Hearts and Diamonds

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Hearts and Diamonds Page 4

by Nichelle Gregory

  “But, how can I turn down a thank-you-for-saving-my-life dinner?” A hint of humour crept into Quin’s hypnotic brown eyes. “When?”

  “Tomorrow night?” Nia was surprised the bracelet clenched in her hand didn’t disintegrate.

  “Where?” He lifted his head to nod at Agent Tan coming out of the back office.

  “My place, seven sharp.”

  She forgot to breathe when he looked at her and smiled…a real, honest-to-goodness sexy smile.

  “See you then.”

  He turned around and she watched him exit the store with his partner.

  “You’re outta your mind,” Nia said under her breath. She shook her head to scramble the image of Quin’s lips on her body.

  Get a grip, it’s only dinner.

  She had never asked a man out on a date. Never would’ve believed she had the guts, but this wasn’t about guts. No, this was about desire.

  Chapter Four

  At exactly seven sharp the following evening, Quin parked in a spot across the street from Nia’s house. He glanced at his reflection in the rear view mirror. What was he doing? Why hadn’t he declined her dinner invitation?

  Because you want to hear her laugh again and…

  It was the rest of what he wanted that was the problem. He should’ve definitely called and cancelled. Instead, he got out of the car, walked the few steps it took to get to her door and pushed the doorbell.

  The door swung open and Quin couldn’t stop the smile curving his lips as the smell of garlic and pasta hit his nose.

  “Hey, come on in.”

  “Those look great on you,” he said, pointing to the fuzzy antlers sticking out of her hair as he stepped inside.

  “I’ve got another pair if you’d like,” Nia teased, taking his coat.

  Quin waved his hands. “No, I’m good.” He tried not to notice the womanly curves greeting his eyes as she sauntered over to the hall closet. She looked amazing in a grey sweater dress that complimented her skin and drew attention to her sexy bare legs and…mouse slippers?

  Nia laughed when she saw his attention on her feet. “There’re only four more days until Christmas. With all the madness going on, I needed some help getting back into the holiday spirit.” She took off the antler headband and tossed it on the couch.

  “Ah, I see. Cute.”


  More than cute. According to his cock, she was fine as hell, utterly kissable and completely lickable.

  Keep thinking like this and you’ll have a hard-on to sport for dinner…classy.

  Quin cleared his throat and shifted his growing erection in his dark jeans as Nia turned. “Something smells good.” He watched her disappear back into the kitchen and return with two wine glasses.

  “I’m thanking you with Parmesan chicken, my special feta and tomato tossed salad and garlic bread.”

  Quin grinned. “What no dessert?”

  “Will apple pie do?” She sat the glasses down and put her hands on her hips.

  “My favourite.”

  Gorgeous, sweet and funny? He was in big trouble.

  Nia beamed. “Good.” She handed him the bottle and opener. “I’ll let you do this.”

  “My pleasure.” He was sure he saw a flame of desire in her eyes before she turned away again. His eyes followed the curve of her ass down the length of her legs to the shapely calves. How he wished she were thanking him with her legs wrapped tight around his waist as he…


  “Yes?” He shifted his attention from her legs to her face. Damn, he needed to get his head on straight. The only problem was the other head confined in his pants.

  “Have a seat. Dinner is ready to be served.” Her gaze drifted over his dark navy sweater and did he imagine her checking out his crotch?

  No, he was trained to read people’s intentions and there was no mistaking the fact that Nia was suffering from the same lustful affliction he was trying to push back.

  Looked like they were both in trouble.

  Nia watched Quin take a few bites, happy to see him enjoying her food. She took a sip of white wine and wondered if it was a good idea to drink something that would warm her up in the inside when she was already melting. Her breasts felt heavy and her nipples were rock hard. Could he see them through the thin sweater fabric of her dress? She should have worn a padded bra. Hell, she should have worn a regular pair of panties instead of the thong to hide any visible lines. The miniscule strap of fabric between her legs was drenched. Each time he looked at her the core temperature of her body shot up another degree.

  “You’re a great cook, Nia.”

  She smiled as he took a bite of garlic bread. “Thanks.” No need to tell him this was probably her best meal. “You’re haven’t touched your wine.”

  Quin glanced at his glass. “I don’t usually drink when I’m working a case.”

  “Oh. Do you want something else to drink?” Nia held her breath as his eyes flitted across the minimal cleavage showing in the wrap style dress. Her nipples pebbled even more and this time, she was sure he noticed.

  “Water’s fine.”

  She got up, walked the short distance from the dining room to the kitchen and took a deep breath once out of his viewing range. One thing had been confirmed for her tonight. She wanted him…bad.

  The water sloshed over the top of the overfilled glass and she poured some out into the sink.

  Dammit, keep it together, girl.

  “So you’re the baby of the family?”

  Nia jumped at the sound of his deep voice carrying from the dining room and more water spilled. With a frustrated curse, she threw paper towels over the mess and walked towards him with the water. “Yep, I’ve got two older brothers. One lives in Indy and the oldest lives in DC.”

  “Parents?” He turned in his chair and extended his hand for the glass.

  “Don’t you have all of this in a file about me somewh—” Nia gasped as her mouse slipper slipped beneath her and she stumbled towards Quin. The water hit him seconds before she fell to her knees in front of him. “I am so sorry.” She blinked in sheer mortification as the liquid seeped into the dark fabric on his thighs. Her gaze drifted further up his leg to see the unmistakable bulge inches away from her.

  “It’s okay.”

  Nia dragged her eyes up from his pants to meet his heated gaze. “No, it’s not.”

  Quin ran his finger down the tip of her nose. “It is. I needed to cool off anyway.”

  A ribbon of desire coursed along every nerve ending in her body as he stood up and offered both hands. “Let me help you up.”

  She took them, visualising an actual spark of electricity from his touch as he yanked her up from the ground. “Thanks, Quin.” She lifted her chin, saw the same longing in his eyes and something twisted in her stomach as they stared at one another. She laced her fingers with his as time stood still. “Kiss me.”

  The whispered request shocked her. She waited with baited breath for him to move, her words, her heart lay before him. Just when she would’ve pulled away, he groaned and pulled her against his chest.

  His hands skimmed up her arms, into her hair as he kissed her. She melted into him, wrapped her arms around his neck and welcomed his fierce kiss. He took over and she wanted him to. Her moan of pleasure only encouraged him to delve deeper, tasting and stroking her tongue as he backed her up against the dining room wall. She could barely breathe, lost in the rhythm of his masterful kisses. One hand left her hair to cup her ass, kneading the soft curve beneath her dress. She ran her hands through his hair, loving the feel of the thick texture between her fingers as he pressed his hard cock against her belly.

  “You’re so sexy,” Quin said, breaking away to look down at her.

  “Ditto.” She closed her eyes as he claimed her lips again, this time in a soft, sensual caress that left her boneless. He ended the kiss and her body craved more. “Quin…” She sighed as his lips brushed her temple.


  The shrill sound of her phone ringing broke the moment, stopped her from making another brazen request of his body. She pulled away from his embrace to reach for the handheld laying on the dining room table. “Hello?”

  “I needed those diamonds.”

  Nia froze.

  The cold voice on the other end of the line was unmistakable.

  “Tess?” She whipped around to look at Quin already on alert as he tapped his watch and indicated for her to keep on talking. “Where are you?”

  “Closer than you think.”

  The line went dead as Nia stared at Quin. She handed him the phone in a daze.

  “What did she say?”

  “She said she ‘needed’ those diamonds. I think she threatened me.”

  “Tell me exactly what she said.” He took out his cell as she repeated the conversation.

  She watched him for a second, noting how easy it was for him to shift gears. Could he really have just given her the best damn kisses of her life? One wouldn’t think it’d happened now as he relayed what had happened and gave out orders to whoever was on the other line.

  She walked to the window overlooking her porch from the dining room and suppressed the urge to shiver in the warm room.

  “You okay?”

  Nia turned away from the winter scene outside to look at him. “Tess had me completely fooled. How could I work with someone for almost a year and not know something was off?”

  Quin pushed his cell back into his jean pocket. “This woman came to work at Fletcher’s for the sole purpose of stealing those diamonds. Her primary objective was to fit in, get you to like her, trust her, so she could do her part and when the time was right help move those stones out.”

  “It makes me sick to think of the times we talked about our personal lives.” Nia sighed and sank down into her chair at the table. “I considered her a friend.” She shook her head. “You must think I’m a horrible judge of character.”

  “You want to see the good in people and there’s nothing wrong with that most of the time.” Quin sat in the chair beside her. “It’s probably better than assuming the worst about everyone you meet.”

  Nia looked at him. “Is that what you do?”

  Quin’s brown eyes hardened. “In my line of work, you have to prepare for every possible scenario.”

  “Meaning?” She wanted him to answer her question straight out.

  “Meaning, I assume everyone I encounter could be guilty then I do my job to prove innocence or guilt.”

  She leant forward in her chair, placing her face in her hands. Her throat felt dry, whether from lack of water or from his words, she wasn’t sure. He must have thought she was involved in the jewellery ring too. Maybe he still did. Maybe he was only here with her to gather more information. Kissing her to break her down, make her talk or share some valuable clue.

  “Nia, what is it?”

  She lifted her head to look at him. Apparently, he could read her emotions as easily as she could read the I-gotta-have-it expression on her coolest customer. She got up from the chair on wobbly legs. “So, you thought I was guilty of being involved in this case?”

  He held her gaze, his handsome face unreadable. “I considered it a possibility, yes.”

  “Your partner too, right? You both came over here to question me, see if I was telling the truth.” She wrapped her arms around her as he stood up.

  “I know you’re not involved, Nia.”

  “Do you?”

  He took a step towards her, his large frame blocking the light from the chandelier. “Yes.”

  “How?” As soon as she asked the question she knew. “You do have a file on me and my parents and probably my brothers too, right?”

  “We have to investigate everyone involved.”

  She got it, but the knowledge of him being privy to every detail of her life was hard to swallow.

  “I knew you weren’t involved with this mess, the moment I looked into your eyes.”

  He hadn’t moved any closer, but Nia felt as if he had touched her.

  “Your eyes tell me everything I need to know.” This time he did step closer to her, his gaze riveted on hers. He touched the side of her face with the back of his hand and she closed her eyes.

  Her body still thrummed with desire despite the shocking phone call from Tess. She wanted him to wrap his arms back around her and make her stop thinking about the diamonds and mounting fear.

  “I should go.”

  “No.” Her eyes snapped open and she grabbed his hand. “I don’t want to be here alone.” Wow, she really was going to play the damsel in distress card.

  “You won’t be alone. There’s a squad car keeping tabs on your house.”

  Nia lifted her chin and looked at him. “I want you to stay with me.” If he could read her eyes as well as he said, then her meaning was clear as crystal. She felt his hand tighten around hers and waited for him to refuse her request.

  “Well, we haven’t finished dinner yet.” His lips curved in a teasing, slow smile Nia would’ve gladly given up all the diamonds in the world to see again.

  “I’ll warm it up.”

  “No need,” Quin said, settling back at the table.

  No need, indeed. Her body was heating up on the inside as he dug into his food. She admired the slant of his nose as he talked and the motion of his strong jaw as he chewed. The cadence of his sexy voice, deepening with his subtle accent heightened her arousal like a fine wine. She could simply listen to him talk all day long. Didn’t matter what he talked ab—


  She blinked, heat flooding her cheeks. “What were you saying?”

  He gave her the briefest of smiles. Like he knew exactly what she was thinking about.

  “I asked you what you wanted Santa to bring you this Christmas.”

  A tall, gorgeously bronzed, muscles-for-days, federal agent.

  “Hmm…I hadn’t really thought about it, but right now, I’d ask for two tickets to anywhere sunny and warm.”

  “Two tickets?” Quin asked, pushing his plate back. “Who would you take?”

  Had she just said two tickets?

  “Would you like some more water?” She got up from the table and reached for his empty plate. Her brain was actually including him in her fantasy vacations.

  “You know…” he grabbed hold of her wrist, “you do that a lot.”

  “Do what?” Nia asked, trying to ignore the effect his thumb was having on her pulse as he stroked the sensitive skin.

  “Answer a question with a question.” He yanked her forward and placed her on his lap. “Now, I’m going to ask you again. Who would you take?”

  The feel of his hard thighs beneath her bottom unleashed a myriad of desires Nia was sure he could see in her eyes. She shifted slightly on his lap with the intention to get up but stayed put upon hearing his sharp intake of breath.

  So, Mr. FBI wasn’t as calm and cool as he appeared to be.

  She gave him a little smile, pleased to know the sexual tension was affecting them both. Something wild within compelled her to reach out and touch his jaw with her free hand. “Do you like it warm?”

  Quin’s grip tightened on her wrist. “I like it hot.”

  “How hot?” Nia knew she shouldn’t tease him, wasn’t sure she should fan the flames of desire causing her to throw caution to the wind.

  “Muy caliente.”

  His words wrapped around her like warm velvet as her gaze dropped to his lips. She willed him to kiss her and got her wish. His mouth descended on hers and she parted her lips, inviting him to taste her. The sensual way he caressed her tongue with his own left Nia with no doubt his lovemaking would be equally erotic.

  “This is crazy,” he muttered, pulling up from her.

  “Utterly crazy.” She scooted off his lap to straddle him, uncaring of her sweater dress inching up to expose her bare thighs. Her heart beat even faster as his large hands touched her legs. She closed her eyes as he le
ant forward to claim her lips again, revelling in the fierce possession of her mouth and Nia vaguely marvelled in the smouldering change in her cool, controlled agent. One of his hands lifted from her thigh to dip inside her surplice neckline, giving her no time to reflect on the possessive aspect of her thought as his thumb brushed across one rock hard nipple.

  “I’ve been wanting to touch you since I walked through your door.” Quin slid the top of the sweater dress off her shoulders, exposing her lacy black bra.

  Nia held her breath as he unfastened the clasp and slid it off her arms. She held her breath as he lowered his gaze to her naked breasts.


  She bit her lip as his fingers played with her nipples. He exerted just enough pressure to make her gasp as he tugged and flicked the rigid points, extending them even further. She reached for the bottom of his sweater, lifted it up as he helped her yanked it off. Then she was free to run her hands beneath his T-shirt. Her palms skimmed across hard abs as he leaned her back in his arms.

  Nia settled into his arms, watching him beneath half-closed lids as he stared at her heaving breasts. Her skin felt on fire as he dipped his dark head to her chest.

  Nothing could prepare her for the sensation of his warm tongue rasping around her sensitive flesh. She arched her back, moaning with delight as he laved and teased each peak. The desire to feel him, naked against her body made her squirm on his lap and she wondered if the heat coming off her drenched panties now so close to his cock could burn a hole through the fabric of his jeans.

  As if sensing her need, he moved one hand from behind her back, down to touch the wet wisp of material between her legs. His fingers slipped inside her thong and Nia shuddered, opening her thighs wider for him. She gasped as he yanked the soaked fabric free, slightly embarrassed by the amount of wetness he would find as he tossed the ripped panties to the floor. Nia was certain she could climax just from the wicked intent evident in the brown depths of his eyes as his hand moved up on her thigh to dip into her creamy pussy.

  “Nia, what are you doing to me?”

  She groaned as his fingers stroked her, amused by his ironic question for a split second before he kissed her again. His index finger circled her clit and Nia undulated her hips and grabbed hold of his shoulders as waves of pleasure stormed through her. She opened her eyes, hearing silverware clinking behind her as Quin pushed aside his dinnerware.


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