Genesis - the Battle Within (Pillars of Creation Book 1)

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Genesis - the Battle Within (Pillars of Creation Book 1) Page 10

by David Tucker

  “No longer will you struggle, your body will be in near perfection and even when faced with infidels, humanities oppressors, you will have the clearer mind to rise above hardships with ease, making better decisions to keep yourself and your religion safe from harm.

  “This, this point, brings me to a pivotal juncture for today. For all this technology and power to be put in place and our system to be made possible, you must understand that an insurmountable sacrifice was suffered by our forefathers to ensure it continued and that we are still here today. They endured so civilisation could make it back from its darkest period in history and which, as I said, is the main topic today. It is also what I deem far more significant than anything else I have mentioned yet, so please, please take—”

  The comm made a sad whirr, and Osiris swore he heard his pupil’s voice trying to contact him through it. He tightened his fist harder.

  Give me a break, he thought incredulously. He couldn’t believe the device had survived, or the tenacity of his pupil’s impatience. With a heavier tendril of Rieft he irritably compacted the comm into half its original size and continued, trying hard to hide his exasperation – In the High Creator’s name, what on earth could be so blasted important? He glowered indignantly.

  At that same moment Osiris spotted and purposefully ignored his pupil’s loud and impertinent entrance into the lecture hall forty metres above him. His incessant calling on the comm had been annoying enough and patience it seemed, was a quality Justice lacked and needed more training in, even after all the long years of his tutelage.

  Bypassing his glaring pupil, Osiris continued addressing his subjects, who sat wide eyed and listening to his every word now that he was back on track, albeit on a strange offbeat tangent. The information he was giving was certainly not for general consumption, and from the look on many faces, was obviously the first time many had heard such truths about their own history.

  Osiris settled his mind back to his lecture and gazed upon the enthralled crowd as he continued where he’d left off. He was happy to see most of the overhead screens were turned on as well, a few more factions joining them. He cleared his throat readying for his next instalment.

  “As I was saying my children, many sacrifices were given for our system to be. Our society is a militaristic-based society and through this strength we have thrived throughout the last millennia. True, we did lose a lot of our culture, knowledge and technology when our fathers left for The Battle of Armageddon, but culled and carved from this hardship, our new society has disbanded the narrow dogmatic views of their past. We are now united in banishing oppressive tendencies, to ensure our powerful United Planetary Factions and SED are one, and free from sin.

  “But yet, even still, we shall never become complacent in the revelries of our own greatness. For like us today our society was once vast and was lulled into a false sense of security, like we easily could become now. We think we are at the pinnacle of our evolution but a quick glance back will show this is far from the truth.

  “Back in our beginnings, through their understanding of the Sacred Temple, on Mars Prime, the society of old managed to bring forth events we cannot even manage today; they, way back in the era of Awakening attained deliverance to our Sacred Creators where even we today, strive to be.

  “It is this same time however, when they were on the verge of ascension with their goal and the word of truth firmly in their grasp – ‘peace and harmony’ was the cry, ‘humanity in its entirety is to be delivered’ is what they said – and yet this was when everything went wrong, a malevolence crept amongst them and very few made it because of this lapse in watch. A lesson which we will be sure to remember.

  “Like our struggle today, similar to the oppressive terrorists, the Seekers of Truth, our distant ancestors awakened a serpent which worked against them ever being free. They, within the late Space Age, had finally unlocked the nature of the Holy Temple, and in so doing became careless and unleashed the greatest threat humanity ever faced. Not that today we consider the Seekers of Truth equal to the evil our ancestors faced, but it is a threat all the same.

  “After this evil descended, only through huge personal sacrifice were they eventually able to fight their way back to the great portal, over Mars Prime, and wage the war in the final battle grounds of Armageddon. This battle directly pitted humankind against the evil they themselves somehow let loose. This ancient alien force – Hel’zarta – was no trifle terrorist group though, it was a voracious serpent which unleashed hell and consumed all in its path, threatening humanity’s entire existence. Yes, my children, you all know this story, or so you might have been led to believe.

  “The heavy price paid by our forefathers to accomplish entry into this battle, was a price which shouldn’t have needed such atonement. Because of a lack in foresight, faith and prophetical interpretation, our history was almost very different, and if humanity had not sacrificed almost all to counter the Hel’zarta – well, we would have ceased to be.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I do not mean to debase their acts, for they truly did stem the tide of darkness and give us a chance of survival. But what I question is why such a hefty price needed be paid, and why they hadn’t been prepared enough not to leave us behind. Which is the very same question our new reformed religion intends to answer and counter, when our time also comes.

  “But for today – in the interest of time – we will move forward in history to the next part of this tale where much of our grand society was lost in the turbulent events ensuing from after this battle.” Osiris lowered his head reverently as he set about this new task.

  “Only very few were deemed worthy to make it through to the Sanctuary and Haven of our Creators, and many remained behind, which for us was obviously not a good thing, as what was left behind was a civilisation shattered – and those poor souls, those were our direct ancestors.

  “The great Battle of Armageddon had pushed humanity to its brink and almost beyond. To such a point even, that after it was won those abandoned came close to extinction. Many of our societies, cities and indeed whole planets were razed to the ground fighting in the war, and it proved our greatest and fiercest battle of all time. But a similar proportioned struggle was soon to come.

  “Those who were left had to find a way to survive, for when the dust settled and they realised they were alone, barely a fraction of humanity’s glory remained and only a glimmer of its resources and technology were left.

  “See, not all humans were lucky enough to be aboard the mighty ships in the main battle, and those formations were the only ones that had time to make it through the briefly completed Portal of Salvation. Its energy unfortunately sustained itself long enough only for those ships – already in battle – to make it through. Resultantly they had to leave all the other populaces behind. The war was won, but at a cost, they abandoned us, their children, who were left eking out an existence and fighting off total collapse and anarchy.

  “Our direct line of forefathers were left to pick up the pieces as they scavenged the few resources and cities they could find. Eventually as the story goes, after many years of hiding and weathering the storm, stronger pockets of mankind emerged from their bleak concealments, battered but still alive and functioning.

  “Up to this point however, hidden in exile, much time was spent in uncertainty about what had become of the war, or the enemy, or their beloved brethren. But undeterred, these ancestors began to soon salvage what was left from the ways of old.

  “Gingerly they stepped back from the brink of extinction, and for a long while their fate was undecided. They often floundered, speculating on what had become of the war and concerned the enemy might return. But thankfully, restoring hope, finally one fateful day they learned the truths that we all know today, and were led to our faith, and into the light.

  “Like them, this faith, this founding of us, should be an example to us all. For centuries they were forced to clamber along in utter despair and fear of what might be wa
iting around the corner to threaten their efforts to survive. At any point they could have been descended upon, by whoever or whatever had won the war, and been crushed. Yet still they forged ahead, fumbling through these, the second Dark Ages. It wasn’t until civilisation was well and truly looking to renew that they learned the truth.

  “So the fateful day I mention, was the godsend that was received with open arms. That day was the day the alien race, known as the Tel’nagara, which fought alongside our brothers in the Armageddon War, returned and explained the events that had transpired in this, humanity’s final battle.

  “A handful of the aliens had survived from the war and explained our brothers’ journey to ascension. Our people learned they had indeed won the war and these champions had been delivered; meaning that they, and now also us, were free from the Hel’zarta for good. Through this Tel’nagara recount, humanity was once again free to start forging ahead, into a powerful new society and religion without fear of alerting the serpent and attracting annihilation. Yet this was not all. From the Tel’nagara’s knowledge of our past we soon learned the Creators’ true intentions and the endless love for us, their creation and the Way of the Sacred.

  “Many years on, when we craved guidance and discipline once more from the Sacred Temple’s teachings – from which the Tel’nagara helped us find and decipher the first gospels – everlasting hope and knowledge was imparted to us. Within the Temple were not only our Creators’ texts, but final warnings and significant advice from our long-departed fleets and brethren. From these ancient and earlier ministerial words, we learned our past and futures were destined to collide again.

  “Following the path our brothers had already trod, humanity was left the clues that would one day allow it to realign what had been set unbalanced. As is written, our society was destined once more, one day soon in fact, to be lifted into ascension to join our Creators’ Sanctuary and our brothers before us …”

  Osiris set down the crushed comm still in his grasp as he gestured fervently to his crowd, still feeling the thrill of these discoveries, some of which he’d been working on himself more recently.

  “But know this my disciples! The first ministers, in the original form of the Way of the Sacred that left with our brothers across the stars, have interpreted from the High Creator’s own words a clear and concise warning, along with our hope of salvation.

  “‘Any being, seeking the Creator’s race must first travel through trial’. Yes, a new tribulation will likely also arise, a power rising from the shadows to challenge us where we too will be forced to activate and learn the portal’s power and defeat our enemies, putting us through our own judgment day and giving us entry to our Creator.

  “Be it a literal evil or the evil from within our own hearts and minds, we are uncertain. Many have even speculated that we’ve already travelled through this crux, with the Seekers of Truth, but regardless, for those found worthy and on the Sacred Path, only they will be delivered to our Creators, like our forefathers before us.

  “Indeed, stay on the lookout my disciples, for you don’t want to be absent this day. The day evil arrives – in mind, or in physicality – you will want to be at our side, in our very core.”

  Now on a roll, Osiris continued as eyes widened with fervent interest in his warnings, and a little alarm was raised. He waited the extra second before alleviating the concerned looks.

  “And this is what will differ from the mistakes past. As I explained, our new Order has created protectorates that will ensure our path is watched and we will be prepared on the day of ascension. Already now, within all our own minor battles and struggles, we are triumphant and winning, and this is only because of these assets and our SINAI. And those trials to come, even in the greater tests, we will also win, with nowhere near the amount of sacrifice that we once paid. Or nor shall be paid again. So what ensures this salvation you might ask?” He paused, letting the question linger unanswered before going on dramatically.

  “Well thankfully not all technology was lost in the final battle and thanks to this, today we have re-built, based on these wonderful salvaged designs. We have honed them in our own interpretation to near perfection. Much had been lost but some were found, not far from what used to be. Thanks to our SINAI we have focussed on the ones that are well understood, refining them and putting them to great use.

  “We have followed these written laws and instructions from the Sacred Temple and now have uniformity and purpose, a charge that has been adopted that will not be allowed to totter. A clear path through the SINAI’s unstoppable momentum will be ensured to become true for all humanity.

  “As I mentioned earlier, the SINAI has formed and picked its instruments carefully, and this will be the difference between our future and the downfall of humanity’s last battle towards ascension. You know of who I speak …” again he paused for effect, “the Immortals that govern the flock and lead you and the Way of the Sacred, that is who will forge and lead the unstoppable push. That is who you should look to or even desire to become, my children.

  “And indeed you too can be a part of this – join our fight, join our struggles and you will be guaranteed a place by our Creator’s side. Although not all may directly become Immortal, there are many other callings in our chantries that require your service and will aid our cause.”

  Osiris felt the bad aftertaste of deception in his mouth and again moved on quickly.

  “As you know, the Way of the Sacred my disciples, is humanity’s primary registered religion and is the only one true way of becoming a knower and believer of the righteous path. If you hold yourself to this, even as far off as the SED’s distant planets, then the Creators will watch over you, giving you both power and protection when you need it most. Even more importantly, this protection will be vitally kept until our prophecy has been fulfilled for the re-joining with our brothers.

  “This Immortal apparatus – which is beyond me to say if you might or might not become – will one day lead us there brothers and sisters. And even if you do not eventuate into one of them, you, yes, you disciples, if standing firm will hold your own strength and the key to endurance, as you light the way through the trials of your own doubt, betrayal and even lack of faith.” Osiris looked up smiling broadly and letting the shade in his words fade.

  “But I digress, I will need to focus on our struggle and survival for now, as this will sum up my theme for today, and as a first I will try to remain on time.”

  The lecture theatre broke into knowing pockets of sniggers. He smiled permissively and continued, ignoring the reactions.

  “Disciples, this great Battle of Armageddon took place far beyond our own galaxies, we know this, and far beyond any of our known territories or times. Unfortunately, this battle was not clearly marked for any of us to find today. But through studying the Sacred Texts, clues were eventually obtained, by myself and my Historian brethren, indicating four places of great significance we must locate today; that may be better known to you as the Facilities of the Sacred.

  “From what we deciphered from the one Temple facility we managed to find on Mars Prime, is that these Sacred places are the only way to regain entry into our forefather’s place of battle and find the exit from our own decayed and tattered Sanctuary, and from which I will now quote: ‘Only when all four Sacred Temples are found can these ones gain entry into the battleground of Armageddon, and the exit to their Sanctuary and entrance to their Creator be opened.’”

  His eyes widened almost comically. “Ah … you see, this further explains, from what we can understand of the texts, finding this place – the battleground of Armageddon – will reveal how to locate our long lost brethren and their capability to align the portal, to which I will also quote the minister’s very words from old: ‘Through the races, following our grand instruction, these will stay true to the fate we intend. Only when swayed and our warnings befall onto deaf ears will they fall prey to the fate which hides in darkness. But if overcoming this darkness
then they can become whole once more. Humanity, the fifteenth creation of our Grand Creator and Father – if fulfilling their true path as scripted – then shall they be delivered back as one and seen fit to pass over to the galaxy’s entirety, as a complete vessel of the Sacred Creators.’”

  Osiris smiled as his eyes glistened with these factual points of his sermon.

  “Interesting, I see written upon your young faces. So what does it mean?

  “Well from this we take from our SINAI’s interpretation, that our Creators have left us a gap in fate. A blind spot – if you allow me the crude analogy – where we can rectify past mistakes and complete our ascension to their doors and come to where our brothers already abide.

  “And indeed this is happening, our remnant society which has now been free to flourish unhindered over the past millennia, aloof from the evil that once plagued us, has formed a new society. And under the exact teachings that were originally fought and won to protect, we have evolved as our Creators knew we would when we learned the truth.

  “Our Creators’ foresight knew our civilisation would at some point be fractured or at least tormented in this way, opening the way to the Hel’zarta invasion. Yet what our Temple explains is that we too can one day be taken into the Creators’ love and care. Our future, our path if we stay the course, will collide with the brothers and fathers we lost an eon ago. Oh what great things they will surely be able to show us. We now only reflect but a fraction of what once use to be, imagine the advancements, the way it should have been, imagine where they can help guide us …”

  “But how to reach them? How was the SINAI actually constructed and worthy to lead us?

  “As mentioned a new Order has been adopted by the majority of us, and in these factions of the Terithian sector, especially here on Earth where we uphold its teachings stringently, our faith is unchallenged. All nations – no matter how strong they are – need proper leadership; man has proven he rules himself to ruin, a lesson the Temple details warn of clearly.


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