Stunlocked: A LitRPG Thriller (Kings and Conquests Book 2)

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Stunlocked: A LitRPG Thriller (Kings and Conquests Book 2) Page 6

by Shane Lochlann Black

  Jordan activated his combat stealth ability and closed with the attacker, running more on instinct than anything else. With its ranged advantage negated, the NPC fighter lunged with its common sword, trying to hit the blurred and indistinct form of its treacherous human-controlled enemy. Highwayman’s Quickness score kicked in, granting him a flawless sidestep and forcing the sword attack into a clean miss. The aspiring Cloak thrust two gloved hands forward. Knives plunged into the crossbowman, inflicting another 117 damage in total. The enemy fighter fell back, defeated. Highwayman was awarded 435 experience points as he retrieved his throwing knife.

  The melee raged on and around the sarcophagus. Highwayman’s NPC deputies gave a good account of themselves, but they were overmatched. Jordan directed his character back up the path to reinforce them as quickly as he could. Once in range, he hefted another balanced knife in his gloved hand and let fly. The blade punched into the neck of the crossbowman standing atop the sarcophagus. 56 damage registered. He pitched back, landed hard on the gravely surface, causing another 8 damage, and then slid off the edge into a narrow rocky fissure. Another 490 experience.

  Jordan presumed the bonus points were awarded because he had won the battle with a single ranged attack instead of a messy hand-to-hand engagement. He made a point of noting that fact for future fights.

  The level nine Cloak and the remaining henchmen made quick work of the two remaining opponents. Highwayman looted those that were still close enough. The KNC interface combined the items all three were carrying into a single window.

  19 copper monarchs

  4 silver monarchs

  Light Crossbow

  3 steel crossbow quarrels

  Common Leather Boots

  He noted with some annoyance one of his limited supply of good thrown weapons had gone over the side with his second defeated opponent. Highwayman collected all the treasure and took over for the fourth NPC carrying the golden coffin.

  “Get moving, boss. There’s no telling what this game is going to throw at you before you get back to base.” Robb said as he scrambled back to his post.

  “How long before the ship arrives at Shon Cloud?” Jordan asked, downing the rest of his coffee. His party slipped and slid down the rock-strewn path towards the base of Scythe Ridge.

  “Eleven minutes.”

  “Shit! I wish there were something we could do except stare at a timer!” Marc exclaimed.

  Meanwhile, Highwayman and his team were back on solid ground and headed west towards the work camp at the site of the future Shon Cloud stronghold. The injured henchman limped along, following the group as best it could. Jordan presumed it had one or two attacks left before it was defeated. He planned to put those attacks to good use.

  “Marc, remind me to remind you how important it is to have a healer around,” Jordan muttered.

  “Eight minutes.”

  At almost exactly the moment when the sarcophagus movers broke the halfway point in their journey from the Haunt to Shon Cloud, Jordan was already on edge because of the sudden appearance of the first band of attackers. When another targeting icon appeared, he just about jumped out of his chair.

  “Not again!”

  It was a single rider on a white horse approaching at a gallop. She had medium-length blond hair and wore black and maroon leather-reinforced armor. On her back was a strangely luminous sword with a wide blade. Jordan couldn’t say for sure what it was constructed of. It certainly wasn’t simple steel or iron. She reined in her steed near the party.

  “Ooh, that’s a pretty treasure! Is everyone okay?”

  Jordan didn’t know what to do. He moused over the rider and saw several possible responses. One was “We have injured.”

  “What should I do here, guys? If I tell her we’re hurt she might try to finish us off.”

  By now Alyssa, Robb and Marc had gathered around Jordan’s screen.

  “She looks harmless enough,” Marc said.

  “Except for that sword,” Robb replied.

  “She might heal you,” Alyssa added. “She’s smiling at least.”

  Jordan threw caution and selected “We have injured” from the list of interactions offered by the rider’s NPC menu.

  The girl climbed off her horse and went to the aid of the fourth henchman. For a moment he was bathed in golden light. A pink +275 appeared over his head and faded. He was back to full health.

  “You should be more careful,” the girl said as she cast another healing spell on Highwayman. This time the golden light produced a green +340 and then faded. “If you need better armor, try the shop in Kenne. It’s not far.”

  “Powerful spells,” Marc muttered. “My best and longest-cast-time heal restores about 100 health total.”

  By now the girl had climbed back aboard her horse. “Be careful at Two Rocks. That’s where the Cacai always try to ambush travelers!” She reined her horse around. “JEE-SAAH!” The charger kicked into a run and the girl rode off.

  Jordan calmly assigned his henchman back to his original post. “That was fortunate.”

  “What level was she?” Alyssa asked.

  “I guess we’ll never know,” Robb replied. “Don’t waste your luck, boss. Get the party moving again.”

  “The ship will arrive at the Shon Cloud docks in three minutes,” Amy said. On her screen, the work camp was already visible off the vessel’s starboard bow. The ship was naturally following its pre-programmed course between the port at Yarshire and its home dock, which meant a rather gentle and leisurely turn towards the moorings. Amy would have preferred a more direct course which might not have resulted in the most elegant arrival, but would have allowed her and the others to disembark a full two minutes early.

  She would be able to get to Highwayman first, since she was the only mounted member of the No-Name Guild. She was thankful Kings and Conquests wouldn’t require her to navigate her horse off the ship the way real life would have. 4884 would arrive soon after the party’s animal trainer, since he could leap several dozen yards at a time. Only Heaven knew if Nash would ever get there, since he was as likely to wander off as he was to prioritize the survival of his friends. Thiridion was earnest and helpful, but wasn’t high enough level to add much on his own. Yet.

  Jordan’s escort party had advanced another couple hundred yards by now. They crested the low hill east of the work camp. They could see their destination now, but Highwayman could also see the single boulders on either side of the road not far away.

  “This must be Two Rocks. If that girl was telling the truth, there’s an ambush waiting for us here,” Jordan said.

  “Scout it out with your stealth, boss,” Robb said. “Tell the escorts to hold position out of range.”

  “Good call,” Dave said.

  Jordan performed the necessary configuration of his party and then advanced along the edge of the road, using his camouflage abilities as best he could to avoid being detected by any hidden opponents. He was taking a big chance he would end up cut off from the other NPCs, but if he managed to time his attack right, and if he was lucky enough to catch his enemies unprepared, he could inflict a lot of damage in a very short time. Properly executed, a Cloak’s combat strategy could be devastating. On the other hand, if he got caught out in the open against multiple opponents in a stand-up toe-to-toe fight, he was more than a little vulnerable.

  Finally Highwayman reached the large boulder on his side of the road. It was supported by a formation of smaller rocks wedged against its base. Jordan briefly considered trying to dislodge it, but realized that would probably defeat any chance at a surprise attack. He carefully moved around the rock to get a better look. Sure enough, three Cacai warriors were crouched by the side of the huge rock, watching the road for approaching targets. Unfortunately for them, not only were they armed with spears and javelins, their backs were turned.

  True to his nature, Highwayman materialized out of thin air like a vengeful spirit. His first strike instantly dispatched the first warrio
r with multiple criticals totaling more than 400 points of damage. The second warrior countered, but could not overcome the hit penalty for trying to use a standoff weapon at such close range. Highwayman’s riposte stunned the creature and left it wandering in the road. A brief flurry of damage totals and combat animations followed, leaving the third warrior wounded. It tried to flee and ran face-first into 4884‘s teeth. If what followed could be called a fight, it ended abruptly.

  The thundering hoofbeats of Arianne’s horse sounded from all six PCs. She slashed at the stunned Cacai warrior as she passed, hitting for more than 60 points of damage. The enemy fighter fell defeated. Highwayman, Arianne and 4884 shared 240 experience points. Nash looted the three bodies.

  14 copper monarchs

  Broken javelin

  Gorian twine

  “The Cacai are still broke, I see,” Marc muttered.

  “Another five hundred Gorian twine and we can make a blanket,” Jordan said. Alyssa giggled.

  The No-Name Games Guild formed a protective phalanx around the formation of henchmen carrying the golden sarcophagus and escorted it back to the Shon Cloud Work Camp. Arianne followed the group on her horse to keep watch. As they passed the edge of the camp and reached what KNC considered “friendly” territory, experience bonuses appeared on everyone’s screen. Highwayman earned a 12,000 point bonus. Arianne got 5,775. The other party members got 2,400 each. Marc showed Robb his screen. Thiridion was only a few thousand points from level three. All four of the surviving henchmen dinged level four. A new “quest available” icon appeared over the Work Camp Questmaster NPC for all six players: Even Ciera, who only looked a little out of place even though she likely out-leveled everyone to a radius of twenty miles.

  “Are we safe now?” Amy asked.

  “As safe as we can be,” Robb said. “Even so, we need to train guards and set up some defenses hereabouts and do it expeditiously. There’s no telling what this game is going to throw at us now that we’ve got a defensible plot of land and a big pile of unique treasure to guard.”

  “I have a question,” Marc said as he arranged everyone else’s player icons conveniently on his screen for purposes of maintaining easy access to healing. “Can’t we re-arrange Ciera’s skills so she can help us in combat? A level 40 with even basic fighting skills would make us all but invincible for a long time: Easily enough to get our treasure turned in.”

  “I don’t think I need to fight,” Alyssa offered. “I’m pretty sure I can raise an army if I have to. I can’t go beyond 40, but my titles give me access. I have 310 skill points in Diplomacy.”

  “Ha, I have five, and I think that’s a typo,” Robb quipped.

  “I have 390 points in Intrigue, which makes me a very convincing liar and also allows me to detect subterfuge and treachery the way your character might detect danger or a monster in a dungeon. At least that’s how it was explained to me.”

  “What exactly do you control in the game?” Dave asked.

  “If you hover a mouse over my avatar it will explain my political affiliation. I’m not supposed to conceal them. They give me an intimidation bonus if I enter negotiations with an NPC. They also prevent certain options from appearing on other players’ screens if I am negotiating with a player.”

  “She’s a member of the Lishian Royal Family,” Marc began. “Sixth in line to the monarchy.”

  “That gives her the juice. Maybe she’s right. Maybe we’re better off if she’s our ‘in’ with the Lishian crown,” Dave added.

  “Yeah, but how does that help us here at the work camp?” Amy asked.

  “I can dispatch a messenger,” Alyssa said. “That’s how I was going to get everyone to come rescue me until Rich and Jason turned out to be jerks.”

  “Just like that? You don’t need an NPC?” Jordan asked.

  “She creates one when she accesses the courier option,” Robb said.

  “Okay, create one. Let’s see,” Dave asked.

  Alyssa clicked her way through to her diplomacy screen.

  “Does he need armed escort?”

  “Holy fibbies!” Robb sputtered. “Where were you two levels ago? I need an armed escort!”

  Alyssa smiled. She selected “Spawn Courier.” A dashing young man aboard a chestnut pony appeared in the camp. He was level 12 and dressed in the striking lavender and gold colors of Lishian royalty. The floral herald of the capital was emblazoned on his tabard. He and his steed waited patiently near the Doncella.

  “Do it again,” Dave said. “Let’s see if it allows you to make two.”

  Ciera summoned another courier. A second rider appeared. This one was female and also level 12. She wore even more attractive-looking raiments and rode a dappled pony.

  “Wow.” Robb said. “I thought ‘raise an army’ was just a euphemism. This girl can get things done!”

  “Where do we send these riders?” Jordan asked.

  “I can request assistance from the Lishian Elite Guard. They can be here in a half-hour. I can also request supplies, a guide or an ambassador from the Gorian capital to the north,” Alyssa replied.

  “How would an ambassador help?” Dave asked.

  “Espionage, my dear boy,” Robb said. “That much I got from Conquests of the King. There’s a whole sub-game built in to these options that allow us not only to gather information about potential enemies, but also to get updates on what is happening out there in the big bad world.”

  4884 stood near one of the courier horses, which didn’t do much for its demeanor. It began to trot nervously, backing away from the enormous half-giant.

  “Can we get building supplies from the Gorians?” Jordan asked. “Because that is what will help us get our defenses built the fastest.”

  “I don’t see why not. Just match whatever is on the materials list for whatever we’re going to build with what’s on Ciera’s list of what can be requested,” Marc said.

  Robb watched over Alyssa’s shoulder. “We’ve got stone.”

  “Okay. We need 40 tons of stone to build a level one wall encircling the camp. We need an additional 40 tons for each battlement,” Jordan replied.

  "200 tons of Gorian Stone coming right up,” Robb pointed and Alyssa clicked. “Grants us a five gold monarch maintenance bonus and gives all our gates and doors a plus five percent resistance to bludgeons and battering. Since we have a port it will arrive in one day instead of two.”

  “That’s all I can request for now,” Alyssa said. She dispatched the second courier with a request for the Gorian Regent. “What about the first one?”

  “Send the first courier to Lishia with a request for as many elite guards as they can spare.”

  Alyssa clicked the appropriate option on the courier’s screen.

  Jordan mentally ticked another important task off the list. “Alright, let’s find out how to build ourselves a main hall.”

  Chapter Nine

  Orbit’s Gamer was climbing handily in the ratings. With their host Brian Sean now at the center of his own controversy, few failed to tune in to hear the Saint and his increasingly breathless reports of corruption, treachery and greed in the gaming community.

  The community itself was of two minds regarding recent events. The sudden and unexplained disappearance of Jay Zhang not only from his own Party Crashers guild but also from the entire KNC scene set quite a few people on edge. It also did a fine job of ratcheting up the suspicion around the Level Niners and their just-under-the-radar activities. Some speculated Saro had been assassinated by the Niners. Others had deliberately spread rumors Jay had been threatened and perhaps assaulted in the real world in order to obtain access to his player account.

  Rumors Jay was part of a secret effort to unravel a hidden quest left in Kings and Conquests by its dead founder gained a little traction at first, but were quickly buried by all but a few pundits and tenacious journalists. When asked point blank by a front-page reporter from the New York National, Len V. Griffin II, CEO of N-Gate Five Technologies, res
ponded with “no comment,” which only served to fuel speculation he or his company were in on it, whatever “it” was.

  The good news for Orbit’s advertisers was that Brian Sean himself, by virtue of his highly-rated interview with Jay Zhang only days before he vanished from the KNC scene without a trace, was now inextricably linked to one of the most mysterious recent events in all of gaming.

  At the urging of none other than Fitz Breaker, known in gaming circles as “The Mad Cupbearer,” Kacey Gossamer, the Questing Heart herself, had agreed to take Jay’s place in the Saint’s lineup for this week’s videocast. That made tonight’s lineup a simple screen with three guests and a host.

  “I think the Niners are after the Untitled Book. Either that or the game is deliberately trying to spin up opposition to the players who are trying to complete the hidden quest in the Jagged Rift,” said Julie List, head of the Auction Keepers site, which had doubled in traffic since Jay had disappeared.

  “What makes you think that?” Brian asked.

  “It’s not a mistake the ghosts in the Jagged Rift are level ten,” Julie replied. “I think it’s rather obvious the real quest begins once a player reaches ten. There is likely important information that only players who reach that level can see, and the second half of the quest might be the thing that protects those players from the Niners.”

  “So you’re saying the Niners leave you alone if you make it to level ten?” Andy Bix, host of the Insufficient Light Videocast asked.

  “We haven’t seen any reports of players level ten and up being targeted,” Kacey Gossamer said. “Now either that means the whole Niner thing is just a coincidence or some kind of in-game urban legend, or it means they either can’t or won’t fight someone higher than level nine. Either way, if they do exist, we have pretty good circumstantial evidence they targeted level nines in order to prevent them from unlocking whatever happens at level ten.”


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