Soul Sentinels 2: Pen and Paser (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Soul Sentinels 2: Pen and Paser (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Becca Van

  “Shit!” Paser groaned. “Her ass is so fucking hot and tight.”

  “Hurry up!” Pen gasped. “I'm not going to last much longer.”

  “I don't want to hurt her.”

  “You won't.” Nina exhaled before inhaling again, and when Paser stroked deeper into her ass, she pressed back until she felt his body up against hers.

  “Don't do that again, Nina. I could have hurt you.”

  “Move!” Nina demanded.

  “Let's give our mate what she wants.” Pen nodded to Paser and then they both began to move.

  Paser withdrew from her anus and as he stroked back in, Pen eased from her cunt. Nina was shaking so much she couldn't move her body the way she wanted to, so she held onto Pen instead. Her body was going up in flames and each time they drove into her, the fire grew hotter, the flames grew bigger. They counter-thrust one after the other. In. Out. In. Out.

  The friction of having two cocks in her body, gliding along her internal walls, was so good that she couldn’t have described it if she wanted to. The tension built higher and higher, causing her to shake and shiver, moan and groan. Their bodies slapped together in a loud cacophony of carnal delight and she raced toward the cliff edge.

  Paser drove his cock deep into her ass and then Pen shoved up into her cunt. She didn't know how she was remaining upright because her legs were shaking almost spasmodically now.

  The molten liquid that was racing through her veins was so hot she wondered if her blood would boil and dry right up, but she couldn't fall over the edge. She sobbed with frustration and hunger, and just as she was about to demand they do something, Pen pushed her up from his chest until she almost sitting upright and he followed. His mouth latched onto one of her nipples and he sucked it hard into his mouth. Paser's hand glided over her belly to the top of her pussy and the tip of his finger pressed on her clit.

  Nina screamed. The fire consumed her. White and blue flashed before her eyes as she went up in smoke. Her whole body jerked and juddered as her internal walls clenched and released in convulsive, reflexive contractions as she orgasmed. She was only vaguely aware of Paser shoving into her ass before holding still. His shout of completion was almost drowned out by the loud roaring in her ears. A couple of strokes later, Pen's yell joined Paser's voice as he, too, climaxed. Each time their cocks pulsed, her cunt clenched in answer as her orgasm went on and on.

  The heat intensified into an inferno when both of her mates sank their fangs into the crook of her shoulders and neck. The flashes of light faded until all she saw was black, and as she gasped for air, her body slumped down onto Pen's chest. Her awareness of her mates and her surroundings faded until she passed out.

  * * * *

  “Geezus,” Pen panted, trying to regain his breath. He felt like he had been fighting for days he was so weak.

  “That was…” Paser groaned as he eased his deflating cock from Nina's ass. He caressed her butt cheeks and flopped down onto the bed. “Is she all right?”

  “I don't know. She passed out.” Pen frowned with concern. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them both onto their sides.

  “She's not even breathing heavy anymore.” Paser lifted up onto an elbow.

  Pen's cock slipped from Nina's body as he shifted down the bed. He placed his ear to her chest and sighed with relief when he heard her lungs fill with air and felt the movement beneath his cheek. That's when he felt the heat building inside her.

  “Go fill the tub with cool water,” Pen ordered as he sat up and placed his hand on her forehead. The longer he left his hand against the skin, the hotter she became.

  Paser stood and walked toward the bathroom.

  “Hurry Paser. She's sick.” Pen scooped Nina up into his arms and he watched her closely as he walked. She seemed to be out cold, totally oblivious to anything around her. His heart flipped, missing a beat as fear for his mate assailed him, and as he tried to find the bond he and Paser had just formed with her, he couldn't.

  Paser looked up as Pen carried her toward the bath, reached out a hand to place on her forehead and frowned. “Shit!”

  “We need to cool her body down. Her skin's getting way too hot.”

  Paser nodded. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I don't know.” Pen stepped into the filling tub, trying to ignore the way the cold water lapped at his calves and the goose bumps racing over his skin. His comfort was unimportant right now. They needed to take care of their mate. He drew in a deep breath and sat in the deep spa bath. He didn't exhale until he'd bitten back his gasp at having to sit in the cold water. “Get a cloth. You can wash her while I hold her.”

  Paser grabbed a cloth from the cupboard under the vanity and, after dipping in the water, began to caress it over Nina's body.

  Pen was becoming really worried now. Still, she hadn't twitched or moved a single muscle. In his long years of living, a feverish person always reacted to being sunk into cold water. Whether it was a moan, or they started shivering or thrashing, he'd always seen a reaction. There was no such sign from Nina.

  “I can't feel her through the bond,” Pen whispered as fear permeated his heart. He'd been able to feel more emotion from her before they had mated with her, and that had intensified after claiming her the first time, but now there was nothing.

  “I can't either,” Paser said in a tight voice. “Should I go and get Zara, Set and Sab?”

  “What can they do?”

  “I don't know,” Paser snapped, “but I'll be damned if I won't do nothing.”

  “You are doing something, Paser. You're washing her and helping to cool her down.”

  “It's not enough.”

  “What else is there to do?”

  “Fucked if I know,” Paser roared his answer.

  Pen looked down at Nina. Again, she hadn't moved. It was like she was in a coma. He wondered if she could hear them but couldn't move or respond. “We need to talk to her.”

  “What's that going to do?” Paser asked.

  “Hell if I know, but I've heard that if you talk to someone who is locked in a coma, they can hear you. Maybe the sound of our voices will bring her back.”

  “You think she's in a coma?” Paser almost whispered the question and Pen could hear and feel the fear he had for their mate. He was just as scared and worried, but they needed to keep it together for Nina.

  “I don't know, Paser, but it's worth a try.”

  Paser nodded before dipping the cloth into the cold water again, and then he dripped it over her hair. “It's not enough. We need to totally submerge her but keep her face out of the water. A human loses a lot of heat through their head. Maybe by having her head in the water, it will cool her faster.”

  Pen shifted to his hands and knees, supporting Nina's body so that she didn't fall under the surface. He placed one hand beneath the back of her neck and the other under her lower back, and carefully eased her deeper into the tub. He nearly sighed with relief when he saw goose bumps emerge over her skin, but he was still concerned about her lack of reaction. “Do you think it’s working?”

  “I don't know.” Pen leaned over the edge of the bath and placed his hand on her forehead. “She still feels too hot to me.”

  “How long are we supposed to keep her in here? She could end up getting sick.” Pen glanced at Paser.

  “She shouldn't be sick now.” Paser's voice held a hint of frustration. “We mated her. She should never be sick again.”

  “I know…” Pen's breath caught in his throat when Nina moaned. He tried to feel her through their bond, but there was still nothing. However, he began to hope that she was coming out of whatever held her in its grip. That was until she started convulsing.

  “Fuck! Get her out quick.” Paser reached over to help Pen lift her from the bath. They wrapped her in a towel and placed her on her side on the bed. Her body was rigid and jerking uncontrollably, and there was nothing he or Paser could do except make sure she didn't choke on her own vomit if she got sick,
or bit her own tongue.

  Pen tried to pry her jaw open, but it was clamped so tight and he didn't want to hurt her by forcing it apart.

  “Get something we can put in her mouth. I don't want her swallowing her own tongue.”

  Paser raced from the room and came back with a wooden spoon of all things, but the handle was thick and hopefully Nina wouldn't be able to bite through it or break it. The last thing they needed was for her to end up cut or with splinters. Pen carefully pried her lips and teeth apart before Paser slipped the handle over her tongue and between her teeth.

  It seemed to take forever for her muscles to stop spasming and for the tautness to leave, but finally, her body went lax. He and Paser both had their hands on her so she hadn't been able to move too far as she'd fitted. They both still had their hands on her and Pen thought that the heat was starting to leave her body.

  “Does she feel cooler to you?” Paser asked.

  Pen sighed with relief, glad that Paser thought her fever was diminishing, too. “Yes.”

  “Thank the gods.”

  Pen agreed, but he wouldn't stop worrying until he was looking into her gorgeous blue eyes. He'd never been so fucking scared in his life and hoped to never be again. His mate sick and in pain was too much for him to bear. He'd rather it had been him with the fever and convulsing than watching Nina go through something like that. His heart and soul couldn't take seeing her so ill.

  Chapter Ten

  Nina felt sick to her stomach, and she was encased in a heat so intense she thought maybe she'd died and was stuck in hell. She had no idea where she was or who was with her, and she was scared out of her mind. She could hear voices, but none of their words made sense, and no matter how hard she tried to remember where she'd been before she started feeling ill, she couldn't.

  And then her feverish body was submerged into what felt like ice, and while she wanted to scream and cry, she couldn't move or talk. She was trapped inside of her own body, and though she struggled to surface, she couldn’t find the light, the way out. She had no idea if she were awake or dreaming, but when she tried to see, all she saw was a deep, dark blackness.

  A twinge of memory flitted across her mind as if she been here before, but she couldn't seem to hold onto the thought. She concentrated on trying to move her body, but it wouldn't obey her brain’s command, not even her little finger. Even though she was cold, she was also hot, too hot, and she was worried. Worried that she was either dying or already dead.

  The fire began to build again and the cold around her began to heat, adding to the flames licking at her insides. She felt as if she were moving but didn't think that was the case, since she had no control over herself at all. All of a sudden, her body went rigid and then began to jerk spasmodically. Her teeth ground together, the grating sound loud and irritating to her own ears.

  Firm fingers dug into the joint of her jaw and her teeth were pried apart. Her stomach roiled and she wanted to swallow, but she couldn't even manage to do that. Drool trickled from her mouth and onto her face, and she knew she should be embarrassed, but she was too sick to care. After what seemed like hours, the heat burning her insides began to wane and her tense, jerking muscles started to relax. She couldn't believe how tired she was, exhausted to the point of being stupefied, and with a sigh of relief she sank deeper into the darkness and slept.

  * * * *

  Nina had no idea how long she'd been asleep, but the moment she returned to consciousness, she smiled. She forced her eyelids open and blinked a few times to clear her blurry vision, and smiled again when she felt and saw Pen and Paser asleep beside her. They were so damn handsome and they were all hers.

  When she perused each of their faces, she frowned. They both had dark circles beneath their eyes as if they’d lost out on a lot of sleep. She didn't know why that would be, because they just made love to and mated her.

  Shouldn't they feel as happy and relaxed as she did?

  Something was wrong. She felt the certainty deep in her gut, and even though she wanted to wake them and ask them, she didn't. They looked so tired and she figured they needed to rest longer. Maybe making love to and mating her had taken a lot of their energy.

  Nina would talk to them when they woke up. When she moved, she frowned at the dull ache in her muscles but put it down to the sex they'd had. She'd been a virgin, after all, and wasn't used to using her muscles like that. She gave a mental shrug, carefully moved to her hands and knees and crawled down the bed, trying not to disturb her men. When her feet touched the floor, she gave them a last, lingering look and hurried toward the bathroom. She needed the facilities in a bad way. Her bladder was aching since it was so full.

  After she'd relieved herself, she showered, dressed, brushed her teeth and headed out of the apartment. She hadn't had time to explore her men's home and the urge to do so wouldn't be ignored.

  She stepped out into the hall and listened, but couldn't hear any voices coming from the kitchen dining area and figured everyone else must still be asleep or ensconced in their own apartments. As she walked down the hall, the ache in her muscles lessened. The more she moved, the more in tune to her body she became. She felt energized and stronger than she'd ever felt in her life. A bubble of laughter formed, but she quickly swallowed it down because she didn't want to make too much noise and wake the others if they were still sleeping.

  When she got to a wide door in the hallway, she peeked into the room and gasped. It was the most amazing room she'd ever seen. The walls were covered in color paintings that looked like they were Egyptian, and when she walked further into the room and looked up, she could see the stars twinkling in the dark sky. The ceiling wasn't actually a ceiling. The center was shaped like a pyramid and it was all glass, and the glass tip had a thin layer of water over it, but was deeper over the descending slopes of the three-dimensional, triangular shape. It was absolutely spectacular.

  Nina wondered how the hell they'd built this place, and underwater, no less. There was still so much she didn't know and added the how of it to her list of things to ask. As she moved about the room, studying the hieroglyphs depicted on the walls, she realized how relaxed she felt. Peace and tranquility washed over her in gentle waves and she sighed with contentment.

  She moved back to the middle of the room and looked up toward the sky. As she stood there, staring into space, she felt a surge of power wash over and through her. She spun around and looked to every corner of the room but couldn't see anything, and then she felt a tingling heat on her skin right above her left breast and over her left and right shoulder blades. Her skin tingled, and her body hummed with peace, love, and happiness, and even as she tried to contain it, she couldn't. She laughed out loud and spun in a circle with her arms out to her sides.

  Nina had never felt so free and happy, but she loved the feeling and put it down to having two mates. It was then she remembered the connection she was supposed to have with Pen and Paser, and looked into her heart to see if she could find it, feel it.

  The moment she turned inward, she saw the glowing strings embedded in her heart and soul, and followed them back to her men. She gasped when she felt fear and worry coming from them, and as she spun toward the door, something clicked into place. The emotions intensified and nearly brought her to her knees.

  She ran toward their apartment, her men, her heart beating hard in her chest, and she blinked when she stood before the door to their apartment. She shouldn't be back at that door so soon. The underground base was way bigger than she'd ever imagined. It had taken her at least ten minutes to stroll along the corridor and the spectacular room she'd found.

  If she hadn't been so worried about her men, she would have timed herself as she ran back down the hall, but right now she needed to see that her mates were all right. Nina opened and closed the door quietly, and when she entered the bedroom, she sighed with relief. Pen and Paser appeared to be fine and were both still sound asleep.

  She frowned when she remembered that they'd
told her the sentinels hunted the shadow demons at night and wondered why they weren't out searching for the demonic.

  Nina figured the others must be out searching for the shadow demons trying to keep humanity safe, but surely Set and Sab wouldn't have taken Zara along with them.

  Although she would love to fight alongside her guys, she didn't think they would let her tag along. She'd probably be more of a hindrance than a help. That was unless Zara had been trained to fight the shadow demons, too, but if the other woman had only just been made immortal, surely she wouldn't have all the skills necessary to fight off the demonic so soon.

  Nina decided then and there that she would convince them to train her. There was no way she was going to let them out night after night while she sat home worrying until they walked back in the door. She'd never been someone to sit back and wait, and she wouldn't be now.

  Nina glanced at the clock on the bedside table and gasped when she saw it was only four in the morning. She was so full of energy she could barely stand still. Pen blinked and when his eyes landed on her, he jumped out of bed and was pulling her into his arms before she had time to blink or draw another breath.

  “Nina, are you okay? How do you feel? Do you need me to get you anything? What are you doing out of bed? You should still be resting.”

  “Whoa. Slow down.”

  “Nina!” Paser yelled, and then he was at her back. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you up and about. How are you feeling, sweetheart? Do you feel sick? Feverish?”

  Nina could feel and hear the worry radiating off of them and wondered what the hell was going on. She moved from between them toward the bed, sat on the edge and smiled wryly when her empty belly protested loudly.

  “I'm fine.”

  “Thank the gods,” Pen whispered as he knelt at her feet and pressed his cheek to her belly.

  “We've been so worried about you, sweetheart.” Paser sat beside her, slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her up tight against his body.


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