Parlor Tricks

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Parlor Tricks Page 9

by Mara Lee

  Impatient to feel more of her wet warmth, Griffin yanked down her panties and tossed them away. He spread her legs further and for a moment just took in the beauty of her. She was prettier than a sliced peach … all pink and apricot and dripping juice.

  Griffin scooted his chair closer, gripped Sass’s thighs, and planted his mouth firmly over her.

  She let out a small scream of pleasure.

  Griffin licked her from top to bottom. She was so delectably soft … and she tasted delicious—ripe and sweet. He let his tongue burrow further into her pussy, exploring the wet depths of her, all the while kneading her taut thighs.

  “Griffin … I’m … it’s … it’s…” Sass clenched her teeth and locked her legs firmly against Griffin’s head.

  Griffin never ceased his sweet torment of her. He wanted to feel each quiver, swallow each cry, taste everything … he would accept no less.

  When he found her clit, plump and full to bursting, he circled it with his tongue. He smiled when he heard the ragged, desperate moan that she emitted. Digging in deeper, he sucked the hard kernel into his mouth, using his tongue to rasp the surface. She grew fuller under his tongue and seemed to shiver into his mouth.

  Sass’s body was on fire. Her heart was pounding and her mind was swirling. The pleasure was so acute that she could feel it all the way to her toes. Each nerve ending in her body was screaming and the shivers that wracked her body signaled the beginning of the end.

  Griffin’s tongue was swirling over her clit. She could feel the rasp of his tongue and the nip of his teeth as he feasted on her flesh. She tightened her legs around him and begged him without words to give her more.

  He didn’t disappoint. His mouth became more ardent and his tongue more persistent.

  She felt the fire licking at her lips and stars were dancing before her eyes. She slammed her hands, palm down, onto the table and arched her back off of the solid wood. Her pussy quivered, tensed, and then exploded, just as she opened her mouth to scream out her pleasure.

  Sass took a breath and then felt it sucked out of her once again as Griffin buried himself to the hilt within her still quivering pussy.

  “So fucking hot…” Griffin ground out. He dug his fingers into the pliant flesh of her thighs and began to pump steadily into her depths.

  Sass moaned and hitched her hips closer. He was so hard … so incredibly hard. “Oh God…”

  “Not God…” he said with a choked laugh, “Griffin.” He pumped harder.

  Sass closed her eyes and her muscles clenched almost painfully. “Yes … Griffin … my Griff … my love…”

  “Yours,” Griffin ground out. He leaned over to suck on her taut, hard nipples.

  She arched her back, pressing her breast more firmly into his mouth. “Bite me … oh love … bite me … please…”

  Griffin scraped his teeth across her nipple, when she breathed out ‘yes’, he applied more pressure.

  “Ohhhh … ohhhhh…” Sass twined her hands into his hair and twisted.

  Griffin continued to chew and lick at her nipples as his cock pounded furiously in and out of her quivering pussy.

  Sass began to shake. She felt like molten lava and she was brimming … overflowing.

  Griffin slammed his hips against her, succeeding in moving her further back on the table. Impatient, he pulled her forward, grabbed one of her legs and hooked it over his shoulder, increasing his motions. His pumps became more forceful, more insistent.

  Sass moaned. She could feel him to her core—bumping, pressing, bridging that plane between pleasure and pain. Her heart was in her throat and there was heat, light, spreading in great waves throughout her entire body.

  “Yes … yes … yes … oh…”

  “Yes!” Griffin finished for her. He grabbed her buttocks and dragged her roughly against him.

  Sass felt Griffin’s cock swell and heard his shout right before he pulsed. Her own orgasm shot through her like lightning, making her entire body jump off of the table.

  * * * *

  “Saskia … love…” Griffin said hoarsely.

  Sass lifted her sleepy head. “Yes?”

  “You’re floating.”

  “Huh?” Sass smiled she couldn’t seem to help herself.

  “You’re levitating.”

  Sass twisted her head and gasped. Her body was indeed off of the table—completely off of the table.

  “So I am.”

  Griffin smiled and shook his head resignedly. He gently disengaged himself from her and gripped the back of her thighs. “Is it safe you take you down?”

  Sass laughed. “I think so.”

  He sat down on the chair, bringing her to sit on his lap. “That was…”

  She smiled, interrupting him. “Yes, it was.”

  He nuzzled Sass’s soft hair. “Let’s just stay here … like this.”

  Sass snuggled into his chest and sighed. “I would like nothing better…”

  Griffin chuckled. “But?”

  Sass groaned. “But … I think my cauldron is hot enough now.”

  Griffin laughed and dropped his head back. “Go.”

  Sass grinned and leapt off of Griffin’s lap. She looked down at her impossibly wrinkled dress and sighed. “I think my dress is ruined.” She swayed a little and laughed at her sudden wooziness. “Ooohhh, think I jumped up too fast.”

  Griffin frowned. His eyes narrowed when he saw her torn sleeve and the wound on her arm. “Saskia…” He got up and grabbed her arm.

  Saskia looked down at his hand and where he held her. “Oh, I had forgotten about that.”

  “Forgotten? How could you have—?”

  “Forgotten?” Sass grinned. “Pretty easily.”

  “God, Saskia don’t joke about this … what is it?” Griffin asked.

  Saskia wrinkled her nose. The wound was no longer bleeding. In fact, it was covered with a thick black layer of crust. “Ick, pretty gross.” She picked at it. The crust flaked and fell off to reveal an oozing gash.

  Griffin grabbed his shirt and wrapped it tightly around her arm.

  Sass smiled. “Thanks.” Suddenly her arm went numb. “Damn it.”

  “What … Saskia, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, just a couple of pins and needles.” Sass grimaced. “Griff, can you take that cloth by the stove and soak it in the gingerroot?”

  Griffin nodded and rushed off.

  Sass grit her teeth. How could she have been so stupid? Just because she hadn’t felt the poison, didn’t mean it wasn’t slowly working its way through her body.

  There was no pain. In fact, she could feel very little now.

  Griffin returned with the cloth soaked in gingerroot and Sass pressed it firmly to her arm.

  “I…” Sass swallowed. It wasn’t working. More drastic measures were called for. The question was; would he agree to the measures. “Griff, I need you to do something for me.”

  Griffin didn’t hesitate. “Anything, Saskia … anything.”

  “The wound…” She closed her eyes and concentrated on staying upright. Her head was thick and fuzzy now. “It’s filled with poison … you have to open it … and…” her voice hitched, “suck the poison out.”

  Griffin’s face filled with resolve.

  Sass swayed. He grabbed her and gently brought her to the ground.

  “Go, Griff … hurry.”

  Griffin rushed to the stove.

  “Griff, the butcher knife, soak it in the gingerroot and cut open the wound.” Sass fought against the darkness that would pull her under.

  Griffin returned and knelt by her side. His hands shook slightly as he brought the knife to her arm. “Saskia…”

  Sass smiled thinly and nodded. “Do it, Griff, you can … do it.”

  Griffin cut quickly—the flesh separated and without hesitation he placed his mouth firmly over the wound.

  Sass gasped in pain as she felt Griffin suck and spit out the poison from her arm. She knew the moment he finished, for the reli
ef was nearly immediate—the fire that ate at her flesh seemed to ease and cool.

  Sass cast a quick heat spell and seared the edges of the wound together. She would scar. But better the scar than death.

  “Are you all right?” Sass asked of Griffin. His face was pale and he was now leaning heavily against the side of the counter.

  Griffin laughed harshly. “Am I all right? God, Saskia, you just nearly had your arm fall off from poison injected by a giant spider—and you’re asking me, if I’m all right.”

  Sass smiled. “Yes, I am. Are you … all right?”

  Griffin wiped the back of his hand against his forehead and nodded. “I think my heart stopped beating for a minute there, but yes, I’m all right. And you … are you … going to be all right?”

  Sass nodded. “Yes. Hope you don’t mind dating someone with an unsightly scar.”

  Griffin dropped his head to his hands and chuckled. “Ooohhh … sexy. I always wanted to date a tough chick with a tattoo.” He looked up and grinned. “But a scar will do.”

  Sass stood and pressed herself against Griffin. She wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged him to her.

  Chapter Nine

  “For the love of…” Tina shuddered. “What is that?”

  Griffin grinned. “Tofu pumpkin pie.”

  “Excuse me? I thought I just heard you say ‘tofu pumpkin pie’.”

  He nodded. “Yep. It’s a healthier alternative to the traditional pumpkin pie, Tina.”

  “And a grosser alternative to boot,” she said.

  “What do you have against healthy food, sis?” Griffin asked, adding some mint leaves to his pie for garnish.

  “I don’t have anything against healthy food, Griff. I definitely have something against totally tasteless, oddly textured, weird smelling food, though.” Tina held up her basket proudly. “Now this … this is food.”

  Griffin frowned. “What is it?”

  “Apricot and walnut stuffing, heavy turkey gravy and double fudge chocolate cake.”

  “Yum.” Griffin shook his head, “Heart failure … how delicious.”

  Tina rolled her eyes and swatted him on the arm. “At least people will actually eat what I made. I don’t think the dogs would touch that crap you put together.”

  “I think you grossly underestimate the power of healthy living, Tina.” Griffin stepped back and admired his pie.

  Tina laughed. “We’ll see. Come on, we’re going to be late.”

  Griffin wrapped up his pie and added it to his sister’s basket. “So … this guy…”


  Griffin nodded. “Duane. He does this every year?”

  Tina grinned. “Yeah … it has become a Daring tradition. Duane just loves his potlucks. But Thanksgiving potluck is the largest one by far.”

  Griffin frowned. “How large?”

  Tina laughed at the expression on her brother’s face. “Very large. I’d say most of the town comes out for it.”

  Griffin sighed. “Sorry if I don’t seem so enthused about the idea of good ol’ Duane’s potluck. I just can’t help but remember, or maybe I should say, not remember, a rather catastrophic night a couple of months ago … that just so happened to have followed a potluck.”

  Tina waved her hand. “Oh, don’t tell me you’re still harping on that, Griff. That was totally random.”

  “You wake up naked on a front porch and see how random you feel,” he mumbled under his breath.

  She shot him a dirty look.

  Griffin rolled his eyes. “All right, I’ll do my best to … deal.”

  Tina smiled then. “Sass will be there.” She laughed heartily when her brother’s face instantly transformed. “Ha! I knew it. I just knew it.”

  “Knew what, you interfering meddler?”

  “Hey, call me whatever you will, but tell me who, just who, is responsible for getting the two of you together?”

  “That would be…” Griffin pretended to think really hard. He laughed when Tina punched him in his side. “Hey!”

  “You know it was me. You wouldn’t have even met her if I hadn’t called her over in the supermarket.” Tina was practically bouncing now in her excitement. “I’m so glad, Griff. Sass is one of a kind.”

  Griffin chuckled dryly. “Oh, she is certainly that.”

  Tina stopped walking suddenly. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously.

  “What? Sis, what’s wrong?” Griffin placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Tell me, please.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to stay a little longer, Griff?”

  He stiffened.

  She rushed on. “I mean … if you and Sass are dating … that means you’re planning on staying after Thanksgiving, right? I’m sure they don’t need you back immediately and you can stay with me, of course if Sass wants you to stay over there you could always…”

  Griffin slapped his hand over Tina’s mouth.

  She smiled abashedly under his hand.

  “I haven’t figured anything out yet, sis. I’m working on it…” he sighed, “We’re working on it. But let me assure you…” Griffin broke out into a smile, “when we know what’s going on, you’ll know what’s going on. Let me clarify that, brat, you’ll be the first to know.”

  She nodded.

  He took his hand away.

  “I always hated when you did that,” Tina grumbled. “You can’t just go around slapping your hand over people’s mouths when you don’t like what they’re saying. It’s totally rude. I would have listened if you had just asked me to, no wait, I probably wouldn’t have listened. But I would have tried to. I’m a really good listener, Griff and I…”


  Tina continued to ramble. “You always had that worst habit of just, whoomp, slapping your hand over my mouth. Mom always told you not to, but you never listened…”

  “TINA!” Griffin shouted his sister’s name.

  Tina scowled. “Don’t scream, Griff. God. I’m not deaf.”

  Griffin covered his eyes with his hands and let out a loud groan. “Sis, I think we’re here.”

  Tina stopped dead in her tracks. “Oh, wow, we are. That was fast.”

  “Not fast enough,” Griffin mumbled.

  “Did you say something?” Tina asked.

  Griffin chuckled. “Nothing important, come on, didn’t you say you didn’t want to be late?”

  Tina nodded and smiled. “Oh look, it’s Maggie…” She started over to her friend. “Just dump your pie over on that table. I’ll see you in a bit.” Tina laughed at her brother’s expression. “And for goodness sakes, try to mingle.”

  Griffin frowned. “Mingle … yeah … okay.”

  * * * *

  Sass saw Griffin immediately—so did every unattached female in Daring. He was standing awkwardly by the benches and looking absolutely gorgeous.

  It was both terrible and wonderful—being in love. The sensation was foreign to her but not unwelcome—indeed, she relished the glow, the radiance it produced. The terribleness came with not knowing how he felt about her. Oh, she knew he lusted after her—their passion for one another couldn’t be denied—but she didn’t know how he really felt. Did he have any true feelings for her … could he love her? Did he perhaps love her already?

  Sass shook her head, disgusted with herself—with the fact that she would be content to take anything he offered. Her heart was so full with love for him that she would be content to have even just a corner of his heart to claim for her own.


  She turned, a smile already gracing her face. “Griff.”

  Griffin reached out and grasped one of her braids. “Why didn’t you wear it down?”

  She laughed. “My hair? It would get everywhere, Griff. The last thing we need is to be eating mashed potatoes and wham … you find one of my long hairs in your food. Utterly disgusting to be sure.”

  Griffin ran his hand down the tight braid. The look in his eyes was smoldering. “I wouldn’t car
e if I found one or one thousand hairs in my food, Saskia. It would be worth it to see your hair free.”

  Saskia swallowed. His eyes were boring into hers and she felt naked to her very soul. She licked her suddenly dry lips.

  He stepped closer. “Can we find a secluded corner?”

  She fought to control her desires. “Probably … but … but…” God, she couldn’t think, she could barely breathe.

  “It wouldn’t be very social of us, would it?” Griffin grinned and wrapped his arms loosely about her.

  “No … it wouldn’t.” Sass leaned into him. He smelled amazing—like cinnamon and musk. It was a heady combination. “You smell like cinnamon.”

  Griffin laughed and breathed in the scent of her hair. “And you smell like strawberries and roses … how is that possible?”

  Sass leaned deeper into his body. She pulled back when her hair began to tickle her face. Griffin had undone her braids. “Why you…” She reached out to swat him but he was too quick for her.

  “As I said … I like it down,” Griffin said laughingly.

  Sass sighed and shook out her hair. It fell like a heavy cloud about her face. “Better?”

  He crooked his finger, beckoning her closer. When she was but an inch away from him, he tangled his hands in the riotous mass and rubbed it against his face.

  “Hey you two,” Tina’s voice rang out, “Are you going to have something to eat, or are you just going to devour one another?”

  Griffin shot his sister a dirty look.

  Sass laughed.

  “I guess we should go join the others,” Griffin said.

  Sass smiled. There was intimate promise in her eyes. “The faster we eat, the sooner we can…” her voice trailed off.

  “What the hell are we waiting for?” Griffin grabbed her hand and began to pull her toward the tables.

  Duane’s potluck was a terrific success. Food was consumed in giant proportion, wine was imbibed at an equal rate and everyone loved the dancing turkeys that garnished each table.

  Sass couldn’t have been happier. Good food, good company … and playing footsie under the table with Griffin Sampson. It was a day she would remember, forever.

  “You look beautiful,” Griffin whispered in her ear.

  “Oh?” Sass fluttered her eyelashes and grinned.


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