Big Furry Deal (Paranormal BBW Shape Shifter Romance) (Ridgeville)

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Big Furry Deal (Paranormal BBW Shape Shifter Romance) (Ridgeville) Page 13

by Celia Kyle

  He trembled in her arms, and she hugged him close, gently rubbing his back as they recovered from their release and solidification of their mating.

  A second ticked past and then another and then it was as if a rubber band snapped in her head. Suddenly she was filled with his thoughts, his feelings. Each one tumbled after another, tripping over themselves in an effort to move into order.

  Above all, she found hope… and stirrings of love.

  Wyatt shuddered and gently withdrew his teeth from her flesh, and she did the same, lapping at the new wound and encouraging the blood flow to cease. Once again she’d marked him and once again her cat was satisfied. It was also overjoyed at finally belonging to Wyatt.

  He lifted his head, and she read those emotions in him, the hints of love now stronger than before while hope shone in his gaze. She cupped his jaw and urged him closer, uncaring of the blood coating their lips.

  Shoving away her worries and self-doubt, she whispered against his lips, “Me too, Wyatt. Me too.”

  Millie pretended not to hear the echoing roar upstairs or Maddy’s answering purr.

  Because… eww.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Alex is the pride’s Prime so of course he’s the boss. I gave him permission to say that and everything.” — Maya O’Connell, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride and woman who likes to earn spankings.

  The two of them spent the day making love. Come to think of it, they spent the night doing the same. Now Wyatt woke with his fully claimed mate in his arms.

  A mate whose body no longer held even a hint of her injuries from the morning before. Sometime between their fifth and sixth round, he’d noted their absence. The biggest thing that thrilled the cat was the fact the mysterious bite had been wiped away.

  His lion hadn’t taken their mate being bitten by another very well.

  But now she was wound free, and the only markings on her body were the claiming bites he’d given her.

  Bethy was his and his alone.

  He rubbed his hand along her spine, enjoyed the feel of her skin beneath his palm. She lay atop him; body draped over his and head resting beneath his chin. She was snuggled close as if she didn’t want to give him a chance to escape.

  She needed to realize there was nowhere he wanted to be but right there beside her. Well, except inside her.

  Wyatt pressed a kiss to the top of her head. The cat was content, and he was filled with emotions that scared the hell out of him, but it was all good. Now they had to figure out where they’d live.

  Yesterday revealed her power wasn’t trying to attack every male, but it had done something else to Ricker. That “something else” pissed off his animal, but it wasn’t like Bethy had done it on purpose.

  His mate stirred, slithering her body against his.


  Bethy moaned and stretched, then sighed as she relaxed against him once again. She snuffled his chest, blowing warm air across his skin, and the action had his cock filling. He’d never get enough of her.


  “Morning, love.”

  She hummed but didn’t say anything else.

  “How do you feel?”

  She froze and remained quiet for a moment before answering. “Tired. A little sore.” She sighed. “But my power,” she shook her head, “it’s all different. And…” she licked her lips. “Whatever you did to make it this way, I’m glad.”

  “But—” But he’d forced her to submit to him, to accept his dominance over her.

  She shook her head, and he felt her determination continue to fill him. He wondered if it was this way for Maddy and Ricker. If they were able to share this intimate connection that allowed them to sense each other.

  This and more. Bethy’s voice filled his mind. And I’m very glad you dominated the cat. I wouldn’t be here with you if you hadn’t. I’d still be hidden away, going crazy from dealing with my mind and body being torn in three different directions.

  She shifted position and propped her chin on his chest. “I’ve never felt so at peace, Wyatt. Here with you, with my cat and power working together, I’ve never been so content and calm.” He opened his mouth to reply, but she leaned up and nipped his chin. “Nope, no more apologies. Or then I’m going to have to start with how bad I feel about trying to rip out your throat.”

  His mate winked at him, and he relaxed into the mattress, accepting defeat. “Fine.”

  Bethy wiggled against him, rubbing her thigh along his and grinding her pussy into his leg. “Good, now that we’ve got that out of the way.”

  “Time out!” Maya’s voice rang through the basement. “All kinds of I-don’t-wanna-see-your-ass time out.”

  With a groan, his mate dropped her head to his chest. Her tiny hand partially shifted, small nails growing and darkening before she dug them into the mattress and shredded the sheet beneath them. A low, rumbling growl transferred from Bethy and into him, and the sound should have made him wary and worried about his mate losing control.

  Instead, it made his dick hard.

  Wyatt let scenarios roll through his mind. He wondered what he’d have to do to get the Prima back upstairs so he could have another hour or hundred alone with his mate.

  “Don’t make me come over there and bite your ass, Millie,” the Prima threatened. “I didn’t get my morning quickie, so you don’t either.”

  The reason for his mate’s anger bulldozed him, and Wyatt chuckled. “Prima, if you could turn around? We’re not exactly dressed.”

  “You don’t say. Millie’s bare ass wasn’t enough of a clue.” His mate’s growl didn’t let up, and the Prima released an exasperated sigh. “Do you know how many penises I see in a day? I mean, Alex’s is nice and thick and—”

  “Maya!” Alex’s voice rang down the stairs.

  “Anyway, I see his and then there’s East’s and West’s. Believe me, the last thing I wanna do is add to Penistown.”

  That drew a snort from Bethy, and Wyatt silently thanked the Prima. When he lifted his head to thank Maya for defusing the situation, he had to swallow his laugh.

  She stood on the other side of the bars snuggled in footie pajamas with an ever-present carton of ice cream in hand. He raised a brow in question, and she rolled her eyes then shrugged.

  “What? There’s milk in here. And it’s chocolate, so there’s cocoa beans and stuff. It’s like milk and veggies. Alex is making me bacon, so it’s a totally balanced breakfast.”

  “Okay, then.” Maya swallowed another bite and Wyatt asked the question that’d been niggling his mind since she’d appeared. “When did you guys get here? I thought you emptied the house and left after…”

  After they locked him and Bethy in the cell.

  The Prima shrugged. “After Maddy broke Ricker’s penis—” A protesting roar came from above and Maya tilted her head back to yell. “After Maddy bruised Ricker’s penis, but definitely did not ruin his manlihood-ness in any way,” she lowered her head and returned her attention to Wyatt, “she called us and said we were all good. Bad Ass Millie McGee won’t kill anyone with her magic mojo, but we may get the best orgasms in our life.” She took another bite of ice cream and spoke around the spoonful of dessert, er, breakfast. “I call coming back to the house a win-win.” She swallowed her bite. “And if you get randy after we all have a chit-chat… score!”

  Bethy moved, wiggling and squirming and waking his cock up even more, until she too could see Maya. “Maya?”


  “Get the hell out,” his mate growled. Any second now he’d come from her voice and growls alone.

  “Well, that’s not very hospitable. I let you into my home—”

  “You locked us in a cage.”

  “Semantics. Plus, you were batshit and I don’t have a padded cell.” Maya tapped her chin with a spoon. “Though one would be good for the cu—”

  “Maya!” Another roar from Alex and the Prima huffed.

  “Fine, fine,” she grumbled and
stomped to the door. The rapid beep of the door’s lock followed by a low thud told him they were no longer captive. “When you two are ready, we’re all upstairs. Alex has some news and blah, blah. The door’s unlocked and there’s a set of clothes on the floor over here since someone shredded by favorite shirt. Cover the dangly bits and let’s rock this.”

  Another bite of ice cream and she was gone, dancing up the steps.

  When she finally disappeared, his Bethy focused on him. “She’s like a fluffy tornado that sucks up all of the pink bunnies of the world and spits them out in BDSM gear.”

  Wyatt nodded. “Yes, yes she is.”

  Maya’s raised voice could be heard through the floor. “Hear that Carly? You should be laced up in BDSM gear. Lemme get my crop.”

  * * *

  Millie emerged into a new world.

  Well, the same world, but every breath, every sight, was brand new to her. Now that she understood what Wyatt’s cat had demanded of her, she recognized the changes in her mind.

  She now had two pieces, but they were entwined, tied together so they were almost one with the other. The hate and anger she’d harbored were banked and shuffled aside. While not gone completely, the feelings were blunted, and she was able to easily recognize that each male she greeted didn’t deserve her wrath.

  It was freeing, beautiful, and all because of Wyatt.

  Holding his hand as they crossed the kitchen, she allowed him to tug her along in his wake. She passed an annoyed Carly and a laughing Neal, then skirted a smiling Maddy with her scowling mate. Was he holding an ice pack to his crotch?

  Maya burst into the room brandishing a crop as well as several straps of leather with silver chains dangling from their ends.

  Millie did not want to know.

  “I knew I had stuff from our aborted attempt at BDSM.” Her eyes sparkled with mirth as she leaned forward and pretended to whisper. “Apparently, I’m not very submissive.” She shrugged. “Who knew?”

  “Everyone,” the occupants of the kitchen responded, Alex included.

  “What-ever.” She plopped her stuff in the middle of the kitchen table. “So, Millie, you’re no longer homicidal. Score one for the home team.”

  Millie opened her mouth to reply and then snapped it closed. What was she supposed to say?

  “Um, thanks?” She raised her eyebrows in question as she looked to Wyatt.

  Maddy snorted. “Don’t thank her, she didn’t do anything. That mate of yours did the heavy lifting.”

  Wyatt was plastered to Millie’s back, his arms wrapped around her. His growl filled the kitchen, and everyone froze, Millie included, and the occupants slowly turned toward them.

  “She. Is. Not. Heavy.” He growled the four words.

  Maddy gave Wyatt a deadpan look. “Seriously? That’s what you got outta what I said? You need some protein or something.” She flung a piece of bacon at him that Maya snatched from the air before it hit Wyatt. “What I meant was that you did the hard stuff. Geez, touchy much?”

  Millie sensed the tension leave her mate, and she rubbed one of the arms wrapped around her waist, hoping to soothe him further.

  “K. Now that we have our morning argument out of the way, everyone sit down.” Alex nudged Maya, nibbling her neck as he leaned past her and placed a platter of food on the table.

  Millie saw it then, saw the love they felt for each other and sensed how deep their bond went. Maya was overbearing, outspoken, and demanding, but Alex loved her for it.

  The Prima caught her watching and Millie blushed, feeling like she’d intruded, but Maya shrugged. “It works with us. I say stupid things and he lets me hide behind him when I get in trouble.”

  Alex rested his now empty hands on her shoulders. “And I spank her ass and then thank God she’s pissed off the right people. Because,” he dropped a kiss to the top of her head, “by the time the Alpha or Buck, or whoever else and I are done commiserating about difficult mates, we’ve got a new alliance.”

  Millie leaned against Wyatt and pulled on the pool of her power, sending tendrils into her mate and found his thoughts and hers were in sync. They both wanted what the ruling pair had, and they were determined to work until they had it in their grasp.

  She turned her head and twisted, dropping a kiss on his shoulder before stepping out of his arms. “Feed me, mate.”

  An amber glow overtook his eyes, and she knew she’d said the right thing. His animal was possessive and caring. It wanted to meet her needs, and the request immediately pushed aside any lingering anger over Maddy’s words.

  In moments they were all seated at the table, food being passed around while everyone talked over the other. She realized this was something else her life had been missing. When she looked to Wyatt, she sensed something similar coming from him. They’d both been missing this.

  Under the table, she reached over and squeezed his thigh, smiling when he dropped a hand and covered hers. They had each other now and someday, they’d have their own family.

  She couldn’t wait.

  The meal was filled with raucous laughter and good natured ribbing during which Ricker threatened to gut Maya. Alex asked to wait until she’d popped out another cub or two. He could have her after that if he wanted.

  That had been followed by a whispered argument between the Prima and Prime with a not-so-quiet promise that Vaginaville was closed for the foreseeable—and definitely through the next fucking Gaian Moon—future.

  It didn’t take much time for the food to disappear into their stomachs, and then the conversation grew quieter.

  “So, we’re all gathered here today…” Maya kicked off more serious conversation.

  Carly faux coughed, “Lame.”

  “Just so you know, best friend or not, I will so put rabbit back on the menu for the next run.” Maya pointed at Carly and the rabbit shifter merely stuck out her tongue at the Prima.

  “Enough.” Alex cut through their needling. “Maddy has assured me that, beyond the fact you’re transmitting rather loudly, you’re no longer a threat to anyone. Between the incident yesterday at Wyatt’s and your mating, you’re now on an even keel.”

  Millie nodded. She felt that way. Well, she didn’t recognize the transmitting part, but her anger and need to lash out at others was nearly nonexistent. “Okay.”

  “That means we’re allowing you to return to Wyatt’s with the understanding that Maddy and Elise will continue visiting you and work on your control. I know you were focused on that before, but I think that your mating to Wyatt has altered the plan a little.”

  Maddy nodded. “Yup, now you’re more like a teen who’s being overrun by hormones. Before you were… scary.”

  Millie blushed, but couldn’t argue with the woman’s assessment. It was true. “Okay. Did anyone figure out what…” She waved to her body. “What happened to me?”

  Ricker sat forward with a wince, his one hand still beneath the table and she imagined him holding an ice pack to his crotch. “I went to Wyatt’s and took a look around. Maya mentioned you asked about snakes?”

  Millie nodded. “Yes. I remember one coming toward me and he… shifted?”

  Things were still so fucking hazy, and it killed her.

  “Sounds right.” He nodded. “There were tracks near the window you used to break into Wyatt’s home as well as around the back patio. We’re lucky that it rained recently. The mud preserved them pretty well. We can’t identify the breed, but it at least tells us you’re not crazy.”

  Well, bonus points for that.

  A memory prodded her and then it rushed forward. “After,” she swallowed and cleared her throat. “The other morning, before I went to Wyatt’s, I found a piece of shed skin in my room. At least, I think that’s what it was. Will that help?”

  Ricker nodded. “Yeah, it might. If we can narrow down species, it’ll help us identify him. I found boot prints at the base of the stairs and tracked them through the woods. From what he left behind on the ground and on a few of
the trees he passed, it’s a male. He’s just shy of six feet and about two hundred pounds. Brown hair, not sure about the rest of him.”

  Millie let the description trickle through her mind, and she felt the other parts of her react and flare to life. Her cat leaped forward to help them remember, but her power nudged the animal back.

  No, no, no. She needed to remember.


  “Bethy?” Wyatt’s murmur filled her ear.

  “I… it’s there, but they won’t let it through. I see a face and then it’s gone.” Bland brown eyes, droopy eyelid, a scar across his face that the cat put there. The cat? Oh yes, her panther was rather proud of that injury.

  Ricker nodded. “We’ll keep an eye out.”

  “What… what did he do to me?” She had to know. “A snake bite couldn’t have caused that reaction, right? I mean, Wyatt said my shift…”

  “Was brutal.” Maya’s voice was subdued. “I’ve never seen anything so horrific in my life. I’ve helped free Freedom captives and seen pictures of the things Alistair has done to others, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything like that.” The Prima shook her head. “I don’t even know how you lived through it, let alone got jiggy with Wyatt later. I mean, I thought for sure you broke important girly bits with all that.”

  Millie rolled her eyes and then got serious. “Why was it that way though?”

  Ricker dug into his pocket and winced, followed by a groan as he shifted his ice pack. Finally, he produced a small, glass vial. “This. I think his bite is what subdues you and forces the memory loss. The rest was probably what was in this bottle.” He slapped it on the table. “I found this along with an empty syringe near where I lost his scent. He got into some kind of truck or SUV and left this behind. Whatever it is, I’m ninety percent sure it initiated your shift.”

  Millie rose and gently snared the bottle before returning to her seat. She rolled it between her fingers, seeing a few tiny droplets of the drug swirl back and forth. She brought it to her nose, intent on scenting it, when Ricker’s words stopped her.

  “You won’t catch anything. We’ve all taken a whiff, and it smells like water. Like nothing.”


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