Soul Sentinels 2: Pen and Paser (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Soul Sentinels 2: Pen and Paser (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Becca Van

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Sab asked.

  “We left her and Zara alone, and because we did, the shadow demons and the leader of the underworld were able to get her.”

  “You can't blame yourselves for what happened,” Zara met Pen's and then Paser's gazes. “Those assholes seem to be able to move about to wherever they want. What I want to know is why I didn't feel them here.”

  “I think Apep may have been blocking,” Set said. “That's why we couldn't get into the gym.”

  “But why Nina?” Zara asked.

  “What do you mean, mate?” Sab pulled Zara against his side and slung an arm over her shoulders.

  “Why did the demonic only go after Nina? I was here alone, too.”

  “I think I can answer that.” Paser shifted Nina's head onto his thigh. “Although we mated Nina and she knows we love her, she doubted herself.”

  “How?” Mit asked. “She's gorgeous.”

  “Yes, she is.” Pen sighed. “She doubted that she was good enough for us. We got a glimpse of that before we mated and after it was stronger.”

  “But she knows you love her and she loves you,” Nehi stated unequivocally. “You would have all felt that through the bond.”

  “We did,” Pen replied. “We do, but she doesn't or didn't see herself as anyone special. I think the doubts plaguing her mind, heart and soul made her easy prey.”

  “You could be right.” Zara tapped her chin with her fingernail. “She's a fierce warrior with a natural ability, and I told her she was ready to fight by your sides and was a good with the scimitar, but she didn't believe me.”

  “So even though she had to battle with the shadow demons and Apep, she had to battle with herself more?” Weni asked.

  “Yes,” Pen answered.

  “Shit! That would have been hard,” Menna stated.

  “We all went through the same thing,” Set said. “We all doubted our own abilities when Ra first turned us into demigods.”

  “Yeah.” Nehi sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “It was so long ago, I'd forgotten about that.”

  “Do you think the shadow demons and Apep were able to get in because Ra let them?” Zara asked.

  Pen's first instinct was to deny that, but he wasn't so sure. Over the last five thousand or so years, not once had their underground base been infiltrated by the shadow demons or their leader. Ra had told them thousands of years ago that they would be safe in their home and that no demonic or other demigod would be able to get inside without his say-so. So that meant that Ra had let whatever happened to Nina happen.

  Anger surged through him, but he swallowed it back down. The sun god wouldn't do anything without a reason. He hated that Nina would have been scared out of her mind and that she'd obviously been hurt, but now that he could think about things logically since his terror for his mate was gone, he couldn't remain pissed.

  “I do.” Pen finally remembered to answer Zara's question.

  Nina sighed and the smile on her face grew before her eyes blinked open. She reached up and cupped Paser's cheek before meeting his gaze.

  “Are you all right, baby?” He clasped the hand she reached out to him, threaded his fingers through hers and brought it up to his mouth. He kissed the back of it and then rubbed his cheek over her soft skin.

  “I'm fine.”

  “We were so worried about you,” Paser said in a husky voice.

  “I was worried about me, too, there for a while.”

  “Can you tell us what happened, baby?”

  “I will but first I want to go and take a shower. I feel like I was dunked in evil and I want to wash the stench from my body. And then I want food. I'm starving.”

  “We'll see to the food,” Zara said as she took hold of her men's hands and tugged them toward the door. “Mit and Wen can set the table. En and Men can make the coffee.”

  “Give us an hour,” Pen called out as he and Paser helped Nina to sit up.

  “I don't need that long to wash up.” Nina shifted to her knees and then hooked her arms around Pen's and Paser's necks.

  “You might not, but we do.” Paser hugged Nina around the waist with an arm.

  Nina drew back, and after looking into Paser's heated gaze and then meeting his, she giggled.

  The sound was so soft and feminine, but also carefree. He'd never heard her so lighthearted before and he knew then that everything was going to be all right.

  She released her hold on them, got to her feet and started walking toward the door. “Last one in has to kiss my as…feet.”

  Pen made a low, growly noise and shoved to his feet. He wanted to be last so he could kiss every sweet inch of her delectable body. Her feet would only be the beginning. Maybe he should have told them to hold breakfast for two hours instead of one.

  Paser stood at the same time he did, but neither of them took a step toward the door.

  “The longer we stand here, the less time we have to love our woman.” Paser winked, shoved Pen back and took off in a blur of speed.

  Pen chuckled as he followed. By the time he got to their apartment, he was laughing outright. He was relieved to have Nina back and the connection between them was stronger than ever. There was no doubt left in his mate's heart, none at all.

  There was love, however, so much of it that flowed between the three of them, he wondered how his body could contain such joy.

  He had so much to look forward to.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nina pushed her empty plate back with a sigh. She was satiated in more ways than one. She wrapped her hands around her coffee and looked up when she realized everyone was quiet.


  “Do you feel okay?” Paser asked with a frown. He placed his hand on her forehead as if checking to see if she had a temperature.

  “I'm fine. Stop fussing.”

  “You’re our mate, it's our job to fuss,” Pen said in a firm voice.

  “I know, and thank you for caring about me.”

  “We more than care for you, sweetheart.” Paser removed his hand and kissed her temple.

  Nina smiled, kissed Paser's then Pen's cheek, took a deep breath and then started talking. She didn't stop until she'd told them about Apep's disappearance and her running.

  “Did you know where you were?” Zara asked.

  “Other than underground? No.”

  “So how did you get out?” Set picked Zara up from her seat and, as he scooted his chair back, plonked her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “I didn't.” Nina took a sip of her coffee and licked the residual moisture from her lips before she continued. “The light was so bright I couldn't see. There was a pure white light emanating from me, and just before Apep escaped, a bright golden glow joined mine. I had to close my eyes because it blinded me, but I didn’t stop running. I just held my hands out in front of me and kept right on going. When I bumped into something big and solid I opened my eyes and there was Ra. He was so big and intimidating, but for some reason I was neither scared nor intimidated.”

  “What happened next?” Mit leaned forward in his chair, staring at her avidly.

  “I'm not really certain.” Nina cleared her throat and tried not to shudder, but when Paser lifted her to his lap, she knew she'd failed to hide her reaction. “Shadow demons came out of nowhere and they were everywhere. There were so many of them I couldn't count, and as I went to back away, they swarmed around Ra and me. Ra didn't seem to be concerned at all. He smiled, held his hand out to me and waited. I grabbed hold of his hand and I think I must have passed out for a bit or something, because when I opened my eyes again, the demonic were gone.

  “I was about to ask Ra what had happened but a loud, angry scream echoed through the caves, and then he swept me up in his arms. The next thing I knew, I was waking up draped over Pen and Paser.”

  “Do you think Ra took care of the shadow demons?” Zara asked.

  Nina shrugged because she couldn’t answer that quest
ion with any certainty. “I don't know, and while I suspect he did, I don't really care. All that matters is I'm back where I belong.”

  “I'll agree with that.” En smiled and winked at her.

  Nina tried to smother her yawn, but she leaned her cheek on Paser's shoulder and sighed when his arms surrounded her. She was encompassed in his heat and his love.

  “Are you all going hunting tonight?” Nina asked.

  “No,” Pen answered. “You need to rest.”

  “I'm fine.”

  “You may be, but it's going to take us a long time to recover after what happened. We're never going to leave you alone again.” Paser ran his fingers through her hair.

  “Does that mean you're going to take me with you from now on?”

  “You're more than ready.” Pen nodded.

  “But not tonight?” Nina questioned.

  “No, not tonight.” Paser turned her until she was sitting in his lap side-on and then hooked her knees over his arm, braced her back against his other arm, and stood.

  “We're going to spend the day with our mate. You all are free to do whatever you want, but no one will be going out to hunt the demonic. We all deserve some time to unwind.” Pen took the lead and Paser followed, taking her with him.

  Paser lowered her to the bed, but when he went to draw away, Nina clung to him. She loved him and Pen so much, and no matter how many times they made love to her, it was never enough.

  “What's wrong, sweetheart?” Paser nibbled on her neck.

  “Nothing. I love it when you touch me, make love to me. I need you.”

  “Are you sure you aren't too tired?” Pen asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  Paser drew back but she was glad when he sat beside her, too.

  “I'll never be too tired to make love with my mates. I love you both so much.”

  Paser rose, turned to face her and tugged the hem of his shirt up and over his head. She glanced over at Pen when he stood and saw that he was quickly removing his clothes, too. Nina whipped her shirt off, unhooked her bra and then flung both at Pen. He chuckled at her antics, but the sound was deep and husky with his desire, and from his heated gaze, he needed her just as much as she needed him and Paser.

  Her body didn't seem to care that they had made love only a couple hours ago and she knew it was because of the deep love they held for each other. The hunger would always be there simmering beneath the surface, ready to flare up at a look or a touch.

  She pushed her sweat pants down over her hips, taking her panties with them, and was grateful she only had a pair of socks on her feet and no shoes to deal with. She flung her pants and panties at a now-naked Paser and he growled playfully as he snatched them out of the air. The sweats were dropped to the floor, but he brought her panties up to his nose and inhaled deeply.

  “I love the sweet smell of your cunt, sweetheart. I am going to lick and suck on that wet little pussy until you scream my name.”

  “Oh,” Nina moaned, the socks still on her feet, completely forgotten.

  Pen crawled up onto the bed bedside her and as she turned to him, he reached for her. Their mouths meshed and clung as the passion began to build. His mouth opened over hers and his tongue delved deep before gliding along and twirling around hers. She threaded her fingers into his hair and held on tight as she lost herself in his heat, touch, taste and love.

  She mewled when Paser got on the mattress between her splayed thighs and shivered when he caressed up the inside of her legs, stopping just short of her wet pussy, before making the journey back down. He removed her socks and then maneuvered until he was comfortable.

  Nina smoothed a hand down over Pen's shoulder, chest and pectoral and ripped abs, seeing the defined delineation of his muscles in her mind as she touched his body. When her hand brushed over the moist tip of his hard cock, she caressed his erection lightly with the tips of her fingers before wrapping them around the base. She pumped her hand up and down, delighting in the groans and moans he breathed into her mouth.

  Paser pressed against the inside of her upper thighs and then he lowered his head. Her body tautened with excited anticipation, but it seemed that her mate was in no hurry. He blew over her engorged clit, causing her cunt to clench and goose bumps to race over her skin.

  Pen released her lips, licking and nibbling down her neck and the upper slope of first one breast and then the other. She arched her hips and chest one after the other, begging her mates to touch her. Pen chuckled right before he laved one aching nub with the tip of his tongue before moving over to the other to tease.

  Paser rimmed her pussy with his finger before gliding up and down each side of her folds until she thought she would go mad with desire.

  A loud moan left her parted lips when they both struck at the same time. Pen sucked her nipple into his mouth, drawing on the peak with short, sharp pulls which turned her into a writhing mass of need. Paser pressed a finger deep into her cunt as he flicked his tongue over her clit before he added another and began to pump them in and out of her cunt.

  Nina moaned and gasped. She pumped Pen's cock faster, hoping to take one of her mates with her, but he pried her fingers from his hard dick and pressed her hand up beside her head.

  “Why?” she gasped her question.

  “I want to be inside of you when I come, baby.”

  “Oh! Yes!” Nina cried as she tipped over the edge into orgasm.

  Paser continued to slide his fingers in and out of her pussy, driving her orgasm higher as he flicked and lapped at her clit. When she started to come back down, he removed his finger from her pussy and then shoved his tongue in deep, sucking up all of her juices.

  “Fucking delicious,” Paser growled as he sat up. “Are you ready for us, sweetheart.”

  “Yes. Now!” Nina reached out toward him as he aligned his dick with her pussy. Pen shifted away from her, giving her and Paser room, but she didn't want him going anywhere. She wanted both her mates making love to her at the same time. “Don't go.”

  “I'm not going anywhere, baby. Just giving Paser room to move.”

  “Oh,” Nina groaned as Paser began to enter her cunt with his cock.

  He lowered his body to hers, bracing his weight on his elbows, and then he slanted his mouth over hers as he surged deep into her pussy.

  The kiss they shared was hot, wet, wild and passionate, but she needed more. She needed him to move. She needed Pen to fill her ass. Her nails dug into his shoulders as fiery lust raced through her body, causing her to shake.

  “Hold on to me, sweetheart,” Paser ordered breathlessly, and when she'd done as he'd asked, he rolled them both over.

  “So good,” she whimpered. In this position, with her on top of Paser, his cock was inside so deep she was sure he'd breached her womb, but it still wasn't enough.

  Pen's hand caressed up and down her back and then over her ass cheeks. She moaned and wiggled in invitation. He chuckled and then slapped her ass, one cheek and then the other. Nina's cunt clenched and dripped cream.

  “Do that again,” Paser ordered. “She just covered my cock with her cream.”

  Pen slapped both cheeks alternately and then he gripped her hips as he moved up closer to her. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too.”

  The tip of Pen's lubed cock pressed against her ass and she moaned as the head breached her.

  “So fucking good. So hot and tight,” Pen rasped.

  Nina took a deep breath and as Pen stroked in she pushed back with her muscles. They both moaned when his pubis connected with her ass. Her breath came in short, heavy pants and she tried to wriggle her hips to get her men to move.

  Pen eased back from her ass in a long, gentle retreat, and as he drove back in, Paser withdrew from her pussy. With each stroke in and out of her anus and cunt, they increased the pace of their thrusts until their bodies were slapping against hers.

  The heat in her veins got hotter. The friction of their cocks gliding in and out of her hole
s grew warmer and the tension in her body grew tauter.

  Nina moaned and gasped when Paser cupped her breasts before pinching and plucking her hard nipples. Pen gripped her hip with one hand while he skimmed the other down over her belly to the top of her slit. His finger delved into her folds and the top of her cunt to press over her swollen clit.

  The pressure on her clitoris was enough to send her racing up the slope to the precipice where she hovered on the threshold for a couple of seconds.

  Paser slid his cock from her pussy to the tip, Pen did the same with his cock till the crown was resting just inside of her anus, and as she drew in a ragged breath, they both shoved into her at the same time.

  Nina screamed as she toppled over the edge. Her body shook and shuddered. Her internal walls clenched and released before clamping down again. Cream dripped from her cunt and spilled from her body as her mates pounded their cocks in and out of her ass and pussy. The more she climaxed, the faster they pumped their hips until they fucked her through one climax and up in to another.

  Pen drove into her ass with a roar, holding his cock deep as he orgasmed. His cock twitched and jerked as he spumed load after load into her back entrance. Paser growled low in his throat as he powered up into her pussy, once, twice, three times, and then held still with a shout as his warm seed shot out of his pulsing dick and deep into her cunt and womb.

  Nina collapsed onto Paser's, chest gasping for breath, her body still quaking and quivering with aftershocks.

  Pen drew his softening cock from her ass and headed toward the bathroom. She heard water running and when Paser rolled them both to their sides, his cock slipped from her pussy. Pen returned with a warm, damp cloth and, after cleaning her up, got into bed beside her.

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you,” she sighed.

  “Love you, sweetheart.” Paser kissed her shoulder as he pulled her closer against him, and she kissed his shoulder.

  “Love you, too.”

  Nina drifted on a cloud of satiated desire and love as her mates cuddled her between them.

  She didn't know what they would have to deal with against the shadow demons and Apep, but one thing she was certain about was that she wouldn’t want to change a thing. They wouldn’t give up and she had a feeling in the end they would be victorious.


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