TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy) Page 33

by Paul Phipps

“Signal intercepts indicate massive confusion and consternation among the tanker and freighters making their passage through the strait.” Ariadne reported.

  “We expected that. Any official or military chatter yet?”

  “A small frigate has just put out from the IUR base at Bandar Abbas… Still no attempt to communicate with us… Ahhh, it appears to be a normal training cruise with reservists.” A couple of minutes passed. “Finally! Someone just woke up and spotted us. Tracking radars are lighting off. There are two, four, twelve targeting radars of the type associated with the Sunburn II missiles China started to export two years ago.”

  “Oman traffic control is issuing a notice to Mariner’s about us. We are an unknown Warship of Stupendous size in their notice.” Ariadne continued to report.

  “Continue to do nothing overt. If they send a ship out to us do not acknowledge their presence. They can’t board us from the sea.” Ansel directed.

  “Here comes a helicopter. It appears to be a French Alouette III Variant with two crew and five passengers. No observable weapons at this time.” Ariadne announced.

  “Let them fly around and take as many pretty pictures as they like. If they request to land, deny them permission.”

  “They are doing just that. There’s a soldier at the door with a minicam. No attempt so far to contact us.” There was quiet on the bridge for the next 15 minutes as the helicopter flew around the Companion Twice. “That was interesting, they just flew off. There was no attempt to contact us.” Ariadne commented. “I wonder why?”

  “A good question, I was expecting them to try and land on the aft flight deck.” Ansel admitted. “Time to contact Admiral Webster, don’t you think?”

  A few minutes later a holo image of Admiral Webster was visible to Ansel.

  “They are being cautious of us right now. We are monitoring both President Ahmad and Grand Ayatollah Al-Quds offices. You showed up just before they started to work and after morning prayers. The Grand Ayatollah and the President are meeting as soon as the president can get to the Ayatollah’s offices.” Admiral Webster said. “Once they get started I’ll have Susannah pass you the feed.”

  “Thank you sir that will be helpful to us.” Ansel replied.

  “How long have you calculated for the Blockade drones to be in position and then to activate?” Admiral Webster asked.

  “For the maximum effect I plan to start releasing them visibly on a one by one basis to begin off and then a swarm. There are Four thousand seven hundred and seventeen required. It will take an estimated two hours and twenty six minutes for all drones to reach their assigned locations. Once they are in place it will take five minutes for the Blockade shield to fully activate.” Ansel told him.

  Seventeen minutes later Ansel and Ariadne began to receive the feed from the Communiqué in the Ayatollah’s office.

  “Exalted One, thank you for allowing me to see you so quickly.” President Ahmad began as he entered the Office.

  “Yes, yes, dispense with the pleasantries. What is happening at Bandar Abbas?” The Grand Ayatollah said peremptorily.

  “A monstrously large Warship has appeared out of nowhere. The garrison on watch at the Guards anti-shipping missile site said it just appeared as if by magic. It hasn’t moved or attempted any contact at all. We have no idea whose it is even. There are no flags, no identification Numbers, No Writing, Nothing other than the ship itself.” The president said almost babbling.

  The Grand Ayatollah sat in his chair almost stunned by the display in front him. Finally he snapped out, “In the name of Allah be quiet.” The President was instantly silent, “I believe that the force behind this ship are the infidels of the Terran Space Navy who sent us this arrogant communiqué only two days ago. That was the time that they gave us to respond to them if I remember correctly.” He then picked up the communiqué and re-read it. “Yes, I was correct.”

  The president nodded his head slowly. Then he asked, “Do you think they intend on attacking us?”

  The Ayatollah sat back in thought. “I do not know, I am a Spiritual Leader not a Military one. But just one ship? What can they do to a whole nation with just one ship no matter how large it is? And think about it, they don’t have any of their giant spaceships here. Maybe those are only tricks of light like a Mirage in the desert? Perhaps this ship is the same?”

  “What about their demands? Should we not turn over the Doctor and her team? We already have that technology. We certainly can train and send out more doctors to continue that program, can’t we? The President asked hopefully.

  “That is something to consider.” The Grand Ayatollah said while nodding his head slowly. “The good Doctor may need to become a martyr to the glory of Allah. She has certainly created so many for the cause, hasn’t she?”

  “And ‘Shaitan’s Breath? There has been no successful vaccine yet. If it gets released there is no safety for anyone. Colonel Al-Quds is very much afraid of it. He even has the samples placed in Depleted Uranium vials to prevent accidental breakage and release.

  If we turn it over to them the Communiqué indicates that they will say nothing to the world. It only says that they will notify the News Media and governments of the world if we don’t turn it over to them.” The Iranian President said hopefully.

  “Are the vials for delivery to our ‘Martyrs in Waiting’ still available. Or were they destroyed when the Laboratory was destroyed?” The Grand Ayatollah asked with a gleam of fanaticism in his eyes.

  “I believe that they were also destroyed. They were supposed to use very pure Acids and thermite to destroy them all. I will ask the Colonel for confirmation if you would like me too.”

  “Yes, do so immediately. If they are still available send them to our Disbursement point in Montenegro. Those Whoremongers are should be good for something besides their whores.” The Grand Ayatollah said with a terrible smile.

  “Now about our Nuclear Weapons, is it true that most will not function as designed?” The Grand Ayatollah continued

  “Yes Exalted One, sadly it is true. The refurbishment process is still damaged. Those Damnable viruses still raises their head when we least expect it. We have completely replaced all computers. No unauthorized software, no Internet and still it comes and destroys our equipment.” The President said with resignation.

  “I see… Must I send in the Scarlet Brigade to investigate those on-site for Purity? They are not noted for ‘laxnesses’ in the Faith as well as in Duty.” He added with a cruel smile.

  “I will see that the Managers disseminate your words to the Scientists as well as the work force.” The President told the Grand Ayatollah.

  “Go and find out the status of the Vials.” The Ayatollah Ordered.

  * * *

  “Ariadne please initiate the deployment of the Blockade drones. I think we will time it so that they are all in position by 1420L.” Ansel said thoughtfully, “Please turn off the masking to them in addition. I want them to be visible from the ground.”

  “Why, Ansel? Are you looking for a psychological advantage?” Ariadne asked bemusedly.

  “No and yes, President Ahmad is ready to deal. I want to give him another reason to do so. I am hoping that we can keep from having to place an entire nation in quarantine. Maybe their leaders deserve it. But everyone? Most of them just want to live their lives in peace. So I want to give Ahmad a chance to do just that.” Ansel said. “On the other hand… The Grand Ayatollah Al-Quds is ready to create Armageddon I believe, or whatever they call it. He believes that the 12th Imam will save the believers and the infidel will die horribly, leaving Islam to be the sole survivor to conquer the Earth in the name of Allah.”

  “Ansel, I am going to prepare a special package for you to take along when you go deliver the Declaration of War in person.” Ariadne stated

  “Really, what sort of package?” Ansel said curiously.

  “One I hope not to need but will regret forever if I didn’t have it ready when I and you needed it. Please… Ju
st let me do it and don’t ask any more questions for now.” She told him with feeling.

  “Ok Love, I’ll keep my curiosity under control.

  A few minutes later Ariadne broke the silence once again. “We have three different helicopters heading our way. They appear to be News Media… Yes, one is definitely from Al-Jazeera and I think one is from FOX/CNN.

  “And the third one?” Ansel inquired.

  “It is coming from the IUR mainland. IGD 12-251 is alongside and checking them out.” A minute later she said. “It’s a commando team disguised as a News Crew.”

  “Warn them all off and notify the real News Media that interviews will be granted tomorrow. Put a tracking laser on the Commandos from a point defense mount. Inform them that they will be shot down if they attempt to land. Insure that it is in the clear and that all of the helicopters acknowledge the warn-off.”

  He then continued, “They are going to be curious about the Blockade Drones being launched by us. That is to be expected and in many ways desirable. It will put more pressure on President Ahmad.” Ansel finished up with satisfaction in his voice.”

  “Are there any live news feeds of us available? I’m interested in their speculations.”

  In a few moments a monitor lit up and Ansel watched a view of the Companion as seen by the FOX/CNN Helicopter. Every second another brilliantly glowing Blockade Drone was launched from one of the Elevators that were retracted in the After Flight Deck of the Companion. Then another Elevator was retracted and then a third soon there were six elevators in operation and the brilliantly lighted Blockade Drones rushed like missiles into the Atmosphere before they turned to the North and South.

  The Reporter on board was describing what he was seeing but made no guesses as to what they were doing there. He did report that they had been warned away and that the vessel had identified itself as the TSN Companion.

  The view of the Companion still launching drone after drone was shrunk down to the Lower Left as a reporter in a studio broke in to report that the “Brilliantly glowing Missiles” were being seen all along the IUR border as if they were following the border exactly. They all appeared to be at the same height once they assumed their position of fifty thousand feet Mean Sea Level.

  Soon it became totally obvious that the Nation of the IUR which was made up of the Provinces of Iraq, Iran and Pakistan were having a line drawn around the border of the nation.

  “Ansel, that helicopter with the Commandos looks like they are going to try and board us.” Ariadne reported.

  “Ok, last chance then. Use the Gatling lasers to box them in, below, above and to each side. Twenty rounds per side.” Ansel ordered.

  The news helicopter caught the Laser fire perfectly. The commandos were completely surrounded with a stunning display of laser fire that did no damage other than to the underwear of the occupants. Once the lasers stopped the Helicopter rotated on its axis and fled back to the IUR mainland.




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