Billionaire Menage

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by Jenny Jeans

  Billionaire Menage

  By Jenny Jeans

  copyrighted © 2012 Jenny Jeans

  Published by Arrow Books, published at Smashwords

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues in this book are of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

  Jenny Jeans Erotica

  Four Bosses Training Miss Bennett

  Three Bosses Taking Miss Clark

  Lawman's Punishment Rough Sex

  Sherriff Whip, Rough Sex (BDSM Western Erotica)

  Doctor Do Me

  Blowing My Neighbor

  Chapter One

  Alex wanted Clare since he was a senior in high school and he knew Nick had the hot's for her since they became friends in college. He was never jealous of Nick wanting the same woman, they weren't friends like that. They had a unique relationship with no competition. It was probably how they met, because it had been extreme circumstances involving a college fraternity gone wrong. The hazing he and Nick endured had been out of control and incited by a bully classmen. They'd supported each other through the trauma and eventually together found the courage to break part the irrational hazing methods. They'd notified the college and police. There'd been a trial and they were both satisfied it wouldn't happen again.

  So they knew each other's scars, and perhaps that was why fate wrote in their cards the need to share. They'd talked about sharing a woman before but had never done it. They might have never done it, if the perfect opportunity hadn't arrived. That fate, again, was pushing them. How else would two men and that one woman they desired above all else find themselves naked together?


  Clare knew she was in trouble and once she realized the severity of it, she knew there was only one place to turn too. Alex and Nick. They wouldn't let her down if she were brave enough to admit she desperately needed their help.

  Her hand shook as she pushed Alex's number on her blackberry. She looked over her shoulder at the closed bathroom door. How had she gotten herself into such a mess? She was usually so conservative. But this guy came out of left field.

  "Hi, sweetheart, what can I do for you?"

  Clare nearly wept hearing Alex's voice. Her voice cracked as she answered, "I'm in trouble, Alex, please help me!" She tried to be quiet, so the pervert the shower wouldn't hear.

  "Where are you?" another voice demanded through her phone. Clare felt unreasonable relief at hearing Nick's voice.

  "Nick," she whimpered.

  "Tell me," he demanded.

  "A private mansion on Hunter Mountain," she answered, with tears because she knew they'd never find her! It was a secluded mansion she'd been hired to redecorate for a high-end client. Nick and Alex were in New York, she was here — what could they do?

  "What trouble?" Alex asked, as she heard Nick in the background ordering a helicopter.

  Oh God, could they get here before...? No, she looked at the bathroom door knowing she only had minutes.

  "The client wasn't supposed to be here, but he is! I think he put something in my drink. He's in the shower and I went outside to leave but my car isn't there. He caught me and dragged me back inside. Made me drink some more." She knew she wasn't making sense.

  Nick's voice, "Get your coat and boots and walk out of there, baby. Now. Take your phone. We will be there in less than an hour."

  "How can you find me!" she cried, already getting to her feet. She trusted them that much.

  "GPS your phone," Alex said.

  Clare lost the signal running outside. She was woozy and disorientated, seeing things in blurry contrast. But she remembered Nick's orders to get her coat and boots. She tried her blackberry as she ran down the snow-packed driveway. How could they find her if she couldn't get a signal? Still, she ran on half because Alex and Nick had told her too, and half because of fear — she didn't want to be in the expensive getaway when the man got out of the shower.

  Her breath panted in puffs in front of her as she reached the end of the driveway. A beep sounded and she looked down at her blackberry. There was a text.

  "It's from, Alex!" she cried, wobbling.

  She quickly accepted it. "Stay off the road," it read.

  Clare checked her coverage. "Out of area," she moaned. Sometimes texts could make it through when a call couldn't. She wandered down the road trying not to cry. How could she stay off the road, there was snow, trees, and mountain woods everywhere?

  If she hadn't trusted Nick and Alex so much, she'd never been brave enough to just go into the woods. But another text came, "We will find you." So she went.

  Wind bucked the helicopter and Nick had trouble keeping it level.

  "The gusts up here are dangerous," he shouted to Alex. Alex shook his head looking grim, they both wouldn't stop because of the danger ... not when Clare needed them so badly.

  "We are right on top of her," Alex shouted to Nick.

  Nick nodded, but below was thick pines. "We have to find a clearing," he yelled to Alex.

  He found one two miles away, but when he went to land the wind kicked up and pushed him toward the trees. The blades hit one and the copter crashed a few feet into the snowpack. Neither of them was hurt but the copter was out of commission.

  "Let's go!" Alex shouted, grabbing gear and flinging open the helicopter door. "We have to get to her."

  Nick looked at the broken radio, cussing under his breath, and then he followed Alex. They could try to fix the radio after they found her; time was too precious now to wait.

  Two hours later they found Clare shivering against a tree. They both dropped down beside her just as snow started falling. Clare's eyes were closed and her skin looked fragile and so white, while her long tawny hair hung in wild waves across her shoulders.

  "Clare, baby," Nick uttered, grabbing one of her ungloved hands.

  Nick saw Alex grab her other hand and Clare barely stirred. "Clare, sweetheart," Alex said rubbing her hand.

  Nick kept her hand as he lifted his other hand to his mouth. Using his teeth he tugged his glove off, then he pressed his palm to Clare's temple. "Too cold," he muttered.

  Clare's eyes didn't open, but her head moved away from his touch, as she mumbled, "Run away."

  "Shit," Alex cussed. Nick watched Alex looking at the snow, then Alex looked over at him. "I'm going to set up a tent. We'll dig in."

  Nick nodded, saying, "Part of it's she's drugged."

  They both looked deadly at the mention their sweet Clare had been drugged. Alex went to set up a tent and get the sleeping bags into it, they did extreme sports any chance they could. Then from their military days, they'd learned to keep their gear packed and ready. Now it might save them, and Clare, because it looked as if it was going to be a white-out any minute as the snow fell faster.

  Nick unzipped his thick winter parka and scooted around Clare, until he had her between his legs and leaning against him. He pulled his parka over her as best he could, however he felt how wet she was. Her winter coat was more fashionable than practical.

  "Nick," she murmured, and then she mumbled Alex's named as her head turned in the crook of his neck.

  "We got you, baby," he uttered, holding her tight, worried as hell about her condition. They couldn't lose he
r. He realized just how much they couldn't.

  When Alex came to carry her into the small tent, she woke up enough, to look up at him. "You came," she whispered.

  Nick brushed back her hair, falling over Alex's shoulder. "We'll always come," he said.

  "For you ... always, "Alex added, then they dipped inside the tent. It was a tight fit.

  Right away, Nick informed Alex, "Have to get her undressed."

  "Aren't we going home?" Clare whined, then her head fell against Alex's shoulder.

  "Might have to do more than that to get her warm," Alex muttered looking at him gravely.

  They undressed Clare trying to remain gentlemanly, then quickly putting her under a sleeping bag. However, Nick knew neither of them missed seeing her taut pink nipples or the trim tawny hair above her slit.

  Clare barely woke up to protest, and soon she was shaking.

  Alex looked over at him from rubbing her small feet. "This isn't working."

  Nick nodded from where he held Clare's quivering body with the sleeping bag between them. "We can't manage the night out of the bags anyway."

  They both knew they had to get undressed, share body heat, and get the two sleeping bags they had zipped up around them. Then throw their parkas over the top.

  "I just wish we could explain to her," Alex muttered.

  "She trusts us," Nick responded.

  "Yeah, that's the point," Alex complained.

  They both wanted her, they both knew it. They both didn't know how they were going to survive naked against her and not take it further.

  Alex knew the minute he slipped in naked beside Clare that it was the most erotic feeling he'd ever felt. Her skin was like satin and her body more curvy than the rail-thin models he and Nick had to take to functions for appearances.

  Nick turned her toward him to spoon her back. Alex scooted, until he was pressed to her front as his eyes lowered in half-mast with pleasure. Yet also, his body started to shiver at the cold seeping into the tent, being against Clare's freezing body, and the fact they didn't have enough room to fit them all in and get the sleeping bags zipped shut.

  Clare murmured against him as if she was in the middle of a deep dream and her hips began to undulate.

  Chapter Two

  Clare dreamed she was standing in front of a door and she knew that behind that door was her deepest desire. Her hand moved slowly to the handle and when she pushed it open a shaft of light fell across the threshold that was her bedroom.

  The room was dark, and as she hesitated, she heard Alex's voice calling to her, "Clare, sweetheart." Then as she stepped into the room another voice beckoned, "Clare, baby."

  It was Nick and she moved toward him, only to hear the door close with the snap of the lock. Thrown into complete darkness, she uttered a cry, "It is too dark! I can't see."

  She'd barely finished speaking when she saw a spark flickering, and then the slowly rising blaze of a single candle wavering, moving until it lowered, as it was set on a table.

  Behind her, she felt sudden warmth heating her bare back. Then there were strong muscular arms reaching around her, encircling her, drawing her spine against the wall of a bare chest that emanated heat.

  A husky voice whispered into her ear, "Sweetheart, it's Alex."

  Before her a darkened form slid forward and firm hands grasped her shoulders. The form took on shape as a kiss brushed her lips. "Baby, it's Nick."

  She was speechless with her body anticipating pleasures she'd dreamed about. Nick bent his head and once again the heat of his firm lips brushed hers ... slanted slightly and settled, drawing her into deeper kisses. His tongue teased her lips, asking entrance, and she opened her mouth for him, trying to lean forward, but Alex's arms were around her. But then Alex's hands were touching her naked breasts, stroking lightly ... cupping and caressing friction against her puckering nipples. Her body responded and she undulated, moaning her enjoyment.

  She put her hands on Nick's chest, sliding them upward. She could feel the beating of his heart and the muscles across his chest as she dipped her mouth to explore, while Alex's strong fingers played with her breasts. Her nipples throbbed and strong surges of pleasure flashed from her mouth, to her breasts, and directly into throbbing need deep in her sex. She felt warm wetness there.

  Her body echoed, becoming extremely sensitive to their hands stroking her hips, her buttocks, her breasts. Nick lifted her mouth and she followed his mouth more deeply, while her fingers liberally explored the vast expanse of sinew across his hard chest. At the same time she rubbed against Nick, riding the long, hardened ridge of his hot erection that pressed itself against her. She moaned, a murmur of excitement, as Alex continued to deeply massage her breasts, lifting them up in his hands to squeeze.

  A cool breath of air caressed her back, and then the warmth of a tongue sliding down her spine caused her to shiver and thrust her breasts higher into Alex's kneading hands.

  "What are you doing to me?" she gasped.

  "Loving you, sweetheart?" Alex whispered into her ear.

  "Adoring you, baby," Nick murmured.

  "I ache so," she moaned.

  Just as she spoke, Nick thrust his hips forward pressing the thickness of his shaft into her cleft, rubbing it erotically against her sex.

  Still, deep ... deep within the dream,

  Clare's fingers lowered to feel his heavy shaft with her fingers brushing the hot, solid mass. Boldly, she touched it, and then she ran her hand down, and then upward, rubbing its throbbing bulk, feeling its weight and power. Nick groaned with pleasure following her hands stroking with a rigid counter thrust along the palm of her hand.

  Clare felt herself floating toward a bed. She turned her head and she saw that Alex was already there, sprawled in naked glory. His golden body was a magnificent sight and she watched in utter fascination as he turned onto his back and his powerful erection expanded and curved upward in greeting.

  Alex reached for her, while she was reaching for the spellbinding curve of his erection, and Nick slid in behind her. She felt Nick's shaft sliding between her buttocks at the same moment Alex's hand began combing through the tawny curls decorating her sex, his fingers searching.

  "Sweet, Clare, you are so beautiful, so hot, so ready," Alex murmured as he stroked her clit.

  Attempting to wiggle forward onto Alex's ardent fingers, she was stopped by Nick's hands on her hips, holding her firm, as he guided the nob of his engorged erection to the dripping entrance of her throbbing sex. He pressed the hooded tip past the first gate to pleasure, wasting no time. Then he thrust fully into her.

  "Ohohhh!" She collapsed on top of Alex with a scream of pleasure.

  Clare could feel the tip of Nick's erection pulsing deep inside and her body gripped him with an internal spasm along his thickness embedded so fully and hard inside her. Then as though in response to her pleasure his thick erection enlarged and he pulled back slightly riding the lips of her splayed sex over the fire of Alex's rigid shaft beneath her.

  Alex took her mouth with urgent passion, plunging his tongue deep, while his hands gripped the back of her thighs and he rocked her against Nick's thrusts. Each time Alex rocked her onto the stabbing thickness of Nick behind her, he also rocked her over his own throbbing shaft. She screamed again as shudder after shudder rippled through her. Thrusting her body forward, she tensed and in seconds she was once again at the peak.

  And then she was falling from the darkness of her dream world, coming partially awake to feel acres of hot male flesh covering her front to back. She thought it was a dream, but reality had her hot, wet, and wanting. Two cocks were hard against her, but neither moved.

  Chapter Three

  "Clare, baby," Nick's voice rumbled, behind her ear. "We had to get you warm, it's a snow out."

  She moved against them moaning. "Please," she begged. "Please." Her dream was reality. It was what she craved.

  "A taste of heaven," Nick murmured.

  "Oh," Clare gasped, feeling the re
ality of firm lips kissing the back of her shoulder, while a much thicker column of Nick's anatomy really was rocking in the valley it was spreading between the cheeks of her ass. She moved with the intimate stroking of Nick's erection rolling her against Alex's hard shaft burrowing into the curls above her sex. Then she felt the firm outline of Alex's mouth as he sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  "Oh God, Alex," she moaned, with her head falling back.

  Her fingers clenched into the tightly roped muscle of Alex's shoulders, while her lower body undulated with Nick's strokes through the crease of her bare bottom. Feeling the sway of masculine muscle, in front and behind her, increased the flamed heat that spread like warm syrup into her sex. Desire flooded her, making her ache harder. It was a hot ache that tangled her searching toes with four muscular calves.

  Nick understood he should stop the glide of his inspired cock through Clare's round ass cheeks. However, somehow the thought and the action wouldn't come together in his mind, and then Clare's body ripened beneath his, like a luscious warm peach. She was aroused. He could feel it in the return undulations of her sinuous, plump ass against his larger cock.

  A cock that was rock solid, which he continued to stroke through Clare's plump buttocks. Then, instead of halting he hooked Clare's hips in his hands for better anchor. He nibbled her soft nape as his hips rocked the thrusting mass of his cock through the alluring cradle of her rolling buttocks. At the same time, he realized Alex was having similar reactions to Clare's lavish body. Her big breasts occupied Alex, as he watched Alex draw the aroused berry of her nipple into his mouth like sweet candy.

  "Oh mmm," Clare moaned. "I shouldn't."

  But her mind was conflicted with thrilling new pleasures and she thrust her bare breasts forward into Alex's warm mouth, trying to keep in contact with his wicked tongue. A tongue that was creating wondrous sensations, at the same time her hips wriggled forward riding her slit up and down Alex's jutting shaft. Both men rocked her from front to back with four male hands stroking her, molding her curves into their hands.


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