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Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  The memory between them wasn’t great, but no matter how hard she tried, Eva couldn’t forget about it. The entire night was engrained in her thoughts. Even if their time now went any better she was still leaving. Her time in Fort Wills had come to an end. The pain he’d caused was too much for her to stick around and wait for him. Too many women had passed, and she refused to put up with it. No, she wouldn’t be staying, but the only thing she wanted to take back to Vegas with her was one memory of perfection between them. Surely, it wasn’t too much to ask?

  Chapter Two

  Tiny knew what she was thinking about, and he hated it. He hated every single memory of their time together in Vegas. For the first time in his life he’d been embarrassed by the way he’d fucked a woman. He was Tiny, the leader of the Skulls. He alone was the judge, jury, and executioner in his little town, and he hadn’t brought Eva to orgasm, not once. His reputation for being a hard man was firm within the community, and he’d built a good reputation for people not to fuck with him, even if they had been doing that the last couple of months. Not only that, he’d also earned himself a reputation with the ladies. Tiny fucked women, and none of them left his cock unsatisfied.

  Ever since he lost his virginity at sixteen he learned the fine art of satisfying a woman. Over the years he’d improved his technique and also learned what he liked more. Getting a woman under him was the best kind of release he loved. Having a woman submit to his hard fucking was what he loved. Patricia hadn’t liked his brand of fucking. She found him too hard. No matter who he fucked, he was the one in control, never the woman. He set the pace, and he told them what they were going to do.

  Fingering the length of her hair, Tiny knew his woman was going to leave. By the end of the week Eva would no longer be part of his life. He’d miss her, but he wasn’t the kind of man to beg a woman for anything. Everything about him was focused on control.

  Fuck her brains out.

  “Vegas was a fucking mistake. I’m not going to let that happen again.” He stroked along her cheek, caressing her jaw and going over her lips. Her body was to die for. He couldn’t see every curve in the way she was knelt. Tiny was determined to make sure by the end of the day he knew every single part of her, and he wanted to commit it all to memory.

  He went back to her hair, stroking the length once again. “If you’re not sticking around then I guess we better make the most of this moment.” He tightened his fist in her hair. “Suck my dick.”

  She opened her lips without him having to ask again. He aligned his cock and plundered her mouth. Eva closed her lips around his shaft, sucking him in. Tiny couldn’t tear his gaze away. He didn’t want to look away as watching her was part of the fun.

  With the grip he held on her hair, he pumped his hips sliding deeper into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat. She didn’t try to pull away or stop him from thrusting deeper.

  Her eyes were on him drawing him in closer. There was something hypnotic about her hazel depths. From the first moment he laid eyes on her, he’d known there was something about her that was special. The way she made him feel terrified him at times. She possessed every part of him, and she didn’t even know it.

  Pulling out of her mouth he watched her take a breath. He painted her lips with his pre-cum before sliding back in. Over and over he repeated the same motion each time getting closer to orgasm at how she submitted to him.

  He wasn’t into whips or anything hardcore the media seemed to be having a frenzy over. No one would ever catch him wearing fucking leather pants or demanding people call him Sir and Master. Fuck that. He would always be Tiny. The only element of domination he took seriously was the cuffs and tying a woman down. He loved having his woman open to him so he could do whatever the hell he liked to her.

  Patricia never allowed it.

  The thought struck him hard. Closing his eyes, he tried to push the memory of his late wife from his mind. His relationship with her hadn’t been everything he wanted it to be. In their years together she never once allowed him to tie her down or to be in control. She’d been too afraid and frightened of the real man he was. For some reason she’d built up this imaginary persona of who he was in her mind. The first time he’d held her down and fucked her hard, she’d screamed at him. He remembered the fear and couldn’t bring himself to try again. At least their problems had never gotten out to the club. No one knew they were not matched together, but he still loved her.

  After that incident he’d taken his pleasure in the sweet-butts who stayed around the compound and who were willing to take what he had to offer, sex—hard, rough, and where he was the one in charge.

  Slamming into Eva’s mouth he opened his eyes once more to see her taking more of him. He needed to feel if she was wet enough. Did she really want this? There was so much he didn’t know about her, and he refused to risk what little they had for sex.

  Releasing her, he picked her up and dropped her onto his desk. The computer tumbled to the floor along with some of his pens and pencils. He didn’t give a fuck about them.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked, cupping his face. He didn’t answer her and slid a finger between her slick folds.

  She was dripping wet, soaking his fingers with her cream.

  He stared into her eyes seeing them dilated, and he felt her need. She had to be aching.

  “Nothing.” He pressed a finger into her cunt. Eva moaned and moved to the edge of the bed taking more of him.

  “I need you,” she said. “Fuck me, Tiny. Please.”

  Her begging was all he needed. Removing his fingers, he licked each digit swallowing down her arousal. She whimpered but made no move to walk away.

  “Is everything okay in there, boss?” Zero asked, knocking on the door.

  “Fuck off!” Tiny yelled the words. There was no way he was letting anyone interrupt his moment. Eva would leave, and he wouldn’t have the chance to rid her of their one and only memory together. There was no way he was letting a woman escape thinking he was bad in bed. No way in hell was he letting that happen. Especially not Ned Walker’s daughter either.

  “We heard shit breaking,” Lash said.

  Did he hear a snicker from one of his men?

  “The next person to ask me a stupid fucking question will get their dick blown off. Fuck off!” Gripping her hip with one hand, he rubbed his cock through her wet lips. She cried out, and together they both looked down. This was it, their moment together that would change everything.

  He was sure the moment he claimed her, Eva wouldn’t leave him. She was too fucking loyal to leave him when he’d taken her as his woman. There was no way he’d be apologizing for who he was, and Eva would have to accept him. After everything he’d done, she was still with him.

  “Your men are worried about you,” she said.

  “They can worry all they want.” He pushed the tip of his cock into her pussy. Tiny heard her gasp. Looking up he saw she was still watching them together. Tilting her head back with a finger under her chin, he stopped her from looking at where they were joined.

  “Look at me,” he said, ordering her.

  She didn’t pull away or try to look elsewhere. He had her attention, and there was no way he was going to lose it.

  Moving both of his hands to her hips he took charge and slid another inch inside her. Eva’s eyes widened, and she stared at him, biting her lip.

  “Let it out, baby. Scream for me,” he said.

  “They’ll know what’s going on.”

  He shook his head. “They won’t say fuck all to you. I’ll kill any person who makes you feel bad.”

  The grip he had on her hips helped him to move her to the edge of the desk. In one quick thrust he plundered inside her to the hilt, hitting her cervix. He was a large man and knew some women hurt to take him.

  Eva cried out. The sounds she made echoed off the walls, and he loved every single note of her voice. He felt her pulse around him, and he stopped to bask in the feel of her cunt tightenin
g around his length.

  He left her hips to cup her face. Her eyes were closed, and she opened them to look at him. “This is how it should have been in the beginning,” he said.

  Stroking a thumb across her bottom lip, he slammed his lips down on hers. She opened to him, and he pushed his tongue into her mouth.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist as he ravished her mouth, taking everything she had to offer and wanting more. He felt her tits pressed against his chest. The hard buds of her nipples poked him as well.

  “So fucking sweet,” he said, muttering the words against her lips. “We’re not leaving this office today. You’re mine.”

  “We’re leaving this office, but we can take it back to your home. This is just a taster of what’s to come.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, taking his lips this time. Neither had moved. His cock was seated deep into her pussy, but he wasn’t in a rush to fuck and finish. He would be taking his time, and only when both of them were begging for release would he take them over the edge.

  “I can live with that.” He moved down to stroke her neck then down farther still to take each of her breasts into his palm. Tiny fingered the hard buds feeling the answering ripple in her cunt. Leaning down he took one between his lips and sucked hard, biting down into her flesh. He wasn’t hard enough to draw blood, but he was hard enough to make her squirm on his desk.

  Every time he sat at this desk he would remember everything about her. He would remember the way she smelled, her taste, and how she looked when he fucked her.

  “Lean back,” he said, pulling away until they were only connected by his dick inside her.

  She leaned back on his desk, pushing more of his crap onto the floor. It was the best place for all of his shit. He’d pick them up later or get one of his men to put the desk to rights.

  Staring down he saw the base of his cock, and her pussy lips were opened around his shaft. Her clit was peeking out, begging him to touch it.

  Licking his thumb, he pressed it to her clit. He didn’t move but watched her response.

  Her arousal flooded his shaft.

  “You’re mine, Eva. You’ll always be mine, and you were mine from the first moment you walked into my house and my fucking life.” He gently stroked her clit. His actions showed he wasn’t in a rush to end their moment together.

  “Stop torturing me,” she said, breathlessly.

  He wasn’t done with what he had planned. “This is my show, baby. You’ll get what I’m going to fucking give you.”

  Slowly, he caressed her clit, feeling every ripple and pulse around his dick. Her cunt was wet and snug. He wasn’t ready to leave her or for this to end. No one needed him outside this room.

  For a few minutes he could have what he’d wanted for a long time, Eva underneath him, submitting to him.

  Being buried inside her helped him to forget everything he’d done to her in the years they’d known each other. Yes, he’d hurt her and been horrid to her. Everything fell away as he stroked her clit, feeling her tighten around him.


  Tiny was going to torture her until nothing remained of her. Eva was sure of it as he slowly, ever so slowly, caressed her clit. This was nothing like their time in Vegas. This was no rushed fucking or quick release. Tiny was taking his time making her feel everything he wanted her to feel.

  Growing in frustration, she glared at him. “You’re not being fair.”

  One of his hands slapped her thigh. The tap burned, but it wasn’t painful.

  “Does my baby need to come?” he asked, teasing her.

  “You know I do. Stop teasing me.”

  “I’ve had Vegas hanging over my head, baby. You told all the boys how bad I was. It was the first time I saw the real fire burning within you. This is my chance to prove to you Vegas was a fucking fluke. I made a mistake, but it wasn’t in taking you to bed. No, my mistake was in rushing it. You deserve time. This body needs time to come apart.” He fingered her nipple and caressing down to her hips.

  She whimpered. Eva didn’t know how long she was going to last with his determination. Her body was already on fire and burning brighter than it ever had before. She was melting inside and out.

  “By the time we leave this room everyone will know I’ve made amends.”

  Eva cried out as he pulled out of her pussy. Seconds later his lips replaced his cock. Going to her elbows she watched him lick her pussy. He circled her bud then licked down to slam inside her cunt. Tiny fucked her with his tongue then slid up to stroke her clit.

  She couldn’t contain her screams as he was relentless in his assault.

  “Come for me, baby,” he said.

  Three fingers entered her as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Eva splintered apart, screaming out her release. He held her hips, licking, sucking and drawing her orgasm out. There was nothing else for her to do other than give herself over to him. Holding onto the edge of the desk, she moaned as he drove her into a second orgasm.

  Eva was coming down from her second orgasm as he thrust inside her. His cock was big and wide. He filled her completely. His hands were back on her hips.

  She held onto his arms as he pulled out of her only to slam back inside. There was nothing holding him back. He fucked her hard. The desk moved under the weight of his thrusts.

  He picked her up, sitting back on his chair with her in his lap. Tiny nipped at her breasts as he pounded inside her. Considering he was a fifty year old man he sure had stamina and knew what he was doing.

  Tiny pounded away inside her, hitting her cervix that had her gasping for more. She held onto the back of his chair as he completely took over her body. In that instant, Eva didn’t feel conscious of her weight. Some of the sweet-butts who stuck around the compound ready to screw any member were slender without an ounce of fat on them. She had curves and then some. Her body jiggled, and every part of her was natural.

  “So fucking tight,” he said, growling. He pushed the hair of her neck and brought her in close. Seconds later she felt his lips sucking at her neck, marking her skin. “Everyone is going to know who owns you. You’re fucking mine, Eva.”

  She’d never heard him be so possessive before. It was like another man was stood in his place even though she knew it was Tiny.

  “My woman. I’ll kill any man who puts his hands on you,” he said.

  “Shut up. No talking.” She couldn’t listen to him. Nothing he said was going to make her stay. They were not for life. Too much had passed between them to make her stay with him.

  In a swift movement they were out of the chair, and she was laid on his carpet with him hovering over her. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and found his way back inside her. She tensed feeling the stirring of another orgasm fast approaching. There was nothing left for her to do other than to give him what he wanted. This was about Tiny. He’d already made up for their time together. There was no way she was ever going to forget about this. They’d come too far together for her to give this up.

  “So fucking good,” he said, slamming inside her.

  She saw where they were joined, and the pleasure consumed her. Sinking her fingers into the carpet, she cried out as he hit a part of her that sent her spiraling into another orgasm. His fingers stroked her clit prolonging her release. She’d never had an orgasm with a cock inside her. The feeling was so different as he pounded inside her.

  Eva moaned, loving the way he possessed and owned her. He wrapped her legs around his waist and surrounded her. His arms were thick and showcased his strength with the definition of his muscles.

  “I’ve got you, Eva,” he said.

  There was something in his voice that made her sense a change within him. He wasn’t just saying that for her. Tiny didn’t say stuff he didn’t mean. What had changed?

  She didn’t know the answer but held onto him all the same.

  His pace slowed down, and for the first time in her life, Eva knew what it felt like to be made love to.

  He kissed her lips
and stroked her body. Tiny went slow showing her everything he could do. She hoped this wasn’t some payback for what she’d said in her drunken state many nights ago.

  His fingers were tangled in her hair as he made love. He rolled over, and she was laid on top of him. Sitting up, she gazed down at him confused.

  “I want to see your tits bouncing. Ride my cock, Eva.”

  Tiny squeezed her hips, and she knew there would be bruises come the morning. He set the pace letting her know what he wanted. She gave it to him, riding his cock as he caressed her body.

  He was big, and she took him deep. Tiny used her hips to bring her down hard on his shaft. He cursed and growled as she fucked him. She felt desired and powerful, holding onto his abdomen as they made love.

  She was surprised to see he still had his jeans around his ankles, but they hadn’t moved much from their position.

  “Touch yourself,” he said.

  Opening her eyes she stared down at him. Pressing her fingers to his lips he licked her fingers. She touched her clit and held back a moan. Eva felt sensitive all over from the smallest touches. “That’s it. I want to feel you come all over my cock again.”

  His voice was gruff, and she knew he was hanging on by a thread. She didn’t want that. With her free hand she caressed his balls reaching behind her to stroke him at the same time.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, moaning.

  “I want you to come.” She rode his body, and how she managed to do all three things amazed her. Her need overrode everything else, including common sense.

  He thrust up to meet her, matching her need with his own. Together they crashed toward their orgasm. She felt and heard his release as he pounded inside her. His cock jerked and pulsed his seed inside her.

  She was aware of the lack of protection. Collapsing onto his body from her fourth orgasm, Eva didn’t care. One time shouldn’t be a big deal. Deep down in her own mind she knew all it took was one time, but nothing was going to spoil her moment with Tiny.

  This was the only time she saw him vulnerable. His hands surrounded her holding her close.


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