TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy) Page 2

by Paul Phipps

  Admiral Caparelli paused in his speech and stood up with his back Academy trained straight

  “Admiral Crane, in the presence of your officers I hereby authorize you to represent the United States Navy and we will be bound by your decisions in this matter. ”

  Admiral Crane sat straighter in his chair and then said, “Admiral Caparelli, Thank you for that brief and for your authorization.” He then sat back and asked, “Why isn’t the State Department or the National Command Authority present here to represent the United States?’

  “For the simple reason that Fleet Admiral Webster doesn’t trust the State Department or any other politicians in this initial contact. He also was very explicit that whatever we did in the matter of involving the State Department or the NCA after the initial meeting would be honored by the TSN. He just doesn’t want them muddying the water from the get-go.”

  Several of the officers in the V.C. rooms smiled and nodded their heads. More than one thought, “Whoever this Fleet Admiral Webster is, He does understand politics.”

  Admiral Caparelli then said, “Good Luck and May God be with you.” He then turned his left side and made a chopping motion with his hand and the transmission stopped.

  Admiral Crane stood up and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we will start our post meeting in 15 minutes. Please discuss this amongst yourselves and then we will get on with it.”

  He then went over to the coffee pot and poured a large cup and took a bagel and cream cheese to his place at the table. Flag Captain Welles joined him a couple of minutes later and looked over the room at the men and women there. He then turned to his Admiral and friend.

  “Sir, did you know about the communiqué before Admiral Caparelli mentioned it?

  “Yes, I did. Do you remember that I flew up to Washington just before the Fleet departed San Diego for here?”

  Yes, I remember, I thought it was for your yearly physical at the Bethesda Naval Hospital.”

  “Well, I did have that physical and then I went to see the CNO as I always do prior to our deployment for the usual briefing. It turned out instead to be a very unusual briefing indeed. You see, when I touched the communiqué I expected to see the Unauthorized User logo too. Instead there was a message for me also. That is one scary piece of technology; it KNEW that I had been chosen for the initial contact. The message was a congratulatory one and expressed delight in my appointment. But no real information was provided other than UFO’s can become IFO’s.”

  Captain Welles, smiled and then said, “I agree With Admiral Caparelli, Admiral Webster does have an atrocious sense of humor. On the other hand this is the perfect place for operational security. We control the whole area for at least three hundred miles around and there isn’t a commercial sea lane for a thousand miles.”

  He then looked at the clock on the wall, then he caught Lt. Phelps eye and glanced at the clock to indicate it was time to resume the meeting.

  Lt. Phelps went to the lectern at the front of the room and announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, please return to your seats, we are about to resume the post-brief meeting.” A few minutes passed and then she announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Admiral Crane.”

  Admiral Crane stood up and went to the lectern and started out with his own orders.

  “Captain Johansson”, he spoke to the Commander of the Air Group, CAG, “I want one wing of your fighters equipped with full Air to Air weaponry. Launch them at 1130L and have them at a point around 45 Miles from us. That should be close enough for a quick response and far enough away so as not to be construed as an immediate threat. I want all three Hawkeyes up and with full recording equipment on board. Keep them around a hundred and fifty miles away initially, we may need to bring them in closer as the situation develops. Let’s keep the UCAV’s and SLRCM’s in reserve.”

  “Aye, Aye Sir”

  Admiral Crane then looked at the various Commanding Officers of the escort vessels. “Gentlemen, we will be at General quarters for the initial encounter. I want all weapons on safe, there will be no release of those weapons unless I so direct, or it is apparent that hostile action has been initiated. No itchy trigger fingers today, Gentlemen. The fate of the world may literally be riding on our actions here today.”

  He then turned around and looked at the real-time map display showing the location of the fleet in relationship to the globe. Stared at it for a minute and then turned back around and said.

  “You do know that this could turn out to be a highly elaborate joke on us all, don’t you? Other than the one piece of technology displayed by the paper the communiqué was presented on we have seen no other examples or evidence of the existence of this Terran Space Navy. Any thoughts on this?”

  The officers looked around at each other, questions on their faces but unwilling to say anything. Finally a LTJG in V.C. room #2 stood up and signaled that he wanted to say something.

  “Sir, leaving aside the possibility that this is an elaborate practical joke, I believe that this is exactly as has been stated by Admiral Caparelli; A meeting between Flag officers of two different Navies.

  As far as a Terran Space Navy goes, I suspect that a naval tradition is exactly what is required in space. The probability of long voyages on autonomous vessels that rarely come into port except to replenish supplies and R&R would be high in my opinion..

  Historically our navies project power to our allies and potential enemies and provide a diplomatic stick to bring them in line. And when the diplomatic posturing fails then our Navies fight to prove which is best. In addition our vessel’s Commanding Officer’s have in our past history been our DeFacto Diplomats on scene. It appears that the TSN has a handle on our history.”

  “Thank you for thoughts on this matter, Lieutenant …..” Admiral Crane waited

  “Lieutenant Junior Grade Harrison, Sir”

  “Lieutenant Harrison, thank you again. Please report to me after this meeting, I believe you have some interesting insights. And quite frankly Ladies and Gentlemen, we all need to start thinking out of the box. So now is the time to start thinking about any and all ramifications. Any other insights now that Lt. Harrison has broken the ice?”

  Admiral Crane looked around the room and saw no takers. “Very well, it is now 1030L, return to your duty stations. And let’s hope for a very boring day or at the least one with no disasters in it.” A pause and then, “Dismissed.”

  At that moment the intraship phone by the door rang. The closest person to it answered it and stood listening and then went pale as a sheet of paper.

  “Please, say that again!” He listened closely and called Captain Welles over to the phone and went to the Admiral.

  “Sir, the UFO we have been sent here to meet just appeared on the Radar Screen at Ninety-five thousand feet directly over us. It appears to be gradually reducing its altitude and is maneuvering to place itself off of the Starboard side of the Fleet.” He looked at the Admiral and his eyes appeared to be glazing over. “Sir, it measures on RADAR as being close to five miles in length and has several large satellite UFO’s around it. CIC’s preliminary analysis thinks it’s their version of an Aircraft Carrier Task Force.”

  Captain Welles was listening closely to the voice on the other end of the handset. He then nodded his head to himself and said. “Very good work, Commander, Sound General quarters to all fleet vessels, ALL Weaponry is to be on Safe until released by Admiral Crane’s orders. CAG will issue his orders to his pilots. I’ll be on the bridge shortly.”

  He then hung up the phone turned and as he was making his way to the Admiral the General Quarters alarm sounded. “This is not a drill, This is not a drill!, General Quarters, General Quarters, All Hands Man Your Battle Stations.” And the sounds of running feet were heard all over the great vessel as all hands rushed quickly but with no panic to their assigned duty stations.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen”, Captain Welles announced, “Make your way to the Flight Deck ready room. We will have you ferried back to your respectiv
e vessels as soon as possible.”

  TSN Star Fighter Carrier “Lucky”, 1035L, Monday, November 2, 2026, Location South Pacific, Lat 55S – Long 140W

  “Our masked IG drones are reporting that the Task Force has spotted us and has gone to General Quarters”, Lucky announced. “Our descent profile should put us at 500ft MSL approximately 10 miles off of the Carrier’s Starboard side. Have you decided when you wish to open radio communications with them?”

  “Let’s give them another half hour or so to settle down and get over their initial shock at seeing us on their Radar screens. What is the cloud deck’s altitude?”, Replied Admiral Webster

  “10,000 Ft and clearing out nicely, it appears your luck is still operating at 100%.”

  “Luck or not, I’m very pleased so far. Open communications with them as we break the cloud deck. Request from them permission to come aboard. I’ll bet you that they will be thinking that we would have them come here.”

  * * *

  U.S.N. CVN George H.W. Bush

  “Do we have a visual on them yet?” asked Admiral Crane on his Flag Bridge.

  “Hawkeye 2 has visual at this time. He is 35 miles to our south. His observation is that if all UFO’s were this size there would never be any question about their existence.” Replied Captain Welles from his position in CIC.

  “Have they responded to our radio calls yet?”

  “Negative, no contact at this time, they are still descending at a controlled rate. Almost exactly 2000 feet per minute, they should be breaking the Cloud deck in five minutes”

  Captain Welles reached for the microphone to the great Aircraft Carriers Public address system.

  “Attention all hands, this is the Captain. In just a few minutes we will be witnessing one of the greatest events to ever occur in the history of the United States Navy possibly in World History. We have been directed to this location in the South Pacific to rendezvous with a UFO. This UFO appears to be a task force similar to our own. Their vessels will be visible shortly as they break the cloud deck above us. They have given us a preliminary identification as the Terran Space Navy. As further information is gathered I will have it distributed to your Department heads for further dissemination to the crew.”

  A minute or so later the great keel of the SFC Lucky broke through the clouds. Her escorts became visible shortly thereafter. The Star Fighter Carrier just seemed to get larger and larger as it descended. Miles and miles in length, you could have fit the George H.W. Bush over 25 times into Lucky’s length. The sight of her just made most people go silent in awe. The Bush’s Public Affairs Officer had his Videographer’s recording the descent and the reactions of the crew. Most of the crew was watching the Flat Screens that were present in most compartments in near silence with only quiet comments being made amongst them.

  Admiral Crane was standing near the windows of the Flag Bridge watching the descent like all of the others. He knew in his heart that the Navy he had served for over 40 years had just been eclipsed. The future was there in front of him. He just needed to know, Why? Why now, and what does the TSN want with the U.S. Navy? Hopefully this Fleet Admiral Webster would enlighten him.

  * * *

  TSN Star Fighter Carrier “Lucky”

  “We are coming into visual range of the Carrier Task Force at this time, Admiral”

  “Reply to their Radio calls now.”

  “-is the George H.W. Bush calling Unidentified Vessel. Please reply at this time.”

  “George, H.W. Bush, this is the Terran Space Navy Star Fighter Carrier Lucky”

  “TSN Lucky, this is the United States Carrier George H.W. Bush. What are your intentions?”

  “Our intentions?” Lucky replied coolly, “Why I thought we would come over for coffee and snacks and shoot the shit.”

  “Lucky!” Stormed Admiral Webster

  “Really Admiral! Asking us what our intentions are. I just thought a little levity would ease the tensions they might be feeling.”

  “Damn it, Lucky, these people are on a hair trigger right now. Following protocol helps defuse tensions by following familiar patterns”

  ‘TSN Lucky, this is the George Bush, what was that again?”, a voice came back with a tone of disbelief”

  “George H.W. Bush, this is the TSN Lucky, Fleet Admiral Webster is requesting permission to come aboard to meet with Vice Admiral Crane.”

  * * *

  U.S.N. CVN George H.W. Bush

  “Ok, its official, whatever the Terran Space Navy is, they have some people with a sense of humor.” Vice Admiral Crane said to his staff.

  They continued to listen to the repeater from the Radio Room.

  “TSN Lucky, we will pass your request to Admiral Crane.” Replied the Radioman on duty.

  Admiral Crane turned to Lt. Phelps, “Please inform the TSN Lucky that 1200L would be good for Fleet Admiral Webster to come aboard.”

  After the message had been passed and the TSN Lucky had agreed to 1200L, there was a silence as if a great breath was being exhaled. Communication traffic then flashed throughout the fleet as the escorts to the George Bush were informed of what was to occur. Then it was just a matter of waiting as the Lucky continued her descent and had stabilized at 10 Nautical miles off of the George Bush’s Starboard Bow.

  Captain Welles was meeting with his protocol officer to agree on the protocol for having a Fleet Admiral of a Foreign Fleet come aboard the ship. How many side boys and how many Marines as an Honor Guard. He requested that the Marine Major in command of the George Bush’s Marines come to the Flag Bridge and then went there himself.

  “Admiral Crane, Major Atwood and my officers are getting the Quarterdeck arranged for Admiral Webster’s arrival. He has indicated he would arrive in one of his own vessels on the flight deck.”

  Captain Welles thought for a moment and then said. “He does seem to be very knowledgeable about our Nimitz class carriers. The TSN may have been watching us for some time.”

  Admiral Crane snorted and then said, “Ya think? Yes Captain, I think we have been under observation for quite some time, possibly years, maybe even decades. Which leads me to my first question to Admiral Webster, Why now? The naming of a Carrier as Lucky makes my curiosity bump itch too. So many questions, I just hope I get to ask some of them.”

  TSN Star Fighter Carrier “Lucky”, 1120L, Monday, November 2, 2026 Location South Pacific, Lat 55S – Long 140W

  Fleet Admiral Webster, used his link with the Shipsuit he was wearing to project the appearance of a singlesuit in black with gold piping on his legs and wide gold bands indicating his rank on his left arm, he and Seeker had decided years earlier to adopt the U.S. Navy’s rank system as it was efficient and personnel from Earth would understand it easier and thus would integrate more seamlessly.

  (The Shipsuit was a complex piece of technology but exceedingly simple to use, it was a type of spacesuit, it could assume the appearance of the normal clothing styles of earth. It was the normal attire in the vessels of the Terran Space Navy, it had medical diagnostic and repair capabilities. It was many things but in this instance it needed to appear as a set of normal looking clothing.)

  He was talking to Seeker through his internal link.

  Webster/ Private Com Mode/ Seeker, I want your opinion please.

  Seeker/Private Com Mode/ Yes, Dear. Opinions are free of charge.

  Webster/ Private Com Mode/ I know that you and Lucky were helping me work through my jitters, and I want to thank you for it. However after a good night’s sleep I think that you were correct. A protocol Droid might be just the ticket here. It’s humorous, and considering what I have to tell Admiral Crane a little levity is needed. Two, it can carry my briefcase and the other assorted gifts and goodies we have for them. Three it provides a vehicle for you to observe this meeting.

  Seeker/Private Com Mode/ Well!, I didn’t expect that one from you. Hmmm, not bad reasoning though. Maybe nothing quite as blatant as a Protocol Droid from that Star Wars movie. How about a f
emale simulacrum as your aide, we can use the red headed one you liked so well when you vacationed at Waikiki a few years ago. She would fit in nicely too, maybe as a distraction for some of the male officers when you get to be boring and pedantic.

  Webster/ Private Com Mode/ I like the idea of a female aide!

  Seeker/Private Com Mode/ You would, (SMILES)

  Webster/ Private Com Mode/ Can it be fabricated in time? I think we are supposed to depart in 10 minutes.

  Seeker/Private Com Mode/ I had it brought on board when you transshipped to Lucky.


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