Classified: Missing Cat-Sub

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Classified: Missing Cat-Sub Page 8

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  The English speaker said, "Let me take those drawings off your hands Mr. Hullseth. I'll be back tomorrow at 9 am to pick you up. Meanwhile, there's food in the kitchen. My man will be just outside the door. Don't do anything stupid."

  Paul went to his wife and daughter who were, it appeared, zombies. Lord, what did I do, he thought. He'd never considered his family to be in harm's way. No never. He sat down putting his arm around his wife. She never flinched or gave any notice of his gesture. He looked around seeing a dingy small apartment fit for residents who lived on the other side of the tracks. He went to the kitchen to see if he could find some caffeine to stimulate his family back to life.

  He didn't have to open the cupboard doors because there weren't any doors. He looked high and low for coffee, but all he found was some tea. Now he needed to find a kettle and a way to make the water hot. He found a hotplate that was sitting on a counter with mouse droppings scattered like pepper corns everywhere. The tea pot he found sitting on top of the hotplate. In the sink were dirty tea cups. He turned the Fawcett on and a slow trickle of water came out the color of light brown. He shrugged his shoulders and set to work making tea.

  While the water was getting hot, he looked over the contents of the cupboards for something to eat. Sparse was the keyword here. Three packages of packaged noodles graced one shelf. Paul turned to see if a refer was present and low and behold, an old pull handle Hotpoint stared back at him. He opened the door to a smell of old refer and moldy contents. Some old veggies lay on the bottom shelf and a small jug of milk were the entire contents of the refer.

  He looked for dish soap, a wash rag, or sponge, a dish towel, but alas, none of the items were available. He washed the two cups best he could. With the water hot, he put two bags in each cup hoping that the increased strength would help overcome the drugs in their systems. Back on the sofa, with one cup he put the cup to his wife's lips, she drank sparingly, but that was fine with him. He went to his knees in front of both girls. He alternated back and forth. An hour later they started to focus through milky looking eyes at him. He began to feel hungry. He needed to find some decent food. He opened his wallet to see he'd a few hundred dollars. He gave thanks to God as he walked out the door, nodded to the guard that he was going for food. The guard went with him.

  As he walked down the squeaky wooden stairs, he thought that this new chapter of his life would be the worst imaginable. And he was right.


  Brad asked Wendy and Agent Jones to find out all they could on the CEO of Carolina Manufacturing Scott Bleedslow, his son-in-law Lance Shortbill and the father of late Senator Totsky, Howard Totsky. For Billy and Alice he assigned the job of digging into Hai Fong Industries in Shanghai. Brad felt in his bones that's where Paul Hullseth went with or without his permission. He also contacted the CIA director, Phil Addie to see what his staff had on Hai Fong Industries. As for Mike and Wade, he sent Wade to oversee the lifting of the cat sub and for Mike he was to spend time with Tony Hodges enlightening him of the role the Batt Team played in the scheme of things covert.

  Brad decided to fly north and see his boss and father while he waited for the information he requested to be in hand. He flew up to Washington DC in a fairly plush helicopter for high level naval officers. By noon he was in his Washington office talking to Nancy Longstreet.

  She said, "Brad, the boss man keeps me on my toes. He's working 14 hour days and expects me to be at his beckon call when he needs someone to talk to. I can't get my work done. There, I've vented my case and now let's see what we have and don't have. The president was a little shocked at the death of the senator. I told him to wait until he talked to you before an action or inaction would take place.

  Next we have the case against Carolina Manufacturing. What are your plans for them?"

  "I'm going to let them have some rope to hang them Nancy. I think the CEO Scott Bleedslow will run and try to hide somewhere. His son-in-law will try to take over the helm, but will most likely fail. Both the designer, Paul Hullseth and Rolf Sark are out of the picture for now. We've Rolf in the brig and we know Paul went to China. What we don't know is if he was a turncoat or was coheres in one form or another. We're trying to locate his family and are having some difficulty locating them. It's possible they were kidnapped by some Chinese ordered bad guys. That might explain why Paul Hullseth flew the coop.

  Now let me brief you on what formally were our world competition on covert missions. A former Special Forces instructor, Tony Hodges, resigned his commission and fled to Japan to learn the ways of the Samurai and ninja. For some years he trained and studied under some priests at a temple. He was given an opportunity to provide a service to the government with a contract to eliminate a bad businessman. After that he went to Liberia taking a former sex slave with him. From there, in the highlands, he formed a team of hired mercenaries, trained them in the ninja ways. Finally he went to South America in Brazil to set up his training facility where he found secrecy was no problem.

  Anyway, he was contracted by a rich Chinese man, Mr. Chi from Hong Kong to dispose of the Batt Team. Apparently the old Mr. Chi thought it fruitless to try and eliminate us and changed the contract to clean up the mess he started by trying to steal the cat sub through Carolina Manufacturing. Unknown to Tony Hodges, his second sent a hired man to take out the good Senator Totsky; which he did very well.

  After all is said and done, I met with Tony and we agreed to join forces."

  "So we're going international," Nancy joked. "The boss wants to have lunch with us at 1 pm sharp. I told him we'd be there. Also, there are some rumors floating around down your way about a sunken boat. There's always someone looking for news. Anyway, your father is with the president as we speak. Now let's go if you're ready," said Nancy.

  Both the president and his father the secretary looked good to Brad as they walked into the Oval Office. Phil Addie, the Director of the CIA was in attendance. After handshakes around, including a handshake with the president from Sandy, they sat down at a table for lunch. Lunch was a simple affair consisting of soup and sandwich. A large plate of finger sized sandwiches of various kinds were had for, probably, the four most powerful me in the world to eat. After lunch, they all went for a stroll in the Rose Garden. It was a lovely fall day and Nancy loved the smell of fall.

  This president had made a mark of his tenure, a gazebo, whereby a group could sit discuss world problems without the walls having ears. Coffee and tea were served. And Sandy had a bowl of strawberry ice cream following the lead of Nancy.

  The president asked, "Brad are you satisfied with the progress being made on this mission?"

  "So far so good. The good part is we have our sub safe and sound, well, almost. By tonight it should be back on board the barge and by morning in the warehouse. The downside sir is we've confirmed a Chinese rich man is behind the theft. He's the richest man in China and one of the richest in the world. I don't think the Chinese government is aware of this theft just yet. We also believe that the person who designed the craft is in Shanghai at the manufacturing facility of Mr. Chi: Hai Fong Industries. I suspect he's being forced to build a replica and Mr. Chi will offer it to his government for untold billions. Needless to say, we need to prevent that from happening. Sir, I need you to contact the Chinese President and tell him I'll be in either Shanghai or Hong Kong or in both places off and on.

  In addition, the head of Carolina Manufacturing is up to his neck in this conspiracy to commit treason. I suspect he will try to run and hide. Next, Senator Totsky was eliminated but not by me or my team. Another firm was contracted, but as I know who and what they are, I've convinced them to join forces with my team. They're headquarter is in Brazil. Let's leave it there for the time being. Any questions before Mr. Addie tell me what he knows about Hai Fong Industries."

  "I'll contact the Chinese president Brad. To eliminate such a prominent figure would be asking for national headlines. I hope you can prevent that occurrence. I'm sure you'll find a way to si
lence the whole cat sub program in China. I realize that's a tall order Brad, but to have it come to the forefront of 'breaking news' would be to our chagrin.

  We must presume Brad and you too Secretary Pratt, Phil and Nancy that the plans or drawings have been placed in Chinese hands. I also presume that those plans are lost forever. Brad, am I right in presuming they are lost forever?"

  "It would be my guess that those plans are secreted in a safe place according to Chinese ways. I doubt they've been copied to have a back up like we would do, but have them under lock and key. And most likely, they're at Hai Fong Industries. Mr. Chi would not let them out of his hands or out of his holdings. After this meeting I'm flying to eastern China. I'll pick up the Master and we'll go first Hong Kong and then Shanghai."

  "Brad, as usual we're counting on you to clean up a very ugly mess. It would seem the world is getting greedier by the day. Corruption is seeping back into our system. I truly believe we are among the few who keep the balance from tipping over into chaos. I've nothing else at this time. Nancy keeps me tuned in and without her I'd be way worst off. I ask you to pardon the choice of words. Good luck Brad. Now Phil you can talk to Brad as the secretary and I have some other business to discuss.

  Brad watched his father with the president walk off back to the Oval Office. Both men walked tall with backs straight and both were proud to be who they were.

  "Have you anything to report Phil," asked Brad.

  "I'm not sure it has much substance to what your plans are over there, but Hai Fong Industries is huge. Its main function is military manufacturing. Indeed Mr. Chi owns it outright. He rarely visits and his youngest son, Mr. Feng, age 50 runs the place with an iron hand. His office is in a high rise next to the entrance to the factory. Our people have observed him coming and going surrounded by body guards. We've been watching him for awhile now. Most of the time he comes and goes by helicopter. His home is in the Jingqiao area full of apartments. Mr. Feng has one apartment building to all his own. It was custom built inside, from what we hear, that includes swimming pools, putting green, bowling alley and god knows what else. It has a helipad on the roof. He tries to keep it mixed up his coming and going either by car or helicopter to foil any kidnapping attempts. That's about it Brad."

  "Thanks director. That helps for sure. By the way, do you know of a mine in Africa where a middle age man could work without the possibility of escape?"

  Phil Addie looked at him with no expression as Brad grinned at him. A light went off in the CIA Directors head. "Indeed I do Brad. If I understand you correctly, you've an individual that needs to do some manual labor for his sins against his country?"

  "Indeed I do Phil. He's in the brig at Kings now. His name is Rolf Sark. I'll leave the logistics up to you. I'll tell them you'll send someone to pick him up. Thanks."

  Brad and Nancy went back to the office in the Executive Building. Brad always gave a shudder when he walked by former Colonel North's office. Once inside his own office, he called home. Sujin answered right away. "I know, you are telling me that you have to go somewhere far away," she said laughing.

  "It's true. I'm going to China. First I'm going to pick up the Master then over to the eastside. I've some business in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Not sure how long I'll be gone, but no more than a few days or a week, or so; I hope.

  "The kids miss you and me too. Park is putting the garden to winter time. He's been spending time with the chickens. I'm proud of him as he's doing a very nice job and the place looks good. Your mother, I think, helps him with design and ordering things. They work well together. My sister has been spending some time with us. Her husband has been in Portland for two weeks at a police seminar. The weather is rainy and as usual we are in for the season of storms. I wish you were home so we could keep warm together playing with the kids."

  "I think I can wind this up in a few weeks mother of my children. I saw my father today and he's looking well. Keep an eye on the news especially concerning the east coast of Georgia. There's a barge with a large crane on it lifting something important off the bottom of the sea. I want to make sure no pictures are taken of the object. Okay, I've got to go. Please have the pilots fly to Chengdu and wait for me at the hotel we usually stay at. I'll find mine own way there with Sandy. Bye for now my special lady. Hug the kids for me."

  Brad reached Wendy and she update him by saying, "Brad, Scott Bleedslow has a 50 foot sea going yacht that is being prepared for departure. Small delivery trucks are seen offloading supplies. The fuel tanks have been filled and as I understand it, a captain and crew are standing by. It seems like our CEO is taking a fall vacation. Also, his friend Howard Totsky is going as well. Lance Shortbill has been given full power to run the company according to a memo that was circulated today. Billy is here and wants to talk. Are you coming or going Brad?"

  "I'm going to China Wendy. I'll contact from there. Put Billy on please and thanks for the good work. Oh, by the way, the CIA will pick up Rolf Sark and they've a mine in Africa where he can toil doing no harm."

  "Hey Boss, I've a file for you and will send it to your notebook. Alice and I are still working on some things and will send more info when obtained. Okay, having said that, I hope I can stay here for awhile as we, Alice and I are a great team of two."

  "I'm happy to hear that Billy. Now after Mike returns after talking to Tony Hodges, do a complete geographical search, including the population distribution. Find out how much corruption is going on and who has the power of the region where Tony lives. After you find out what you can, then you and Alice go down there as tourists and snoop around. I'll clear it with her boss. Tell Mike to meet me in Hong Kong in a few days at our usual place."

  Brad asked Nancy to book him a first class to Chengdu on the first available flight.


  It took some doing to get Sandy aboard a commercial airline. However, that problem was solved when the President had a friend loan a private jet to him. Brad took off with Sandy onboard a sleek new Gulfstream G650. It would have to stop for fuel two times before entering Chinese airspace. Brad thought that flight time would be in the neighbor hood of 20 hours. Well, no matter, he'd study the info Billy provided and then work on plan to circumvent the billionaire Chinese mogul, Mr. Chi.

  One thing nice about this aircraft was the special workout area that housed a treadmill and weight lifting room. Brad needed some work out and along with that some mental meditation to thwart the upcoming mission. Brad realized he couldn't just kill Mr. Chi and how could he put him out of business was altogether another story. Even if you lopped off the head of a dragon, another dragon was right there to replace the old one. This would need some special methods and he hoped his Master would be forthcoming in his wisdom.

  After reaching altitude, which was over 50 thousand feet, Brad relaxed with some information about the Hai Fong Empire given to him by an in love Billy Ricker. But first, Brad wanted to think about Tony and his mate Angi. Would the new merger work or would it just be a flash in the pan. He was counting on Mike to seal the deal. Mike had a way about him that nobody else could come close to. In ten minutes it felt like Mike had been your best friend for years, instead of a few minutes. He painted a rosy picture based upon the truth, not a fable. Now with this 'Robin Hood' idea, Tony would either jump in with both feet or turn his back and move on in another direction. Brad hoped he would choose the altruistic way if possible.

  Tony had his Maid Marian for starters. The two of them could gain a reputation similar to Robin and his merry men. The more Brad thought about it the better he liked it. He took a deep breath and looked around at the opulence of the sleek new private jet roaring through the sky at over 600 mph. Brad like the interior color. It was a blend of pale yellow offset by a carpet of rose color. It at first appeared a little feminine but then upon a second look, lacked any sex whatsoever.

  He returned to Billy's long winded report on the Para state of Brazil and the city of Belem. The report began with the name of Tony's company:
Security Import/Export Inc. Brad liked the name. He read on for the next few hours. In a nut shell, the Para state was being run by two factions of power brokers. One was under the Guama River drug lord, Francisco Perez. Originally, the indigenous peoples reserve was near 280 thousand hectares. Nowadays half of it was in the control of Lord Perez, as he liked to be called.

  The other lord of the jungle, Ramon Valzez, controlled the southeast region Hectiz Filete. It was rumored he was more involved in corruption than drugs, but his arm reached wide and far the report said.

  Brad closed up the program and took a nap. He'd about decided that two can play the game of kidnapping. Mr. Chi took the designers family so Brad just as well takes Chi's oldest son. Turnabout is fair play.

  He awoke as the plane sat down in Anchorage for refueling. Brad welcomed the chance to stretch his legs and so did Sandy. He had a coat on, but it wasn't enough to ward off the coming winter in Alaska. He did some exercises while the crew topped off the fuel tanks.

  The last stop was in Seoul for refueling. Fall is nice in Korea as the daytime temp was pleasant. Brad had a windbreaker on as he once again loosened up while Sandy chased a ball he threw.

  Next stop was Chengdu where the Master awaited his arrival. The USA President had received permission for Brad's plane to use Chinese airspace. Brad wondered really how much the new Chinese President was aware of the important military documents concerning the design of the cat sub. Regardless of the situation, he was there to prevent any further damage or fallout from the events leading up to the design of a secret stealth mini sub being on Chinese land.

  Brad landed in Chengdu on a fall morning. Needless to say, Brad's clock was messed up. However, he adjusted very well to the time difference. He'd had a lot of rest on the plane. He thanked the pilots and after receiving their names and addresses, he met the Master who was waiting for him just outside immigration. Brad had a diplomatic passport saving him time going through customs. His pilots too were waiting for him to arrive.


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