day?


  THE DAY WAS...unexpected. Brett watched as Lexi prepared all sorts of treats for her store. And when the baking and cooking were done she opened the front doors and single-handedly helped every customer who walked inside.

  He was almost disappointed when he had to join in on a conference call with the project manager for a strip mall Bowen Enterprises was building in Texas. Bowen wanted some tweaks to the blueprints, none of them good. Brett resented the intrusion...and the reminder that he was in Sweetheart for something other than seducing the delectable chocolatier.

  He much preferred watching Lexi as she greeted each customer by name, giving them the same dazzling smile that she shared with everyone—even the people who didn’t deserve it. A scamp of a boy tried to swipe a cookie from the prepackaged display. Lexi caught him, pulled him by the collar into the corner and quietly lectured him on what he’d done wrong.

  Instead of calling his parents—whom she obviously knew—or the sheriff to scare some sense into the boy, she looked at him with her warm chocolate eyes. Within minutes the poor boy was sobbing out how sorry he was and that he’d never do it again.

  She hadn’t even raised her voice.

  Pulling the towel out of her waistband, she wiped his tearstained face, gave him one of the chocolate lollipops she’d made this morning and shooed him out the door.

  Brett had no doubt the boy would think twice before trying to steal from anyone again, not just Lexi.

  Where he’d come from, if anyone had caught him shoplifting he’d have been sent straight to juvie. In his neighborhood there were no second chances, which is why he’d worried so much about his little brother. Hunter had been headstrong and impulsive.

  Sweetheart was a side of life that he’d never known. To his surprise, he realized that he’d kind of grown to like the place. And the people. Even when they’d been wary of him, they’d welcomed him anyway, giving him the benefit of the doubt.

  It was late when the store finally emptied and the pace slowed. Even when there weren’t customers, there had been work to do. And Brett realized he’d enjoyed being the one beside Lexi while she’d done it.

  Lexi walked into the kitchen and slumped into a chair at the small table there. Brett slid behind her, wrapping his hands around her shoulders and rubbing.

  She melted beneath his touch. He could feel each knot as it relaxed from her muscles. The contented hum that vibrated in her throat jolted through his own body, but he ignored the unmistakable signal. Now wasn’t the time. She was exhausted.

  “I wish you’d let me help more today. You really could have used it.”

  “I know, but it was faster just to do most of it myself.”

  “You should hire some help.”

  Her shoulders tightened again. Brett stayed silent, continued to rub and waited for her to relax again.

  Finally, she sighed. “I know, but it’s difficult to trust this place to anyone else.”

  Sweeping her hair over her shoulder, he revealed the bare skin at the nape of her neck. Leaning down, he placed his mouth just there and breathed against her skin. “Control freak.”

  He’d meant the words as a gentle rebuke, but instead they came out as a groan of need.

  It had been a long day, watching her prance around in that tight little cardigan that did nothing to camouflage the luscious curves beneath, at least not now he knew they were there. He’d wanted to touch her all day. And now the place was empty.

  But instead of falling in with his plan, Lexi slipped out from under his hold.

  “Oh, no, you don’t. I still have work to do.”

  Slowly, he let his eyes drag across her from the tip of her ponytail to the toe of her tiny red shoes. He’d always been more of a high-heel guy, but on Lexi those flats were sexy as hell.

  And the apron. God, the apron. He wondered if she’d be willing to leave it on. It and nothing else.

  In a husky voice, he asked, “What? I’ll help. That way I can get my hands on you twice as fast.”

  Her skin flushed the most tempting shade of pink. Her eyes sparkled and her tongue passed slowly across her parted lips.

  “Underneath the display case you’ll find boxes. Put everything in a separate container and make sure the lids are tight. I’ll handle prep for tomorrow.”

  With a nod, he shot back into the front. With more speed than finesse, he managed to get all the leftovers boxed. Stacking them together, he clutched the tower of containers to his chest. They blocked his view, but he managed to find the curtain by feel and make it into the back without dropping a single one.

  Sliding everything onto the table, he turned. Triumph raced just beneath his skin,
but it didn’t last. The vision that greeted him left him dumbstruck.

  While he’d been gone Lexi had shed the sweater and popped open the first two buttons on her little white shirt. She’d taken down the ponytail, but replaced it with a messy knot at the top of her head. She hummed to herself, swaying her hips back and forth to a soundtrack only she could hear.

  She looked amazing. Her skin glowed with happiness and health. Standing in front of the machine she’d told him was used to melt the chocolate and do something called tempering, he watched her lick a stray drop off of her finger.

  Going after a drip on her forefinger, she put it in her mouth as far as it would go and sucked. Every muscle in his body clenched.

  He groaned deep in his throat.

  She yelped, spun and speared him with wide eyes. “I...I didn’t realize you were there.”

  “Do it again.”

  She regained her equilibrium quickly. Too quickly for his taste. He liked her a little off-kilter. He liked knowing he could surprise her. She let so little fluster her.

  “Do what again?”

  “Lick chocolate off your finger.”

  Her pupils dilated as her eyes flared with heat. Slowly, she reached into the vat of chocolate behind her, dipped the tip of her finger into it and pulled it out. Opening her mouth, she sucked her finger deep inside. Her eyes closed for a moment as she savored the flavor of the chocolate.

  But when they opened again, the smoldering glow was all for him. Slowly, she ran her tongue up the inside of her own finger. Beneath the tightness of his jeans, his cock throbbed.

  He wanted her mouth on him.

  Curling her still-wet finger at him, she beckoned him closer. And like a snake to the charmer, he went.

  He stood before her, practically panting, waiting to see what she’d do next. She hadn’t even touched him and he was burning for her.

  “You’re one of the sexiest women I’ve ever met, do you know that?”

  She laughed, the sound low and mysterious. “I don’t think anyone’s ever told me that.”

  Maybe he was finally making progress because she didn’t protest or tell him he was wrong.


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