Pieces of my Heart

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Pieces of my Heart Page 29

by Jamie Canosa

  “It seems she’s somewhat of a recluse,” Booker said. “We’re not even sure how she’s involved yet. We do know that Hoffman’s been over to her house almost daily for the past few weeks, and he doesn’t come empty-handed.”

  “Drugs?” I asked, scanning the info beneath the photo. It stated she was only twenty-five years old when the picture was taken, yet she looked much older. I didn’t pay much heed since it was a DMV photo, and when have they ever been flattering?

  “Again, not sure. Some days he brings over a few grocery bags full of something and leaves an hour later empty-handed. Other days he comes with nothing more than a bottle of vodka, but when he leaves he has the weighted-down grocery bags from before. We thought about bringing him in for questioning until he was spotted with the guys in the park. Now we’re hoping he’ll lead us to them. Something tells me they’re the big time players we’ve been after.”

  “What makes you so sure there’s a drug connection between him and Barbara Brown? Hoffman could be her boyfriend.” I didn’t doubt Booker, I just felt bad for the poor woman.

  “Because of her.” He dropped the last photo from his file onto my desk. “Ma—”

  “Maggie.” I sat up sharply, picking up the photo. “I know her. She’s a senior at Port Fare High. What does she have to do with this? Is she this woman’s daughter?” I knew the answer before I asked the question. The eyes, they held the same pained expression.

  “Yup. Physically she’s a textbook case, kid. She’s gaunt, with jutting bones, and she has dark rings around the eyes. She could be the poster child for Heroin Chic.”

  “You’re wrong about Maggie. She’s brilliant. She has a four-point-oh GPA, and she spends her lunch hour in the library most days. No one’s mentioned that her mother does drugs, but I've heard she drinks a bit.” That was a mild exaggeration. I’d overheard Maggie’s ex-boyfriend Zack Finkle telling some of the guys in the locker room that her mom was an all-out drunk.

  “Maybe I’m wrong, but look at the photo, kid. Something’s going on with her.”

  I absentmindedly ran my thumb across Maggie’s cheek in the glossy eight by ten before realizing Booker watched me. I grabbed my warm soda and took a swig. Yuck! His face split wide in a grin.

  “So, you’re sweet on her?”

  “No . . . I . . . well, she’s nice. The other students genuinely like her. In fact, she was dating this obnoxious kid until last week, and he’d been whining about her being a goody-goody because she wouldn’t smoke grass with him. Supposedly, that’s why they broke up. I sincerely doubt she’s doing heroin. Or cocaine,” I added before he could.

  “Does she seem out of sorts when you talk to her?”

  I cleared my throat. “I haven’t actually talked to her.” I dropped my gaze, wanting to hide my anxious expression.

  “She makes you nervous, huh? Must be love. Puppy love, anyway.”

  “Shut up, Booker.”

  “Kid, you’re in the presence of a master. Here’s what you have to do, my callow friend. You joke around with her, tease her a little, you know, get her to laugh. Make it so she’s the nervous one. That is how you’ll win the lady’s heart.”

  “This coming from a guy who hasn’t had a date in years.”

  “Because I choose not to date.”

  “Yeah, right.” I laughed. “Look, she seems nice, that’s all. I’d hate to think she’s involved in this mess.” I began casually spinning the pen on my desktop again, hoping my lie wasn’t too obvious.

  “I guess you’d better put on your game face. I’m adding her to your assignment. Pull back a little on the kids you’re currently working with and refocus most of your energy on Ms. Brown. Make her your new best friend. Something’s going on at her house, and only time will tell whether she’s involved or not.”

  I dropped my head back against my chair and groaned. Booker laughed. “I have every bit of confidence in you.” He slipped the photos into the file and set it on the desk. “She sure is skinny. Anorexic, you think?”

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  “Ask her out. The girl looks as if she could use a good meal . . . or three. Check her arms for tracks while you’re at it.”

  “And how exactly do you suggest I do that? ‘Hey, Maggie, you want a burger? Oh, by the way, do you mind if I check you for needle marks?’”

  “You’ll think of something.” He got up and headed for the door. “One more thing, kid. Be very careful,” he warned soberly. “She’s only seventeen, which means she’s still considered jailbait.”

  I chucked my pen at him, missing his head by no more than an inch. “She’s eighteen as of a week ago.” He chuckled and darted out the door.

  Slumping back in my chair, a sickening feeling crept into my gut. Maggie couldn’t be on drugs, could she? Scrubbing my face in frustration, I looked down at the photo of the pretty girl with the sad blue eyes and prayed that my partner and lifelong friend had it wrong.

  However, he seldom did.

  Read the rest of the story here:


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  From Author Jasmine Carolina

  Losing Me

  “I had a wonderful day, pretty girl,” Colin said, kissing me on the top of my head.

  I leaned forward, reaching underneath my front porch swing as he walked away. I had hidden his Valentine’s Day gift before he’d picked me up, just because I didn’t want to carry it with me. I heard the trunk close, and then Colin was trotting back up the stairs with a gift bag in his hands.

  I shook my head at him, grinning shyly at the fact that he’d still gotten me a gift even though I’d asked him not to. “What the Hell is that?”

  He handed me the gift bag, lowering his head bashfully. I rolled my eyes at him, then handed him the present that I’d gotten for him.

  “Looks like I’m not the only one who broke the Valentine’s Day rules,” he joked, taking my gift.

  “Oh, hush. It’s nothing too big.” I was beyond anxious for him to open his gift, and it looked as though he was too. “You go first.”

  I watched in eager anticipation as he ripped the cheesy wrapping paper off of it.

  He flipped it over and looked down. He examined the front cover of my favorite book, The Fault In Our Stars, then flipped it open. “‘Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book,’” he read aloud. His green eyes met mine and he flashed a cute boyish grin at me. “This is…wow, Nickayla. When you told me this was your favorite book, I guess I didn’t you’d ever let me read it. This is amazing.” He paused, groaning and reaching for his gift. “Give me that back.”

  I jerked my hand away, leaping up onto the porch swing and trying to get away from him as quickly as possible. I held it over the other end of the porch, holding the present out of his reach. “No, Indian giver!”

  Colin ran over to me, trying to tickle me and coax the gift from out of my hands, but I wriggled away from him just in time to pull the gift out of the bag.

  It was a light blue, zip-up, “LOVE is the movement” hoodie from one of my favorite non-profit organizations, To Write Love On Her Arms. I didn’t remember mentioning to him that I loved that company and all that they stood for, so I could only assume that it was one of his.

  “Colin this is perfect!” I exclaimed, unfolding the hoodie and pulling it on. I zipped it up and then stuffed my hands in the pockets. When I did, I felt something sturdy and hard, so I pulled it out, examining it. “What’s this?”

  Colin smiled at me shyly, his eyes alight with excitement. “I found it on the beach on our first date. I just wanted to keep it until the perfect moment and then give it to you.”

  I looked down at the rock that was in my hand, dark grey and heart-shaped, and utterly perfect. I held it to my chest and closed my eyes, then I ran at Colin full-speed and draping my arms around his neck and hugg
ing him tightly. His arms encircled my waist, and my legs wrapped around his waist as I held onto him for dear life.

  “It’s perfect, Colin. All of this is.”

  My mouth was right near his ear, and I could barely contain my tears. I was so flustered as I tried to find the words to explain what I was feeling in that moment. He set me down on the floor but I kept my arms where they were, holding him as close to me as was physically possible. His hand cradled the back of my head, and his forehead touched mine as we gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “Do you remember what I asked you the night of our first date?”

  I nodded. “What’s the most important thing you’ve ever given someone? You answered that question too.”

  Colin nodded slowly, his lips inching closer and closer to mine. His other hand held onto the small of my back, pulling me closer to him. “I never really answered that question.” His voice was soft…sultry. “I told you what the second most important thing I’d ever given was.” He closed his eyes and gave me a light peck on the lips. “The most important thing I’ve ever given someone…well, you’re holding it in your hands.”

  I cocked my eyebrow at him, not sure what he was talking about. The only thing that I was holding was the rock he’d just given me. When I finally realized the meaning behind it, I was rendered speechless.

  “My heart,” Colin whispered.

  And with those two words, I came completely undone. I stood on my tiptoes and I kissed him with more fire and more passion than I ever knew that I had in me.


  A big, huge thank you to Cindy Bennett, the best editor a girl could ask for. Without your awesome advice (and your ability to control my comma mania) this book wouldn’t be what it is.

  To my amazing publicists, AKA my kiddos, who tell everyone they meet (including the school nurse) how ‘cool’ it is that their mom’s an author. <3 <3 <3

  To the hubs for always supporting me in everything I do. And for at least pretending to listen while I talk through plot hole after plot hole.

  And to all of the wonderful people I’ve had the pleasure to meet and get to know along the way. Authors, bloggers, readers. I love you all!


  Jamie Canosa is a full time author of YA/NA literature, which she absolutely loves. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she can usually be found with her nose in a book. She currently resides in Upstate NY with her husband, and their three crazy kids . . . plus the cats, the bird, and the rabbit.

  Learn more about Jamie at:






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