Spectrum: Breaking Light

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Spectrum: Breaking Light Page 2

by Darren Sloan

  "'Ere now!" He said as Spectrum approached. His English accent was thick. "What can I do for you, sir?" The woman he was bothering bolted away and disappeared into the crowd.

  "I heard the young woman scream and I see quite a bit of glass on the ground and some very expensive jewelry in your hands. Is there something to all this?"

  "Not at all, Mister. I simply noticed the lovely bird and asked if she'd care to join me for a drink. She refused and I thought that perhaps a trinket would win her favor."

  "So, you helped yourself to this jewelry store's display."

  "I tried to reason with the shop keep. I explained my predicament and hoped he'd see his way clear to extend to me a line of credit."

  "He said no, I gather."

  "Right-O! That was when I chose to employ my natural talents."

  "Like breaking glass?"

  "Among others, yes."

  "Why don't you set those lovelies down and you can do the smart thing and allow me to escort you to the police. It'll go a lot easier on you if you just surrender." The young man gave Spectrum an odd smile and a crooked look.

  "Does that 'come peacefully' bit ever work?"

  "Rarely, if ever. I don't suppose it would work now, would it?"

  "Sorry, sir, but no." The young man then dropped his loot to the ground and his body started to shift and change. His arms and legs grew longer and his skin split and revealed metal augmentations. His fingers became large metal claws and his left eye turned red. Spectrum leapt up in to the air in hopes of gaining some kind of advantage, but as he did, the young man pressed one of his hands to a nearby car and it was as though his body was absorbing the metal. He started to grow even more as the last bit of the car disappeared into his flesh.

  "What the Hell are you?"

  "Neo-Human, mate. People call me Krush. I don't really ask why. I just go with it." Krush's arm shot forward and Spectrum narrowly missed his metal grip. Spectrum rolled across the street and let loose a large electric bolt. It connected and Krush fell back.

  Krush then leapt up and came down fast. His arms shot out with surprising speed and seemed to grow by the second as he tried to grab Spectrum. Everyone in the area began to panic and were running from the struggle. Cars came to screeching halts and Spectrum could hear more than a few of them crash against each other. He glanced down and saw a massive pile up. As he turned back to Krush, he was caught and Krush had him in his claws. Spectrum felt Krush's grip grow tight. He tried to fight against it, but it was like a kitten pushing against a hydraulic pump. Spectrum looked down at Krush and it was clear he was enjoying squeezing the last bit of life out of his victim. Spectrum then formed his fingers into claws and dug into Krush's arm. He stabbed deep into his metallic arm and then let loose a torrent of electricity and the energy traveled fast, shocking Krush into submission. As his metal claws loosened, Spectrum shook free, dropped down and grabbed Krush. He concentrated and could feel the suit pulling the metal out of Krush's body and into it. Krush shrunk to a normal size and Spectrum just let him fall into a heap on the sidewalk. He heard the sound of police sirens in the distance and he trusted the witnesses to leave an accurate account of what had happened. By the time the police arrived, Spectrum was long gone.

  Spectrum landed in the alley behind the Lauvre Cafe, transformed back into Jason and ran in through the back door and checked himself in a nearby mirror. The suit had kept him neat and clean, despite the fight they had just been in, and he grabbed his apron and punched in.

  As Jason walked out from the kitchen, he saw that business was rather brisk, as it had been since six months earlier after the police incident. Business had picked up so much, Tristan Lauvre actually had to hire a couple more people to handle the work.

  "Morning." Jason said to Tristan as he picked up a tray. Tristan merely waved at him, as his attention was focused on the television anchored to the wall. Jason looked up and he saw that Bethany Lauvre, Tristan's sister, was on the local morning show reporting on Spectrum's coming out.

  "Can you believe this? Spectrum's gay!" Tristan said.

  "It's on the news?"

  "It's crazy. Some kid threw it up on his Facepage and it spread like wildfire."

  "Wow. News does move fast. You know, I heard Spectrum busted some crazy Neo-Human. There was a big fight. Car crash and everything."

  "Yeah, yeah. I think there was something in the crawl at the bottom of the screen about that."

  "But this is the real news, right?" Tristan then waved Jason off just as he heard his cell phone ringing in his pocket. He turned away from Tristan and answered it.

  "Are you seeing the news?" Tyler asked.


  "What happened?"

  "I was just helping some kid. I just said it. I guess this proves we really do live in the age of instant information."

  "It's everywhere. I've never seen a story move this fast."

  "Well, it's fine. I mean, it's not like I was planning on hiding."

  "You realize this is going to open a whole new level of trouble for Spectrum. It was hard enough for people to accept a superhero. Now a gay one?"

  "Are you saying I should have stayed in the closet?" Jason asked, being careful no one was within earshot, but it seemed all the patrons in the diner were so fixated on the television above them, he could have slipped into the suit right in front of them all and they wouldn't notice.

  "No, but you might have given this a little more thought."

  "There was no time to think. Wait. Something's happening. I'll explain it all to you later. Bye," Jason then clicked off and looked up at the TV as the shot changed to what appeared to be some kind of protest. "What's that? Who are they?"

  "Oh, some crazy religious group called The Family. Looks like they aren't wasting time protesting Spectrum," Jason looked up and saw the protestors were carrying signs that read 'God hates Spectrum' and 'Spectrum wants to make you gay'. "These nutballs are worse than the Baptists."

  "Is it a slow news day or something? Isn't there anything more important going on in the world?"

  "Probably, but this is how they sell papers and get ratings. Don't worry about that and just make sure everyone's cups are full. We've got a captive audience!"

  Chapter 3

  For Every Action, a Reaction

  Jason returned home from work later that day and was glad for it. It seemed anytime he turned around someone was talking about Spectrum coming out of the closet. Some people were glad about it while others had other opinions that weren't as kind. He found it frustrating as he was helpless to say anything to those who had a negative impression of the situation. It was like being talked about as though he weren't in the room.

  Jason sat down to watch the evening news and was relieved to see that the hysteria over Spectrum's sexual orientation had eased at last. The news story about Spectrum taking down Krush was finally being reported on, but it clearly wasn't given the same urgency. It seemed that after Krush had been brought in, he was just as quickly bailed out. There was footage of an earlier press conference outside of police headquarters and a young woman was speaking out against the brutality against the Neo-Human community. The girl was bald with tattoos running up her neck and over her scalp. They looked to be strange symbols that probably only held deeper meaning to her. She spoke with great passion and her face was twisted in anger.

  "This is a perfect example of the knee jerk reactions the people of the Neo-Human community must contend with on a daily basis. We may not be great in number yet, but that will change and you will have to realize the world is changing. We will not be crushed under the heel of oppression in order to keep the masses appeased. We have the right to live our lives just as anyone else, and if we are denied that right, we will fight back! We are the brothers and sisters of the Electric Blood! We are the future!"

  Jason shut the television off and tossed his head back. There was a knock at the door and Jason ran to answer it. He saw Tyler standing before him with a stern look in his fac

  "What have you done?" He asked as he gave Jason a hug and kiss.

  "I was just helping this kid and I got a little overheated. I guess I tipped my hand a little more than I expected to."

  "It's crazy. I thought people were divided about Spectrum before. The locker room at the precinct became a war zone."


  "Well, yeah. There are the guys on the force who think Spectrum is good, but they aren't crazy about the gay thing and the ones who hate Spectrum just use this as one more bullet to put in their idiot guns."

  "What about support?"

  "It's there, don't worry. It's just hard to hear out of all the crazy."

  "I didn't really think it was going to be such a thing."

  "Well, it's not like you can take it back."

  "No, but maybe if I embrace it."

  "No. Don't."


  "Look, I think it's great you came out, but if you put too much face time on this, it could put your real identity at risk. There are a lot of people on the force who still think you're Spectrum. They don't know how you conjured up that second guy, and they don't really care."

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "Just let it lie. Let people get it out of their systems. Just keep being you and let the rest fall into place."

  "Fine. I'll keep my mouth shut. For now."

  "Trust me. You do that, this will all blow over in a few days."

  "Ah, my boyfriend. The constant optimist. What about that Neo freak I busted? I saw some press conference that was held earlier. Did they really let that guy go?"

  "They made bail. There was nothing we could do."

  "How about deny bail?"

  "Uh-huh and have an army of supercharged activists coming down on us? It would not have been pretty."

  "Send in those Drone Droids to deal with them."

  "For what those things cost, Kelvin would rather one of us bite the dust."

  "That's just messed up."

  "But it's the way it is."

  "And that means Spectrum has a city full of Neon fueled freaks ready to cut him down on sight. It's bad enough they've been getting so bold over the past few months. They're forming into gangs now, you know?"

  "I know. We get calls every day about them. I guess there's some Neon cult pulling them all together. They claim that the creation of Neon was a sign that God wanted the human race to evolve and it was the tool by which he was going to assemble the chosen."

  "Ugh. Maybe I can skip patrol tonight." Jason said as he flopped back down onto the couch. Tyler was quick to join him.

  "Works for me."

  "Should I really skip it?"

  "One night. What difference could it make?" Jason thought on Tyler's words and flashes of dozens of worst-case scenarios scrambled across his mind at light speed. He shook the thoughts away and felt the lips of his lover pressing against his own. Tyler crushed against Jason who was lying on top of the television remote control and it switched on. Jason's eyes diverted to the screen and he saw that there was some story that was following up on his skirmish with Krush. Jason sat up and grabbed the remote and turned up the volume. It looked like a live remote feed from St. Mary's Hospital. As the reporter came on, he saw the doctors and nurses scrambling around.

  "Many were injured in the minor car collision caused this morning by the public fight between a Neo-Human identified as Krush and the notorious vigilante known as Spectrum. While the injuries of most were minor, others weren't so lucky," The reporter said as she walked toward a hospital room. They walked in and the camera focused on a man in a hospital bed and his head was completely bandaged. "The worst case reported so far concerns this gentleman, Tucker Marsden. He was found in one of the cars closest to the impact zone of the accident and while his body was miraculously spared, he did suffer extreme trauma to his head and face, requiring extensive surgery in order to restore his face."

  "That's my fault."

  "You didn't know."

  "Doesn't matter. Because of me, that man, and many others, have suffered needlessly. I might as well have crushed his skull in myself!"

  "Don't get so dramatic. If it weren't for that Neo-freak there never would have been a fight in the first place."

  "Yes, but I'm the hero. I should have known better. I should have isolated him to minimize collateral damage. Instead, I just let loose on him right there and of course he fought back and that's what happened." Tyler slid his hand up and down Jason's back, hoping to sooth him.

  "I'll give you an hour." Tyler said.


  "Go out there and make sure everything is cool. Save a life. I'll be here waiting. Maybe a pizza will be with me. I just know if you don't go, you're just going to worry yourself stupid."

  "Thanks. I won't be long."

  After just thirty minutes, Spectrum sped across Towers City looking for anything he felt he could help with. Street crime had been on a slight rise, but the city seemed very quiet. There were no real fires to put out. Jason's heart was rising as he was coming to accept the fact that he could return to Tyler earlier than expected.

  As he was about to make his way back, he saw a light coming from the center of the Towers City Park. He drifted toward it and saw that there were many lights. As he got even closer, he could see it was some kind of rally in the park. It was a small army of people converging on a lone speaker. It was the bald girl from the press conference. He noticed Krush standing near her as well.

  "We will not be victimized by these fleas! They target us only because they fear us! They fear our power! They know we could bring this city to its knees!" She cried. The crowd let out a thunderous chorus of cheers. A voice called out.

  "Hey! It's him!" Spectrum knew whoever it was had referred to him. The crowd got in closer and it was even more clear he was the object of their attention. Spectrum was turning to leave when he felt something wrap around his leg and pull him down to the ground fast. He slammed into the ground hard and when the dust settled, Spectrum looked up and saw one of the Neo-Humans standing over him and his veins were sliding back into his body. A feeling of revulsion came over him.

  "Excellent work, Vein." The bald woman said as she approached.

  "Look, I'm not here to start any trouble." Spectrum said as he struggled to his feet.

  "The trouble has already begun."

  "Who are you?" The woman looked away from Spectrum for a moment. As she looked back at him, her eyes glowed in the darkness.

  "I am known now as Spydra. I have seen the truth and seek to gather the chosen. The days of hiding are coming to a close and when the time comes, we will see this world burn."

  "I don't want a war. No one does."

  "We do. It is the only way the Neo-Human race will claim the world that is rightly ours! The superior race must exterminate the inferior. Neon was brought to us to give us the power to vanquish our enemies."

  "And if this victory of yours is so assured, why am I around? I mean, why wouldn't your God just make it easy for you?"

  "You are the test of our strength. You are nothing but a challenge to be met, and defeated."

  "One man against all of you?"

  "Not now," Spydra said with a smile. "The time is not right. A victory over you now, like this, would mean nothing. Take this as a warning. Perhaps, you may see the light as well and join our ranks."

  "You'd allow me?"

  "I'd consider it."

  "So you're not going to kill me, even though you've got me surrounded?"

  "No, we aren't."

  "Fine. Let me take this chance to offer an alternative view. What if you are all just a bunch of kids who got changed by this drug and there's no greater plan or prophecy? What if this just happened? I sometimes like to believe things happen for a reason, but there are some things that don't seem to have any reason behind them at all. Maybe the chemicals have gotten into your brain and are screwing up your perceptions. Maybe you all just need medical attention." Spectrum looked o
ut on the faces surrounding him and it seemed that more than a few of them were really considering his words. He felt an ease of tension. Even Spydra's expression began to soften. Her face then seized into a mask of anger.

  "Don't listen to his lies! He's only trying to confuse you! They only want to exterminate us! They fear our power! And with good reason!" She shouted. Spectrum grew nervous as the crowd around him became roused by Spydra's words. He had no idea the abilities or power levels of everyone there. He wasn't sure if he would be able to stop them, if it came to that. He decided that the best course of action would be a calculated retreat, so he leapt up into the air and he heard their cries for his head fade as he rose up into the night sky.

  Spectrum worried that he may have made things worse, so he remained there to make sure the crowd didn't disperse or riot. It seemed though that they returned to whatever it was they had gathered to do in the first place, but it was clear that the problem wasn't going to just disappear. Spectrum decided that he wouldn't be able to solve the problem then and there, so he just returned home, where his boyfriend was waiting.

  It was dark and there weren't any people on the street around the building, so Spectrum came around the side and slipped back in through the window, but as he turned to face Tyler, he noticed that there had been an unexpected visitor.

  "Hello, Spectrum," Tyler said as he stood next to Trevor. "Look who came by to say 'hello'."

  Chapter 4

  A Moment To Feel

  "Trevor?" Spectrum asked.

  "There was a knock at the door shortly after you left and this is what I found."

  "What are you doing here? How did you find me?" Trevor smiled and then held up his phone.

  "Just for future reference; not smart giving out your personal cell number if you value your privacy."

  "You found my address with just that?"

  "You'd be surprised what you can do with very little information. And you might as well change. I know it's you, Mr. Randwulf." Spectrum looked over to Tyler, who could only offer him a simple shrug. The suit then began to pull apart and retreat back into Jason's body. Jason realized that he was wearing only a tank top and shorts and ran to grab his robe.


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