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Tiny Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Glancing to the counter she saw the condom bowl was empty.

  “It’s good to see you, Frank. How is everything going with you?” she asked.

  He smiled, pulling his necklace from around his neck. “I got myself a wife. She’s a good girl.” Frank showed her the ring.

  “Congratulations.” She handed him the ring back.

  She’d heard Erik and Mark were also fathers with women of their own. David was still a player.

  “Right, boys. We’ve got some training to do, and my girl needs to acquaint herself with the books. She’ll be working around here, and I expect respect for her.” Ned showed her to the back of the office. He told her the codes to the safe, pulling out the books for her to get used to. “We’ll go home soon. I need to be here.”

  “I know.” She smiled up at her father. Getting stuck into work suited her a lot more than going home thinking about Tiny.

  The door closed behind him, and she sat back. Pressing on the fan she let what little cool air was over her. She felt like she was burning inside. Lifting the skirt of her dress up to her thighs, she tried to cool down. Nothing was happening.

  Leaning back in her chair, she closed her eyes and moaned as she stroked her hand down her breast. Her nipple hardened against her own fingertips. Memory of Tiny’s rough hands pinching her breast struck her hard. Lust pooled at her core. Pressing her thighs together, she bit her lip to contain her moan.

  “You look good,” Gavin said.

  She’d been so deep in her fantasy she’d not heard the office door open. Sitting up, she saw Gavin staring down at her. Opening the desk drawer she pulled out an elastic band to tie her hair up to get it off her neck.

  “What do you want, Gavin?” she asked, staring down at the books in front of her.

  “We’ve never got a chance to talk. You walked away, and I was left waiting and wondering when you were coming home.” He closed the door giving them privacy. Some of the men outside knew her past.

  Looking up, Eva was thankful when she felt nothing for him.

  “What do you want to know?” she asked, picking up a pencil to hold. She hated her hands being left empty, especially when she was filled with lust for a man who wasn’t anywhere near.

  “How have you been?” He sat opposite her.

  “Fine. How have you been?”

  She could be nice and complimentary all he needed.


  “Okay, so we’re both good, and I take it nothing eventful has happened in our lives,” she said, shrugging. “What else do you want to know?” The conversation was stilted, and to be honest, she wanted to be left alone with her own thoughts.

  “I missed you.”

  “I’m sure there were more than enough women to make up for my absence.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Eva, stop being fucking difficult.”

  Dropping the pencil she stood up to glare at him. “I’ve not come back home for any dying need to be with you, Gavin. I’m hoping you’ve got a woman of your own.”

  “No, I haven’t. I’ve been waiting for you to come back.”

  “Then you were waiting wrong. I’m not your woman, Gavin, and I never was.”

  He stood and rounded the desk to stand beside her. With her hair up, she left her neck exposed. Gavin took full advantage, dropping his lips to her neck.

  Nothing turned within her. Tingles started at where he kissed, but nothing like desire pulled within her. Anyone could touch her neck, and she’d be affected.

  “We used to be so good together.” His hand went to her stomach.

  Spinning in his arms, she pressed a hand to his chest. “We used to be good together. I belong to someone else, Gavin. I’m not yours.”

  He released her, taking a step back. “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?” she asked.

  “For screwing around on you. It’s my one biggest regret with you.” He reached out to push a strand of hair that she’d missed off her face. “If I could take it back I would.”

  Rolling her eyes she stepped away. “She wasn’t the only one, was she?”

  He looked down giving her all the answer she needed.

  “See, we were not supposed to be together.” Closing the books, she placed everything away where her father showed her.

  “We can still be friends,” he said.

  “I know. You’ve got to stop trying to be something more. We’re over, Gavin.” She went to the door.

  “This new man, is this a Skull?” Gavin asked.

  Glancing over her shoulder she saw the anger in his eyes. “Yes, it is.”


  “You know The Skulls?” she asked.

  “Not personally. I know Ned does business through them.”

  Good, she would hate for Gavin to know Tiny.

  “Yes, he’s a Skull.” Stepping out of the door, she turned back to smile at him. “It’s Tiny.”

  Closing the door, she went to her father. “Where are we staying tonight?” she asked.

  Ned handed her a key card. “You’ve got a room at Alex Allen’s casino.”

  Taking the key card from him, she headed out into the night. The sun had set during her time in the gym. Keeping her head down, she walked toward the casino in no hurry to be trapped in another room that made her feel like a stranger.


  The drug run went by without a hitch, and it had been a week since Eva had left him. He’d been in contact with her by text, but it wasn’t the same as getting to see her every day. Sitting down in a chair at the table he watched Hardy and Rose dance together. Rose was naked, again, with Hardy teasing and tormenting her for all the men to see.

  Everyone was high from the ride on the bikes. He’d left his to get some repairs in the shop. Tiny only ever trusted his men to work on his bike.

  “How are you doing, boss?” Zero asked, taking a seat beside him. The bruises on Zero’s face were fading fast. Killer sat at the bar, drinking and keeping everyone away from him. Even Whizz and Time hadn’t gotten close to the other man.

  “I’m doing good. It’s always good after a ride to get shit into order.” Nothing had happened transporting the drugs. The rush was still there for a safe journey, but the excitement of returning home wasn’t there.

  “It’s not the same without Eva. She always had some food waiting, and we had a little party at your house,” Zero said.

  “I know. You’re going to have to get used to these parties. Eva is not coming back.”

  Sandy and Stink were sat on the couch at the opposite end of the room. Any remains of the pink decorations from the baby shower were gone. Tate hadn’t come around since Eva’s departure. He went to visit her at Murphy’s house. The other brother didn’t like how his woman was acting at Eva’s disappearance.

  “Everything is changing.”

  “Are you still good for our run in two weeks?”

  “Yeah, are you sure we should be doing this run?” Zero asked.

  “What makes you questions it?” Tiny sipped at his beer and glanced at his man.

  “I don’t know. Something just feels fucking off about it. Ignore me, boss. I need some pussy.” Zero left him alone.

  Zero’s obsession with Sophia had left the man a shell of his former self. He remembered a time when Zero would do nothing but tease and chase pussy.

  He left the room to go to his office. Locking the door, he settled behind his desk, running his fingers over the spot where Eva had sat on the edge. He could taste her on his lips.

  Grabbing his phone, he dialed her number.

  “Hello,” she said. He heard her yawn over the line.

  “Hello, baby.”

  Hearing her voice made him hotter than hell.

  “Tiny? Is that you?”

  “Who else would be phoning you?”

  She was moving around. The sound of a light switch going on let him know she was in bed.

  “Have you come off of one of your runs?” she asked.


  “Are your boys missing my cooking?” She chuckled at his grunt.

  “You know us all so well. We miss you, Eva.”

  “I miss you, too.”

  “Then come home.”

  She was silent at his request. Damn, stubborn woman. Why wouldn’t she give in and give him what he wanted?

  “What are you wearing?” he asked, more curious about her naked state.

  “A black negligee.”



  “Panties?” he asked again. Tiny wasn’t going to give in to her.

  “I’m not wearing any.”

  He paused, staring ahead of him at the blank door. Running a hand down the front of his pants, he closed his eyes imagining her in the negligee he’d seen in her drawers when she lived with him, without any underwear on.

  “Tiny, are you still there?” she asked.

  “Yeah, baby, I’m still here.”

  “What are you doing?” Her voice sounded breathless to him.

  “I’m touching my dick, staring at my desk where I tasted your sweet pussy.”

  Her moan echoed down the line. “You’re not playing fair.”

  “I never play fair. Not when it’s what I want, and Eva, I want you.”

  The noise she made sounded muffled almost as if she’d buried her head into the pillow.

  “Touch yourself,” he said, ordering her what to do.

  “What? Why?”

  Smiling, he flicked the button open on his jeans and lowered them down to his knees. Peeling away his boxer briefs he gripped the erect flesh of his shaft.

  “Do what I say.” He stroked the length, wishing she was near so he could give her what he wanted to give her.

  She whimpered, and he knew her hand was between her sweet thighs.

  “Are you wet?”

  “We’re seriously going to do this? Have phone sex?” she asked.

  “I’d rather sink into your tight pussy, but this is all I can have from you.”

  “What about the sweet-butts?”

  “They’re over, baby. No more sweet-butts and no more women. I only want you.” Tiny knew what he spoke was the truth. There was no other woman he wanted other than the one he was speaking to. “Touch yourself. Press those fingers through your slit.”

  He waited for her to comply. Hearing her move across the phone line was frustrating and arousing at the same time.

  “I’m touching myself,” she said, moaning.

  “Are you wet?”

  “Yes, I want you, Tiny.”

  Licking his lips, he fisted his shaft imagining her hands wrapped around him. In his mind he saw Eva knelt before him, ready to take his cock.

  “I’m hard for you, Eva.”

  “I’d love to feel you in my mouth, Tiny.”

  He groaned, wishing her plump lips were wrapped around his shaft. “Finger your clit, stroke yourself.”

  “I want you.” She cried out, and he pumped at his shaft. He felt her yearning deep in his soul. The intensity of his feelings made him feel like he was going to drown on his need for her alone.

  “Put two fingers inside you and stretch them out.”

  Her cries turned to guttural moans. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip of his cock, coating his shaft.

  “I bet you’re tight. I know you are. You’re tight enough for my cock and only my cock.”

  “Yes, I’m all yours. There’s no one else.”

  He growled, feeling the first bite of his orgasm. His balls tightened, and he kept stroking. She screamed over the line. The sound of her release set him over the edge with his own orgasm.

  Coming down from the high, he was panting for breath.

  “Wow, there is a first for anything,” Eva said.

  Tiny chuckled. “I’d rather fuck you in the flesh, baby. This was the next best thing.”

  “Give me a second. Don’t go.” Eva left the phone, and he heard her walking around and the sound as she jarred her foot. “Fuck that hurt.”

  Minutes passed, and she was finally over the line. “Sorry, I was washing my hands and taking a quick bathroom break.”

  Smiling, he reached for some tissue from the edge of his desk to clean up the mess he’d created.

  “How is Vegas?” he asked, not wanting the conversation to end. The times he’d fucked women, even Patricia, he’d not been interested in talking afterward. With Eva, he never wanted the moment to end.

  “Vegas is fast moving, hot as hell, and a pain in the ass. The fighters my father has with him are right rough necks. I think you and your boys could take them though.” She laughed over the line. “I’d probably be given the boot if they heard me saying that.”

  “And you’re staying with Ned?” Tiny asked.

  “For now. I don’t know what else to do. Everything seemed so clear when I was with you in Fort Wills. Getting out of town was the ideal solution to our problem.” Eva stopped, and he imagined her running fingers through her hair.

  “What do you think now?” He threw the used towels in the trash. Resting his head against his shoulder, he pulled up his jeans, fixing them back in place.

  “We were toxic to each other, Tiny. Nothing has changed.”

  “I promise you, Eva, there are no more women. I swear down on my life and the life of my club.” He leaned on the desk, resting his hand under his chin.

  “We’ve hurt each other—”

  “This was because I was a fucking dick who didn’t know how to deal with my feelings.”

  “I can’t believe you’ve just admitted you were a dick. Does Tate have you at gun point?”

  “No, Eva. I’ve finally come to my senses.” He stopped, needing to collect himself before he started shouting once again.

  He heard her heavy sigh over the line. “You’re spoiling it again.”

  “I’m not. For fuck’s sake, I’m trying to make this work between us. You left before I got chance to get my head screwed on straight.”

  She growled over the line. “So this is all my fucking fault? What about you? Don’t you remember all those other women you fucked? Or the way you treated me? I was not your woman, but I wasn’t allowed a life of my own.”

  Tiny refused to drag in the fact they were not actually together, especially when he’d put the word out for no one to touch her because she was his.

  “Fuck, you’re making me angry. See, this is why we’d never work. You say something that just pisses me the fuck off.”

  “Baby, I love it when you’re angry.” Their life together would be passionate, fiery, and would never be a dull moment.

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “I love you.” He’d never told her how he felt.

  Tiny expected the silence over the line. He gave her time to process what he just said.

  “Are you still alive?” he asked.

  “You love me?”


  “Is this some kind of fucking trick?”

  “No, no trick. I love you, Evangeline Walker. I’ll take the ass kicking your father is going to give me. I want you by my side … as my wife.”

  She squeaked, and he heard something crash to the floor.

  “Eva? Eva, are you all right?”

  “Shit, I just fell off the bed.”

  He laughed. No wonder this woman and Tate got on so well. They were like two peas in the pod.

  “Is this for real?” she asked.

  “Pinch yourself, and you tell me.”

  “Ouch, crap this is all real.”

  “Well, will you?” He tensed, waiting.

  “I really don’t know, Tiny.”

  She hadn’t said she loved him back.

  Nodding his head, Tiny thumped his forehead, remembering she couldn’t see him. “Okay, I’m not going to beg for an answer right now. I want you to take some time to think about everything. Promise me, Eva. Promise me when you have an answer, I want you to think about it clearly.”

  “You’re the first man to ask
me to marry you, Tiny. I’m not going to jump in.”

  “I love you. Our life would be here. I’d want you to wear my ring and my cut. This will not be a quiet affair, baby. We’ll have it all, the wedding, the honeymoon, and I’ll have your name inked on my skin.”

  “Oh, Tiny.” From the sounds she was making, he knew she was sobbing.

  “Think about it. I’ll be waiting, and you know how to reach me.” He hung up the phone, staring straight ahead as he thought about what he’d done.

  Eva was the first woman since Patricia that he admitted to being in love with, and she hadn’t said anything to give him hope. From the first moment he saw Patricia he’d been in love with her. She had been everything he needed at the time, sweet, innocent, pure. For most of his early years he’d only dealt with anger, rage, and death. Being part of The Darkness had guaranteed that. When he’d gone to Alex for help in taking over Fort Wills, he’d fallen for her and never looked back. But with Eva the feelings were even more intense, and he’d denied them for so long. He knew deep down that she had to love him.

  It’s Eva. She loves me.

  Chapter Eight

  Two weeks later

  Eva stared at the phone on the desk in her father’s office. She’d been talking with Tate off and on along with Tiny. Nothing else was mentioned of his proposal. She still couldn’t believe he’d proposed.

  Looking down at the envelope, Eva didn’t know why she was holding back. She loved the man, and he’d sent her a ring. A fucking engagement ring glinted at her from the envelope she’d opened. Inside lay a letter on plain white paper.

  They talked on the phone every night, the phone sex occurring every night, and her body was alive with what he could ask her to do. She pulled the sheet of paper out of the envelope and opened it up. Tiny had written the letter himself.


  I love you with my whole heart. Words have never been great with me nor to speak them. I’ve been married before, and I had to bury her. I’m not looking for a replacement wife. I want you, no one else. If you turn into a bitch, then I’ll trade you in J (joke). I know you still haven’t answered me, and this is not me trying to force you to answer.

  You’re the first woman I ever wanted since my wife. You’re good through and through. What I’ve done over the last eight years of us knowing each other, is wrong. I should be fucking castrated for what I’ve done to you. I hope you won’t tell your father to cut my dick off. I’m quite partial to it. Also, you cut my dick off and our wedded life won’t be much fun, just saying.


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