Murder in the Aisles

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Murder in the Aisles Page 16

by Olivia Hill

  “What time was that, ma’am?” Mark asked.

  “Hmm, about midnight, possibly a little earlier.” All bravado had disappeared in her tone.

  “It’s best if we do this down at the station, Mr. Hollis,” Eddie said. “Why don’t you get your coat.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Is this really necessary? I told you where I was.”

  “Actually we have some other questions we’d like to ask and it’s best done at the precinct.”

  “Am I under arrest?”

  “No,” Mark said soothingly.

  “I’m coming with you,” Marie said.

  “Ma’am, this won’t take long. Best if you stay here,” Eddie advised.

  Her pleading eyes leapt to Steven’s. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he assured her. “The detective said it won’t take long. Right, Detective?”

  “Hopefully not,” Mark said.

  Steven released a breath, turned and opened a door in the hallway. He took out a dark brown overcoat and a checkered scarf. He slipped on his coat and then went to stand in front of his wife. Eddie stood close enough to overhear anything that might be important—like details of Steven’s whereabouts. Steven kissed his wife and promised to be back shortly.

  * * * * *

  The administrative staff and the members of the board, along with the communications team, had talked strategy for nearly three hours. The rest of the staff had been sent home. The library was closed to the public and would be until further notice. The dilemma of what to do about a replacement was complicated at best.

  There had only been thirteen Librarians of Congress since the implementation of the position in 1802. It was a position by appointment made by the President of the United States with confirmation by the Senate. The Librarian of Congress didn’t have a term length. They stayed in their position until they died—until now it had always been natural causes. In addition, because it was an appointed position, there wasn’t anyone that could simply move up and step in, not even the Deputy Librarian.

  The Communications Director with input from the Board of Directors had put together a letter to the president and the Senate majority leader, detailing the events and how the library was responding. Although the letter was carefully crafted to shine a favorable light on the late Dr. Wallington, they all knew of the undercurrents that had been ongoing for more than a year. The complaints on how Wallington had run the library, his lack of vision and his mishandling of the need for mass technological improvements had been bones of contention in many circles.

  Felicia wondered, as she slowly made her way back to her office, if Wallington’s death was related to the troubles that he’d been having over the past year and a half. Was that enough of a motive to kill him? Perhaps if the person had an inside track on whom the replacement would be.

  There was no question that the Librarian of Congress was a very powerful position. The new Librarian would assume considerable powers. This person ran the largest library in the world with thousands of staff of its own, but also oversaw the Copyright Office. This gave them the power to declare what was a copyright violation and what wasn’t. And the new Librarian could hold a potentially evolutionary part as they could be the first Librarian to truly embrace the Internet as a centerpiece to the library’s mission. That and a six-figure salary for life is a big incentive.

  Felicia considered the scenario but that plotline didn’t account for what happened to Dr. Dresden. Unless Dr. Dresden’s death was all a setup leading to Dr. Wallington’s murder, a murder to make them think that they were connected.

  Felicia pressed her face into her palms just as her cell phone rang. She picked it up from the desk.


  “Fee, what in the hell is going on? I just got word to send a team over there because the Librarian of Congress has been found dead?”

  “It’s true.”

  “Oh my God. What happened?”

  Felicia blew out a breath. “You’ll find out soon enough.” She broke down the series of events right up to her hypothesis about why Wallington was killed.

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “I don’t know what to believe, Liz. It’s all too horrific, like some kind of never-ending nightmare.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

  “Are you all right?” Liz asked softly.

  “I guess. I don’t even know. In shock.” She paused. “I slept with him,” she practically whispered.

  “You what?”

  “Yeah, you heard me. We’ll talk. Just not now. Okay?”

  “Sure. Listen, I’m heading over with my team.”

  “Okay. I’ll see if I can get you past the front door.”

  “Thanks. And Fee?”


  “Please be careful. Please. Whatever you’ve been doing…stop. Promise me.”

  Felicia crossed her fingers to ward off the hex of not keeping a promise. “Promise.” She disconnected the call and flopped back into her seat. None of this made sense. There was something she was missing. She just couldn’t figure out what it was. But she would.

  She turned on the audio recorder on her phone and entered the latest information.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “We have video footage of you at the library on the evening prior to Dr. Dresden’s death. After hours.” Mark leaned against the wall tossing questions while Eddie sat opposite Steven at the table in the interrogation room. “Can you explain that?”

  Steven twisted his body to face Mark. “I had an appointment with Dr. Wallington. Is that some kind of crime?”

  “It only happens to be the night before Dr. Dresden was found dead. And now we have the death of Dr. Wallington,” Eddie said.

  “Do you have any idea why Dr. Dresden would be investigating you?” Mark casually asked.

  “What?” His neck jerked back in reaction.

  “Investigating you, your work?” Mark repeated.

  Steven’s eyes had darkened to a stormy blue and jumped between Mark and Eddie. “I have no idea.” His fingers, which were splayed on the table, curled into fists.

  “You got a hefty check and a lot of recognition over being appointed the Poet Laureate,” Mark said. “Pretty impressive.”

  Steven through Mark a sidelong glance. “Is that a crime, too?”

  “We’re asking the questions,” Eddie said. “What my colleague is saying here is that you have a helluva lot to lose if there was anything discovered out of order about your career.”

  Steven’s cheeks turned crimson. He pushed up from his seat. “If I’m not under arrest, I’m leaving. If I am under arrest, charge me and then I want my lawyer.” He glared from one face to the other.

  “This was just a friendly chat, Mr. Hollis,” Mark said. “No reason to get upset. We’re trying to get to the bottom of things and it just so happens that you’re right in the middle.”

  Steven’s jaw clenched. “I swear I don’t know what’s going on.” He shook his head and slowly sat back down. “I don’t even know Dr. Dresden.”

  “Well, Dr. Dresden is dead and now so is Dr. Wallington,” Eddie said. “What was your meeting about with Dr. Wallington?”

  Steven visibly gulped, his dark lashes fluttered over his eyes for a moment. It took several seconds for his moving lips to form real words. “It…it was about the upcoming inauguration. He wanted to give me a copy of the tentative program and review the poem that I was going to recite. That’s all.”

  “And you’re sure that you didn’t see Dr. Dresden that night?” Mark asked.

  He vigorously shook his head. “No. I swear.”

  “What about anyone else? Staff, cleaning crew?”

  He frowned in concentration. “The place was empty. Spooky empty. Everything echoed. But, this is going to sound crazy, but I felt like someone was watching me when I was leaving. Dr.
Wallington let me out from the employee entrance, but…” He suddenly perked up. “I even mentioned it to him. He laughed. Said he used to feel the same way. And there was probably just someone burning the midnight oil, but nothing to worry about. I shrugged it off and left.”

  Mark came and sat on the edge of the table. He folded his arms across his thighs and looked into Steven’s eyes. “Mr. Hollis, do you know of anyone that wants to screw you over, someone you may have pissed off?”

  “No, I can’t think of anyone.”

  Silence hung in the room for a moment.

  “Thanks for coming in, Mr. Hollis. An officer can drive you home,” Mark said.

  “Thanks but I’ll take a cab.” He got up and strode out.

  Mark and Eddie looked at each other.

  “It ain’t him,” they said in unison.

  “But someone is doing a damn good job of trying to frame him,” Mark said.

  * * * * *

  The stress of the day had taken its toll. Felicia felt the tentacles of a panic attack begin to creep through her veins. She had to get out of there. The news vans were still out in front. She didn’t have it in her to run their gauntlet. She gathered her things, turned off the equipment and decided to take the elevator to the basement and walk through the tunnel to the Madison Building. That way she could avoid the media.

  She’d made plans to meet up with Liz at six at the Meridian. It was only three. That would give her time to go home, get a grip, catch the news, shower and change.

  Felicia walked briskly through the deserted tunnel. The only sounds were the click of her boot heels on the concrete floor and her beating heart. As she walked, her thoughts whirled and spun in an attempt to sort out the events of the past week. How could someone have gotten in and out without being seen? They had to know where the cameras were. She stopped in her tracks and looked around. Her heart banged in her chest. They took the tunnel. And the only people who had access to the tunnels were employees.

  Felicia practically ran the rest of the way to the exit, up the stairs and out. It was the perfect place to hide out after hours, she thought as she went around the back of the Jefferson Building to get her car. So, someone with an axe to grind waited until after everyone was gone; they somehow managed to kill Dr. Dresden and get him into the aisle and remain unseen. She still hadn’t figured that part out. They did the same thing with Dr. Wallington, waited until every one was gone. They never left the building. She got behind the wheel of her car. Something was nagging her. Flashes of flowers ran through her head, things out of place, people where they shouldn’t be. But why was the question. Why?

  Twenty minutes later, Felicia didn’t bother to pull into the driveway but parked on the street since she would be coming back out. The president was scheduled to make an appearance to discuss the deaths at the Library of Congress, specifically the death of Dr. Wallington, his appointee, and she wanted to catch it. As she got out of her coat and boots she wondered if Mark had picked up Steven Hollis and what information he was able to provide. She itched to call him, but she was supposed to be staying out of it and in her gut she knew if she did call him, all bets would be off with Liz for this evening.

  She padded into the kitchen and put on a pot of water for tea and then rummaged around in the fridge for a quick snack when her ringing cell phone stopped her. Huffing she returned to the living room and scooped the phone up off the table. She frowned at the number, which she didn’t immediately recognize.


  “Dr. Swift, I’m sorry to bother you. This is Emily Windsor.”

  “Oh.” She smiled. “Emily. Hello. What can I do for you? Is everything okay?” All of her support staff had her phone number in the event that there was a problem or an emergency, although they rarely, if ever, used it. She walked back into the kitchen.

  “Yes…well no.” Her voice cracked. She sniffed loudly. “I’m so sorry, Dr. Swift. It’s just that these past few weeks…I think it’s really beginning to hit me, and then Dr. Wallington.” She was in full crying mode now.

  Felicia lowered herself into a chair. “Emily, listen, I know how you are feeling. This is tough on all of us, especially those that were close to them. I totally understand.”

  “I…I just didn’t have anyone to talk to.” She sniffed.

  Felicia knew how hard that was, not to have anyone. If she didn’t have Liz and her therapist she probably would have really lost her mind by now. “The library has grief counselors as part of our healthcare. I can inquire for you if you want. As a matter of fact the entire staff should avail itself of the counselors. You never know how this kind of trauma will manifest itself later.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. Thank you. Um, I’m sure you don’t know much more than the rest of us but do they have any idea of what happened?”

  “You’re right, I don’t know. I wish that I did. But the police will take care of it. I’m sure of that.”

  “Do you think, I mean, should the staff be worried?” Her voice cracked again.

  “No, no. Of course everyone should take the regular precautions but, Emily, please don’t start thinking like that.”

  She sniffed. “I know you’re right. It’s just so much. What are they going to do about Dr. Dresden’s office, his files and projects?”

  “I’m taking care of all that. So you don’t worry about it. Some of his work will be put on hold and others will go forward. I’ll keep you posted.”

  “I don’t want to take up any more of your time,” she said. “I know you have a life, things to do besides hear me whine.” She tried to laugh.

  “Oh, Emily, not at all. I’m glad you called. We all need someone at times.” She paused. “Do you have family here in D.C.?”

  “No. No one.”

  Felicia cleared her throat. “Well anytime you need to talk, I’m here.”

  “Thank you. I should go.”

  “You try to get some rest, Emily.”

  “I will. Goodbye.”

  Felicia slowly placed the phone down on the counter. She frowned, then shook off the odd feeling and finished preparing something to munch on while she watched the President of the United States.

  * * * * *

  “I don’t know what I want to talk about first, the fact that the Library of Congress, the largest library in the world, is now murder’s row, or the fact that you fucking slept with that fine-ass detective,” Elizabeth said before taking a long sip of wine.

  “Me either,” Felicia confessed. “Your coverage of events was great by the way.”

  “Thanks. Look, before we talk about any of that other shit, how are you, really?”

  Felicia lowered her gaze for a moment to focus on her perfectly seared salmon. “Most days I’ve been pretty good. I’ve had a few minor episodes but they haven’t been out of control. Well, one.”

  Elizabeth lifted her brow in question.

  Felicia went on to tell her about flipping out at the precinct then talking it over with Mark, and the fact that he didn’t seem to think any less of her.

  “Did you tell him the real reason why?” Elizabeth gently asked.

  “No. That was a bit much. He knows enough.” She grinned. “He seemed to be more put out that I was a college sophomore at seventeen.”

  They shared a laugh. Elizabeth leaned in. Her voice was low. “Since we’re on the subject of tall, dark and fuckable, how was it?”

  Felicia leaned in as well. “Girl, girl, girl…”

  By the time Felicia was finished with her recap, Elizabeth was practically salivating.

  “Did you let him spend the night?”

  Felicia shook her head. “He didn’t give me a chance to send him home. He left on his own.”

  “Hmm. I know you’ve seen him since. How was that?”

  “Thrilling and awkward.” She told her about the after-sex conv
ersation that they’d had about being adults. “So, when I saw him it was crazy fireworks but nothing that either of us was going to talk about. And we’ve made no plans to see each other again.”

  Elizabeth studied her friend for a moment. “How do you feel about that?”

  Felicia shrugged. “I’m not sure to be honest. You know me, sex is just a means to an end. I don’t attach anything to it but an orgasm.”


  Felicia looked into her friend’s eyes. “This was different. I actually want him to know me.” She swallowed.

  “And you’ve already put your walls up just in case,” Elizabeth concluded.

  Felicia nodded. “Blake and I broke it off,” she tossed in and Elizabeth sputtered on her wine.

  “What? Wait. When did this happen?”

  “A few days ago.”

  Elizabeth rapidly blinked. “Blake? I don’t believe it. The two of you have had your thing for years. I thought it was what you both wanted—no commitment, no strings, just a friend with benefits.”

  “So did I. When he thought about it and realized that I might not go for it, he told me he was willing to keep things the way they were. But I told him that he was right about both of us needing something more and that we should call it quits before we began to resent each other.”

  “Damn, girl, what you got up in there, platinum?”

  Felicia almost choked from laughing.

  “I’m serious,” Elizabeth continued with her eyes comically wide.

  “You need to stop.” She switched topics and told Elizabeth about what she witnessed between Mark and the medical examiner. “Trust me, it was more than just work like he told me.”

  “And clearly that bothers you.” She paused. “This is a first.” She stretched her hand across the table and stared at Felicia. “It really is okay to care, to let someone in,” she said softly. “So what if he had a thing with her. We all have baggage. Maybe you should give it a chance, Fee.”

  Felicia shook her head. “When this mess is over we will all go back to our lives. Speaking of which, something occurred to me today. I think I know how the killer got in and out without being seen.”


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