Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 20

by Jolynn Raymond

  Alliana clenched her jaw in outrage and curled her hands into fists. Oh how she hated this old witch. Fighting back her true feelings, knowing that an argument would simply make the entire process last longer, she held fast to her smile.

  “I promise she is no idiot, Enid dear. She is simply being respectful like she has been told. Aren’t you Alliana, Love?” His tone was sickly sweet, mocking. Alliana wondered what she had done now to arouse his anger. She struggled for the words to appease them both.

  “I am grateful that the midwife is here, My Lord, and I want her to know that I am. Your son is important to me and I wish to please you.”

  Enid snorted, seeing right through her facade, but Mikhal was charmed, captivated by her beauty and endearing behavior. “I am pleased that you have become reasonable during the night, Pigeon.” Mikhal moved to the bed and took her hand as he sat down and Alliana did her best to smile sweetly, forcing her hand to be relaxed in his grip. Her acquiescence gave him a strange feeling of satisfaction inside. Her smile delighted him. Enid thought he was now the one acting like a fool.

  “Honestly, Mikhal. Leave the stupid chit alone. Men are such idiots when their cocks get to dancing. You can’t take her back to your bed yet, so there is no point in turning on your charm. You act as if her happiness actually means something. Remember what she is.”

  Mikhal turned to his old friend and narrowed his eyes, not at all happy with her words, but also displeased with his own show of weakness. Enid was right. The wench was here to serve a purpose that was all. Hadn’t he been furious with her only minutes ago? He rose abruptly and took a seat in the chair by the bed. “Tell me how my son is, Enid.”

  Alliana squeezed her eyes shut, and swallowed the bile that rose in her throat. This had to be done, and it was something that would be repeated time and time again over the next nine months. She held her breath as Enid folded down the covers and violated her body once more. Thankfully, as before, the entire process was over quickly.

  “Well, just as last night there is no bleeding or sign that your son is in danger. Her color isn’t good but that should improve with some fresh air and food. When was the last time this girl was outdoors, Mikhal? Humans need sunlight.”

  Mikhal shrugged at the question. Alliana hadn’t been beyond the castle walls since her capture, and there was certainly none of the killing light within. “Well see that she gets some. It will help improve her color and get her strength back. She also still needs to rest and eat. Bread, cheese, small amounts of meat, and make sure she is given the herbs with a strong dark wine. It will strengthen the blood. As for bedding the wench, there shall be none of that for at least a fortnight. As I said, you must let your seed take hold, and then it will be fine to do as you wish.”

  “Thank you Enid, I will see that all of your instructions are followed. Alliana will eat, and do as she’s told, isn’t that right, my Dear?”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “That’s a good girl. See Enid, she is a good pet.” The midwife made a sound of disgust and Mikhal turned to her, a look of hurt upon his face. “She is but a toy Enid, and an end to a means. She is here to beget me a son, and satisfy my lust, that is all.”

  “I hope you are being honest with yourself, my friend.” Without saying another word, Enid placed her satchel full of potions, tonics and herbs on the table and left the chamber. She would watch this situation very carefully, and if the Gypsy managed to get her claws into Mikhal, well then she herself would do everything in her power to toss the bitch out of the castle and into the freezing night.

  Mikhal pulled his chair closer to the bed after the midwife left, and studied Alliana closely. His earlier anger had died in the face of her smile. He had been expecting to find a cowering woman, but instead, a sweet wife had greeted him. She was acting as she should be, and for that she should be rewarded. It was easier to forget the feelings of hurt, her rejection of him had caused, especially because he was trying so hard not to acknowledge them in the first place. Besides, why focus on troubling thoughts, when things were right with the world again?

  “You did well, Alliana.”

  “Thank you, My Lord.”

  He took her hand again and brought it to his face to nuzzle it, inhaling her scent, and then bent to brush his lips over hers. Alliana didn’t respond, nor did she shy away, and Mikhal accepted her reaction with pleasure. She was still timid about passion, and it was understandable. She had been pure on their wedding night, and though her body had responded with fire, it was still a new and unfamiliar feeling.

  He let his lips linger, moving them on hers ever so gently, while bringing his hand to her cheek to gently caress it. “You are so very lovely, my Sweet.” He planted tiny kisses along her jaw line then dipped his head lower and lapped at the mating mark upon her neck. Alliana’s eyes widened in shock as a tremor of pleasure raced through her body. She arched her back and tossed her head back, crying out, making Mikhal let out a low growl of pleasure at her actions.

  He nibbled at the twin punctures with blunt teeth, listening to her murmurs of delight, suckling, nipping, lapping at his mark, as a simultaneous heat began to build deep inside both of them. Their blood bond sang in their veins as the mating call stirred their passions, and Mikhal’s cock swelled as he wrapped her up in is arms and crushed her to him, a fierce feeling of desire roaring to life in his core.

  When Alliana was mewling with pleasure, lost in the strange sensations that were engulfing her body, she slipped her arm around his head and pressed his mouth to her neck even harder, arching up at the sensation. Mikhal, feeling a jolt of passion at her actions, shook his head to clear it, and loosened his hold just a bit to distance her enticing body from his, but still, he couldn’t let her go as her head lolled back. Instead, he nuzzled the tender skin of her throat, purring with delight, thrilled with her response.

  “Alliana, my sweet. You are mine. Mine”

  The last word was punctuated by a growl that was much fiercer than his low growls of pleasure, reminding her of the monster that lay within. It snapped her from her haze, and she brought her head up to look at him, shocked by what had just happened. How? Why? She hated him.

  “It’s all right, Kitten. Don’t be alarmed. You are my mate and you are bound to me by blood for life. You felt the binding just as sure as if it were a shackle upon your soul. Never shall you leave me, Alliana.”

  Shaken, she stared at him in silence. Not knowing what to make of his words or the feelings his actions had instilled. Seeing she was still confused, he simply held her and whispered in her ear. He couldn’t expect a mere human to understand the blood bond. “Trust me, Pet.”

  Trust him? Trust him! Was he mad? She could never trust him. Turning her head to the side so he could not see her true reaction to his words, laying her head upon his shoulder to make him think she was still under his spell, Alliana simply murmured, “Yes, Mikhal,” but her head was whirling with all sorts of questions. If she felt the strong bond, did he feel it as well? Did the chains work both ways? Was that why Marishka was so incensed? Was it because it gave Alliana a tiny bit of power over Mikhal the Merciless? Oh she had questions, but how could she get them answered?

  Mikhal laid her back upon the bed. His manhood was pressing painfully against his legging and if he didn’t release her, he’d be in an even worse state. She was so soft and warm, so very beautiful. Mikhal shook those thoughts from his mind and slid back a bit, reaching out to lift her chin so Alliana was looking him in the eyes.

  “Now then, Sweet. As to your future, you shall be moved to a special bedchamber that has steps leading to a tower room. The main chamber windows are to stay closed at all times, but the ones in the tower have not been shuttered. You will be able to go there whenever you wish for as much sunlight and fresh air as is needed. I will assign a human servant to carry you up the stairs until you are well enough to climb them yourself. How does that sound?”

  “The room sounds lovely, My Lord. Tell me, Mikhal, am I to hav
e a lock on my side of the door?”

  “Alliana...” Again the low warning growl came from within him, and again she felt the pull inside. It was very plain her husband was unhappy with her. That fact tingled throughout her entire being.

  “I would appreciate my privacy. As it is, I never know who will come and go as they please, or when. How am I to sleep?”

  Remembering her disquiet in his presence the night before, Mikhal again felt the stir of anger inside him. “If you think to lock me out, you are quite wrong, my Dear. I am your husband and I shall come and go, as I please, be it in the darkest part of the night or the middle of the day. Never would you be allowed to bar me from your chambers.”

  “Forgive me, Mikhal, I was thinking more of Marishka. She and I are not the best of friends.” Alliana’s chin had come up and a hint of blush stained her cheeks as some of her fire returned. Seeing this, Mikhal calmed himself. It wasn’t good for her to get agitated in her condition.

  “Marishka has been dealt with, and I shall inform all others who reside in the castle that they must knock upon your door. As for me, I will come and go as I please and nothing you say can change that. I can also assure you that when Enid says it is safe, you will once more grace my bed.”

  Alliana open her mouth to speak, but Mikhal held up his hand, dismissing her objections. She stopped her caustic reply, but gave him a withering look. She wasn’t appeased one little bit by his gift of the tower room or the fact the others would have to knock. In the end, she knew it was all being done for his son. Mikhal the Merciless had a dead heart lying in his chest, and he was evil to his very core, and nothing he ever did would convince Alliana otherwise. She hated him; she would always hate him, even if the mark on her neck bound her to him for life.

  “I am off for some much needed rest. I shall see to the move before I retire. Be certain that you follow all of Enid’s instructions and eat every bit of food that is brought to you. If you fail to do what is best for my son, you will be punished, Sweet. I may have decided to coddle you Kitten, but it is the babe who is of utmost importance to me.”

  Alliana narrowed her eyes, and couldn’t hold back the biting remark that sprang to her tongue this time. “I wouldn’t dream of thinking otherwise.”

  Mikhal shook his head in frustration and walked out the door, feeling as if the little blonde wench had again gotten the best of him. He closed the chamber door behind him and almost knocked Enid over when he turned back around.


  “I wish to speak to you, Mikhal. It’s a matter of some importance.”

  “Is Alliana truly well?”

  “Forget the Gypsy wench, Mikhal. This is important I say.”

  “Very well, come with me.” The midwife followed Mikhal down the hall, mumbling under her breath about humans who don’t know their place. Mikhal ignored her; he was used to her freely speaking her mind. She was one of the few beings who dared say what they thought in front of him, and he respected her for it. They arrived in the chamber he used to conduct business, and he ushered her in, holding out a chair for her before taking his own.

  “What is it my dear friend?”

  “There is treason in your midst, My Lord.”

  Mikhal bolted to his feet, stunned. “Who would dare such a thing?”

  “Andor and another. One I do not know. His identity remained hidden from me.”

  Mikhal scowled and flung his chair aside in a fit of rage at the name of Marishka’s favorite minion. He hated the fledgling. “How do you know this?”

  “I was gathering herbs before daybreak this morning and came upon them in the woods. The other used Andor’s name, but I could see neither of them. It was dark and I dared not get too close for fear they would hear me.”

  “What were they plotting?”

  “Humph, that Andor, he only said he wanted to sully your bride’s name so you wouldn’t be influenced by the mating mark, but I suspect he’s after more. I think he is of the belief that if you are brought down, then he will rule at Marishka’s side. He told the other that he was doing it for the love of his Mistress, and that Alliana must be driven from the castle.”

  “And the other? What did he say?”

  “He wasn’t quick to agree. I sense loyalty in him, but he too was concerned about the fact you made the Gypsy your mate.”

  “I did it for my son. She means nothing to me.”

  “Your son did not need his mother to be given that position of honor. Her body could carry him either way.”

  “How dare you question my motives?”

  “Hold your temper. I’m stating a fact, not questioning you. I simply hope that all goes well with the act. It will be harder to toss her out with this blood bond.”

  “It is that very bond that strengthens the union between my son and her body.”

  “I don’t wish to argue, Mikhal. You are a dear friend and your anger is not directed at me. Go hunt down the traitors in your ranks. Your wife is well. Leave her be and see to the running of your castle.”

  Mikhal nodded, running his hand back through his long dark blonde curls, and sighed. Rest would have to wait. He had to deal with Andor, and he knew just where to find the treacherous bastard. Lying ensconced in his sister’s arms.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mikhal’s heavy steps echoed through the passageway as he made his way to Marishka’s quarters. To think that his sister’s lover had dared to betray him made his blood boil. He’d made it clear from the start that he didn’t like her latest toy, and had expected Marishka to keep a tight rein on him because of that fact.

  The sudden thought hit him that his own dear sister could possibly be involved in this scheme to plot against him and drive Alliana from the castle, but then he dismissed it. Marishka and he had their disagreements it was true, Alliana being one of them, but she would never hurt him in that way. He trusted her with his life, and just because they’d fought, didn’t mean he didn’t trust her still.

  No, it was the bloody imbecile that she had turned and taken up as her pet that was behind this, though Mikhal knew Andor hadn’t the brains to carry it through alone. He would simply throw the minion in the torture chamber and work away at him until he confessed to just who it had been that had met with him in the woods before dawn. He also planned on having a little visit with the Seer. The man was a loyal crony of Marishka’s, and therefore might be inclined to agree with his sister’s views on the entire mating drama, but it was worth it to at least speak to the man.

  Without giving his sister and her lover the courtesy of knocking, Mikhal flung open the heavy door, making it bang loudly against the wall in much the same manner as Marishka had done the night before. Marishka sat up in bed, wide eyed at his intrusion, and opened her mouth to question him as he came forward, a murderous look on his face. He reached the bed and stripped back the furs, grasping a startled Andor by the hair, and hauling him from his cozy spot in Marishka’s arms, before throwing him to the floor.

  “Mikhal! What is the meaning of this? Leave Andor alone. He has done nothing to you.” Andor glared up at his Master as the last vestiges of sleep fled from his brain. He’d only just snuck back into his Mistress’s bed but an hour ago, and knew full well what Mikhal the Merciless’s tirade was most likely about. Someone, somehow, knew of his meeting in the woods.

  “The meaning”, Mikhal landed a sharp kick into Andor ribs. “Dear sister” Another kick with his heavy black riding boots, this one in the gut. “Is that this fool you have taken to your bed.” A third and forth kick, both in the ribs, cracking them, and a fifth in Andor’ back as he curled up to avoid the blows. “Has dared to plot against me in my own home.”

  Mikhal grasped Andor by the hair again and pulled him to his knees, kicking him in the ribs once more, shattering the bones that had been cracked, before beginning to pummel his face. Andor was helpless to do anything but take the abuse, knowing he dared not raise a hand against his Master.

  Mikhal’s rage flowed through him
as he beat the hapless minion, turning a deaf ear to Marishka’s cries of protest. She leaped off the bed and flung herself at him, trying to hold his arms, and prevent him from further hurting her favorite pet, but her efforts were in vain. Mikhal’s strength far outweighed hers.

  His energy finally spent, Mikhal released Andor, and slammed his head down on the floor, in the proper position of submission at his feet. The minion moved slightly, slowly, so that his lips were touching Mikhal’s boots, and then stayed still as stone, waiting for the final deathblow to come.

  Raising up the toe of his boot so that Andor was forced to tilt his head and look up at his Master, Mikhal allowed his demon to emerge and stared down into Andor’ eyes. “Tell your Mistress what you have done, Andor.” Mikhal’s eyes shifted to Marishka who stood weeping a few feet away, hands over her mouth, shaking her head in denial, then back to the quaking minion at his feet who had remained silent at his command.

  “I said, tell your Mistress what you have done. There is no sense in denying it you fool. You were overheard in the woods last night. Unfortunately the identity of your companion remains a mystery. That is the only thing that is preventing me from ripping your head off.”

  “Mikhal, no. You have to listen to me. There’s been a mistake. It couldn’t have been Andor. He was with me last night.”

  “Yes, I imagine he was, love, but he slipped out towards dawn all the same. My patience is wearing thin, either you tell your Lady how you dared to betray her brother’s trust, or I shall haul you below without a chance to explain yourself. You shall die an agonizing death without ever speaking to Marishka again.”

  Slowly Andor turned his head so he could look up at Marishka, his eyes pleading for her help and understanding. “My Lady, I met with another to enlist his help in sullying the name of the Master’s bride so he might throw her from the castle. Forgive me, Mistress. I meant no harm. I did it so you would be happy once more. Her presence has caused you much pain.”

  Marishka came to kneel at Andor’ side. She looked up at Mikhal, a pout on her face, ready to scold him and use her old tricks to get him to comply. He turned away in disgust and grabbed her dressing robe from the bed, tossing it over her bare shoulders. “If you are to plead with me, dear sister, I prefer you to be clothed, though I shall warn you now, treason is treason, a crime most often punishable by death, and your childe will be dealt with accordingly.”


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