Cynical Heart (Heart Series)

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Cynical Heart (Heart Series) Page 11

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  Cab’s arm shot out and blocked her. Dana looked at his arm, then up at him as if he were crazy.

  “Move it or lose it Howard,” she said through clenched teeth.

  Cab moved his arm only to wrap it around her waist and pull her closer to him. Not expecting anything like that, Dana gasped.

  With her heart pounding hard in her chest, she looked into his bronzed eyes and was mesmerized. “What are you doing?” She asked, suddenly sounding breathless.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he stated calmly.

  Oh my…

  Dana knew that she should be pushing him away, especially after the way he spoke to her, but the moment his lips touched hers, all thought left her head. Her hands pressed to his hard chest and gripped the shirt he wore.

  Oh goodness, I shouldn’t be doing this.

  She lifted up on her toes, her protruding belly grazing against his strong abs. She accepted his tongue and shared hers with him. One of them growled out in lust, but she wasn’t sure if it was him or her.

  When his hot lips trailed along her jawline and down the side of her neck to her shoulder, her eyes opened wide when he licked her sweet spot, and she moaned, closing her eyes dreamily when he sucked on it. All that pent up sexual tension in dire need of release was back, just like their first encounter together, and as it shamelessly assaulted her senses, she was powerless to stop it.

  “Dana,” Cab moaned, covering her mouth with what seemed like desperation. Her hand slid to his neck and she held him to her. “I’ve got to have you now,” he said against her lips.

  Cab lifted her in his arms and carried her to his room before kicking the door shut. He then lay her on the king sized bed, and began to lift the top to her pajamas over her head, but coming to her senses, Dana leaned up on her elbows and held the top down.

  “What are we doing?” She whispered in between her heavy breathing.

  “I’m going to make to make love to you and you are going to let me, because if your passion at this moment is any indication to your desire for me, then you want me just as much as I want you.”

  Dana gazed into his eyes spellbound. He was right. She wanted this with everything that was within her. She reached up and caressed his face tenderly.

  “Why Cab? You don’t even like me! You said yourself that you think I’m…” Cab placed a finger to her lips.

  “I like you a lot more than you think. I haven’t been intimate with any women because of you, beautiful lady; you have bewitched me.”

  He reached out to lift the pajama top from her again, and this time she let him, watching as his eyes took in the beauty of her fuller breast, down to her extended belly, but not realizing that all he saw at that moment was her beauty with child. His mouth covered hers, and Dana pulled at his shirt breaking the buttons that held it together. Together they ripped at his clothing, until at last, he was just as nude as she. Their lips united and both fell headlong into the vast array of sensual emotions that their bodies craved. Cab’s mouth left her and trailed down her neck where he nipped and sucked at her flesh tenderly. Dana felt his hand moving up her thigh, and when it settled between her legs, his long fingers caressed, opened, and gently slipped inside. Her hips slowly lifted to allow access.

  Cab hissed. “Oh baby you are so wet for me,” he groaned.

  He moved over her, removed his hand, and replaced it with his rock hard flesh. He slowly eased into her tight haven, savoring the tightness of her walls, and groaned as he slipped further into her saturated canal.

  As he wrapped her legs around his waist and took great care not to put pressure on her belly, Dana hips lifted to receive him making sure not to stop the motion of his body inside her.

  “Cab,” she moaned. He leaned up on his knees pulling her up and moving her up and down on his manhood. Dana’s hands closed around his neck as she rode him, squeezing and milking his manhood.

  “Don’t stop… don’t ever stop. You feel even more exquisite than I remember. Come for me baby,” he moaned.

  His lips covered hers in a fiery kiss, and when the sought after orgasm triggered her inner walls to milk the very essence from him, both cried out loudly.

  Spent, and basking in the warmth of the afterglow, Cab laid her gently on her back and rolled her onto her side before spooning her exhausted body into his. He knew that she was sound asleep from her slow easy breathing, and tightening his arms around her kissed the back of her head before dozing off himself.

  Dana sat in the kitchen wiping at the tears that coated her face. She awakened long before anyone else, slipped into her own room, showered, and got dressed. She had tried to fall back to sleep when she left his room, but the memory of what she had done again with Cab both captivated and haunted her. In the middle of the night, he awoke and slipped into her from behind, and before she knew it she was on her knees howling at the moon like a she-wolf in heat.

  “You will never learn,” she moaned, dropping her head to the counter with a thud. “I have made the biggest mistake in my life… twice.”

  “What mistake is that?” Cat asked, coming into the kitchen with Zoey behind her.

  Dana looked over at them and saw the grins on their faces. They knew.

  “You know don’t you?” She asked remorsefully.

  Cat snickered. “Girl, I’m surprised you didn’t wake the kids.”

  “Oh Cab, oh Cab, yes, yes, yes, OHHH YES!” Zoey mocked before bursting out in hysteria.

  Dana’s head once again fell on the counter, and Cat stood at the sink washing her hands and then gathered foods from the refrigerator to prepare breakfast.

  “Why are you so upset?” She asked. “Come on girls. Let’s get breakfast prepared and out of the way. I promised to cook dinner tonight because Satch wants to introduce the family to his potential client and his sister.”

  Cat turned and looked at Dana to finish their conversation. “Well? Why are you so upset?”

  Dana looked at Cat doubtingly. “Come on Cat, you know how Cab feels about me.”

  “Oh please,” Zoey and Cat said at the same time.

  “In Cab’s twisted little mind he thinks that you betrayed him, but now he’s not so sure anymore. I’ll tell you one thing though; he likes you more than he puts on.”

  “But he doesn’t believe that he’s the father of my baby. You heard all the things he said to me.”

  “I didn’t. What did he say?” Zoey inquired out of curiosity.

  “In so many words, he called her a whore,” Cat answered.

  “He did what!” Zoey shouted.

  “Just the way he called me one, remember Zo? And I dotted that eye for his trouble too.”

  Zoey chuckled. “Yeah, I remember that.”

  “Well Dana attacked him and threaten to make him a soprano if he ever said it again,” Cat concluded with a laugh.

  “Oh I knew that I liked you,” Zoey laughed. “Will, we have to fix this mess Cab is in now. I don’t want him turning to Cat’s new best friend Cassandra.”

  Cat glared at Zoey, and even Dana felt a tinge of jealousy.

  “Well she can have him,” she barked.

  “Hell no she can’t!” Zoey admonished. “I’ll be damn if she’s going to be part of this family. Cab can fall into her trap if he wants, but I promise you that he going to wish he didn’t.”

  “I don’t think Cab’s going to fall for Cassandra again, especially since she’s the reason why he has such a bad attitude. Have a little faith in you brother Zo. Okay, now let’s get breakfast done. I have a little plan for the drunks of LA.”

  Duke and Yaz were the first to come to breakfast, and both of them looked like two surly grizzly bears. Later Diz and Cab lumbered in the kitchen. As everyone sat at the table while the men dug into their breakfast, Dana tried her best not to meet his eyes. Cat shook her head in disappointment. She thought for sure that they wouldn’t want to eat.

  “So what do you girls have planned today?” Diz asked with a smile.

  “Must you
talk so loud?” Duke growled at Diz, who was feeling no ill effects from last night.

  “Hey, if you can’t hold your liquor then you shouldn’t indulge,” he laughed.

  “I’m preparing a dinner party for Satch to introduce his potential new client and his sister and you four will be taking care of the babies,” Cat announced.

  “What!” They all shouted.

  “What happened to the nannies?” Yaz asked before clutching his pounding head.

  “We gave them the day off. They will be back later this evening,” Zoey answered.

  Duke looked at Cat. “Baby, how can you do this to me when I’m hung-over?” He moaned.

  “Well Ellington, you can think about that while I prepare for this dinner party,” she replied.

  She started clearing the table with the help of the other women.

  Dana took a peek at Cab who she found was also looking at her.

  “Dana, can I talk to you for a moment?” He asked, leaving the table. When she nodded and followed him from the room, all eyes were on them.

  “Do you think he’s going to say the wrong thing?” A worried Diz asked, watching the door they went through.

  “What? You didn’t hear them last night?”

  Cab turned to face Dana and got right to the point. “Last night should not have happened,” he blurted out. Totally unprepared for that response, Dana’s heart crumbled, but being the consummate professional that she always comported herself to be, she took a long, steady breath to calm herself and buried her feelings somewhere deep within.

  “You’re right Cab, it shouldn’t have,” she replied as steadily as she could, even though her heart was breaking. Although she berated herself for sleeping with him, she still had hope that after last night their relationship would change. It hadn’t and she turned to leave.

  “That’s all you have to say?” He asked.

  She turned to face him and shrugged. “What do you want me to say, Cab?”

  “Say something!” He demanded, his voice rising.

  “Okay then, you got what you wanted,” she remarked laconically.

  “You wanted it as well,” he snapped.

  “You’re right, so I guess that makes me a fool, but you had sex with a pregnant woman who you think is a whore, so what does that make you?” She turned to leave again, but stopped and faced him a final time. “It won’t happen again.” She then left him standing there.

  Cab rubbed his hand down his face viciously, wondering why he kept putting his foot in his mouth. Dana Whalen was under his skin, and it was time for him to face that fact, but he was deeply hurt by his past, and he refused to let anyone in. Now he may lose the only woman who he actually had genuine feelings for. Duke was right; it was time to let go of the past. If he could just let himself let go of the animosity and mistrust of women, maybe he and Dana could build a strong and lasting relationship.

  Cab didn’t know how long he had stood there thinking to himself, but he rushed to the door and pulled it open just in time to see the Dana getting into the hired car. Duke saw him standing at the open door and put a quick halt to anything that he may have been thinking.

  “Oh no Bruh, you’re staying and helping us with these kids today, so let’s go. They will be up in a few minutes,” Duke said. When Cab turned to face him, Duke got really a good look at his face and noticed that he wasn’t wearing his usual scowl. Instead, he looked almost… human. “What’s wrong Cab?”

  As Cab watched the car drive away, he sadly shook his head. “I really messed up this time,” he stated. He walked past Duke and left the room.

  Chapter 9

  Ishaan Grant stood in the baggage claim area waiting for ‘Shark’ Howard and her brother to arrive. She glanced at her watch. Jared had called and said that they were running late because of traffic, and for her to wait for them at the baggage claim area, but that was forty-five minutes ago. Thoroughly disgusted, she found a seat and sat. Crossing her legs, and folding her arms across her chest, her foot jumped a mile a minute.

  “I don’t care how good you sound Mr. Hotshot Howard. That’s still strike one for you,” she muttered.

  Just then, she heard her name being called. “Ishaan!”

  She came to her feet and when she looked around she saw Jared barreling towards her with a huge grin on his face. When he reached her, he scooped her up and spun her around.

  “Boy put me down, you’re making a scene!” She could help laughing.

  “I’m sorry we’re late Ish, but traffic in LA is off the chain,” he said.

  Ishaan looked around for the wannabe manager. “Alright, so where’s this hotshot manager?” She asked rudely.

  “Come on Ish, be nice. Mr. Howard is a great man. He has shown me so much in one day it’s unbelievable!”

  “Okay, but I don’t want you to get all googily-eyed with all the extravagance honey. I want you to keep a level head when you make your decisions about your life and career. Remember that it’s not my decision to make, it yours, and whatever you decide I will stand beside every step of the way. Just know that I will not tolerate anyone taking advantage of you or anyone trying to take a ride on your coattails.”

  “I know Sis, and you raised a very intelligent and responsible young man. I just want you to give Mr. Howard a chance, okay?”

  Ishaan nodded. “I’ll try. Where is Mr. Wonderful anyway?’

  Jared looked over her head for Satch. “There he is.”

  Ishaan turned and would have fallen to the floor if she hadn’t grabbed Jared’s arm to steady herself. The man was gorgeous. He was tall, had a medium brown complexion, and had a body like a sculpted Greek statue displayed in a museum. The way those jeans fit his tall frame was like Calvin Klein made them especially for him, and the V-neck shirt outlined his physique as if he was poured into it. The women he walked past literally stopped to admire this Adonis as he moved, and one woman even shouted ‘Damn!’ when he passed her by.

  Jared raised his hand and waved, and when the man smiled, Ishaan was sure that God made this man her special project. “DANGER! DANGER!” Her mind screamed, but when he stopped in front of them with that smile and those dreamy eyes, it caused a ruckus in her stomach.

  Get it together girl! He’s just a man, and he’s probably just like all the rest you successfully pushed away.

  Ishaan took a deep breath. The man had a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand. It had been so long since anyone had given her flowers.

  “Mr. Howard this is my sister, Ishaan Grant; Sis this is Mr. Satch Howard,” Jared introduced.

  “Welcome to LA, Miss Grant. I’m really glad you decided to join us,” he smiled displaying a single dimple in his right cheek.

  From his head to his very large feet, the brother was impeccable. No fair, no fair, she moaned to herself.

  “Don’t get too excited Mr. Howard,” she said with a stony unsmiling face. “You might regret ever meeting me.”

  Satch smiled. “These are you,” he said smoothly, handing her the bouquet.

  Ishaan cordially accepted. “Jared must have told you about my love for flowers. Thank you, they’re very beautiful.” She softened just a tad as she brought the fragrant bouquet to her nose.

  “Shall we go?” Satch asked, reaching down to grab her suitcase.

  When he turned and began walking away, Jared hooked his sister’s arm around his and followed. It took everything Ishaan had within her to keep her eyes upward and not stare at his nice butt in the jeans he wore or to gawk at the way his broad back tapered down to his narrow hips. She blew out a loud breath. This was going to be a long few days.

  Satch’s sweaty hand grasped the handle of the suitcase tight. Jared’s sister was beautiful, and his specialty just so happened to be beautiful women. He was confident that he would have her eating out of his hand in no time, and when he had her where he wanted her, he would convince her that Jared’s best interest was his only concern, but damn! Her kind of beauty could make him forget any other woman!
Her skin was like warm honey, and other than a little gloss on her sensually shaped lips, she didn’t have any trace of makeup on. She looked better than any supermodel he had ever dated, even when they were dressed in their finest designer ensemble. Her wardrobe was a little ancient and didn’t display her figure, but she looked good in her outfit all the way down to her comfortable shoes.

  Satch stood at the black sleek limo waiting for them as they came through the door. Ishaan froze. In his efforts to impress, apparently this joker was going to pull out all the stops.

  “Come on Sis,” Jared said pulling her along with him.

  He slid into the limo first and extended his hand, while Satch stood there with that heartbreaking smile and held the door. Ishaan walked towards him, and when she paused in front of him, and her scent engulfed him in its exotic fragrance. She looked up at him. “You’ve got to come stronger than this Mr. Howard,” she said before sliding into the limo with her flowers cradled in her arms.

  Satch shook his head and slid into the limo as well. This was going to be a long few days.

  Dana was just getting comfortable on her sofa when there was a knock at her door. It was still early in the day, but she clearly was not in the mood for company.

  “Who could it be Cabri, knocking at our door?” She lightheartedly asked the baby cradled inside her belly. She went to the door, looked out the peephole, and gasped. She immediately snatched the door open. “What are you doing here?” She asked irately.

  Cab moved past her. “We need to talk,” he stated, stuffing his hands deep into his pockets.

  Dana closed the door and turned to face him. “Why?”

  Not bothering to wait for an invitation, he sat down. Rolling her eyes and exhaling loudly, Dana moved to the sofa she had vacated only seconds before.

  No sooner had she taken a seat did Cab’s bronzed eyes absorb her. Even dressed in a T-shirt and shorts pajamas, she was extremely sexy and beautiful. Her face, with its perfect oval shape and flawless sienna skin, and those exotically slanted topaz eyes with distinct gold flecks mesmerize him to no end, and it was time for a change. All this drama was getting to him. He wanted Dana and was ready to claim his child. He knew she probably hated him, and he be the first to admit that he probably deserves it, but now that his eyes have opened to the possibility that he felt more for Dana than he led himself to believe, he was not going to give up on them. Regretting the things that he had said to her in the past, things that were utterly uncalled for, he knew he had his work cut out for him. Seeing her again had stirred up things within him, and instead of embracing her as he so longed to do, instead he lashed out each and every time. Well, it was time that he realized that she was nothing like Cassandra… or any of the other women that he purposely chose to associate himself with for that matter. His family had embraced her, and their opinion meant everything to him. He was finally ready to put the cynical man that he had become behind him and move forward.


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