The Game (Carolina Connections Book 4)

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The Game (Carolina Connections Book 4) Page 30

by Sylvie Stewart

I’ll be anything Laney Monroe needs me to be … a superhero, a prince, or just a guy she might take a chance on.

  Order your copy of The Fix today!

  The Spark:

  Mark Beckett is the most annoying, patronizing, arrogant jerk on the face of the earth. So, naturally, I can’t get the damn man out of my head.


  Like the old saying goes, I’m a jill of all trades but a master of none. What I lack in skill, however, I make up for in enthusiasm—something certain people (ahem) find irritating. But I have my reasons for living my life the way I do, for diving into one project after another and trying to make a difference. And if Mark Beckett doesn’t like it, he knows where to find the door. I don’t need his approval … or his panty-melting kisses.


  I enjoy the simple things in life: a job well done, a cold beer, a hot woman … you get the idea. But there’s nothing simple about the mess I just found myself in. The last thing I need is a pint-sized princess sticking her nose in my business and pushing every damn one of my buttons like it’s her job. But Fiona Pierce may be the only one with the tools to solve my problems—and the power to change everything.

  Order your copy of The Spark today!

  The Lucky One:

  Luck is no lady… in fact, she can be a downright bitch.


  Let’s get one thing straight. I am not your typical girl. Sure, I’ve got all the parts, but I’ve been a stubborn, irreverent tomboy since the womb. Despite my Irish blood, bad luck makes a sport of messing with me, especially when it comes to men. But my shields are firmly in place now; nothing can touch me again. Except maybe Jake Beckett. He just might make this tomboy do the girliest thing in the world—fall head over heels in love.


  I’m a pretty lucky guy. I have a phenomenal family, a career I love, and I’m building a brand-new life back in my hometown. And, not to be a jerk about it, but I do more than all right with the ladies. Everything’s going according to plan—like I said, I’m a lucky guy. That is, until my luck runs out. Until I meet the girl I call “Irish.” Irony can go kiss my ass.

  Order your copy of The Lucky One today!

  Then Again:

  They say the first step is the hardest one. Even more so when it takes you right off a cliff.

  Jenna Watson never saw her divorce coming until the papers smacked her in the face. Left to pick up the pieces and maintain an upbeat front for her daughters, she struggled to make it through the months that followed.

  But it’s been two years now, and it’s past time to start again.

  Encouraged by Jill, her meddlesome sister, Jenna embarks on a mission to dive back into life. Step one: find a romance-novel-worthy man for a hot summer fling. How hard could it be? But disastrously bad flirting, a failed honky-tonk hookup, and a mix-up with one of Sunview’s finest have Jenna seriously doubting if this is all worth it. Maybe she’s better off leaving the world of love and sex to others—or maybe she’s just looking in the wrong place …

  Then Again is part of the groundbreaking Juniper Court Series. Learn more about the books and their authors on our website:

  Order your copy of Then Again today!

  Excerpt from The Lucky One

  Carolina Connections Book 3

  Chapter Three: Clichés and Chupacabras


  It wasn’t really my fault. It was the fault of every movie ever made, every book ever written, and every damn talk show ever produced. When you’re single, on the cusp of thirty, and your only sibling is getting married, things happen. Things like clocks ticking, insecurities blooming, little green demons taking up residence in your mind—all things you never knew were inside you until that day.

  So it happened that, on the day of Nate and Laney’s wedding, I’d awoken not feeling quite like myself.

  Part of the reason, I knew, was that I would be required to wear both make-up and a freaking dress to the wedding. Bailey Murphy does not do girly shit. But when a tiny, blond force-of-nature threatens your very existence if you don’t don the assigned attire (and smile while doing it), you obey. I’d seen Fiona in a temper and it was no joke. She took her maid-of-honor responsibilities very seriously and I was not about to provoke her.

  I’d shown up to fittings, as instructed, and I’d done all the oohing and ahhing at the bride (who did look stunning in her gown, by the way). And I had enthusiastically participated in the shower and bachelorette party, although I didn’t indulge as vigorously as a certain bride-to-be who had to be carried into the house by my big brother when the night was over.

  For the entire week leading up to the big day, I’d walked back and forth across my living room in a pair of ridiculously high heels, determined that I would not humiliate myself by falling on my face in front of everyone I knew.

  I’d thought I was prepared.

  I was wrong.

  I felt a twinge of something when I woke up, but I brushed it aside, as there were many things to be done—the worst of which involved Fiona plucking errant eyebrow hairs from my face that I insisted I needed to keep for warmth when winter came. She didn’t share my feelings.

  But, as the day progressed, there was no denying what was happening to me.

  I was falling victim to the oldest cliché in the book. My brother was getting married, my friends were in happy relationships, and I was single and about to turn thirty. I could almost physically feel the cloak of the proverbial Old Maid descending upon my shoulders.

  And that right there was how a tall, handsome, smooth-talking guy by the name of Jake Beckett worked the second oldest cliché in the book and got laid by a bridesmaid.

  The Lucky One by Sylvie Stewart is now available in e-book and paperback.

  Excerpt from The Spark

  Carolina Connections Book 2

  Chapter One: Lucky


  “You must be so proud,” yet another couple gushed while their eyes tracked me. Not that they were speaking to me, but everyone’s eyes were always directed my way at these events. I was a bug under a microscope—a well-dressed and polished bug, but a bug nonetheless. I stood dutifully by as my parents received the compliment and my mother doled out air kisses to the couple decked out in expensive but understated formalwear.


  We wouldn’t want to go crazy and wear peek-a-boo lace or down-to-there necklines or, well, a color that actually stood a chance at catching someone’s eye, now would we?

  How inappropriate.

  I didn’t know how I was going to make it through another one of these yawn fests without at least something sparkly to look at. Come on, people! It was as if the invitations had read “Attire: Funereal Chic.” My gaze swept the room—black, black, black—ooh, charcoal! Wait, red! Oh, just the exit sign—my bad.

  I was stuck in this receiving line of sorts with nary a glass of champagne to keep me entertained. My only small act of rebellion was wearing the sexiest, skimpiest pair of lilac lace panties I could find, but they were completely hidden under my (modest, of course) black sheath Dior gown. I had forgone the delicious red patent leather Manolos—the poor things were stuck at home in my closet, probably happy they didn’t have to endure this evening’s event.

  “Shut up, Fiona! Positive thoughts, please,” my inner voice, Guilt, reprimanded.

  Oh, right. Sorry.

  So right now, you might be curious as to why I was the reluctant center of attention at this function, and you may even sympathize with me for having to stand here sans champagne and bored out of my mind (sexy panties aside). But in a minute, you’re going to agree with Guilt and think I’m a bitch.

  You see, when all these people approach my parents and say, “You must be so proud,” what some of them really mean is, “You’re so goddamn lucky and a tiny part of me resents the shit out of you.” But it would be unseemly to actually say that so they always go with the former comment.

  Regardless of
etiquette, behind their eyes I can always see the envy along with the effort it takes to not let it show. They would give anything, and I mean anything, to have a daughter like me.

  I know, what a bitch, right?

  But it’s the God’s honest truth. Many of these couples would trade their very lives to have what my parents have—a daughter who survived childhood cancer and lived to tell about it.

  The Spark by Sylvie Stewart is now available in e-book and paperback.

  Excerpt from The Fix

  Carolina Connections Book 1

  Chapter Six: Dear Superman, Your Brother’s a Dick


  …I followed Charlotte as she waved her hand in the air and walked toward the men, her auburn hair swinging and her hips sashaying in workout pants and a bright yellow fitted t-shirt. “Yoo-hoo. Gentlemen!” she called. I didn’t know there were actual people who used the expression “yoo-hoo.” I was loving this chick.

  All three men turned in unison to the Southern firecracker that was Charlotte. The man on the left held the clipboard to his forehead in order to shield his eyes from the sun, and his handsome face broke into a wide grin at the sight of my neighbor.

  Oh, I knew this guy. Well, not this particular guy, but his type was unmistakable. He was the guy at every party, every gym, every concert with the cock-sure smile who stood a bit too close and made allusions to his cock size within your first conversation. He was also the guy who found any and every excuse to take his shirt off—oh, is it hot in here or is it just me? Gag.

  My eyes moved on and I have no idea how the man on the right reacted to us because, as my eyes moved from cocky guy, they caught on angry-cellphone-guy in the middle of the group and chose to stay there for a nice long rest. Thank you very much, said my lady bits.

  This guy was tall, he was built, he had a square jaw that could cut you, and despite the sunglasses that hid his eyes and the scowl that said, “don’t even think about talking to me,” he had my belly dropping to the ground in an instant. His almost black hair was in need of a cut and it looked like he’d been running his hand through it for a week. There was just the right amount of stubble covering his perfect jaw—enough so he looked sexy and a bit rough but not sloppy. My knees felt a little wobbly.

  Paging Superman, I think I found your long lost, scruffier, sexier, and broodier twin. It was at this point I patted myself on the back for not wearing high heels because if I had, I would surely be kissing the dirt right about now.

  The Fix by Sylvie Stewart is now available in e-book and paperback.

  Sylvie Says

  Let’s Get Real about The Game

  Hello, my sassy wenches and … what’s the male version of wenches? Never mind! Hello, my lovely readers (that’s better). Here’s the part where I get to babble on with no editing and no filter, so I hope you’ve had your coffee …

  All caffeinated? Excellent!

  It must be said. I ADORE Gavin. Just love him to pieces. He’s utterly sweet, yet cool, and he’s got the best sense of humor of all the Carolina Connections guys, in my opinion. And, of course, he’s hot, so what’s not to love? I don’t care that I’m probably old enough to be his mother. I love him anyway.

  Emerson is the embodiment of lots of young women I know. So eager to please and determined to reach goals they’ve set for themselves. Or ones they feel obligated to meet. Smart, kind, and trying to be perfect. But something’s gotta give. You need to do what’s best for you and the people who truly matter in your life—and it’s not always clear what that is. I love Emerson’s journey.

  The other theme that speaks to me is friendship and sisterhood. It’s been a central part of the series from the beginning, and Ari and Emerson’s friendship continues that theme. Girlfriends are the BEST!

  I have several different groups of girlfriends from various aspects of my life—college friends, new parenthood friends, and the women in my family. One group goes on yearly getaways together (we’re on our 21st this year, I believe). Whether a girlfriend or sister is in the same city or across the globe, there’s nothing like that bond. Sometimes your girlfriends are the only ones who will understand, and a girl’s got to have people to rant to when the hubby does something stupid, right?! So all the women in my books have those close bonds too. And everyone deserves an Ari in their life!

  Baseball! Like lots of you out there, I really only go to baseball games for the beer and the atmosphere. And I rarely watch it on TV because stadium beer goes better with a game than a can of Miller Lite from the garage fridge. And you don’t have that sliver of a chance to catch a ball from your seat on the couch. But I used to play baseball and softball throughout my entire childhood. I couldn’t get enough. So I thought it was appropriate to have it be the sport Gavin loves. Now, as a spectator, I prefer football, so you may want to keep your eye out for a book involving that sport in the near future…just saying’.

  Crafty hippies. There is a part of me that wants to be Naomi and travel around to craft fairs, bonding with the circuit weirdos and living out of a camper. But only part of me. The other part likes my house and green writing chair and bathrooms that aren’t on wheels. And my kids have school, so there’s that. But I love talking to strangers—yes, I’m one of those people—and I am crafty as shit, so I’ve always got some cool project in the works. The weed part is not me, but if it ever becomes legal in NC, it’s a possibility … you’ve been warned. Oh, and if you tag me on Facebook and ask me to share an anecdote about my propensity for bonding with strangers, I could be convinced to share a tale or two.

  Strip Scrabble. If you’ve never played, you really should. After all, SMART and SEXY are the perfect combination!

  The Woobie. Yes, this part is purely autobiographical. I, Sylvie Stewart, have a wobbie. I’ve had it since I was sixteen and I sleep with it every night. It’s blue and snuggly and it has cows, ducks, pigs, and sheep on it. Everyone in my family tries to steal it because it’s so awesome. Please try to get a rein on your jealousy. It’s not attractive.

  Cussing. I have the worst potty mouth, and it drives my husband nuts. I try not to slip up around the kids, but the struggle is real. The thing is, I have no idea where I got it from. My husband doesn’t cuss much, and my parents rarely did when I was growing up. My siblings don’t cuss, my friends don’t really either, apart from a shit or damn now and then. But I like to pull out the big guns, as you’ve probably realized by now. I’m trying to show some restraint since I know a lot of readers don’t like excessive cussing. But fuck it. I am who I am. LOL. That said, I wanted to have at least one main character whose mouth wasn’t a giant cesspool of filthy words. I hereby dedicate Emerson to all the lovely ladies in my life who don’t use the word fuck. There.

  Bad dudes. Can I just say how much I love it that you guys get so bent out of shape about any nasty people in my books who wrong the main characters?! It makes my heart squeeze when you rant about how you want to punch one of my characters in the face. I love you guys!

  Now for what’s up next. First, if you haven’t read the first three books in the Carolina Connections series, you must go do that now! And, rest assured, the next book is on its way. But I’ve got tons of other stuff coming up too, so you’ll want to sign up for my newsletter and/or join my Facebook group for sure. I make new plans all the time in my little author world and you don’t want to miss anything.

  Here’s a short list of what’s coming up this year:

  The Fix is coming out on audiobook this month! Details will be on my website:

  Carolina Connections just got a new makeover and will have two full-length releases (books 5 and 6) and one novella!

  A group of authors and I are releasing a boxed set of stories all centered around one royal theme. More info to come on that, but the preorder is up very soon, and it’s only 99 cents!

  I have a story in a FREE anthology of hot romances coming out this summer. The fabulous Skye Warren is one of the other ten authors in the an
thology. What?! Yeah, you heard that right! And my story is about one of the Carolina Connections guys.

  A new series is on its way! And, of course, it takes place in North Carolina. It also involves hot dudes and alcohol, but that’s all I can say for now (*wink).

  If you’ve read Then Again from the groundbreaking Juniper Court Series, you’ll be happy to know Jill is getting her own book, but that has to wait until 2019.

  Something a bit spicier is on it’s way… mwahahaha!

  Man, I’m tired just talking about all these projects! Must get back to work! You guys are amazing, and I’m so incredibly thankful to have you as READERS! There would be no books without you, so thanks from the bottom of my heart!



  Bonus Scene



  She had her hair in a ponytail today. I think that meant she had soccer practice after school. Not that I kept track of her schedule or anything. I’m just an observant guy.

  “Hey, you coming to Lannister’s tonight?” my buddy Joey asked.

  Forcing my attention from the back of the blonde’s head, I turned to him. “I don’t know yet. What time are you heading over?” Our teammate was throwing a party and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go. The last time, a bunch of kids had gotten piss-drunk and I’d had to call an Uber to get home. My ride was busy hooking up with some girl, both of them drunk off their asses. I didn’t do that shit. The last thing I needed was to screw up my game or jeopardize my future by getting caught drinking underage. I didn’t know why these guys risked it.


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