Infinity (Valkyries: Soaring Raven)

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Infinity (Valkyries: Soaring Raven) Page 4

by Sedona Venez

  Giving us his flawless smile, he responded in his characteristic dead-panned way. “You only fuck them because you don’t want to deal with the hassle of finding a real man that can handle your fine ass. You need rough and tumble baby. Someone to challenge you.” He looked at me with narrowed eyes, “That goes for the both of you.”

  Zoe and I looked at each other, rolling our eyes. “We’re not taking advice from a notorious man whore. Thank you, but no thank you,” I responded dryly.

  He shrugged his heavily muscled shoulders, “I’m the best person to give you two hags advice. Believe me. I know the games men run on women, in fact, I perfected them. Besides, I love you and I want to see you with the best.”

  I was going to kiss him for his uncharacteristically sweet words when he ruined it by saying. “And since perfection is unavailable.” He pointed to himself, “You two, never-going-to-get-a-good-hard-lay chicks need all the help you can get with finding the next best thing.”

  “Oh just shut up,” Zoe barked.

  I ignored both of them as my eyes focused on Angelique again. Something about her was disturbing. “Is it me, or does she have a serious vampire vibe thing going on? I mean all she needs is some sparkly glitter floating around her and this would be a blockbuster vampire movie.”

  Zoe narrowed her gaze. “Yup, but I always thought her freaky ass was creepy. But that creepiness sure wouldn’t stop Diego from hitting it...again.”

  His eyes glinted as if he took that as some sort of challenge. “Nope! Not at all. I would pursue and destroy that ass all night long.”

  Yup, he took it as a challenge and the worse thing to do was challenge Diego, who was the worst kind of predator, a hot good looking one that didn’t discriminate on the women he dated. If they were hot, he hunted and destroyed.

  Zoe snorted, a clear sign that she was about to embark on one of her Diego induced tirades. “Do you know how many backup dancers that I had to console then fire while we were on tour? I can’t even count that shit on my hands and toes.”

  Diego looked at his well-manicured nails laughing under his breath.

  I groaned because I witnessed the truth from personal experience of having to watch all the backstage drama unfold. Women bickering and fighting was not a cool thing, especially when all I needed was the peace to focus on my performances.

  Zoe pointed over at him angrily, “Just because he couldn’t keep his shit in his pants. I start out with the same speech before each tour: ‘Please keep your ass and mouth to yourself… Choreographer and dancer Diego…’ She did a game host wave, ‘is a hit-it-then-quite-it ass wipe. He’s not going to call after he fucks you, but you can feed the animal at your own risk because Infinity and I are not responsible for any mental or physical damages inflicted by said man whore.’”

  I laughed hard because this was the actual speech given by her with me standing by her side adlibbing with an ‘I’m a mean diva that will fire your ass’ look on my face. It always worked; the new dancers would nod their heads like they understood every word then the next minute they would be throwing their panties at him like they were in mating heat.

  He scrunched his nose at Zoe. “I’m ignoring you right now. I’ll talk to Infinity and not to the jealous hag named Zoe.”

  “Hag? I’ll remember that the next time you want me to call your cell pretending to be a sick relative so that you can escape from another skanky predicament. In fact, maybe I’ll remind everyone that you and I are orphans and we have no blood family.”

  I smiled at him widely, “Don’t worry, Diego, you still have me as your backup caller.”

  Zoe looked at me quickly, “I wouldn’t encourage him. Remember your fantabulous hairstylist? The one he slept with, that you had to fire cause she got all crazy stalkerish?”

  I gave him the evil eye. “Yeah, I do. She was my favorite hairstylist and it took me forever to find a replacement.” I pushed him away. “Forget it, cross me off the caller list.”

  His eyes pleaded mockingly. “But we’re family.”

  Zoe grinned evilly. “We’re not biological, that means we can cut you off like that.” She snapped her fingers in his face.

  He grinned sweetly. “The three of us are tighter than biological. So you won’t cut me off, and tonight like the dysfunctional family that we are, we’re going to get obscenely drunk and grind on each other on the dance floor like we’re starring in a porno flick.” He smiles at me salaciously, “Which will give me a prime opportunity to get up next to that mighty fine ass that you’re displaying in that hot tight dress.”

  I loved his raunchy banter. “Thanks for the compliment.”

  Zoe made ass kissing sounds.

  Diego smirked, “What? She’s my sister and my money making boss.”

  I point over at Zoe. “And she’s your business partner, but I don’t see you pointing that shit out.”

  “What’s this, pick on Diego night? I just made one comment. A nice one about how hot your ass looks tonight.”

  I rolled my eyes at his naughty grin because I knew behind the flawless face and body he was a freaking genius. And when he threw that wide grin, there was a whole lot of ticking in that intelligent brain that many women didn’t try to understand—his money and looks was all they cared about, and that was why Zoe and I protected him fiercely. Not that he needed it, no woman got close to his heart, ever. Women came and went, all intimidated by our relationship. That’s why there were so many rumors circulating about us, rumors that I was sleeping with Diego, rumors that Zoe was sleeping with Diego and the biggest rumor being that we were involved in some hot threesome. Definitely not.

  “You’ve been checking out my ass?”

  He leaned back crossing his muscled arms across his well-defined chest. “I can’t miss it. It’s there, and it’s glorious.”

  My emerald green eyes went wide with fake innocence. “You forgot to mention that it’s natural, with no booty shots required, and that it was crowned best ass.” I held out three fingers, wiggling them. “Three years in a row.” It was funny, but true. According to a popular men’s magazine my ass was crowned as one of sexist in the music business. This ridiculous honor was culminated by a two page layout of me in several sizzling shots including one in a hot white bikini, immortalizing me in men’s hot wet dreams forever. I guess you couldn’t get mad at that.

  He patted my thigh, “Yes you were. I’ve got the autographed layout framed in my bedroom to prove it.”

  I smiled at him and pinched his cheek, “And are you doing naughty things while looking at my photos?”

  “You know it. One night I exhausted myself, rubbed it raw.”

  I did a fist pump, “Yes! The virgin still has it.”

  “Oh my gawd” Zoe rolled her eyes, “Will you please stop encouraging sticky fingers?”

  I winked at him, whispering loudly. “She’s jealous because her ass is getting old—literally.”

  She sputtered with wide eyes. “Seriously? Old? I’m twenty-three, only one year older than both of you.”

  He poked her in the ribs, earning him an ‘I’ll beat your ass if you don’t get away from me look.’ “Aw, look at that beautiful chocolate skin glow like a light bulb, Infinity. I think someone’s jealous and needs some ass attention. Come here.”

  Zoe swatted at him when he reached over to grab it.

  “You know you got the second best ass. It’s a good thing that you’re my sister, because otherwise I would have to have that fine ass assume the position over my knee and call me Sir.”

  “BDSM, freaking classic, I like where you are going with this,” I chimed.

  Zoe fluffed out her purple hair that was cut in a sassy cute bob making her look like an innocent pixie, “Touch me and you die.”

  I was seriously laughing so hard that my stomach was hurting. This was the carefree fun that I missed something fierce. It was the raunchy pre-gaming and bullshit time that I missed so much before the breakdown incident.

  Zoe raised her eyebrow a
t him as she plastered lip-gloss on her pouty lips. “Just shut up already, your ass obsession is nauseating. Secondly, stop messing with her. Give our girl a minute to get her head right before we step out into wild.”

  Her statement was like a splash of cold water in my face. Now I was back to reality. Sighing, I opened my crystal encrusted pill box, pulling out two green and pink pills popping them into my mouth and chasing it down with a swig of energy drink.

  Diego raised an eyebrow, “How many Rejuvenators is that?”

  I grimaced, pinching the bridge of my nose. “So let me get this straight, you’re the Rejuvenator police?” The second the words left my lips, I wanted to recall them, it was so inappropriate and darn right bitchy.

  His lips pursed angrily. “Excuse me for caring, but only two days ago you were admitted to the hospital with exhaustion from prepping for this fucking concert.” He gave me a nasty look before staring through the window at the clamoring paparazzi.

  I gritted my teeth, desperately biting back the sharp retort at the tip of my tongue as he gave me the silent treatment. Yup, it was confirmed, I was now crowned major bitch for the night. Jeez, the exhaustion from prepping for the string of performances benefiting my newly created charity was getting to me big time. Well, that and trying to pull it off after coming off a medical hiatus. Like a nervous tick, I reached for another Rejuvenator. Damn, I was popping them like candy after kicking the habit for six months.

  Rejuvenator, the everything drug. From curing diseases, to being used as the party girl drug of choice in high-doses, and being used in alcoholic and caffeine drinks and the extreme ‘Rejuvenator drip’, a high-dose cocktail of Rejuvenator administered via intravenous drip.

  Zoe snatched my pill box, shoving it into her designer clutch. “Uh, what the hell is up with you and these freaking pills? I’m all for getting a Rejuvenator buzz, but you’ve had more than enough for tonight.”

  I groaned, yup, I was a freaking pill popping train wreck. “Cut me some slack here. I just need a little something to ease my stress level.” Or so I told everyone. The truth, well the truth about the real reason behind my pill popping anxiety was something that even I didn’t want to cope with right now, or maybe ever.

  Zoe’s Caribbean accent thickened, that’s how I could tell how angry she was. “Don’t give me that crap. I’m not cutting you any slack. No more pills tonight. Plus your freaky green eyes are doing that weird dilating shit again which means you’re close to zoned out city, and I’m not dragging your ass around the club while you play the role of a drugged out superstar. Not tonight of all nights. It’s your damn party for shits’ sake.”

  I could tell that she was worried about me, so I tried to ease her anxiety. “Oh hell to the no. Did you just call me a drugged out superstar? Its mega drugged out superstar to you, backup dancer extraordinaire, get it right.” I couldn’t help but smirk. Only Diego and Zoe could set a self-centered, self-absorbed person like me straight. That’s why they were my best friends, they were my truth serum, whether I liked it or not. My balance.

  “Whatever. We just want you to enjoy your party.” She pointed to herself, “Best friend number one.” She pointed over to Diego, “And best friend number two is ready to rock the hell out of this party.”

  He pretended to rub his eyes while he flipping her off. “I think you got the order reversed. I’m always number one in everyone’s eyes, including yours.”

  Zoe grinned saucily, returning his one finger salute, “You’re confusing me with your dim witted groupies.”

  He snorted, “No time for arguing over your obvious lust for me. Tonight is all about our girl Infinity.” He dusted an invisible speck of lint off his tight fitting tailored black shirt and ran his fingers through his well-groomed black hair, sprucing up his ‘just got out of bed’ signature look.

  “Smiles everyone. Smiles.” Not giving the driver time to fully stop, he pushed open the door, jumping out while five of Mason’s gorgeous big security guys cleared the door perimeter as cameras flashed so bright that I had to blink away the spots.

  I fluffed out my curly hair, plastering a wide smile on my face. “Okay, I’m going all in.”

  Zoe smiled, looking at me proudly. “Work it!”

  Diego held out his hand which I grabbed then stepped one designer black stiletto heel out, pausing sexily to stir the paparazzi feeding frenzy.

  Zoe chuckled, “That’s it girl, own it!”

  I smiled over my shoulder at her. “You know it.”

  Diego was smiling hugely as he pulled me out. The Paparazzi swarmed, screaming my name in that horrible squeaky voice that always annoyed the crap out of me. Zoe pressed against my back as she scrambled behind me protectively, shouting in my ear. “Well, the paparazzi are in effect. You’ll have no problem getting publicity for your concert tomorrow night.”

  I nodded towards security for them to give me space to work the media. Zoe stepped slightly away as I smiled, paused, giving them the money shot by throwing my bra strap length curly jet-black hair over my shoulders. I knew from experience that the way I threw it would show off my sky-blue highlights perfectly. I posed left, placing my hands on my lean curvy hips, showing off my tight crème dress that accentuated my well-rounded derriere. I posed right, leaning slightly forward to maximize the major cleavage that I was showing with my plunging down to my belly button neckline.

  Diego grabbed my hands tightly to his shoulders as he bulldozed his way through the crowd. Zoe hovered behind me protectively with her hands on my shoulder, guiding me from behind and nudging the paparazzi away.

  The Paparazzi asked, “Infinity, what designer are you wearing?”

  “It’s from my couture line.” I smiled brightly, keeping my response brief. A tactic I learned the hard way. Keeping it brief was the best way to minimize the likelihood of them twisting my words into something salacious and cringe worthy.

  “Is it true that you are now part owner of your brother’s club Shift-Rawr-Rock?”

  “No,” Like Mason would ever give me ownership in any of his clubs. He was too much of a control freak.

  “How does it feel to be back after your six month break from the music business?”

  I smiled widely, “Great.”

  “Is it true that you and Kir-J are engaged?”

  My face remained passive as I responded calmly, “No.”

  What the hell? Engaged to Kir-J, the self-absorbed rocker? I wanted to laugh hysterically at the ridiculousness of that rumor. He could barely hold my interest for more than the three weeks that I painfully endured before cutting him off when I discovered that he was a massive user and media whore. Frankly, it still puzzled me that I even dated him. He wasn’t even my type. He was way too whiny and needy, but there was something about him that initially attracted me to him—blame it on my embarrassing Rejuvenator stupor.

  The more time I spent with him, the more my mind couldn’t get past the warning bells. Should I have dismissed him at week one? That’s a big fat yes. Yes, I do admit that one of my many weaknesses is that I’m superficial as hell, and Kir was freaking beautiful to look at—like a fine piece of art. Was that enough for me to throw open my legs and scream ‘come and get it’? Uh, hell no. I needed more and he sure as hell wasn’t it.

  I plastered another wide smile when I spotted the goal line, the club’s entrance protected by more of Mason’s scary, but model worthy bouncers and security detail, when something dark flashed and slithered along the dark, slick facade.

  Stumbling against Diego with my heart pumping frantically, my gaze swept to the yellow serpent-like eyes looking at me with anger before blending into the dark facade. Chills ran down my spine as I just stared, trying to convince myself that what I just saw was a hallucination brought on by taking too many Rejuvenators. But I knew the truth, and just like the strange woman in my dreams said, tonight would be the night that I would be attacked and saved. Crazy, but true. Did I question what she said? A thousand times, but I learned from experien
ce that if I ignored any part of my dreams it would end in disaster.

  My hands tightened on Diego’s shoulder causing him to look over at me concerned. “You okay?”

  I nodded yes, not trusting my voice to utter anything remotely intelligent. Zoe looked at me with worried eyes, nudging me forward.

  The Paparazzi asked, “Any truth to the rumors that the Collective Corporation is shutting down your concert tomorrow night?”

  I gritted my teeth before responding, “None. In fact, all of my sold-out concerts will go on as planned. And just for the record....”

  Zoe broke out in a fit of coughing before catching her breath. “Oh shit, this is not going to be good.”

  I continued angrily, “As I’ve said several times, which remarkably has been quoted incorrectly just as many times, I’m using my celebrity power for a good cause. The money made will be used to open clinics for the free distribution of Rejuvenator pills to underprivileged people in the New York area who cannot afford to pay the outrageous and gouging price that the Collective Corporation insists on charging for the privilege of using their cure-all drug.”

  I continued walking when a pale, strawberry blonde haired woman with obvious fake breasts stepped forward, grinning snidely. “Well isn’t that a tad hypocritical for a superstar known for her abusive use of Rejuvenator? And let’s talk about that celebrity power. Aren’t you using it for your own private agenda that seems centered on throwing stones at a Corporation that provides a lifesaving drug to the world.”

  I turned, glaring at her. Literally biting my tongue to prevent myself from spilling the real truth about the big conspiracy known as the cure-all Rejuvenator pill, the conspiracy manufactured and distributed by the billion dollar Collective Corporation. The conspiracy touted as an monumental scientific break-thru discovered after the Fire and Ash war, which was nothing but a lie marketed by the Collective as a daily supplement, a harmless vitamin, a cure-all that removed and prevented all disease within the body by rejuvenating the cells was anything but.


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