Werewolf Love Story

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Werewolf Love Story Page 13

by H. T. Night

  I pulled into my apartment complex, parked, and hurried to my apartment. I knew couldn’t be too careful, considering, I didn’t want any of these assholes knowing where I lived. It was apparent that whoever was after Patrick had no idea he was staying with me. Sasha and Patrick parked followed behind us into the apartment.

  When we all got inside my apartment and I knew we were safe that was when I decided to explode. “What the fuck was that about, Patrick?” Are you fucking kidding me? You’re part of some secret Brotherhood that you never let any of us know you were running away from? You failed to mention that these guys might want to hunt you down and try to kill you if they were to find you? Worse yet, you put my girlfriend and Sasha in danger. What the fuck were you thinking?”

  “It's not like that, Kyro, I swear!” Patrick said.

  “Look, dude. These guys were so pissed off at you to that they were willing to kill you and not think twice about it.”

  “They would kill anyone and not think twice about it!” Patrick was now shouting. It was nice to see him have some emotion, but it was a little too late. We could have used it back there when we were fighting his Mani buddies. Patrick began to pace around the apartment. He finally got control and said, “Tommy, I would never intentionally put you in a situation like what happened tonight. I especially wouldn't want Maya and Sasha to have to deal with any of that.”

  “Guess what. dick? We all had to deal with it! Wait a second! No, I had to deal with it. As I recall, I was fighting alone!” I looked at Maya and she seemed overwhelmed. She hadn't a clue what she had just experienced. “This is so unfair, you two.” I said, to both Sasha and Patrick. I was finally going to stand up for myself and it was about time. “You two came into my life and completely fucked everything up.”

  Sasha looked at me shocked.

  “Don't look at me like that, Sasha. It's because of you I'm some tweaked-out half werewolf. You screwed up my life and now you’re trying to screw up Maya's? This isn't fair to her.” I looked over at Maya. “I am so sorry to bring this world to you.” Tears began to roll down my eyes. “I wanted us to be normal, I was hoping…” I stopped myself from continuing to speak because I was afraid to show any more emotion. Maya didn't respond. She seemed to be in utter shock. “Maya, I'll take you home,” I said. “I know you don't want any part of this.” I walked over to the door and opened it.

  “That's where you’re wrong,” Maya said, softly.

  My back was to the three of them facing the door. “How can I be wrong?” I said. “No one would want this.”

  “I don't necessarily want this specific situation, but what I do want is you.” Maya walked over and put her arms around my waist. My back was still to her and all I could I sigh and lower my head.

  “Come back inside, Tommy,” Maya said, softly to me. “We all need to talk this out and figure out what are next steps are going to be.”

  I turned around and all three of them were looking at me with a desperate need. Like it or not, this was my reality, and it looks like Maya was on board. I closed the door and walked over and sat at my table. I put my head on top of the table and groaned. “What the fuck are we going to do?” I said.

  Sasha walked over and sat at the table with me. “Tommy, you kicked a lot of ass tonight. You don't have any idea how impossible it is for a human to defeat a Mani or a Carni. Tonight, you defeated three Mani men pretty much by yourself.”

  “Yeah, so,” I said.

  “So, there is no out there that is like you. You can make your own rules. You don't need to be part of any kind of clan or brotherhood you don’t want to be. You can do whatever you want.”

  I got up and walked into the living room where the cage occupied most of the room. Maya looked at the cage and said, “I still can’t get over the fact that there is a cage in your living room.” Maya walked over to me and the two of us sat on the carpet to the side of the cage facing the others in the kitchen. Maya then asked, “So basically vampires and werewolves are among us, and no one knows it?”

  “Oh people find out. That's when the Mani kills them,” Patrick answered.

  “Why doesn't Carni feel the need to kill?” Maya asked.

  “Carni are closer to human DNA than Mani,” Sasha said. “Carni are basically humans 27 days out of the month. They only have paranormal abilities three nights out of the month. They live among the humans, and the Tandra never find out who’s among them. Other than the fact they don’t age, they are basically humans. Because Carni and humans work so close together, the Carni have a soft spot for the Tandra. Unfortunately, Mani could give a shit because they look at humans as a way to survive.”

  “Because of their blood?” Maya asked. “But Patrick seems pretty normal. He hasn’t wanted to jump on top of me and suck my blood.”

  Sasha nodded her head and continued, “Patrick is different because he’s still a baby when it comes to being a Mani. The more he feeds, the more he will crave human blood. Once that happens, he will be a bigger risk at becoming like the guys we met tonight.”

  “So, Mani are basically psychopathic killers that wait around to kill?” I said. “Great, this is what we have to look forward to with Patrick.”

  “I hope not,” Patrick said. “But the truth is I'm constantly fighting the urge not to bite you.”

  “For real?” I asked.

  “You have no idea? You're fucking ripped Tommy! Your veins bulge out constantly. It's like waving a steak in front of a starving dog.”

  “I’ll be sure to quit flexing in front of you,” I said. I wasn’t in the mood to joke, but I couldn’t resist. “Just keep sipping on your water bottle full of human blood and stay away from my veins.” I looked at Patrick, and then asked, “You’re constantly sipping on your blood. Doesn't that help?”

  “The blood bottle helps, but nothing goes down and tastes as good as live human blood dripping from someone’s body.” Patrick’s eyes looked like they were about to come out of his head.

  “Alright, calm down,” I said to Patrick. “You’re freaking Maya out.”

  “I would never harm you, Tommy.” Patrick said, sincerely.

  I laughed out load. “I'm pretty sure I could handle you, Big Boy. Remember you didn’t exactly hold your own in our little tussle earlier.”

  “I wasn't a fighter before I became a Mani,” Patrick said defending himself. “Plus, I’m still hurt.”

  “Yeah, you didn’t fight well tonight because of your larynx,” I said, sarcastically.

  “I didn't even want to be a Mani. It was the last thing in this world I wanted to be.”

  “What happened to you, Patrick?” Maya asked.

  Patrick paused and then looked at Maya and said, “I had no choice. I had been bitten twice in the last two years by Mani, and just like you Tommy, I was in this weird limbo place where I would crave blood, but couldn't actually consume it.”

  “So what? You just gave up and let them bite you a third time?” I asked.

  “Not exactly. I put myself in a bad situation one night at a bowling alley and just allow fate to run its course.”

  “I guess you didn’t bowl too well that night either, Gutterball,” I couldn’t help myself. I looked at everyone and said, “I've now been bitten twice by Mani. Great, I'm now going to have vampire tendencies as well as a werewolf.”

  “You're going to need to make a decision, Tommy,” Sasha came out and said to me.

  I knew what she was leading to. “I'm not ready to do that,” I said.

  “Tommy, you're on the Mani radar now,” Sasha continued. “They know you're a complete stud that just kicked the shit out of three of their own. The way Mani function as a group is they don't look for revenge against Tandra or humans. It’s pointless to them. They way they see it if you can hold your own against them, then you’re a great candidate to become a Mani. They are always seeking new members. They are going to want you to be one of them. They know if they had you, they would have one of toughest motherfuckers ever on their si

  I looked at Patrick and he nodded his head. I then looked at Maya and she was heavily engaged in the conversation but definitely had apprehension in her eyes.

  “Patrick, why were you hiding from them?” I asked.

  “Because I regret allowing myself to be bitten for the third time,” he answered. “I put myself in a bad situation and I regretted my decision instantly

  “You can't run from them forever,” I said.

  “I know Kyro. They are worse than a street gang. If you denounce them, once you have become one of them, you might as well be dead.”

  I again, looked at Maya and she was doing her best to take all of this in. How she was holding up was beyond me? “So what do you think?” I asked Maya.

  “It doesn't matter what I think. The way I see it there's no turning back for you. If you get bit one more time by a vampire you will be one of them, like it or not. I think you should at least have a choice.” Maya stopped, and then looked at Sasha. “Are the Carni like the Mani where they desire to harm people?”

  “No, not at all,” Sasha said. “Carni self regulate themselves and they live by a strict code. Carni try to live as normal of a life as they can and assimilate into the human condition.

  “So what you’re telling me,” I jumped in. “I have to decide between being a blood sucking vampire that has psychopathic tendencies, and being a werewolf where I have no recollection when I turn?”

  “Basically, yeah,” Maya answered.

  “Given the two choices I’d much rather be a werewolf. No offense Patrick, but Mani are fucking crazy.”

  “None taken,” Patrick responded.

  Sasha continued, “What you need to understand, Tommy, is you’re right, when you become a werewolf you have virtually no memory. You have no idea what you’re doing, you’re no better than a stray dog wandering around looking for something to eat.”

  “Well we seem to have you under control with the cage.”

  “Sometimes it's not that easy. That's why Carni go off to the desert or the mountains. They can at least run free and be with their own.”

  I looked at Patrick. “That night where I ran into you, why did the Mani attack the Carni in the desert?”

  “We knew they were going to be there, and the leaders of the Brotherhood were craving blood, not life blood, but blood of a werewolf. There is no better blood than that of your enemies.”

  “So you look at Carni as an enemy?” I asked.

  “I don't,” Patrick assured me. “But I'm the exception.”

  “Carni and Mani had been killing each other for hundreds of years,” Sasha said. “They are like rival street gangs that hate each other out of historic reasons, but they are ten times worse and they don’t used guns.”

  All of this knowledge was making my head hurt. “If I do this,” I said. “I would want Sasha to be the one to bite me. We could control that.”

  I think that the only way it can be done,” Maya agreed.

  “How are you so at peace with all this?” I asked Maya.

  “Don't mistake my calmness with peace, Tommy. This is about the worst thing I have ever heard. But you have no choice. I saw everything tonight with my own eyes. I saw men turn into birds. I saw how they wanted to kill you. I am adamantly against you becoming a Mani. Again, no offense, Patrick.”

  “And again, none taken,” Patrick mumbled.

  I looked at the three of them. “So I guess we wait. In ten more days there will be another full moon.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  After a few more rounds of going in circles, we decided to call it a night.

  “I'll take you home, Maya,” I said, grabbing my keys from the counter.

  “No you’re not,” Maya said plainly. “I'm going to take care of you tonight. I need to clean that wound on your neck.” Maya walked over and looked at my bite. “Great, my dad is going to think I gave you the world’s biggest hickey.”

  “Trust me; I'd rather that what was the case. Then at least I could wrap my mind around it.”

  “I don't think you'd want a girlfriend who made a habit out of making your neck a snack,” Maya said, smiling at me. Wow, she was so amazing. I couldn’t believe how supportive she was being.

  “Hey Tommy,” Patrick said. “If Maya is going to spend the night you guys can have…” Patrick stopped what he was saying and thought for a moment. “I forgot that's the only room you can sleep in.”

  “I know, Patrick. We’ll figure something out.”

  “I'm kind of stuck. I can't sleep out here, there are too many windows and we don't have enough cardboard.”

  “I guess that means you and Sasha are going to bunk together, I said. “ It wouldn't be the first time.”

  Sasha gave me a look that pretty much said, ‘Don’t mess with me tonight, I'm exhausted’.

  “Is it okay with you Sasha?” Patrick asked, as if he was asking her to the prom.

  “I really don't have much of a choice, do I?” she said.

  I stuck up for my boy even if he was the worst fighter I have ever seen, “You can always sleep in your cage, princess. The last time I checked I hadn't received a rent check from you.” Apparently, this was not the time to point out the obvious to Sasha.

  Sasha glared at me and said, “You know what, you never once asked me to pay rent! And now, you want to bring it up in front of your girlfriend so you can look superior.”

  Seriously, where was this coming from? I just stared at Sasha with a bewildered look on my face.

  “I'm out of here.” Sasha got up and barged out of the front door. The three of us remaining in the room just looked at each other surprised.

  “Should I go after her?” Patrick asked.

  “Let her go. She's ungrateful, and the truth of the matter is she's needed a splash of reality. She couldn't stay here forever.”

  Patrick nodded his head in a way that he assumed I was referring to him also.

  “You’re different, Patrick.” I said.

  Patrick smiled. “I'm going to fix the window up in Sasha’s room so no sunlight can get in.”

  Maya looked at me and said, “I'm going to run you a bath mister. You need to soak your body. It's been through the ringer tonight.”

  Just the idea that Maya would draw me a bath aroused me. We hadn't done the main event yet and it didn’t take much to get me going when it came to her. She hadn't given me the ‘it's all clear for landing’ signal, and I cared too much for her to press it.

  “I hope Sasha is going to be safe,” Maya said, walking past me to get to the bathroom. She went in and began drawing the bath for me. Something tells me the woman in Maya didn’t mind at all that Sasha left, but she wouldn’t let on that she was pleased.

  “She's a big girl,” I said. “Don't forget, she's the whole reason why I'm in this mess.” I turned to Patrick. “Listen, dude, seriously… I like having you here and I'm responsible that you’re still kind of jacked up.”

  “Well, I'm responsible that you’ve been bitten twice by vampires. Not to mention that you had to single-handedly fight three of them tonight. We’re not even close to being square, I owe you everything.”

  “You don't owe me shit. Get some rest.” I took off my shoes and threw them by the door.

  “You think Sasha is going to be okay?” Patrick asked.

  “Who knows? At this point, if she wants to act that way I don’t really care.”

  “She's not mad about the room, you know that, right?”

  “I know, I said. “I know she’s jealous, but the difference between her and Maya is night and day. Frankly, I prefer day a whole lot better because I can see what I'm doing.”

  I walked to the bathroom and Maya was sitting on the side of the tub testing the warmth of the water. My grandmother used to do that for me when I was a kid. This was one very special woman. Why the hell did I get her involved in this? “You know, I said, “It's a pretty big tub.”

  Maya looked at me surprised and said, “I don't think s

  “Would it really be that awful?”

  “No, it wouldn't be awful, it would actually be quite nice, but under the circumstances of tonight, I don't think that would be too appropriate.”

  All right and now was the hard sell. I was only asking to share a bath with her, not pour hot wax on top of her.

  “I think there really isn't any protocol for appropriateness when one gets attacked by vampires. As a matter of fact, I think all rationale is thrown out the window.”

  Maya smiled and I could see that she was thinking about it. “Okay, she said. “If we were to do this, we need bubbles.”

  “Really?” I said, like a kid just was told he's going to Disneyland.

  “Don't get weird about it or I'll rethink it.”

  “Definitely don't rethink it,” I said. “Hold on!” I went into my bedroom and went into my closet. I had a box full of scented candles that were given to me at Christmas as a gag gift from one of my buddies. I figured they would be perfect for a bubble bath party. I brought the box of candles into the bathroom. “I got the candles.”

  Maya looked up and said, “I see that.” She had poured in some shampoo and there were lots of bubbles. I put five candles around the bathroom at different spots and lit them. “If you like to go to my room I have a robe you can use.”

  “All right,” Maya turned off the water and left the bathroom. I took off all my clothes; she was right about my muscles hurting, everything hurt — especially my neck. I stepped into the tub and I scooted over to the right. The hot, soapy water felt so good. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I hadn't really caught my breath since the fight and I was really enjoying this little moment.

  I sat back and thought about everything. I never fathomed that anything like this would ever happen to me in my life. This life isn't about vampires and werewolves. It's about getting an education and getting good job. It’s about having a family and living in a house with a white picket fence. Poor Maya! I can't believe that she is still here. She must really love me. I sighed and open my eyes and looked around the candle lit room. It looked pretty cool, it definitely set a mood. What kind of mood? I guess only the night knows.


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