Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 44

by Jolynn Raymond

  After the door closed behind Lucian, Natalya turned to Alliana with a small smile on her lips, pulling Alliana back into the present. “A friend of yours? He seems... well does he always look at people like that?” Giggles followed the question and Alliana joined in, not able to help but be happy for just a moment that she had her dear friend back by her side. Their laughter stopped abruptly though, when Natalya put a hand to Alliana’s face and stroked her cheek, a worried look in her eyes. Natalya shook her head, and then looked down at the lump that was Alliana’s rounded belly raising up under the furs, not sure where to start, but full of questions.

  “You are truly well, Alliana? I was so worried. Your husband said you were ill. He told me you hadn’t the will to live. I expected to come here and find you upon your deathbed, instead I find you up and about and in the arms of another.” The teasing gleam was back in her eyes but the look of concern remained.

  “Natalya! You know that is not what took place. What I told Lord Arcos is the truth. I was certainly not in his arms. Lucian and I were playing chess. He became concerned for my health when the babe kicked me and was about to put me back in bed. He was simply ... my keeper, for lack of a better word, while my husband was away. There is nothing between us.”

  “I’m sorry, Alliana. You know I was teasing about that, but I wasn’t teasing about the other. Are you well? You look well, but you told Lord Arcos you had been beaten. What of that? Who would dare to beat the Lady of the castle? I thought you would be protected here.”

  Alliana looked down, remembering the pain and the shame of that day. She had never felt truly safe within the walls that were supposed to be her home. Part of the reason was because her husband had been so cruel and unpredictable, and part of the reason was because of his demented sister. Both combined had made a feeling of unease and despair lay heavy on her soul the entire time she had been forced to stay here. Natalya gently lifted her chin and looked into her eyes, and the pain she saw in their depths filled her with fury. “Do you wish to talk about it? It’s all right if you don’t, but I wish you would.”

  “No, I do, Natalya. Oh how I’ve missed you. It’s been horrid here. I’ve no one who truly understands me, no one to share my pain. Thalia is very kind, and she helps me pass my days, but there are lines between the servants and those who reside here. I am Mistress and she is not truly my friend. Perhaps outside the castle walls we would be close, but it is not permitted here.”

  “What of the other? The man who left with your husband.”

  “Lucian? It is hard to say. He stayed with me, protected me, especially after Marishka beat me, but I’m not sure why. I found him very gracious and at times amusing, but he is so very hard to read. He is one of them and has no obligation beyond Mikhal’s orders. He was kind though and showed me respect, which is something no other vampire would even think about. I am a human, and a woman at that.”

  “Perhaps he has come to know the Lady of the castle, and has been taken in by you. It is hard not to like you, Alliana. He may have developed a tender spot in his heart.”

  Her simple words, said so earnestly, took Alliana aback. Natalya was so very naive. Soon she would learn the hard way, what it meant to live in Castle Arcos with the devil himself.

  “Are you mad? Natalya, they are evil beings. True he was kind, but don’t be fooled. It was his duty. Lucian was well aware that he failed in his mission to protect me and he knew he had to please me in order to save his own skin. My husband and his kind are unable to feel compassion and they have no true goodness within. His respect and gentleness were not real. They couldn’t have been. Not really. His kind sees us as cattle. There is no heart for a soft spot to dwell.”

  Natalya’s brow creased as she listened to Alliana’s summation of her husband and his kind. What she was hearing went against how Mikhal the Merciless had treated her, and the feeling she had about his true emotions for his wife. She would have to hear more about Alliana’s life here since her marriage. Perhaps she had been horribly wrong in her assessment of Alliana’s husband, but somehow, she didn’t think so. Her intuition hadn’t failed her in the past, and she doubted it was doing so now.

  “Tell me what has happen to you since you were taken from us. I want to hear everything. I feel as if we were apart for so very long.”

  Alliana stared at her friend solemnly. How could she relate everything, all the horror, the pain, the emptiness? Could mere words even begin to describe what she had been through? Did it bear talking about? Alliana knew it would be painful. On the other hand, all those feelings had been bottled up inside her, making her feel as if she were going to go insane. She hadn’t been able to speak badly of Mikhal to Thalia, and there were so many emotions swirling around inside her head and heart that she needed to come to terms with. Perhaps it would be best to let it out now.

  She scooted over across the bed and lifted the furs. Natalya quickly climbed in and put her head on the pillow, forehead to forehead with her dearest friend, just as they had when they were little girls. She once again touched Alliana’s face, and then pulled her close when she saw tears forming in her friend’s eyes.

  “Shh now, it’s all right Alliana. I’m here. Natalya’s here and I won’t to let anything happen to you my darling friend.”

  “I shouldn’t cry. I… I don’t know why I am. I’m fine really. I just...”

  “Motherhood will do that Alliana, and something tells me you have some very good reasons to cry those tears. Start at the beginning and I’ll be the judge of whether or not you’re fine. I swear to you my friend, if he has harmed you, Mikhal the Merciless and I are going to have words.”

  Alliana looked at Natalya; shocked that Natalya would speak so boldly and with such vehemence. “You are serious? He didn’t hurt you? Terrorize you? You aren’t afraid of him?”

  Natalya slowly shook her head. She knew she should be. The beast had almost killed Danior. He’d torn her away from her family, and he’d bitten and drunk from her as well, but she wasn’t truly frightened by him. No, Natalya sensed his inner goodness, his desire to be a man, and his love for her friend, and she believed that it was those things in him, and not the demon, that would win if and when they had words again.

  “No, Alliana. I’m not. He is evil. I know that, and he took me away from my family and our clan, but he treated me well. I also... well I think...” Here Natalya stopped. Alliana wasn’t ready to hear her tell of her suspicions of his love. It would be best to hear Alliana out first. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe Lord Arcos had been horribly cruel and there wasn’t a shred of decency inside him. Either way, right now Alliana was feeling sad and she needed someone to listen, not give opinions.

  “What is it, Natalya?”

  “Nothing. You tell me everything now. I’m here to listen, just like always. I’m here and we’re together and no one can hurt you anymore.” Natalya didn’t know if it were true, but she was going to do her best to make sure no harm befell her friend any longer, be it pain of the heart, body, or soul.

  And so Alliana began the tale of her imprisonment. She spoke of Marishka and Andor, of the child, of her fears, of the horrid Enid, of the beating she had received, and of Mikhal’s rape. At this Natalya’s eyes widened, for she could not truly believe her ears. They had both been raised to obey men and their mother’s had told them that a husband had the right to do things to their bodies. She found it odd that Alliana would dare to use the word rape.

  “Alliana, was your husband not simply doing as every husband has a right to? I... I do not always want the attentions of Danior but it is simply our lot in life to do as they bid.”

  “How can you defend him, Natalya?” Alliana pushed her away, eyes flashing, full of hurt and anger.

  “Alliana please. I’m not defending him. I just don’t understand. Does he hurt you when he beds you? Does he make you do vile things?”

  “No. NO! He doesn’t hurt me, but I hate him. I hate him and I do not wish for him to touch me. He is evil and repulsive a
nd... Natalya he is a demon yet he makes me feel things and I... “ At this her cheeks blushed crimson and tears of frustration filled her eyes once more.

  “Hush. We won’t speak of it any more. I’m sorry. I know sometimes I can’t bear for Danior to touch me. He is clumsy and heavy and rough but... well I do what I must, what is expected. While it is true I use my sharp tongue, as he would say, I wouldn’t dare deny him a husband’s pleasure. He would beat me and throw me out and my maman and papa would send me from the clan.

  “I have fought him in so many things. I have run away, screamed at him, done all I could, all that I dared, but it matters not. I’m stuck here and I shall be for life.”

  “Not for life Alliana. Do not forget what will happen in four months time. You will be able to escape from him then if you wish.” Once more Natalya’s eyes fell to Alliana’s stomach. Her friend would be heavy with child in four months time and Natalya wondered just how the clan would react to a pregnant and on the run Alliana returning home to them, magick or no magick.

  Alliana saw the direction of Natalya’s gaze and stroked her swollen stomach. “He grows quickly Natalya. I cannot say when he will be born. I could be ready to give birth then or I could already be a mother. Besides, I not know what my magick is. You know I have no talent for those things.”

  “Ah... but I do.”

  “You’re tea leaves won’t help us escape these walls, Natalya, and I can already tell you of the true character of those around us.”

  “That is not of what I speak my friend. I know of your magick. Your godmother told me long ago.” Alliana’s face appeared stricken at the news and she looked away, hurt that her godmother had trusted Natalya and not her.

  “Alliana please. She knew you struggled with your talents, knew you were frightened by your future, by the idea of it and so much responsibility, but she didn’t want to take the chance of her dying without someone with her own magick knowing about yours. Do you understand? She loves you and has faith in you Sweetie. It will all come together when the time is right.”

  “But what of the babe? What of my husband? My child is growing too fast and it frightens me and I feel so helpless here. Mikhal watches me all the time.”

  Natalya’s immediate thought was that he watched her because he loved her and he couldn’t bear to lose her, but she held her tongue on that matter. “Don’t fret over things we can’t control. The babe will come when he comes and we shall deal with that. What I need to know now is where is the medallion your godmother gave you on the night you were taken from us?”

  Alliana’s hand flew to her neck as if to clutch the lost medallion. She shook her head sadly; lips pressed in a thin line, and then whispered the awful truth. “I lost it. But when I went to the village, I think I saw a small girl wearing it. Her father pushed her back and slammed the door before I could talk to her or see for sure. I haven’t been able to return there. I’m sorry Natalya, it’s gone.”

  “No Sweetie, not gone, just misplaced. I can get it back from this child if she does indeed have it. Don’t worry. We shall devise a plan to go to the village.”

  “They hate me there. Everyone is afraid of my husband, and the last time I went he was so furious. It ‘twas then that he... he raped me.”

  “No, don’t speak of that again Alliana. It’s all right now. Just trust me to think of something okay?”

  Alliana nodded, she did trust Natalya, and as much as she hated having Natalya trapped in this hell, she couldn’t deny the pleasure it gave her to have her friend back in her arms, talking like they used to.

  “I do trust you Natalya. I trust you with my very life. Now you tell me everything about the past two months and especially about what my husband did when he took you. Are you certain you weren’t hurt? He shall pay if you were. Tell me of my maman and papa. I want to hear it all.”

  And so the two friends caught up long into the night as Thalia and Hannah readied Natalya’s new quarters and Mikhal began his talk with Lucian to discover just what had taken place in his absence. As Alliana and Natalya filled the chamber with the whispers and gentle hugs of good friends, Mikhal unleashed his demon with the violence and rage of a man whose mate had been harmed.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Mikhal rushed through the corridors of the castle to his chambers, the heels of his tall riding boots striking the stone floor sharply with each step, black cape flaring out behind him. Fire blazed from his eyes as he went, halting the greetings of those who saw him upon their tongues, causing them to shrink back, wishing for sudden invisibility. It was clear the Master was insane with rage, and therefore, it was best to avoid him at all costs.

  Lucian followed in his wake, head held high, not out of arrogance or pride, but out of determination to be strong. He would take whatever came his way for what had happen to the Mistress in his Lord’s absence. He accepted full responsibility, and had in fact been somewhat embarrassed by the Mistress’s staunch appeals on his behalf. It wasn’t that he wasn’t grateful and pleased that she would come to his defense. He found it touching, but he was guilty all the same, and how the Master chose to deal with his crime should not be tempered by her pleas.

  Mikhal swung open his chamber door, barking at the nearest minion to fetch Enid and his sister as he passed, totally missing the look of shocked questioning in the vampire’s eyes in his blind fury. Lucian quickly shot the minion a look and shook his head, silencing him before he could reveal the truth about Marishka’s absence. He would tell Mikhal himself that Marishka had fled with her precious Andor, and the old hag could be dealt with in due time. She wasn’t going anywhere.

  Stepping in his Lord’s chamber, Lucian closed the door behind him, sliding the bolt so they wouldn’t be interrupted. What was about to take place wouldn’t be pleasant, and he wished for privacy as he received his punishment. As expected, the first blow hit him just as he turned, knocking him to his knees with its ferocity.

  Lucian stayed where he was, never dreaming of fighting back, looking up in fact to take what was given as the second, third and fourth blows were delivered. He met his Master’s gaze; not with defiance, nor with pleading, but with a grave look that spoke of his sorrow at disappointing his Master. Still though, he knew it was best not to speak, even as Mikhal paused in his assault and stared at him in full game face.

  More blows rained down upon him, his head snapping back and forth, his lips bursting, eyes swelling, ears ringing, until finally Mikhal had spent enough of his rage to form coherent thought. The initial assault was over, it was time for questions, the rest of Lucian’s punishment would be doled out depending on what had exactly had occurred. Mikhal knew Alliana had pleaded for leniency for the man who had been put in charge of her protection, but he wasn’t keen on granting her request at the moment. The thought of his mate being hurt and almost losing their child made his blood boil and his demon demand its pound of flesh from all who were involved.

  “Get up.”

  Lucian arose, his head spinning, and faced Mikhal. He looked him in the eyes with a guilt-ridden expression, blinking back the blood that flowed freely from a cut above his eyebrow, and then bowed his head.

  “What have you to say for yourself? Is there any reason I should not impale you in the courtyard and watch as you await your death from the sun?”

  “No, My Lord. There is no excuse for what transpired in your absence. I take full responsibility. You put your faith in me. I had my orders to protect the Mistress, and I failed.”

  “And why is that, Lucian? My wife seems to think you were not at fault? What say you of her pleas for mercy?”

  “She is a kind and caring woman, My Lord. She sees only that I was granting her request and that in the end I saved her from Marishka. She is blind to the fact that I left her in the first place to be brutalized by your sister. Though it was her wish for solitude, it was not my place to grant it.”

  Mikhal raised an eyebrow at Lucian’s assessment of Alliana. His words were unexpected. He knew Luc
ian was not fond of humans unless they were presented as a meal or were gracing his bed. What had changed his view of Alliana? What had made him go beyond mere protection and try to entertain her? It had been a complete shock to see her sitting there so obviously happy. He had expected to find Lucian brooding in a chair and his wife sullenly doing needlework or lying as if she were dead. Instead he had returned to see her smiling after a game of chess. It was a pleasant shock, but a shock nonetheless. What had Lucian done that he could not? Why was his wife so enamored with his first in command?

  Mikhal grit his teeth and pushed back the wave of jealousy that threatened to overwhelm him and turned back to the task at hand. He had to find out the truth regarding Alliana’s assault.

  “Tell me about that night.” Mikhal walked to the mantle of the hearth and poured himself a glass of scotch, then sat in one of the chairs, placing his foot on one knee in a pose that would speak of relaxation if it weren’t for the amber blaze in his eyes and the way the knuckles on his hands were white from gripping the goblet and the chair arm so tightly.

  Lucian went before him and took a knee but Mikhal waved him up and indicated the chair next to him. Let the man be lulled into thinking some of his rage was spent. It would make him more honest in his tale. Had Lucian known Mikhal’s thoughts he would have told his Master that his deception wasn’t at all necessary. He would be brutally honest with each detail of that fateful night and as he already had, accept full blame.

  Mikhal watched him as he sat, sensing him, searching his emotions and coming away with only remorse. There was no fear for his punishment, only shame. Lucian was feeling only guilt and a need for confession, and that was good. The character Mikhal had known existed in Lucian on the night he’d made him his first in command was more than evident now that he had his empathic ability, and it gave Mikhal a sense of well-being to know his first gut instinct hadn’t been wrong.


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