Love at Stake (Entangled Covet)

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Love at Stake (Entangled Covet) Page 2

by Davies, Victoria

  “But a mating bond is more than genetics,” Lucian said, his gaze never leaving hers. “There is instinct, fate. How can your computer program replace seeing your mate across a crowded room and knowing she is yours?”

  Abbey swallowed, wondering if the room had just grown hotter. Looking into his eyes, she almost agreed with him. How could science replace physical attraction? That animalistic combustibility everyone yearned to find just once in their lives?

  “I’m sure they’ve done all the proper testing,” Melissa said.

  Abbey turned her attention to the other woman gratefully. “Yes, of course.” She cleared her throat. “Matches happen even without the 75 percent rating. I know of one pair who only had a 33 percent compatibility rating and yet are deliriously happy. Mates could find each other outside of our services. We just make the process easier, eliminating the time-wasting that normally comes with searching for a partner. We don’t guarantee success, but we’ll get you on a much better footing to find your intended.”

  “That’s fine by me,” Melissa said. “I think it sounds like great fun.”

  “I still have reservations.” Lucian leaned back in his chair, but his relaxed pose did nothing to put Abbey at ease. If he wanted to go in for the kill, both she and Fated Match were in trouble. “Are there many humans in the program?”

  Abbey bristled. Another anti-human snob. The old ones tended to remember only the times when mortals were toys to be used and thrown away. They didn’t see the advancements of the twenty-first century.

  “Several,” she said, trying to keep the frost from her voice. “I am the only one on the management team, but we have a few participants who regularly date our supernatural clients.”

  “And how did you find out about this world? It is not something humans normally have knowledge of.”

  Her spine stiffened. She didn’t want to reveal personal information about herself to this man. Still, a job was a job.

  “My mother was bitten by a were-badger when I was in my late teens. I dropped out of university to help her with the transition and was introduced to this world through her.”

  “And your father?”

  “Dead.” She said no more, merely held his gaze and waited.

  Lucian tapped his fingers together. Both she and Melissa kept quiet as he came to his decision.

  “This organization seems foolish and unnecessary,” he said at last. “But Melissa is fond of telling me I need to update myself. Very well, Miss Sinclair. I will allow my charge to become part of your dating program on one condition.”

  Hope swelled within her. She was going to land Melissa after all. Vivian would be ecstatic.

  “Anything,” she agreed.

  A slow smile curved his lips, one that told her in no uncertain terms she was in hot water.

  “Excellent. Then you will sign me up first. If you can find my mate, I shall agree to Melissa joining your company. Time to prove what you claim, Miss Sinclair. If you can.”

  Chapter Two

  “What?” Abbey said.

  “What?” Melissa echoed.

  Both women exchanged a startled look. Lucian’s smile looked satisfied. “I will prove to you, Melissa, that this is a waste of time. Better me on the block than you.”

  “This isn’t the nineteenth century anymore. I’m not a child you need to take care of!”

  “I created you,” he said. “It’s my job to look out for your best interests. Forever.”

  Melissa threw up her hands and paced away from the desk.

  Those unnerving blue eyes returned to Abbey. “So, Miss Sinclair, shall we get started?”

  “This isn’t a game,” she said. “The women we’d match you up with would be coming to meet you in good faith. You can’t play with their hopes.”

  “On the contrary,” he replied. “I have been alone for the better part of a thousand years. If you manage to find my mate when all my searching has uncovered nothing, I will make a very generous donation to your organization and ensure that all my brethren know of your remarkable talents. You will be the most popular dating company in the country.”

  Abbey could practically see money signs hanging over his head. It’d be one hell of a job, but Vivian had a great track record when it came to dealing with high-strung VIP clients. The siren could handle Lucian.

  “All right,” she said slowly. “I think we can accommodate you.”

  “One more thing,” Lucian said with an ease she didn’t trust. “I understand your organization assigns personal representatives to work with high-profile clients.”

  “We do. In fact we have some of the country’s best matchmaking staff on hand. You will have your pick of our top people.”

  “Perfect. I want all details and plans to go through you.”

  Abbey blinked. “What?”

  His Cheshire cat grin widened. “You heard me, Miss Sinclair. Or may I call you Abbey? It seems we will be seeing quite a bit of each other. Unless, of course, you’d like to refuse my offer?”

  “I’m admin,” she tried. “I don’t handle VIPs.”

  “Too bad.”

  “You’re doing this on purpose,” she accused. “I’m not qualified for what you’re asking.”

  “You’ll do fine. Especially if you want someone of Melissa’s influence in your network. Your choice.”

  Abbey fisted her hands in her skirt. She didn’t like vampires. Had no desire to see more of this one despite his handsome face. But if she refused, she had no doubt Vivian would fire her. So that left her with one decision. Frying pan or fire?

  “You will follow my advice,” she said, her voice tight. “You will adhere to our rules and you will show me the respect I deserve.”

  His expression never changed. “I wouldn’t dream of anything else.”

  Like hell he wouldn’t.

  “No biting,” she said. “Not ever. I’m off-limits.”

  This time there was no mistaking his amusement. She held still as his gaze dropped from her face and moved slowly to her body, stopping at her throat and again at the vee of her blouse.

  “I believe I can restrain myself.”

  He said nothing else, nothing more pointed or cutting, but even so Abbey felt like crawling under the desk. Of course this gorgeous man who’d lived for centuries was not going to fall on her with uncontrolled lust. Her cheeks heated with embarrassment.

  “Good, then we should get started.”

  Melissa rounded on them with her hands on her hips. “You have a month, Lucian,” she said. “One month, and then I am joining this group whether you want me to or not.” Turning on her heel, she stalked from the room.

  Abbey wished the other woman had stayed longer. She didn’t like being alone with Lucian. The massive room suddenly felt too small, too intimate.

  Be professional, she told herself.

  “All right. Let’s start with the samples.” She stood and arranged her instruments on the mahogany desk. Slipping on latex gloves, she stepped around the desk. “First I need a swab from your cheek.”

  Lucian rotated in his chair to face her. With dark amusement in his eyes, he opened his mouth, revealing wicked sharp fangs.

  Abbey steeled herself. She would not let him unnerve her. If she was going to keep working in this industry, then he was just one more challenge she needed to overcome. The damn vampire could make the next month impossibly hard if she let him cow her. But she would not fail. Not in a month, and not now.

  She bent over, resting one hand on the arm of his chair to get close enough. There was no mistaking the thundering pounding of her heart as their faces moved toward each other. Ignoring the intensity of his eyes, she quickly swept the swab along his inner cheek. Her gaze fastened on his lips and despite herself, she wondered how it would feel to have them run across her skin. What would he do if she leaned just a tiny bit forward and touched her mouth to his?

  She snapped up, stepping away from the vampire before she could do something she regretted. Abbey droppe
d the swab into its sterile container and reached for the scissors.

  “I only need a few strands of hair,” she explained, her voice sounding far more breathy than she’d expected. “You won’t even miss them.”

  He made no move as she drew closer again. She combed a few strands of black hair from behind his ear. Her fingers worked gently to free the locks from the tight queue he’d pulled them into. With a quick snip, the hairs rested in her hand. She glanced up to catch the vampire staring straight at the breasts she’d practically shoved in his face.

  With a squeak, she hopped back. During the course of her job, she’d collected hundreds of samples. It had never felt so intimate before.

  Blue eyes rose to hers, looking darker than they had moments before. “What’s next?” he asked. The velvet voice sounded a little strained.

  “I need to touch you.”

  The blue of his irises darkened even more.

  She cleared her throat. “I mean, I need to use the tissue to collect a sample of your scent to analyze your pheromones.”

  “I am at your command.”

  The words put thoughts in her head that had no business being there. Thoughts of having him to command in her bed. Of telling him exactly what she wanted, needed. Of having him follow her orders, until he couldn’t take it anymore and reclaimed that delicious control.

  She shivered. Trying to focus on her work, she reached for the specialized tissue and stripped it from its packaging.

  Abbey hesitated a moment before touching the cloth to his neck. In slow, careful strokes, she drew the soft tissue down his throat. Lucian held perfectly still for her while she worked. All she needed was a second of skin contact for the cloth to do its work, but she couldn’t resist a last lingering touch. His skin was warm beneath the cotton cloth. She felt the steady beat of his pulse, proving he’d fed recently. The urge to press her lips to that pounding pulse was almost more than she could take.

  “Done,” she said hoarsely. Slipping the cloth into its designated bag, she tossed the samples into the briefcase. “Unless you produce venom with your fangs.”

  He shook his head. “My bite brings pleasure, not pain.”

  Meeting his heated gaze, there was no doubt a promise of pleasure was something this man was more than capable of delivering on.

  Vampire, her mind whispered. He literally eats foolish girls like you for breakfast.

  With jerky steps, she stumbled back to her chair. “We need to make you a profile,” she said, trying to bring their conversation back to a professional level.

  “Of course.” He swung the chair forward to face her, the desk back between them. Only now, it didn’t seem like a barrier. Instead, visions of climbing over it to kiss him filled her head. He would swipe his papers to the floor and lay her back against the dark wood and then—

  “Profile,” she said, her voice strangled. “I assume you want to use your given name?”

  He nodded as she pulled her tablet from the briefcase and brought up a new member’s page. “I need your birth date. The year is fine.”


  He was over nine hundred years old. And she thought her last boyfriend had been too old for her.

  “We need to set up your preferences, the species you’d be open to dating. For example, mermaids, weres, fey, demons, and so on.”

  “No werewolves,” he said. “I don’t want my home smelling of wet dog.”

  She shook her head but unchecked the box marked werewolf.

  “And no sirens. All that singing. Hair everywhere.” He shuddered.

  Abbey dutifully unchecked siren. Vivian would be thoroughly offended. Scrolling down, she read the next species preference she needed to ask him about.

  “Humans?” she said, keeping her gaze on the tablet.

  He was silent a long moment. “Do you have a profile, Abbey?”

  Pleasure curled through her at the way her name rolled off his tongue. “Yes,” she said. “It’s company policy, but I don’t use mine much.”

  “Why not?”

  She shrugged.

  “And what do your preferences state?” he asked.

  Dangerous ground.

  “That is my business.”

  “As am I, for the next month at least.”

  She blew on the bangs falling into her eyes. “Yes, I have certain restrictions as well.”

  “Which are?”

  She was mutinously silent.


  “Love ’em.”

  “Mermen? Dragons? Fey?”

  “I don’t discriminate.”


  Abbey stilled. What to say? That five minutes in his presence was making her rethink that particular restriction? All he needed to do was search her name when she left and he’d see her dating preferences. There was no point in lying.

  Setting the tablet down, she met his gaze squarely. “No. No vampires.”

  Instead of being offended, Lucian merely looked thoughtful. “Why?”

  “We are setting up your profile, not mine.”

  “You are my VIP representative. I’m sure your boss would agree to your answering any questions I have. On any topic.”

  Her fingers tapped against the tablet. “My private life is not your business.”

  “How will you work with me if you despise my kind?”

  “I don’t despise you,” she said. “It’s self-preservation. I don’t date demons either.”

  “Because we both live off blood,” he stated as if unraveling another piece of the puzzle.

  “You have to admit, you guys are on a different level. Little human me is far too breakable to play in your league.”

  “I don’t know. You seem to be doing just fine.” The heat was back in his eyes and Abbey found it impossible to look away.

  “None of this matters,” she said, trying to derail his line of inquiry. “It’s you we are trying to match up.”

  “Given the amount of time you spend in our world, do you never wonder if you have a mate waiting for you?”

  She snorted. “I’m far too human for that.”

  “One never knows.” His expression grew unreadable. “In answer to your original question, humans are more than welcome on my profile.”

  Abbey glanced up, unnerved by the way he watched her. She felt exposed, vulnerable. Lucian Redgrave was a man who saw far more than she intended him to.

  “Let’s just get through these last few questions, all right?”

  “As you wish.”

  Lucian sat back and let her grill him on the last bits of information she needed. She dutifully copied down his ancestry and his current position in the hedge fund and investing world. She noted his likes and dislikes with a wry smile. He was all for order and control. This was not a man she could see bungee jumping or skydiving. He’d be far more at home in a museum or at a benefit event. Even so, she knew his old-fashioned taste would appeal to a number of their clients, and his wallet would appeal to even more. Once Lucian Redgrave’s profile went live, they’d have a mad rush for him.

  “Okay, done,” she declared. “Your profile will be processed and uploaded within twenty-four hours. Here is your login information.” She passed him a slim white card, then turned the tablet to show him several of the Fated Match website’s features. “You can search for prospective dates by gender, age, or species. The button at the top of a profile that says ‘match’ will calculate your statistics against the woman whose profile you’re viewing. We don’t recommend pursuing anyone under a 75 percent match.”

  “I understand.”

  “One last thing,” she said as she slipped the tablet back into the briefcase.


  Abbey hesitated, wondering if her observation would be out of line.


  “To make a better first impression, you might want to consider…updating your look a bit.”

  He arched an elegant brow.

  “What I mean is, some o
f our younger clients might be intimidated by the old-world appearance.”

  A slow smile curved his lips. “For the next month, Abbey, I shall defer to your knowledge.” A wicked glint lit up his eyes. “After that time, however, I make no promises.”

  She swallowed hard. “I can set you up with our personal shopper who can take you to—”

  “You.” It was not a request.

  She’d been expecting the command but even so, it made that little glow of pleasure within her grow. Not many men in her life requested to be with her above all others, even if it was only for work.

  “Fine. I’ll meet you tomorrow at dusk. I can make arrangements for the stores we need to stay open late. Bring your credit card.”

  He inclined his head.

  For a moment Abbey hesitated, not wanting to leave, but there was no further reason to stay.

  “Congratulations, Mr. Redgrave, on joining Fated Match.” She stood.

  “Thank you,” he said, coming around the desk with a smooth glide. “I look forward to witnessing your vast talents.”

  When he reached for her hand, Abbey gave it without thought, puzzling over his choice of words.

  He didn’t shake her hand as she’d expected, however. Instead he leaned down and brushed his lips across her knuckles. His gaze never left hers, making the touch far more intimate than it should have been.

  “Until tomorrow night,” he breathed against her skin.

  All she could do was nod wordlessly. Nod and beat as hasty an escape as she could manage.

  Chapter Three

  “Three cheers for Abbey!”

  Abbey accepted the congratulations with a smile. Everyone in the office had been floored when she’d returned with the news that Lucian, not Melissa, was joining Fated Match. She could have sworn she saw Vivian drooling at the prospect of having an elder as a member. Already their boss was in her office, calculating the projected increase in sales and what they would need to do to accommodate the influx. Life was looking good for the matchmaking agency.

  She raised a glass of wine to her lips, thinking of the next month. Lucian’s account had been approved and online for two hours. Already her e-mail was flooded with more date requests than she could handle on her own.


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