Now to formulate a plan, I would set it up in a way that it would only activate as and when I needed it to. I was still hoping that I would not have to use any of this as deep down, I wanted it not to be Paul.
The program I was about to write was unfamiliar territory as at no time in my previous life would I have contemplated such deception, but needs must when looking for the culprit that had ultimately caused the injuries to me and the heartache to my family, the gloves were off.
It was no easy feat trying to create a scenario that would eventually end in emptying his bank accounts leaving him with large overdrafts, Lorna would no doubt wonder where the Cadillac had come from ‘shiny and new on the drive’, bought and paid for courtesy of Paul.
This may take a little longer than the immediate impact of him receiving the dismissal letter from G&F for misappropriation of company funds, followed closely by the summons from the State Police charging him with the theft. The wonders of computer letter-headed printouts, some difficult questions would already have been asked before he realises they were fake. Hopefully, he will be too distracted to check his bank accounts and by the time he gets round to it the deed would be done. A letter from him applying for bankruptcy would put the icing on the cake, credit rating shattered, respectability in question, a rumour via a mysterious e-mail sent to James Hollingsworth outlining his deception should top it off.
I congratulated myself for a job well-done, when suddenly I was overwhelmed by a feeling of deep sadness that now even my best friend ‘so called’ would be permanently out of my life. How would I come back from this to gain the confidence of Lorna. At this moment, I was relieved that my mom and dad were not here to see the state of my life. How could I possibly say that? It was the worst thing to happen to me when they died.
I spent a long time just thinking and hoping I would not have to carry out any of the things I was contemplating. Just maybe I had it all wrong and Paul would come back happy with the way I had handled the money we had hoped to share. My life, you just couldn’t make it up.
The air was warm and quiet, night times here were the best. I picked up a beer and walked onto the sand and daydreamed of life after this and how it would pan out. I decided to give up on that quest as I had no idea where all this was heading, I needed another drink or maybe more, oblivion through drink suddenly seemed the only way to sleep.
Chapter Sixteen
I threw myself into work and made up for any time spent sorting my life out. I would take the next few weeks in my stride as much as I could, from his last e-mail Paul would not be back for a few weeks so I relaxed a little for the time being. I decided now that there was quite a lot of money from the interest dripping into the recent Back account I had set up for my pay etc. that I would hire a car at the weekend and take a trip around the island and try to put life out of my mind for a few hours. I called into the town and bought a few things for my trip, not wanting to draw too much attention to my new found wealth, just a few provisions and new shirt and shorts maybe underwear. What luxury.
As I was leaving the store I bumped into the girl I had been dancing with on Andy’s night on the tiles, a good-looking girl much too young for me but nevertheless with her big brown eyes and full figure I would have to be blind not to notice her. She smiled and came over. “How are you,” she said in a wonderful Caribbean accent. “You seemed a little under the weather when we last met,” she laughed.
“I was a little,” I replied not knowing where to go from here. I was very much out of practice at small talk but I did my best.
“You just off?” she asked. “Or would you like to join me in a drink, maybe not as much as we consumed last time we met but just a catch up if you like.”
Suddenly, I would like. “Why not?” I said trying to act casual as if every day I drank with gorgeous young women. We walked over to the beach bar just through the shops and sat overlooking the sea, I hadn’t planned on being this distracted, just a drive was all I had on my mind before this encounter, but then when has my life been predictable. I ordered two rum and Cokes. I asked for extra Coke in mine. I had enough problems without drink and the heady Caribbean atmosphere turning me into some sort of gigolo.
The time seemed to pass quickly and before I knew it dusk was falling. Tamsin and I were still drinking and laughing. I hadn’t had this much fun in what now seemed years. It was difficult for me to guess how this day was going to end, but I was in a different place just now and didn’t want it to, I offered to pay for food and set about ordering the best sea food money could buy.
She looked surprised that I even knew how to choose such wonderful cuisine let alone how to eat it. The waiter asked if we would like to order wine, I was very tempted but mixing wine with rum as I remembered could easily spell disaster, a drunk for a chaperone I explained to Tamsin, was not a good look, but really it was myself control I had begun to worry about. I was happy that the evening ended without all the man woman complications, as I kissed her cheek and moved towards my car, she seemed to understand that my reaction to her was not that I didn’t want to take things further but how we would both feel tomorrow in the light of day? I promised to catch up sometime, and quickly got into the car before I changed my mind.
I opened the map I had been studying of the islands. It looked as if all roads headed back to the beginning and would take less time to drive it than to sort out a route, so I just began to drive. The air was sweet and warm and driving made me feel free, I might just as well have been incarcerated all this time as this was the first time I had driven in a long time. It had taken hours to convince the police that Bill Pascal was an upstanding member of the community “as if” before they would give me a licence to drive, based on the driving skills of the rest of the population of the island. I could have easily been Ray Mears of the Indianapolis 500, or the like. Having driven the length of the island I made for the sign ‘To the Ferry’. I was fascinated with the idea of crossing the sea onto the ‘big Island’ as the locals called it. ‘Grand Cayman,’ I thought to myself, ‘why not?’
I was surprised to find that the journey took less time than I had first thought and still the views were stunning, I continued to drive with nothing. In particular, going through my mind which was unusual these days but never the less just what I needed. The twilight bought its own reward, as the sky took on a spectacular array of colours which reached down to the sea and spread out across the waves. I began to relax to the point that when I realise just how long I had been driving the night sky was black.
I pulled over at a small but neat house with a sign for Bed & Breakfast, it was right on the sea front and over looked the mountains at the back, just what I was looking for, a real bed in a real house “too much luxury for my recent image” but for tonight I would live as close to normality as my present position would warrant.
A larger than life Caribbean woman appeared as I rang the bell, her colourful persona and wonderful accent made me feel sure that I had found the right place for maybe more than one night. Only the food to taste and I would be in heaven, if only for a short time.
The following morning, I decided to check out the local beauty spots and also the local village, I looked a little more respectable now, not that it would worry the locals as anything on this Island would be o.k., the word laid back must have been invented here, which was fine with me.
I climbed what seemed like a mountain but when I reached the top I was only a short distance above the B & B, the view was spectacular. I decided to continue up only stopping to look at the view. As I approached the top, I had a feeling of déjà vu, somehow I had a flashback. I began to look around at the rugged rocks and flat grassy areas that seemed somehow familiar. It was then that it hit me ‘not literally as before’ but my instinct kicked in and I went cold with the idea of where I thought I was. I felt sure I had been here before and not in a pleasant situation, although I was telling myself not to panic as the likelihood that I could stumble on the place I had been dragged
to and put in a shaft was not only unfeasible, but impossible. I tried to put the feeling out of my head and enjoy the moment, but the niggling feeling just wouldn’t go away.
I walked further up and stopped to eat the lunch that Rose had prepared for me - spicy chicken with rice, coconut cream pie for afters with a bottle of rum punch to finish, ‘Oh how the other half live’ in the real world we think we know how to live but the people on this island could teach us a thing or two.
I had almost forgotten my encounter with the past, or so I thought, but just down from my picnic place I saw what seemed to be a hole in the ground, maybe the entrance to an old cave in the rocks. It couldn’t possibly be the shaft I was thrown into, how on earth could a surge of water come up here.
I quickly decided the knock on the head I had received must have had an adverse effect on my powers of rational thinking, not unknown in the circumstances, with that in mind I laid back and shut my eyes.
I woke up wondering where I was but was happy it was here. Although my face felt a little bit sore from the sun, I felt revitalised and ready to face the world again. I stayed where I was for quite some time and put the stupid thoughts I had earlier out of my mind. It was time to get back and have dinner, I didn’t want to be late as I was sure Rose would not lose me down if the lunch was anything to go by.
I washed and put on my new shirt and shorts, a bit bright for my normal taste but then I’m not normal now, am I? Rose was waiting for me as was her husband, Walter. He assured me he had nothing to do with the food. He only fed the animals and sorted the other jobs out around here.
He was great company, he told me everything about his life and how he and Rose had moved up into the B & B. business. It appeared that he had previously had a taxi, a bit run down as he explained but never the less with his type of clients it didn’t warrant anything special. He did his own repairs and kept it clean for any visitors that came for tours or business on the island. The local hotel in town kept him in work and he made a living, not enough to save for a B & B, but they lived as well as their family and friends.
We finished up when Rose called me and another two guests into dinner but I promised Walter that I would catch up with him later on. I was stuffed after the wonderful meal Rose had put on and decided to take a walk along the beach to help digest what was the best meal I could remember in a long time. I passed time with the other two visitors then made my excuses and began my walk using the wooden walkway from the veranda to the beach that had obviously been constructed by Walter.
It was dark now other than the light of the moon, everywhere on the island was lit at night by the moon, only the occasional street light and the bright coloured fairy lights that were placed around the local bars and eating houses would help in seeing where you were going.
I knew where I wanted to go, I took off my shoes just as I did alongside my condo and began to walk on the beach. Walking had been my salvation during the time I was recovering. No matter how I tried to forget I seemed to come back to the same subject. When would I ever be able to completely forget what had happened to me? My carers had said it would take time, but how long was anybody’s guess. I would continue to try and put it all behind me and just hope that at the end of the nightmare I would wake up with a life I could share with Lorna and the kids, this was my greatest wish and I mustn’t lose sight of that goal.
Walking on a warm beach at night was my idea of heaven which also gave me time to reflect on what my next move would be in trying to solve my very complex situation, not only with Paul and Lorna, but everyone that may have unsuspectingly become involved during and since the events in July 2012.
I began to think of tonight and the conversation I had just had with the owner of the B & B, Walter. How on Earth had he managed to raise enough money on this island without winning the sweepstake to go from taxi driver to B & B owner? It seemed a dream too far for a guy who lived on a small island like this, unless he knew something I didn’t. I made a mental note to ask him when I had a chance, not nosey, but genuine interest. If there was a quick way to make money round here how come I had missed it?
The next morning I was about to check out when I ran into Walter. He asked me to take a look at the range of animals he was raising at the rear of the house, he was very proud of his achievements and I felt sure everyone that stayed was invited to inspect his menagerie. I must say I was very impressed. He made sure whatever he fed was in some way useful for the B & B business, very forward thinking.
I said to him, “Every little helps when you are trying to make ends meet.” This comment made me think of the question I wanted to ask him last night, “Not wishing to be pushy,” I added, “but I was just wondering how you moved from taxi driver to B & B owner on this small island?”
He laughed out loud, “I often ask myself that question, just good luck I guess. I had a few regular clients that needed to be taken to questionable venues and they relied on my discretion so the pickings were good. But it was one deal that bought in the most money with the promise of a sum I could not refuse.” I wanted to press him into giving me more details as at this point I was itching to know the nature of this job.
Without more ado he began to explain how he normally only had to drive to and from the harbour with his customers, but on this one occasion he was asked pick up a drunk from a yacht. “He must have been be very rich or well-known and was somehow special, as they said that compared to the other jobs and secrets I was normally asked to keep this was far more important.” He then added, “The reward for my silence was great enough to fund more than half the house but I still need to keep it running hence the animals.”
He was very open and I wondered if this was wise as there were a lot of unsavoury people out there, but I said nothing as going down that route may have prompted him to ask a few questions about me. As I was leaving, he said quite casually, “It was while I was doing that job that I discovered the house was up for sale.”
I finished my packing such as it was, thanked them both for the great time I’d had, smiling they asked me to come again when I was passing, “You can be sure of that,” I said, “you have made me very welcome.”
“Don’t forget to tell your friends!” Walter shouted as I slowly drove away.
I continued my journey around the island heading back towards the ferry, stopping on the headland to take in the stunning view. I decided to lunch In a small café which was obviously for tourists like me, I laughed to myself as I could hardly call myself a tourist but then I have been called a lot worse in my time.
As usual the main speciality on the menu was fish of all kinds, I would have gills if I kept this up, but never mind I would seek out a steak house another time. A cold beer and a sea food platter would do for now and a look around the touristy things would top up the day, at least thinking about other things until I got back to the condo would give my mind a break as it would be all systems go when I got back, I made my mind up not to wait too much longer to get to the end of the subterfuge.
I arrived home late Sunday night, had a quick wash and prepared everything for in the morning. I checked my e-mails and there was one from Paul explaining that Lorna’s sister had arrived safely and they were busy consoling each other. Amanda had problems at home with her eldest son. Lorna, however, seemed to be getting better from her ordeal, though Bryn had no idea why suddenly Mummy had made him feel like a prisoner at home, also at school with the teachers checking on him every five minutes. It was no better for Katie but she seemed to understand more. No mention was made of his return, but he hoped I was getting on alright with the search and not too much rum.
I wished I could send a mail back, but we had agreed before he left that the less contact we had the better as we were unsure who was waiting to pounce. I would love to tell him I had changed the plan and was no longer checking also that I had decided to stop after he left. The programs I had set up to intercept the interest had been removed and I had transferred the $16.6 plus million into
just three bank accounts in my new name Bill Pascal. These high interest accounts would yield far more than I could ever earn in a lifetime and I would now be quite happy to settle for the easy life.
I still hoped we would be able to share 60/40 as we had agreed. If my suspicions proved to be wrong, I would be the happiest man on the island, if not in the world. The problem was deep down I still had a very strong feeling I could be right, in which case the revenge I had plotted would be sweet and the money compensation enough not only for everything he had put me through but also the heartache he had caused Lorna.
Although I now no longer had to work for Andy, I found the job, although not as stimulating as my previous one ‘who needs stimulation anyway’ helped, it was good to mix with the people and have a laugh with Andy. The after drinks parties also helped to quell the loneliness of not having Lorna and the kids with me. I made another pact to give all of my future brain power into finding a way to get a new life set up, one which Lorna would be unable to refuse no matter what I had done.
Chapter Seventeen
Planning my next move would involve visiting Grand Cayman for other reasons than driving aimlessly. I could now afford to travel, pay the ferry without having to beg borrow or steal the fare and also have enough money to really smarten myself up. The Big Island as it was known had some of the most prestigious clothing stores this side of the Big Apple and I intended to try them all out.
I found myself smiling at the thought of spending some of the ‘hard earned cash’ as I liked now to call it, eating in swish restaurants as I was previously used to doing, but now without the hassle of getting back to work well within the hour as had been the case when working at G&F plc. If this was a look into the future, I couldn’t wait for it.
The shopping was everything I had hoped it would be and I now felt like the gent everyone in my previous life would remember but with a touch of the Caribbean. I was ready to do business, first stop the local Real Estate agency. I knew exactly what would make Lorna and the kids happy in the home of their dreams and I was determined to find it. The fact that I could pay cash for any property that took my eye made the problems that would normally arise from the financial checks that would have to be done had I required a balloon payment a lot less likely.
Conscious Revenge Page 7