Convincing Emily [Wolff Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Convincing Emily [Wolff Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Alicia White

  Inhaling, a familiar scent tickled her nose, jerking her out of her thoughts.

  “Hey!” Emily shrieked. Her eyes flew open, and she stared at Charlie.

  He leaned against the glass door. His face was practically pressed against it as he stared at her body. She watched as his nostrils flared and lust filled his eyes. Emily stepped back a bit. She cleared her throat and Charlie looked up, making eye contact. He grinned.

  “Sorry, little bear,” he winked. “It’s hard to concentrate when you’re wet and naked.”

  She saw him press down on the crotch of his pants and arched a brow. He had a foul mouth, but in truth it didn’t bother her. In fact, most of the filth actually turned her on, and she loved when he referred to her as little bear. It made her feel feminine and petite, instead of the actual four-hundred-pound bear she was.

  “We were thinking about going out for breakfast…you game?” He changed the subject.

  “Sure…just let me finish.”

  “No problem.”

  Emily turned around, putting her back to him. She grabbed the soap and did her best to move as quickly as she could. She didn’t want to make them wait any longer than necessary. Her mind was still focused on the dream from the night before, flashing vivid images in her head. After practically rejecting her mates, she wasn’t sure what to do. She’d felt so unsure of herself, especially when she realized that fate matched her with wolves. Her last experience hadn’t been something to share, but she had with Harper and Braxton.

  When she bent over to soap up her legs, a moan echoed through the bathroom. Emily jerked up and looked over her shoulder, covering her breasts. Charlie hadn’t left the bathroom. Nope, he was leaning against the bathroom counter. His beefy arms crossed over his wide chest, his cock creating a rather large tent in his pants. He watched her, his eyes moving up and down her body. Emily’s lips parted as she stared at him, studying him.

  The moment felt intimate, and she wanted to ask him to join her. It felt like forever since she’d felt his body pressed against hers. Even longer since she’d climaxed from the pleasure that he could offer from his talented mouth, callused hands, and hard cock. The question was on her tongue, ready to blurt out. Before she could even utter a single word, Charlie winked and left the room. What the hell?

  Her shoulders dropped, and she stood there in confusion. Why had he left? It didn’t make any sense. Here she was, completely naked, and he never even asked to join her. Hell, he didn’t even strip and get into the shower with her. That’s what she would’ve expected from him. Charlie took what he wanted, and Cole asked nicely. So, why was he not in the shower with her at this very moment?

  Oh well. She wasn’t going to worry about it right this moment. It was time to get ready and spend some time with her men. Her men…it was so hard to believe that she thought of them that way, but she did. It would probably take some getting used to. Here she thought that she would be heading back to Alaska, and now, she was going to live in North Ridge with her mates. She was going to try to make this work, but with no real experience with a mate, she felt like she was going into this situation blind.

  Shutting off the water, Emily climbed out and dried off. She hurried into the bedroom and rummaged through her clothes, grabbing a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt. It didn’t take her long to dress. Taking a peek at the mirror above the dresser, she combed her fingers through her hair. She didn’t bother with makeup or even a brush. She didn’t want to keep them waiting.

  Leaving the comfort of her new bedroom, Emily strode toward the front door. She stopped suddenly when she saw Cole and Charlie sitting, waiting for her. When they spotted her, they both stood and smiled warmly. It all seemed so normal, and she wasn’t sure how to react. Instead of overanalyzing the situation, she just smiled back at them.

  “That was fast. Shall we go?” Cole asked, and she nodded.

  * * * *

  Cole reflected on the long talk he’d had with Charlie the night before. When they got home he avoided any real conversation, not ready to discuss what he’d heard in the forest. Instead, they made her dinner and said good-night. It had been a really long day, and he thought that Emily might be tired. He knew an apology was in order after the grocery store incident, but he wanted to give her some space and time before having a heart-to-heart.

  After she’d fallen asleep, he met Charlie in the kitchen to come up with a new game plan to convince Emily about the future. He wanted to be a good mate to her, fulfill all her needs, and eventually even have her love them. He didn’t just want their mating to be only based on the fact that fate had chosen them to belong together. He was already having strong feelings for her, and they grew each passing day. Every smile, the sound of her voice, her strength, and the friendship she’d shown to his pack mates.

  With shifters’ excellent hearing, they had stayed up late whispering. At each little noise, he jumped and looked around, hoping that she was still sound asleep. In the end, they both had agreed to let Emily come to them. There would be no more games. If she preferred having space, then that’s what she would get. Together, though, they planned to woo her and show her with action that they were her men. Their wolves were more relaxed now that they had marked and claimed her. Now the men needed to stay focused on the end goal.

  Cole opened the front door and waited for Emily to pass before stepping out on the patio and closing it behind them. He watched as Charlie strode ahead of them, beating them to the truck. He opened the door for Emily and stood there waiting for her. She stared straight ahead and then looked over her shoulder at him. Her facial expression was one of confusion, but he only smiled at her.

  Emily lifted her long leg up and climbed into the truck. Cole couldn’t help but stop and admire her beautiful figure. She was a vision with her wet hair, tight jeans, and long-sleeved T-shirt. Even though she was wearing something so simple, he was blown away. When the door closed, he snapped out of it and mentally shook himself. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, Cole finally strode toward the truck.

  He was looking forward to introducing Emily to some of his pack mates. This breakfast was only the beginning. Today she would meet the people he considered family. This was all part of their new wooing process. First, he wanted Emily to feel welcome and included. He didn’t want her to feel stuck in North Ridge. Instead, he hoped that she would be her friendly self and make friends, even consider his pack family. In order for that to happen, she needed to become part of their pack.

  Cole drove down their long driveway, unsure of what to say. The silence felt awkward, but he wasn’t sure how to fill the void. Should he prepare Emily? Should he tell her a little about each person that she would be meeting? Would that make her feel more comfortable? He didn’t want to spring anything on her, but at the same time, he didn’t want her to say no.

  Having a mate was more stressful than he would’ve ever predicted. He always assumed that everything would be easy. At least it seemed simple when watching other mated couples. He wanted to kick his own ass now for not having any compassion for what others went through. Hell, he didn’t understand the whole drama with Gabe, Josh, and Nicole. He thought his Alphas should just make her stay with them. Now, he understood.

  His happiness was solely based on Emily now. He could feel her emotions, and when she was sad, it ripped his heart out. Love was difficult. Love. That single word had so many emotions attached to it. He’d never before felt anything this intense with another being. She was more important than anyone or anything in his life. She had become his life from the moment he’d set eyes on her. Call it fate, love at first sight, lust, it didn’t matter. In the end, she was his and he was hers.

  Cole took a deep breath as he turned the truck toward his Alpha’s home. When it finally came into view, he saw all the vehicles parked out front. Looking to the right, he studied Emily for a moment, trying to gauge her reaction. She bit her bottom lip, but other than that there was no response. She sat straight, appearing to be calm, a
nd he grinned. She was a strong woman, and he respected her more in that moment.

  Slowly pulling to a stop, Cole shoved the gear into park and shut off the ignition. He opened his door and walked around to the passenger side. Emily was already opening her door by the time he got to her. She didn’t say anything, but he could tell the she wasn’t too happy with him at that moment. Cole held out his arm and waited. After about thirty seconds, which seemed a hell of a lot longer, she tentatively reached out and wrapped her hand around his bicep.

  The heat from her palm sunk into his skin, sending a blast of awareness through his system. It was finally time…he and Charlie were going to convince Emily that she needed them as much as they needed her.

  * * * *

  Emily hadn’t been prepared to come to someone’s home. She just assumed that when Charlie asked her to breakfast, the three of them would head to the small café in town. Instead, here she was gripping Cole’s bicep and striding toward the front door.

  The door opened just as Cole lifted his hand up to knock. A beautiful, petite blonde stood there with a huge smile on her face. The first thing that Emily noticed was that the woman was human and the next, she was pregnant. If the look on her face meant anything, it was that she was deliriously happy.

  “Hi! You must be Emily. I’m Nicole. Welcome to the family.”

  Before Emily could say a word, the woman stepped right into her space and embraced her. She froze for a moment and looked over at Cole, unsure of how to handle this particular situation. He only shrugged his shoulders and grinned, so Emily went with it and embraced Nicole back.

  “Please come in.” Nicole grabbed her arm, pulling Emily inside her home.

  She looked over her shoulder at Charlie and Cole. They must’ve seen the confused look on her face, because Charlie took pity on her and answered the question she was thinking.

  “That’s Nicole Wolff…she’s the mate to our Alphas.” His voice was low, meant for her ears only, and Emily nodded.

  Voices rang out through the house and Emily cringed. She wasn’t ready to deal with a room full of people. She hadn’t even brushed her hair or taken the time to wear something a bit more appropriate. Here she was inside the pack leaders’ home and she looked like hell. Why didn’t Cole and Charlie tell me where we were going? Why didn’t they give me a heads-up? No…Instead, they say nothing and I get to look like a damn fool in front of everyone.

  Emily followed Nicole toward the voices. They walked into a huge family room, and all conversation ceased as everyone faced her. She stood there barely able to breathe as everyone stared at her. She knew that all these people were judging her as their eyes roamed over her. She swallowed the bile that was rising in her throat, choking her. Masking her emotions, Emily pushed her shoulders back and stood straighter. She wondered what they were all thinking. Would these people who meant so much to Cole and Charlie accept her…a bear?

  “Hi, Emily, it’s good to see you again.” Harper stepped around the two burly men from the night before, Evan and Adrian. Emily relaxed a bit seeing her new friend’s bright smile.

  Harper looked so tiny in comparison to the other wolves in the room that Emily hadn’t even noticed her at first. As Harper came toward her, both men looked as if they wanted to stop her and shove her behind them. They had a protective air to them that Emily considered sweet. It was also a little funny considering that Harper was a lot stronger than people thought. She seemed to be underestimated and probably used that to her advantage.

  “Let me introduce you to the group. They all may look scary, but trust me, we’re all just puppies.” She winked and giggled at her own joke. “Our pack is hosting the annual wolf run this year, so we’re meeting to make sure everything is ready. I’m glad Cole and Charlie brought you.” Harper moved to stand next to her and Emily briefly remembered Cole mentioning some type of multi-pack get together the night she met them.

  “Okay…” Harper pointed as she spoke. “Gabe and Josh are the Alphas and mated to Nicole…she’s the human that answered the door. That’s my sister, Addison. Evan and Adrian…ignore them. I do.” Deep growls filled the room, and silence reigned for a moment. The noise didn’t seem to bother Harper, as she continued as if nothing happened. “Lilliana and her mates, James and Scott, those two are Braxton’s older brothers. Lastly, Jason and his brother, Matt.”

  “Thank you, Harper, for the introductions.” Gabe shook his head, grinning. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Emily. Welcome to our pack.”

  “Thanks, it’s nice to meet you as well.”

  “Breakfast is ready,” Nicole announced, her voice carrying from the other room.

  The group didn’t need to be told twice. En masse, everyone stood and headed out of the huge living room. As each person passed her, they shook her hand in welcome. Emily was stunned speechless. She could only nod and hope that she didn’t look like some silly bobblehead. Her fear of not being accepted seemed so minor now. The buildup in her mind had been much worse than reality.

  Why had she thought that a wolf pack would be so different from a bear clan? A family was a family after all. It didn’t matter the title or species. She knew in her heart that it didn’t matter that she was a bear. These folks were family to Cole and Charlie. Therefore, they were accepting her into their lives and their home. This is what her clan had done for a number of mates that weren’t born into their clan.

  When everyone had cleared out of the living room, she turned and faced Cole and Charlie. They had both been standing behind her, offering their silent support. In that moment, Emily felt a rush of emotion run through her. She hadn’t even been here in North Ridge that long, and already most of her fears were being squashed. Looking back, she felt like a darn fool and knew that she owed her mates an apology.

  “Are you upset?” Cole whispered, and Emily’s brows shot up in surprise. “You seem sad.”

  “Only by my behavior.” Emily looked from one man to the other, hoping they saw the sincerity in her eyes. “You both have been so kind to me. Your pack welcomed me in without even a single question. They don’t care that I’m a bear, but for some reason…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Hey…None of that.” Cole reached out and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug. “We’re starting over. A clean slate for all three of us.” Cole pulled back, holding on to her upper arms.

  He rubbed his thumbs back and forth across her shirt, and the small motion felt oddly comforting. They stared at each other for a long moment, and Emily finally nodded. She really wanted to start over. Maybe this time, she could do everything right. She had been holding tight to the dream of bear mates for so long that the two men in front of her had gone without. It was time to make amends.

  Cole wrapped an arm around her waist and shook his head as he led her from the living room and into the dining room. Everyone was already seated and filling their plates by the time they joined them. Cole pulled out the nearest chair and Emily sat down, letting him push her chair in toward the table.

  Within seconds, large serving dishes were sent her way, and Emily quickly loaded up her plate before passing them along to the next person. Once everyone had food in front of them, their glasses filled with orange juice, and napkins in their laps, the Alpha lifted his glass and everyone followed his lead. Emily grabbed her glass and lifted it into the air, smiling at the people across from her.

  “To Emily…welcome to our pack and congratulations on your mating, and of course, to this year’s annual run. Let’s hope that more shifters find their mates.”

  “Hear, hear!” Glasses tapped gently and the group cheered before taking a drink.

  Emily felt welcome. In all her life, she’d never felt so embraced as she did at this very minute.

  Chapter 13

  One Week Later

  The movie they were watching ended, the final credits rolling up the screen. The three of them were spread out, not sitting next to each other. Emily hated feeling so distant, but had no i
dea how to remedy the situation. From her peripheral vision, she watched Cole stretch and stand up. It was pretty late already. The sun already set, making the house dark and bringing the forest to life. She could hear wolves howling in the distance, provoking her to shift and run outside.

  Every night was the same, and she dreaded walking into the master bedroom alone once more. Each night she took a shower and climbed in bed, naked. Their hearing was excellent and she tried to tease them by using her toys to pleasure herself. She would purposely yell out her release, calling their names. As she laid there in the dark, panting, she would wait for one or both of them to burst into her bedroom, but they never did.

  When her heart and breathing finally slowed down, Emily would fall into a restless sleep. Her dreams each night became more vivid, and the three of them had finally experienced an intense release last night. This morning, she jerked awake, reaching for her men and soon realizing that once again it was all a dream. When would it be reality?

  They flirted, lightly touched, and spent hours upon hours talking. She was beginning to wonder if she would ever be with them again. Her hormones were going crazy, her body in a constant state of need, but her mates never made a move.

  When Cole stood up, he strode to the TV and shut it off. The house was once again silent, the only noise coming from the crackling of the fire. Emily took a deep breath. This was her chance. She needed to take control. If they rejected her, then she would have her answer. Walking on eggshells and waiting for them to approach her wasn’t working any longer. Her heart pounded hard in her chest as she pushed herself up from the overstuffed chair. She went over to Cole, grabbed his T-shirt, and planted her lips on his.

  He moaned and opened his mouth, and Emily pushed her tongue in. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tight, not letting him get away. Emily shoved her chest against his, rubbing herself along his body. Her pussy clenched, gushing, preparing for her mates to take her as their tongues battled for domination. Charlie came up behind her, his hard body pressed into hers, and Emily wiggled her ass. His hard cock poked her, promising her hours of pleasure.


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