Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 12

by Jolynn Raymond


  Alliana made a sound of protest deep in her throat.

  "Drink Alliana. You must be mine. As my mate you will be protected. Now drink."

  She opened her lips and his blood flowed between them, gagging her, but she swallowed just the same. Satisfied, Mikhal pulled his wrist away, and licked the wound closed, then moved his mouth back to her neck and let their mingled blood flow over the twin punctures before lapping at the jagged holes to close them, As he did so, Alliana felt an odd tingling at the spot where he licked. A burning, tickling sensation emanated from the wound and went deep beneath her skin, sending strange feelings through her body and joining with the aftershocks of pleasure in her belly.

  Mikhal continued to lap at his mark as he held her, the warmth of Alliana's blood rushing through him along with the lingering heat of sexual completion. His body was leaden, completely satisfied, engulfed and surrounded by her warmth. The primal animal in him wished to lay with its mate in sheer contentment. Wanted to nuzzle her, stay joined with her, be as one, but Alliana had other ideas. Repulsed by his act of claiming, she shoved at him, struggling to move his heavy body off hers.

  Mikhal was snapped out of his haze of pleasure by her actions. He looked at her curiously, confused. Her green eyes flashed and her hands shoved at his shoulders. When he raised himself up to stare at her, she beat her fists upon his chest.

  "Get off me. You're disgusting. Let me go!"

  Mikhal snarled. This was not the reaction he wanted or expected. A claimed mate was to be obedient and docile. Loving. He stroked her hair and ran a thumb over her lip. Alliana twisted under him, fighting with increased effort to be free. Sighing, Mikhal rolled to the side, allowing her the freedom she craved.

  "As you wish."

  Alliana rolled off the bed, the back of her hand swiping at her mouth as she ran to the ewer of water. She poured the entire contents into the washbasin, and began to vigorously splash her face. Rubbing frantically, gagging as she did so, trying to wipe the coppery taste of his blood from her mouth.

  Mikhal watched her lazily from the bed, stretched out like a sleek cat in all his naked glory, unperturbed now that he knew what was troubling her. She'd get over it, and the ritual didn't have to be repeated. He'd drink from her every time he took her of course, but she would never again have to drink from him.

  When she was through and stood glaring at him, rivulets of water running over her naked form, tears streaming from her eyes, he looked at her, raising one eyebrow and cocking his head his head to the side. "If you're quite finished with your theatrics Pet, I'd like you to come back to bed."

  "You... I... I despise you. You're sick and disgusting. How could you do that to me?" I'm not like you."

  "It made you mine." He didn't elaborate. To him the answer sufficed. What more was there to say? "Come back to bed, Alliana."


  Mikhal made a low growl deep in his chest, his eyes flashed his displeasure and Alliana felt a strange pull within her to do as he told her. She resisted with all her might and stood her ground.

  "Come back to bed now!"

  Angry, confused, feeling the need to obey but hating herself for it, Alliana approached the bed once more. She did as he asked, but slid her body under the furs, creating a barrier between them, and turned her back. Mikhal chuckled and pulled back the covers as well, moving up behind her and gathering her close, to spoon his body to hers. She stiffened but didn't pull away and it was enough compliance for now. During the taking of his wife, Mikhal had decided he didn't want to break her spirit, so he'd allow her to show her fire as long as she behaved in the things that really mattered. Purring and lapping at his mark of claim, he dozed off, sated and happy with the warm woman who was his captive bride wrapped tightly in his arms.

  Chapter Ten

  Mikhal possessed her body time and again through the long night, and though she responded to his touch, her heart lay like a lump of ice in her chest, made ever colder by the vivid image of the terrified child who had paid for her reckless bravado. She had ceased to have any hopes of resisting his caress long before dawn, knowing that his skillful hands would cause her body to betray her every time he touched her, regardless of how her heart and mind were rebelling. Each time he’d taken her she’d vowed to remain cold, but time and again he’d played her body like a finely tuned instrument, and made her quiver with pleasure.

  She’d lain awake in the flickering light of the hearth as he dozed off and on, crying silently during the brief respites, praying he wouldn’t awaken again, and the word whore whirling through her mind over and over as the last tremors of her own pleasure tingled through her body. He’d nuzzled against her, holding her close whenever they weren’t coupling, all sated and content, seemingly oblivious to her suffering.

  His ignorance, if it indeed was truly ignorance, galled her to her core. How could he play the part of such a tender, concerned lover, then turn around and make it clear her suffering meant next to nothing? Alliana imagined it could be he simply didn’t care that her heart was a shattered hull and her soul was wrought with the pain of self-loathing because of what he was doing to her, but either way it was a bitter pill to swallow. On the other hand, she was foolish to think that because her body satisfied his, and she acted the part of a dutiful wife, that he should show her any form of compassion after the deed was done. Why should he care? Why should he show her respect? He had what he wanted. What should it matter to him if she wanted to curl up and die? His seed was planted deep in her womb and things were going exactly as he had planned.

  Now it was morn, and the last of her tears had dried into salty streaks on her cheeks hours ago, but the pain still welled up inside, squeezing her soul as she lay upon the bed where Mikhal had left her. He was strutting around the bedchamber like a rooster, immensely pleased with himself, and she was simply too exhausted and sore to move. Every inch of her felt battered, including her heart and mind. Not because he’d been cruel, oh no, his touch had been tender, and it was that, which caused her the most pain. She still suspected a harsh, rough rape, would have been easier to accept, than her own bodies betrayal. As it stood, her body had been so well bedded time and time again and brought to the pinnacle of pleasure so very often, that she now felt as worn as the most tattered of rag dolls.

  He’d changed into his demon form at each completion, claiming her as his, with a savage proclamation of ‘Mine’, that left no room for doubt. It had been a cruel reminder of what he really was at the peak of her pleasure, especially because the act had sent her body spiraling to even greater heights. She held the image of his fangs and amber eyes vividly in her mind as he strutted in all his naked glory before her now. Alliana doubted she would ever be able to forget it. The contrast between the stunningly handsome man and the monster that had drawn her life’s blood from her neck, as his seed poured into her womb was stark and chilling to her soul.

  The knowledge that something like him now grew within her caused bile to rise up into her throat. She’d thought that she would feel love for her child, but she was so filled with loathing for herself and for Mikhal the Merciless, that it was hard to love any child that carried even a trace of the monster that was her husband. What would her son truly be like? How could she gaze upon, let alone nurture, a baby whose eyes would burn with evil as it sought human blood?

  The thought that her son wouldn’t be the salvation and gift of love she thought he would be, drove Alliana into a deeper pit of despair, and she made a choking noise full of rage and anguish. Mikhal looked at her with raised eyebrows, but Alliana ignored him, too absorbed in her thoughts. Yes the thing in her womb would protect her, but at what cost? Would she even be able to carry it? What would the thing be like when it was born? Surely it would be as depraved as its father. How could it not be? The fact that her son would be half human never entered Alliana's mind. Right now she could feel no ties to Mikhal the Merciless’s vile brat, refusing to believe his seed would join with anything that
was even a remote part of her, to create a gentle soul. All thoughts of a loving child to nurture and be loved by in return had fled when her husband had given the stable boy to Marishka. A cold evil father, beget a cold evil child.

  "It looks as though you survived the night, my Sweet; it's time to get up now. The Mage and the Seer will be here soon. Do you want them to see you sprawled upon the bed like a whore? It isn’t becoming for the mother of my son. Then again, perhaps your lack of enthusiasm for covering yourself means you'd like me to take you again. Is that it Sweet? Are you trying to entice me?"

  His words cut her to the quick as he laughed heartily at his joke and sauntered over to her. Gone was the tender man who had whispered soft words in her ear, duping her heart and her body in the heat of passion; the evil and vicious Mikhal the Merciless had replaced him once more. Alliana had never believed that he truly cared for her, she knew better than that, it was just that it was easier to imagine he might somehow show her an ounce of kindness and respect thereafter, when he was murmuring words that made her body come alive. Sadly he had played her for a fool, and there would be no mercy outside of his bed.

  Mikhal pulled her unresponsive body up and pressed his lips to hers, stabbing his tongue into her mouth roughly, making no attempt to seduce, just to punish and dominate. Alliana struggled against him, and pushed at him with all her strength. She’d had enough. He finally let her free, dropping her back onto the bed. She scrambled away to the other side, eyes shooting fire.

  "Your touch nauseates me. You've had your fun and have deposited your brat in my womb. Now leave me be!"

  Mikhal advanced on her in a rage, a snarl upon his lips. She struggled to get off the bed before he caught her, but was too slow. With lightning quickness he grabbed hold of her ankle and pulled her to him, holding her head inches from his face, hissing at her, eyes turning into blazing golden orbs. It took all the control he had not to rip her throat out with his teeth. Alliana could feel his body shaking as he fought for restraint.

  "If you ever speak to me like that again I will have you chained in the dungeon pregnant or not. You will be fed good meals and taken out like a brood mare to be exercised, but that is where the niceties will end. Just because you carry my son doesn't mean I will allow you to turn into a haughty shrew. You will keep that sharp tongue of yours to yourself. There are many ways for me to torment that body and mind of yours that will not put my son in danger. Be assured that I would delight in all of them. Insolence such as that will never go unpunished is that clear, Alliana?"

  "Yes, My Lord." She replied in a shaking whisper. Vivid images of the little boy were flooding her mind, making her regret each word of her caustic tirade. It was vividly apparent once more that although he’d been gentle in bed, there would be no trace of the man who had held her to be found when he wasn’t gaining his own pleasure.

  As if reading her mind, he suddenly calmed. Mikhal wrapped his arms around her gently and kissed her forehead, but she refused to yield or even look at him. It was one thing to succumb when she was unclothed and he was ravishing every inch of her. This mere act of intimacy left her body repulsed. She wasn’t about to melt every time he touched her. There was far too much hatred inside her soul for that to ever be the case.

  He rubbed one hand up and down her back in a soothing gesture, and then signed when she remained rigid and clearly upset. It irritated him that the little chit didn’t appreciate his show of kindness. “Alliana, I want you to understand that no matter how patient and generous I am with you when we are alone, I am still your Master at all times. I expect you to obey me in all things, and be respectful towards me, especially when there are others around. I realize you feel I am harsh at times, and I won’t deny that I am, but try and remember it is who I am. You are special to me and because of that I will afford you with special treatment not given to the other humans, but don’t be so foolish as to think you are above them in all ways. Do you understand Pet?”

  The twisted, arrogant, bastard! Alliana was incensed. How dare he? Here he was, trying to coddle her into obedience with sweet words and gestures, seconds after threatening to toss her in the dungeon. The demented fool thought it was all okay because he was her ‘Master’, and as such he could treat her however he chose, especially in public, and she was to jump at his every whim. And as if that weren’t bad enough, he also wanted to make sure she understood that she had to do as she was told no matter what, because of her lowly human status.

  Alliana vowed she would never accept him for who he was. His past didn’t matter to her in the least. All the suffering he endured should evoke compassion in him, not the despicable behavior he chose to bestow on every poor soul around him. It was simply no excuse. He was a monster; it was as simple as that. Nothing but a vile beast she would loath for as long as she was bound to his side.

  His hand fisted in her hair and a tiny growl emanated from deep in his chest, causing the twin punctures on her neck to tingle, and the pit of her belly to flutter. Her eyes widened in shock at the sensation and Mikhal smiled, knowing she felt the pull of his dominance. He made the sound of displeasure again, and she realized that she hadn’t given him a response to his question.

  “I understand, My Lord.”

  “Very good Pet. I will send for Thalia to come and assist you. See that you are cleaned up and presentable. You are my new Lady, and as such you must appear worthy. Do not disappoint me. I shall return with the Seer and the Mage in an hour or so to make sure you are with child.”

  Alliana shook her head mutely; another man couldn’t examine her, not now, not when she was wed. It was marime’ of the worst kind, but she knew she couldn’t voice her objection. Her husband hated all things from her Gypsy heritage.

  Mikhal, seeing the look in her eyes, hesitated. Normally he would discipline her for daring to say ‘no’, but there was something about Alliana’s expression of utter desperation that gave him pause. He frowned and pressed his lips to her forehead once more, taking in her wild haunted eyes, and too pale skin, irritated that she wasn’t acting as he expected her to, but somewhat distressed that her spirit seemed to be taking flight. What did she want from him?

  “Try to calm yourself Dear. Things will be fine. You’re my wife now.” Again he waited, as if letting that bit of information sink in would have a dramatic effect. Alliana wondered if he thought being his wife, gave her a feeling of security? It didn’t. All it gave her was a feeling of horror. When she still showed no response to his words or gentle touch he sighed once more and released her.

  “Very well, Pigeon. I shall leave you be, but you would be wise to remember that I am not a fool. I know how you feel about my son. I will not allow you to have thoughts of hurting yourself. Think of your dear family and what would become of them if anything were to happen to you. Now see that you follow my orders so I don't have to punish you."


  Thalia arrived a short time later and kept her eyes to the floor. She had been a witness to the wedding, the night before, and had seen how her new Mistress had held herself with dignity throughout the ceremony. The servant found it confusing. Was the Gypsy a willing participant, happy to be marrying into a life of riches, or was she as she claimed? Was she simply a very brave, but unfortunate, woman, who found herself among the evils of the earth through no fault of her own, or was she a conniving whore? Only time would tell.

  “I... I would like a bath Thalia.” The request went against everything Alliana believed in, but every inch of her felt filthy and used, and if her husband were to return while she was bathing in an unconventional manner, it would incite his ire in unimaginable way.

  “Yes My Lady.” Thalia relayed Alliana’s request to the man stationed outside the door, and soon the servants appeared with the bathing tub and steaming buckets of water. As they worked, Alliana sat huddled on the bed, wrapped in furs, dreading the moment she would have to disrobe before the other woman. Mikhal had bitten her each time they had coupled and his mark was everyw
here upon her body. The thought of Thalia, bearing witness to the evidence of her defilement, shamed her to the core.

  When the men left, Thalia turned to Alliana expectantly but her new Mistress didn’t rise at once. The servant saw the tormented look in her eyes, and her heart softened just a bit. “I’ll tend to your wedding garments while you get in your bath Mistress.”

  “Very good Thalia.” Alliana knew the woman would find her dress torn in two and the discovery might cause gossiping tongues throughout the castle, but it was preferable to having her servant see the blood on her thighs and the bites on her breasts.

  She rose and went to the steaming tub, easing in and sighing. Part of her rebelled against the action but another part of her couldn’t deny how good it felt. If she were not afforded the flow of a stream to wash away the touch of her husband, this would have to do, and the water felt oh so wonderful, as every inch of her ached.

  Alliana washed quickly, not wanting to sit in the water for longer than was necessary, and not wanting to risk the return of her husband and the others. He’d made no mention of Marishka that morning, but Alliana had no idea if the woman would come sweeping in. She pushed the thought of Mikhal’s demented sister from her mind. She imagined Marishka was still otherwise occupied, and Alliana refused to think of what was keeping her busy. The knowledge might make her go insane as well.

  Her fingers traveled over the various bite marks that graced her body. All but the one on her neck, the first one, were almost healed. That one was raised and sore. Her husband had lapped at all of them after he’d drank, just like he’d done with the twin punctures on her neck, but none had tingled the way it did. None of the other bite marks felt as if they had a direct connection to her core. Alliana mused over the sensation she felt throughout her body when her husband made his low growl. The feelings the sound caused both physically and psychologically, were disturbing. Why had she felt the need to obey, and why had her body responded with tingling of pleasure in her womb, when her mind rebelled at being ordered about?


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