TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy) Page 4

by Paul Phipps

  “The Terran Space Navy is here to conquer the world.” The pyramid pulsed an ugly reddish maroon color as his words were spoken.

  “Would anyone else care to test the Verifier?” Admiral Webster asked.

  Captain Johansson spoke up, “Yes, Admiral Webster, I would like to try it.”

  Admiral Webster just waved for him to continue.

  “I think that this is just a grandstanding ploy.”

  The Verifier pulsed a bright Blue for truth.

  Captain Johansson, grunted, then he said, “I have shot down ten aircraft”, the pyramid pulsed Red, He then quickly said, “Nine aircraft”. The Pyramid switched to a blue color.

  Then Captain Johansson, sat back slowly. He then spoke, “Admiral Webster, you’ve made your point. It does detect truth.”

  The Admiral nodded his head toward Captain Johansson, and continued.

  “This is our sun, for convenience sake we will call it Sol after the Latin name. In 1970 a starship broached the dimensional wall at the Heliopause of our star system. I say dimensional wall because this starship was from the Sol System, only one that Science Fiction Writers call a parallel Universe. It had been doing dimensional hopping for a long, long time. Normally the length of stay in the inner Sol system would be long enough to confirm that there were no Humans, that is, Homo sapiens.

  They were joyfully surprised to find Radio emissions from the inner system, in particular the third planet, Earth. This was immediate confirmation that Humans survived here. Let me emphasize this point, ladies and Gentlemen. Human Beings survived on this planet and were at least, technologically advanced enough to be using Radio.

  In all of the Parallel Dimensions this ship had passed through, the Human Race, well… it didn’t survive. After dispatching a large number of Intelligence Gathering Drones, IGD’s for short, to the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt surrounding the Sol System and the planets of the Sol System, this ship, known as Gho L’Gamish, Which I mentally translate as Gilgamesh, Sent a single Armed Scout into the Inner System.

  While this scout ship was making its way inward the IGD’s detected the trace of something that they call the U’Tarn. The Gilgamesh was very surprised at the findings. Frankly in all of the dimensions they had passed through where there was an U’Tarn presence there were no Humans. The hope had been that the U’Tarn had not developed or at least not reached the Sol system in this dimension.

  The Gilgamesh gave the scout ship new orders that it was to nurture and protect the Human Race as best as it could while the Gilgamesh made a trip to a star system that was known in all of the other dimensions as a nest of the U’Tarn. That trip was for the express need for intelligence gathering. And it was going to have to be made the long way.

  There is a way of Star Travel that is much quicker, but with the right instrumentation it can’t be masked by the ship making the trip. So the Gilgamesh is going to have to do it Sub-light and its trip will take at least 500 years, probably longer.

  In 1972 the scout ship arrived in Earth Orbit. It spent over a year deploying its own IGD’s and analyzing the data it gathered. In 1973 I had the pleasure of being a part of that data gathering effort and I met Seeker, the intelligence that was in command of the Scout Ship.” There was a pause of about 10 seconds. “A lot has happened since then.

  Together Seeker and I have created the Terran Space Navy; we currently have 379 Star Fighter Carriers like Lucky and many thousands of Support and Escort Ships and tens of thousands of fighters and associated vehicles. “

  At that announcement, a gasp was heard throughout the room, it came from many yet no one would acknowledge it.

  “But, ladies and Gentlemen of the U.S. Navy there is but one human being in the whole of the TSN. Myself.”

  And still the verifier pulsed a bright blue.

  At this point Admiral Crane stood up and said, “Just you!?”

  “Yes, Admiral Crane, Just me. Even Commander McAndrews here, is not a human being. The TSN is composed of Artificial Intelligences and we are here in this Conference room to attempt to rectify that. We are here on a recruiting mission.”

  At which point the conference room was abuzz as the participants talked among themselves. And Admiral Webster let it continue for a couple of minutes. He then continued with his remarks.

  “I imagine that some of you are wondering, why now? Why not years ago. The answer is, you weren’t ready then, you are ready now. The United States has gone through a second Civil War to determine what its identity and guiding principles will be for the next two hundred or more years, We grieved to watch, as you fought amongst yourselves. But the Military forces, with a very few exceptions, stayed out of the argument. Instead you concentrated on guarding the United states from all Foreign Enemies who would have used it’s time of trouble to cause even more damage.

  And why are we only considering the military forces of the United States for recruitment? That answer is long and convoluted. I spent over 30 years wandering the Earth learning about each country by going there and living amongst the people. Learning their languages and customs, learning most importantly the way that they thought and what their morals were.

  There are a few good individual candidates for the Terran Space Navy in those countries. But in the United States there are many. It’s the way that Americans think and feel about their fellow man. There is an empathy that is lacking nearly everywhere else but is in full flower in the United States of America. Quite frankly some of you tend to over empathize with others to your own detriment. But be that as it may, that capability is vital to the TSN.

  Next I am going to show you some recordings of Earth in the various parallel dimensions that the Gilgamesh visited.”

  At that point he turned to Commander McAndrews and told her to proceed. The view of the Solar System from the Heliopause disappeared. In its place was the Earth, Image after Image started to flow through the Holographic Field.

  Images, of a Dead World with no water, no growth at all apparent from Space, Images of an Earth that was blasted into Rubble and starting to form an asteroid belt, images of an Earth that looked like a Grey Goo covered Ball. On and on in various states of Global Destruction.

  Then there was an image of an Earth that was Blue and Green with Crystal Clear Air.

  Admiral Webster turned back to men and women in the conference room.

  “This is an analogue of Earth in one of the Parallel Dimensions. There are 20 like it that we know of. There are no Human Beings though. We theorized that the U’Tarn have already been through and these versions of the Human Race were ….. consumed. There are a few ruins on two of them and preliminary analysis indicates that the removal of the Human race on those Analogues happened around One Hundred Fifty thousand years ago.

  As part of our efforts to nurture and protect the Human race we plan on offering ARKS that will transport a large portion of the Human Race currently living in this Analogue to those Alternate Earths. This will be phase two of our recruiting efforts here. Phase one will be to get as many Humans out to my ships so that integration can proceed between the AI’s and the Humans of this Analogue. And for Phase One to succeed we, the TSN, will need your thoughts and ideas on how to accomplish this.”

  He looked around the Video Conference room and saw a mixture of wonder, disbelief and in some cases, calculating eyes.”

  “Admiral Crane, you have the floor.”

  Admiral Crane sat at his seat for a moment looking at the image of a pristine Earth over the conference table. He then got up and walked over to Admiral Webster at the Lectern and said to him and to the others in the conference room.

  “Admiral Webster, of all of the things I had mentally prepared myself to hear. What you had to say wasn’t even on the list.”

  Admiral Webster just smiled a wry smile, “Well, what did you think I was going to say?”

  “That wasn’t it.” said Admiral Crane, “But I’m going to drop it here. Do you have anything else to tell us right now?”

/>   “I do have a lot more to tell you, however I think you need to assimilate what I have already revealed. I suggest that Commander McAndrews and I go back to Lucky and leave you and your crews to discuss what we have had to say.”

  Admiral Crane turned to Captain Welles, then motioned him to come to the Lectern with the two Admirals.

  “Do you have any questions for Admiral Webster?”

  “Just one. I would like you to take some of my officers and men back with you to Lucky. I want them to be able to move around freely and ask any questions they come up with. I would also like you to provide them with truth verifiers also. Would this be acceptable to you?”

  “Yes, Captain Welles, I think that would be a very good idea.” Replied Admiral Webster.

  The Captain turned to Admiral Crane, “Do you have any problems with my sending some people over to Lucky to look around?”

  “No, not at all, I just wish I had thought of it first.”

  Flight Deck of the USN George H.W. Bush, 1550L, Monday, November 2, 2026, Location South Pacific, Lat 55S – Long 140W

  Admiral Webster and Ten Officers and men of the U.S. Navy were assembled. There was Captain Johansson, LtJG. Harrison, Captain Edgewood USMC, MCPO Hartman and six other ratings. Commander McAndrews stayed behind to be a liaison with Admiral Crane and his staff.

  “Ok Roland,” Admiral Webster said out loud. “Bring us up.”

  He then turned to the men assembled with him. “Once the guide beam is in place, just walk directly into it and the Grav Elevator will take you right into Roland’s Air Lock.”

  At that moment the beam appeared, a rich Yellowish Golden light. Admiral Webster just walked right into it and was pulled aloft. Captain Johansson shook his head and walked into the beam and he was whisked upwards also. The remaining Officers and men followed and one by one they arrived in Roland’s Air Lock.

  The air lock’s door irised closed, and Admiral Webster told the men present. “Wherever you see a wall with this green and gold pattern you will also find a Trans-Portal. In operation it’s very simple, just say aloud where you want to go, touch it, then a force field will surround you and suck you right in and then place you at your destination.”

  He then turned to the pattern on the wall and said, “Wardroom”, next he touched the Trans-Portal and was sucked in. In a couple of seconds his voice issued from a hidden speaker, “Your turns now”.

  Lt. Harrison looked at the men with him and then said, “I’ll go first.” He walked up to the Trans-Portal and went through the same procedure.

  Momentarily his voice also came through the hidden speaker. “It’s all right, come on through, you won’t believe the view from here.”

  In a few minutes all of the U.S. Navy personnel were in the Wardroom of Roland. They were watching the wall where Roland was projecting a video of their short trip back to the Carrier Lucky.

  As they passed in front of the Escort ships surrounding the George H.W. Bush, Admiral Webster asked Captain Johansson a question.

  “Captain, in your opinion, what type of ship should the Navy be developing for use in the service of defending the United States?”

  Captain Johansson was surprised at the question and showed it in his eyes, he thought briefly and then spoke.

  “Admiral in my opinion we need to have vessels like the DDX that have the rail gun capability and more advanced anti-submarine capability. They need to be more stealthy and have the capability of working in the littoral environment.”

  “And…”, coaxed Admiral Webster.

  “And we need more Aircraft Carriers, we once had fifteen and all of the ships needed to escort and help defend them. Now, we only have seven that are fully ready and two in dry dock getting their mid-life refueling and upgrades. The rest are mothballed. Even my own jets are just keeping up with our potential enemies in quality. They outstrip us in quantity six to one.

  “And what do you think, Lt. Harrison”

  “Sir, quite frankly, I believe that we, the military, all of the branches of the military, need to be as strong and ready as possible to defend the United States and those territories that want to be a part of the United States. I also believe that we shouldn’t be so strong that our civilian leadership will think of us as a big stick to use around the world to intimidate or beat up those nations who don’t agree with us.”

  “Interesting thoughts there, Lt. Harrison.” Mused Admiral Webster.

  A short silence then he looked at Captain Edgewood the sole marine in the group. “And you, Captain Edgewood?”

  “Our primary missions nowadays are to defend the Navy’s Ships and Bases as well as our own bases. We don’t do the Expeditionary Force mission anymore, Those ships have all been mothballed. What would the Marine Corp have to do with the Terran Space Navy?”

  “A very good question and I will answer it fully after we are on board the Lucky. And seeing as we are about to come aboard, let us all watch the landing.”

  He turned to the wall that was also the viewscreen and watched the TSN Lucky’s stern swell up in front of them as they climbed higher into the sky. Then they were behind her and moving quickly toward the Landing Deck. This was an arch almost a mile wide by two mile in length, it was a broad band arching into the sky with almost a half a mile of open space underneath it. As they came closer they could see a shimmer of air and a slight static discharge as the force field of the Landing Deck interfaced with the force Field surrounding Roland.

  Then they were through and Roland was gliding toward a Circle and cross symbol that was flashing Green on the floor of the Landing Deck. There was no sensation of touchdown when Roland announced.

  “Admiral, we have arrived. Thank you for flying TSN Air and we hope that your flight was a pleasant one. When you do decide to fly again we hope that TSN Air will be your first choice.”

  Admiral Webster and the others burst out with laughter and then he said.

  “Roland, that was marvelous! Was that an example of your sense of humor or were you mocking some of those Flight Attendants I had to put up with years ago?” asked Admiral Webster.

  “Seeker and Lucky suggested that I peruse some of the data on Commercial Airlines and I found several comments about Flight Attendant announcements. It seemed to be appropriate in this case. I see you found it humorous. Is this a good thing?”

  ‘Yes, Roland it was a very good thing, keep up the good work and your studies. I think you will develop a sense of humor if you hang around us Humans enough.”

  The Admiral turned back to Navy personnel and pointed to the Trans-Portal.

  “It’s time to go Gentlemen , our destination is the Admirals Conference Room.”

  He then strode forward and touched the Trans-Portal and was gone. The others looked at each other and then started to walk toward the Trans-Portal also.

  “Gentlemen please be seated and refreshments will be provided shortly. In the meantime Lucky has prepared an introductory briefing for you. Lucky, please proceed with your briefing.”

  Over the conference room table a holographic projection field appeared. And on the various walls were different diagrams and pictures. Lucky’s voice was low and pleasant and each person there could hear it perfectly no matter which way they turned their heads.

  “Welcome aboard to Terran Space Navy’s Star Fighter Carrier Lucky. I am also addressed as Lucky when talking to me in the first person. I am an A.I., an Artificial Intelligence that is also the direct child of Seeker and Admiral Webster. There are many sub-personalities or as one of your Science Fiction Writers called them Sub-Minds. They are also full A.I.’s but are primarily concerned about their specialized tasks and will rarely interact with a human.”

  A picture of Lucky appeared in the Hologram Field, HF for short, it did a 360 degree swoop around showing off all angles and outside features, The skin of the ship disappeared and was replace by compartments of varying sizes.

  “In the ships of the TSN we are concerned with vessel integrity and compartmen
t integrity. There are no doors between compartments, only the Trans-Portal system. Each compartment has full life support capability. If the hull integrity is breached only those compartments immediately involved in the breach are affected. If we are boarded by a hostile force there is no readily accessible way to go from one compartment to another.

  All personnel on board a TSN vessel will be issued a Shipsuit as daily wear and for use in hazardous Environments.”

  An image of a close fitting coverall suit highlighted itself on the wall Screen.

  “Shipsuit training is fairly rigorous but the actual use of the suit is simplicity. You just wear it.

  Members of the TSN will have suitable quarters for their family members on board. Family is defined as Long-term partner, children, Grand Children, Parents and Grand Parents. If any of these people wish to join the TSN all rights, privileges and training opportunities will be available to them also. On a side note Admiral Webster has noted that Men and Women that are in the service of their country do best when they know that their loved ones are also being taken care of by the service when they are away on duty.”


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