Riptide Love: The Thorns, Book 2

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Riptide Love: The Thorns, Book 2 Page 6

by Melissa Lopez

  “Like dogs, huh?” He stretched out and put his head against the wall. “We’ve got a dozen dogs on the station. Would you like to see them? One day?”

  “I like dogs.” Nate lifted his head to brace his chin in a hand. “You got puppies?”

  “Probably. A bitch is always having a litter.”

  The boy snickered and ducked his head back down. “Jack says that word.”

  “Oh, eh.” Dammit. Not much got by the boy.

  “Mummy don’t like bad words.”

  “Sorry about that, mate.” He’d have to watch his tongue. Hell, Nate was about to get an earful on the station. He supposed since he worked with the public, he’d learned to curb his language. His brothers and cousins tended to curse with every breath. To them cursing was a normal part of language.

  “Jack likes bad words.”

  He bit back a grin. Apparently cussing was everyday speech for Jack too. “You want to go see our dogs?”

  “Is Mummy going with us?”

  “She is.” The boy was worried about being away from his mother. He’d noticed throughout the day, the two were close. He liked that a lot. A whole lot. Knowing firsthand De had taken such good care of Nate pleased him. As well as eased his mind.

  “I like dogs.”

  “Well, mate, why don’t you go to sleep and dream about puppies?”

  Nate grew quiet, but every once in a while he opened his eyes, peeking. A few minutes later, De surprised them both by joining them.

  With her sexy legs bare, she stepped over his outstretched legs and climbed into the small bed with Nate. The boy rolled over to press his face into De’s body.

  They made a nice picture.

  It was a few minutes before De lifted up partway. “He’s asleep.” She eased over her son to stretch a foot to the floor. When her second foot touched down, he caught her hand in his. Though he acted to help her over him, he wanted to drag her down to the floor with him.

  A thrill rolled though his bloodstream as the touch lingered. His prick hardened. Pressed against the confines of his pants.

  “Oh.” She let out a gasp alerting him to the fact she felt the heat between them.

  He had trouble catching his own breath. It’d been like this for them before… Instant combustion.

  Steady once more, De jerked back. “Sorry about that. “ She wiped her hand on the long T-shirt she wore. “Well, he’s asleep for the night.”

  “Yeah.” Enjoying the quick rise and fall of her breasts, he pushed to his feet.

  “Well, I guess we’ll see you tomorrow then?”

  “Eh, you bet.”

  De’s arms folded under her breasts. Watching her nipples pebble caused arousal to tingle in his balls. Sweat coated his palms. It’d been a while since he’d fucked. Maybe that was the deal with his increased reactions to her. It had to be.

  Still he wanted to know. Needed to know. And no time like the present to find out. Using two fingers, he reached out and caressed the pulse in her graceful neck and slowly ran them down along the vee in her night shirt.

  His fingers slid across to drag over a single nipple.

  On a moan, her hips arched, her breasts thrust forward.

  He stepped into her space to press his stiff prick into her.

  De whimpered.

  He inhaled roughly, enjoying the feel of her along his body.

  Christ, she smelled good. Damn good. He inhaled again. Nuzzling her temple, his mouth buzzed a kiss. He shifted impossibly closer. Lips trailed a line of kisses to her mouth. Greedily he played over her lips. He groaned at the feel of her mouth under his as she opened for him. Her sweetness made him drink. His thirst for her shuddered through him.

  It’s been too damn long.

  The fire for her that’d stayed kindled nearly brought him to his knees at the feel of her hands on his chest.

  The craving, the yearning he’d always had for her erupted on a groan. He deepened the kiss. His tongue and lips explored, teased hers. His rigid prick throbbed in need.

  It’s been too damn long.

  “I missed you, De.” He relished her sweet taste.

  The soft sounds she made caught in his mouth. His balls drew up in warning.

  “I missed you so damn bad.” No one had ever compared to her. Not ever. He wanted her back. What she’d done to him. The way she’d made him feel.

  Groaning, he slid a hand down her body to cup her hip. He pressed his hard prick into her.

  Focus, mate. Ignore your own growing need for release.

  He eased back to allow his hand to trail under the nightshirt she wore. Her panties were wet to his touch.

  She gasped into his mouth.

  “I missed you, luv.”

  De whimpered on an arch of her hips.

  His free hand caught the back of her neck to keep her anchored to him. Her pussy was hot as he worked her clit through the cloth.

  With a turn of her head, she broke the kiss off. “Ethan.” Her hand pushed at his chest.

  He stilled. A new type of tension sank into his muscles.

  Nervously she pressed her hand over the heartbeat in her neck. “Ethan…”

  “Yeah?” He eased back to look into her gaze.

  “I’ve already experienced this…move of seduction.” She motioned between them. “And I have the proof to show it.”

  Cold water washed over him, through him. What the hell had come over him? Trying to seduce De? What was he thinking? He hadn’t. Unless it was with the head below his waistline.

  No. It’d been more than his prick thinking. She’d been hot for him too. He’d felt it. But he’d abandoned her. Hell, he’d not only abandoned her… She’d never been his. She’d belonged to his brother. A bloody fine mate. A second chance wasn’t something he deserved. Guilt and a rising tide of insecurity caused him to step away to give her space.

  “I have to be at work early tomorrow.” She led the way from the bedroom to the entryway. “You’re welcome to visit Nate. We’ll be here by five most days. But…but…” Her arms went back under her arms. “I’m a mother, and the last thing I want to do is become involved with a player again.”

  Ethan’s teeth clenched. He hadn’t been a player since she’d walked out his door.

  “What we had was a fun time…”

  Fun time? His arse. She’d bloody well had the time of her life. He’d made sure of that. Hell, what they’d shared those two weeks had been the best of his bloody life…

  She turned away from him to pull the door open. “It was no more than sex.”

  Only sex? He’d thought he’d suffocate from wanting her. Even after he’d tried to forget her. De had gotten into his system. She’d affected his life just as his calling for a career as a rescue swimmer had.

  When she faced him, her face held tight lines. “Let’s stick to being friends for Nate’s sake.”

  Muscles along his back bunched. Rejection wasn’t something he’d ever experienced before. She’d just rejected him and he disliked it. Disliked being compared to the man he once was.

  “Sure, for Nate.” He forced a smile. “Goodnight, sheila. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

  “Hooroo.” She closed the door before he left the steps.

  Christ. What had gotten into him? And why did he want to prove he’d changed?

  Out on the airfield in Alice Ethan approached Travis slightly ahead of De and Nate. He attempted to pass his cousin his bag.

  Travis removed his hat to scratch his head. The young man continued to ignore the bag so Ethan dropped both bags he held.

  “Isn’t she…” Travis replaced the hat and rocked back on his heels.

  “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you some of it in the air.”

  “Nuh-uh.” His cousin shook his head. “No how. No way. No can do.”

  “Your cousin?” De gasped when she stopped beside them.

  “So you met Travis already then?” That was good. Not. The flight was going to be awkward as hell.

u’re having your cousin fly us home?”

  “I’m a damn good pilot.” Travis glared.

  “Whoa…” Ethan held up a hand. His cousin was a fine pilot. He’d been taught by the best bush pilots around. His brother Miller and his cousins, like many on the outback, used planes instead of autos.

  “He’s a kid.” De turned to face him.

  In his mum’s arms Nate swiveled his head back and forth.

  “Pig’s arse, I’m no kid.” Travis faced only Ethan. “Big M didn’t say a thing about this.” He thumbed toward the pair beside him. “Not a damn word.”

  “He said a bad word.” Wide-eyed, Nate grinned.

  “I can’t do this.” De clasped his arm sending a wave of arousal along his nerve endings. Sweat beaded her forehead. “I can’t.”

  “Listen.” He rested his hand over hers only to have her pull away as if he’d burned her. He clenched his teeth. Every time he’d touched her since the night in Nate’s room she’d reacted as if he was contagious. Every bloody time. She acted as if his touch repelled her. Not that he blamed her. He’d fucking abandoned her.

  Christ, how would he ever make it up to her? To Nate?

  “This wasn’t part of the deal.” She clutched Nate even closer.

  “Come on, De. We’ve only got six days.” And half the day had been spent on a commercial flight into the interior of Oz. He got between De and Travis. “I swear Travis is a good pilot. Licensed and everything.”

  “Damn straight.”

  “He said a bad word again.”

  “Oh, God.” De hefted Nate higher.

  Ethan put his back to his cousin. He tried to give them a little privacy as he massaged her shoulder. He didn’t like to see her afraid. “Luv, I swear Travis is a fine young man.” At seventeen Travis was a man if a very young one. “I swear he has a good head on his shoulders. I’d never put either of you in danger.”

  Long lashes lowered to shield her gaze.

  “What do you think, mate?” He turned to Nate. “Want to go for a ride?”

  “I like planes.” Nate wiggled, but De held him tight.

  “You really trust…”

  Chest constricting, he cut her off. “Yes I do. I’d never put either you or Nate in jeopardy. Not ever.” Damn, did she not trust him at all? His teeth clenched—he couldn’t take looking at the emotions swimming in her gaze. Maybe her reaction, her fear had to do with more than just Travis. Maybe she was worried about the trip in general.

  “Okay. Okay.” She shifted Nate up on her hip. “You swear…”

  “I swear, luv.” He crossed his heart.

  “Oh, God…let’s go before I change my mind.”

  He helped her get Nate settled onboard the four-seater. Miller had sent Travis with the roomiest of his birdies.

  “This is bull.” Travis was tight-lipped when he strapped himself into the pilot’s chair. “Big M didn’t say a bloody word about…her.”

  “Respect your elders.” Ethan buckled himself in. “Just get us in the air, mate.”

  Travis scribbled something on the back of his flight log and tapped it for Ethan to read.

  Leaning over he read his cousin’s note.

  Is that ankle biter Miller’s?

  The world closed in on him. Fuck. Others would wonder the same thing. But he knew Nate was his. There was absolutely no doubt for him. If there’d been the slightest chance De’d been pregnant with Miller’s child, Miller would’ve gone after her. Instead his brother had held his head proud and like with everything else hadn’t said a bloody word about De to anyone.

  Bugger me. He had so much to explain. Ethan shook his head before bringing his gaze up to meet the young man’s head-on. “No. Now get this birdie in the air.”

  “Fuck. I swear you all think I’m an idiot.” Travis passed around headphones before he booted up the plane. “No talking until we’re in the sky. Got it?”

  Knowing the instruction was meant for De and Nate, he glanced back and pressed a finger to his lips. “Just for a few minutes. Travis needs silence to talk to the tower.”

  Nate grinned excitedly. “I like planes.”

  Travis snorted. “I’m carting an ankle biter around.”

  Take off went without a hitch. Besides De entertaining Nate with toys and little games, the flight was quiet. About two hours into the flight, Nate had to piss in a baggie, after which he then declared, “I like peeing in baggies.”

  Travis didn’t let Ethan off the hook though. During their fuel stop, the young man turned on him when De took Nate inside for a break. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Listen, mate, I need to talk to M and Mum first.” He raked his hand through his hair. “Can you understand that? Let me do this.”

  “You want me to dump her in Miller’s lap? No warning. No nothing. Just have her show up? After what she did.”

  “No. It’s nothing like that. Just get me there so I can talk to Miller. And my mum.”

  “I remember her. What she did…” A tic beat in Travis’s cheek. “Big M deserves to be warned.”

  Christ, Travis was mature. Far more mature than Ethan had been at seventeen. “Tell me, mate, what kind of day do you think Miller’d have if I call him with a by-the-way, I’ve got De with me? And it’s hours until we’re home.”

  “A shitty one.”

  “Exactly, so why ruin the entire day for him when it can be avoided?”

  “To hear M tell it, he has a lot of shitty days, I don’t think telling him about…” Travis’s mouth twisted. “…her and that ankle biter is going to make things worse. I’m calling M. No matter what you say. I won’t surprise M like this.”

  “Christ, mate”

  Travis pulled his cell out.

  “Nate is my son. Not Miller’s.” He exhaled noisily. That’d felt good. Nate was his son and he’d not hesitate to announce it again.

  “What?” Travis turned storm-filled eyes on him. “What the fuck did you say? Yours?”

  “You heard me.” He clasped Travis’s shoulder and squeezed it. “Now, I need to talk to my brother in person. I can’t tell him this over some fucking phone. And it’s my place to tell him.”

  “This is fucking bullshit.” Disgust shone clearly in Travis’s gaze. He shook his hand off and climbed back into the plane.

  Sickness churned in his belly. He couldn’t imagine M’s reaction. Or his mum’s. Or Co’s. Oh, bugger me. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply before he released the breath slowly. Somehow he’d make it through this. For Nate.

  “You okay?” De walked up to him holding Nate’s hand.

  “Yeah.” He nodded, not feeling the least bit okay. “I had to tell Travis… T wanted to give M a heads-up. It’s important I talk to him in person.”

  “I know.” She picked Nate up. “Well, let’s get this behind us.”

  Travis didn’t speak a single word to them the rest of the trip. And Ethan didn’t blame his cousin. Hell, he couldn’t blame anyone but himself. Still the situation might be harder on Travis than some. The young man had never known his mum. Aaron-Matthew had had Travis long before he should have. A few weeks later Travis’s mum had disappeared.

  Too bad there were never any do overs in life. He sure would take one. Looking back—and knowing what he now did—he might not have chosen a brother’s loyalty over a woman’s love. He’d been bloody serious about De.

  Chapter Five

  “Where are the puppies?” Nate’s wide eyes scanned the yard as they approached the house.

  Not a hound in sight. This time of day, they’d be out working the animals. He’d make up for disappointing the little mate later. “We’ll have to search for them after a while.” Ethan hefted the boy up on an arm. “I’ve got to say g’day to my mum first.”

  “I like puppies.”

  “Eh, me too.” He patted his son’s back. “I promise to show you some.”

  Ahead of them, Travis dropped the bags on Mum’s porch and left them without a word.

  Ethan tried
not to notice, but he did. Tension knotted his muscles. He disliked discord among his family. It’d been one reason he hadn’t told M when he should have. Not only had he not wanted to disappoint, to hurt M, but he hadn’t wanted to face the conflict.

  “You okay, Ethan?” De brushed his upper arm. “I’m nervous.”

  He reached down and gave her hand a squeeze. The contact soothed him. Her admission surprised him. Pleased the hell out of him. He wanted her to be open with him.

  She caught her lower lip between her teeth but didn’t let go of his fingers. Some of the tension eased as he gave her a smile. “Visiting with Mum is going to be the easy part.” Yeah, Mum would be easy compared to Miller. You could always count on Mum to love, to accept.

  After another squeeze, he released her fingers to knock on the screen door. His hands shook as he pulled the door open. “Mum!” Inside, he passed Nate to De. “Mum!”

  “E, I was sewing.” The smile she wore faded when she saw De, but she still embraced him in a hug. “Son, I’ve missed you.”

  “You too.” In turn, he squeezed her in a bear hug. “Mum, I’ve brought visitors.” He stepped back, taking in the grey in her hair. The tired eyes. Every time he visited anymore reminded him she was aging. Faster than he liked. He didn’t want his mum to grow old…

  “I can see you have Denae.” Mum’s mouth tightened. “Who else have you brought with you?” Her hand trembled when she brushed back loose strands of hair. “Ethan, what’s going on?”

  A shortness of breath nearly buckled his knees. The feeling of being ten again overcame his senses. “Mum…” Oh, Christ. How did one tell their mum they’d fucked up in the worst way? Explain what a pig’s arse he’d been?

  Sweat beaded his brow. He’d never wanted to disappoint his mum.

  Denae took a single step forward. “Maree, I’d like you to meet Nathan Button. Nate, say g’day to Maree.”

  Relief at the initial introduction relaxed his spine.

  “G’day.” Nate did as his mum told. “You got puppies.”

  Mum’s smile was small. “I believe we do.”

  “I like puppies.”

  His mum nodded, covering her mouth with a shaky hand.

  A knot of emotion clogged his throat. He didn’t have to hear his mum say it. He knew what she was thinking. She was looking at Nate and seeing what he had at first sight of the boy.


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