Twins’ Slave

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Twins’ Slave Page 9

by M. Garnet

  “Shhhh, little one, only soft nice things will Leant do to you.” He lowered his head, placing his mouth around a begging nub, running his tongue then his teeth over the inviting upright flesh. He felt her shiver then he suckled and watched through Leant’s eyes.

  Leant moved in the water with her legs spread wide so that he could see from the storm light the petals of these soft under lips. He took his large dark fingers and opened them, pulling them wide. Finally, when he felt he had her legs wide enough and her most secret folds entirely exposed, he dipped his head to run his tongue over everything that was exposed.

  Now, she did begin to moan, say no and then yes, Repeating the two words over and over as he licked, as he moved his tongue over every inch between her legs while he held her open.

  She tried to twist away, but found she wanted to push against him, but had no place to push against. She used the weak muscles to clinch upward. She stopped breathing as he found her nub and drew it into his mouth to suck hard. She went right over into an instant orgasm. She shuddered again, locking his head between her thighs as the muscles in her womb and legs and stomach all fought through the blast of heat. Then, she was over the brink. She finally could breathe. She sank into the water or into darkness.

  The next thing she was aware of was turning over when a violent lightning strike sent a flash of light into the room. She found she was in a bed, between the two brothers who were sleeping soundly. She was still too tired, so she rolled over. Suddenly, a large arm pulled her into the heat of a male body and she was spoon-fashioned on her side. It didn’t take long for the other body in the bed to move over and place his back to her stomach. The strong arm holding her reached across to hold the other man. She was trapped like the filling in a cookie between these hulking bodies.

  She could not move and she was afraid to try but she listened and soon decided from the deep breathing that they were asleep. Strangely, she began to feel content, to feel she was in a place that she belonged, that she had some control. Control? Where did that thought come from?

  Chapter Nine

  She didn’t see how she could sleep like this but the next thing she knew she rolled over. She was in the bed alone and the lights had been turned up. She lay still, then heard voices in the next room. She rose up. She saw through the wide doorway a couple of women who looked like they were cleaning up the large main room.

  She looked around knowing she, was naked. Shit, her clothes were in the other bedroom. Suddenly a girl was standing in the doorway looking at her.

  The girl looked at her and smiled. “Hello.”

  Lorelei smiled back. “Hi, who are you?”

  “My name is Tet. Rie Bleak says I have a very important job. I am to be your stand in. I don’t know what that means, but he said you would know what it involves. He also said I am to serve you and get you acquainted with the crokteam. Oh, that didn’t translate. Let’s see, it means the house built in the cliff of rocks and caves. It is more because it is where the troops are in their barracks and places for transports and so much more. This is where we live with hundreds of others. We are all lucky because it is the greatest crokteam on our world and people try to find all kinds of excuses to come to see it. Also, I talk too much. My mother often gives me a scolding so you must excuse me for my bad manners.” The girl looked down, shuffling her bare feet as she stood in the doorway.

  Lorelei took a deep breath. She was still hung up on the word stand in. She knew that she was going to find a way to poison Bleak with some type of slow painful excruciating death.

  “Tet, I need some clothes, and mine are in the other bedroom. Could you go there and get the black bag that is on the bed for me?”

  Tet smiled from ear to ear. “Yes, yes, I can do that. But can I ask, what is your name?”

  “My name is Lorelei.”

  Tet let out a sigh. “I knew you would have a beautiful name. I will be right back.”

  Good to her word, she came back, the black cloth bag clutched to her chest as she crossed into the room to place it on the foot of the bed.

  “Are there doors to close to give me privacy?”

  Tet giggled, then waved her hand and the opening wasn’t there anymore. Neat trick, except Tet had stayed in the room with her.

  “ Okay, Tet, I need to get a bath and get dressed.”

  “Good, I love baths, and this will be the first time I get to use Rie Leant’s bath. I have peeked at it and it is beautiful.”

  Lorelei watched the child move into the bathroom, stripping off her dress and dropping her panties as she entered the room. It took her a minute or two before she was aware that Lorelei wasn’t following her.

  “Come, it is part of my duty to help you bathe.” Tet looked back with no embarrassment in her lack of clothes.

  “Gee, Tet, where I come from, we don’t have help in bathing. I’m not used to getting undressed in front of people.”

  This caused Tet to have a real fit of giggles as she came back to take Lorelei’s hand, pulling her from the covers. Lorelei didn’t know what to cover, breast or female mound but she didn’t resist the girl leading her to the next room. She had tried the other pool, so she immediately got into this one, having some memories she didn’t want to share with the child of action in a pool.

  Tet got some drawers opened and got out sponges, oils, and soaps, and was working on her arms. Lorelei quit fighting the whole process.

  “I get to take you to the main storage warehouse where we can pick out clothes for you. I love to help pick out clothes. Mother fusses at me and I can only get two items each month from the areas marked for my age. But I always see the clothes for the women and I will like to dress you. Rie Bleak says that although you wear the bracelet, you can be dressed as a lady. That is a great honor they have given you. You see, I do talk too much.”

  Lorelei laughed, beginning to relax as the child soaped her arms. It took her a little while and a firm voice to let Tet know what Tet could wash and what she would wash herself. Tet showed her how to set the drying booth. She slipped a clean shirt on. Tet showed her the motion sensitive area that operated the door.

  They went down on the elevator through a hallway that led into a room that seemed to be a common eating room. They both took food—she let Tet point out items. They sat down and a woman came to them. Evidently here she didn’t have to eat what was left from Bleak’s plate.

  A woman approached. “Rie Bleak said you would like a hot drink with caffeine.” She set a cup down and poured from a larger pitcher. Steam came from the liquid.

  “Thank you.” Lorelei looked at the cup and then slowly took a sip. It was close to the taste of coffee. It would do, so she took a larger sip, then tried the food. She ate the bread item and what seemed to be fruit. She took one bite of something that looked like meat, but it tasted sour so she didn’t take more of it, pushing it back on the place.

  Taking another sip, she looked over the edge of her cup and became aware that there were a lot of eyes staring at her.

  “Tet, everyone is looking at me.”

  Tet smiled, looking very proud. “Yes, isn’t it wonderful. You have brought great honor to the twin Dissnue.”

  Lorelei gritted her teeth to keep from swearing. “Tet, how can a slave bring honor to a house?”

  Tet really gave her loud giggle. “Because you aren’t an ordinary slave and we don’t have slaves in this house, so you must be worth a lot to be a slave to this house. You are so special. Just look at you. Do you not know how much you are worth?”

  “Tet, I think you have the wrong idea about me. Can we just leave now?” She got up and Tet grabbed some food and followed her. Tet took her down another level that went down a long wide hallway. She felt was going away from the ocean. They walked for a long time, past many doors, some open but many closed.

  “Tet, how many levels are there in this home or what did you call it, the crokteam?”

  Tet turned down another long wi
de hallway, then into an open doorway that was, without doubt, the clothes storage area, which was a large warehouse that stretched as far as Lorelei could see. There were many people working down the long aisles filled with hanging clothes, shelves of boxes and drawers, some pulled out.

  Tet talked over her shoulder as she moved down an aisle into the room. “There are seven floors for the main house. There is the ballroom, which has a separate entrance, and below is the entrance for land and space vehicles with the repair areas behind. There are parking and storage lots buried deep in the mountain.”

  Lorelei was trying to absorb all of this information as she was looking at all of the clothes she was seeing. She could see military uniforms, baby clothes, ball gowns, anything you could imagine. Finally, Tet stopped in front of a counter where a woman was working.

  “Nee, this is the lady of the twin Dissnue. She needs clothes. I get to help.”

  The lady looked at Lorelei with a smile.

  “Welcome, we have all heard of you. Let me see your figure so I can pick proper sizes.” She came around the counter. To Lorelei’s shock, she pulled up the shirt.

  Lorelei twisted away grabbing the shirt to pull it back down. The woman seemed genuinely surprised at Lorelei’s reaction. She stepped back to look over at a unit that looked like one of the air dryers.

  “Okay, this might be better. Step in here and the machine will take your measurements.”

  Lorelei hesitated then decided that being naked was going to be a problem here so the machine might be the better choice. She stepped in. The woman took what was an electronic tablet, writing down information from the machine, and then nodded.

  “Is there something special you need beside the usual dresses, gowns, rain gear, and foot wear?”

  Lorelei looked at her for a moment. “Well, yes, I need work-out clothes.”

  The woman looked at Tet. “I’m not sure what that would require. What do you mean?”

  “Look, I do exercises to stretch my muscles. I am sure that Bleak and Leant do exercises in order to keep in shape or to build muscles. I need a top and either shorts or loose slacks that I can move freely to exercise in.” She stretched out in the aisle in a simple one leg to show them.

  “Oh, maybe this will work. Come this way.” They had Tee shirts that were in the children’s department. These were sleeveless and wouldn’t quite meet her waist. Then, in what she decided must be the teen’s department, remembering that these youth would be larger that teens from her home, they found shorts, so she picked up three tops. She matched these with three shorts and felt she had something to do her Yoga positions with comfort.

  Tet led her to another area. Here, they began to choose clothes to wear daily along with dresses for more formal wear and finally a couple of gowns that she thought were unbelievable. The woman, Nee, assured her that underclothes and shoes to match would be sent with the items. Also she was assured that any adjustments for her small size but generous breasts would be handled immediately.

  It was decided that all her stuff would be sent up. She was surprised to find that the morning was gone. By the time they ate lunch and returned to the suite, her clothes were there. Tet had lots of fun going through the items and hanging them up or putting them away. There was a separate room that seemed to be a storage and sitting room. Tet decided it was perfect for Lorelei’s needs.

  Lorelei chose a solid pair of shoes, happy to have something on her feet. She took a pair of shorts with a loose top that was full. It hung down over the shorts. She found panties—well, thongs—but no bras. She braided her long hair, letting Tet finish it by twisting a bright ribbon into the last few inches.

  As Tet worked on her hair, she looked out the window at the wild sea, but noticed that the rain had stopped. She had an idea.

  “Tet, can we go outside? I would like to see more of your world, since I have only seen the insides of this cave home.”

  Tet looked around, totally undecided. “The Rie’s aren’t here right now as they are getting ready for the Council meetings. I have no one to ask.”

  Smiling, almost hating to trick the sweet girl, Lorelei spoke quietly.

  “Well, then I guess that makes you the authority, since they put you in charge of me. There must be a safe place that we can go. Not near any vehicles, just outside for a little while?”

  Tet took a long time to think about this. It was obvious she had an idea that she felt would work. “I know what to do.”

  She went to a desk where she punched what was a system for talking. Someone answered. “I need a couple of the gardeners to meet us at the new Veedenee garden.”

  “Good, I need some fresh air. Oh, but we need some rain gear.”

  Lorelei didn’t question that the translator didn’t handle the name for the garden. She just followed Tet as Tet grabbed a couple of packets, handing one to her, then went out to a hall. She turned to the lift going up. When the door opened, a cool damp wind hit her face with the smell of clean damp earth.

  There were two tall men, dressed in a strange single uniform that covered them from neck to feet, leaving only their muscular arms uncovered. They nodded their heads at Tet and she smiled at them.

  “This is the Twinned Dissnue’s Concubine. She wants to see your work on this garden.”

  Lorelei took a deep gasp at the title, wondering about the difference between Slave and Concubine. Anyways, the men were impressed. They bowed deeply to her, then began to lead them down a path into a strange forest.

  Looking around, she realized they were on top of a flat plateau. She knew they had to be on top of the mountain that formed the cliffs that held the caves of the home below, but the giant trees prevented any view of the ocean. The heavy clouds drifted down to a fast moving mist being pushed by the wind. She felt her face and hair quickly being coated in damp moisture. Tet was breaking out her small package, unfolding an item that turned out to be a simple waterproof cover that slipped over her head. It covered her from neck to knees. Lorelei did the same, hurrying to catch up with the long strides of the large workers.

  The men were pleased to have someone to show off their work. The wild forest was something hard to tame. She could see the darkness formed under the leaves of the natural tips of the giant strange trees standing firm to the winds. She had a chance to look at these giants. They had a heavy trunk that rose up to thirty or forty feet before branching out in a complex network of crisscross limbs that interlocked. Only the very ends of the branches had leaves. The leaves were also large and wove an interlocking nest, making each tree a fully networked nest that she didn’t believe anything could penetrate. A line showed where the forest was being kept back. A garden was being tamed, and tried to show a place of containment. It was a large attempt at a garden that they walked along the edge of. Some areas had been almost finished. The proud men suggested the women sit on one of the benches.

  Tet giggled, sitting with her to wait as one of the men brought them samples of flowers.

  “These are the types of plants that they hope they can include in this garden, but they will have to shield the plants from the strong storms, so that will take building some two sided corner walls.”

  Lorelei took one of the flowers and placed it behind her ear and Tet clapped. The men smiled, going for more flowers.

  “Tet, let’s see some more.” She stood up with Tet. The men joined them, holding out flowers, then leading them around the edge of the forest. She slowly let them get ahead of her, pretending to look around. When she felt enough distance had developed, she just moved sideways, drifting into the wild forest.

  Chapter Ten

  She moved quickly, not caring what direction, but surprised that it was easy to find areas to walk through. There was plenty of undergrowth, many plants taking advantage of the protection from the storms by the heavy overhead cover, but not staying close to the giant trees, if that was what they called them. She could move fairly fast as there was no nourishment for
the undergrowth, since the strange huge trees took up all that the earth could give.

  She heard the voices behind her. Her first thought was only to put as much distance as she could between her and the workers. She knew their longer legs and knowledge of the forest would put them at more danger to her than Tet. She also needed to find some type of guideline to tell her where she was heading. She didn’t have a compass. With the heavy clouds, there was no way to see the sun that was the parent of this planet. She needed something so that she didn’t just run back to where she had started. She could use the voices to keep moving away from, but eventually she needed to get beyond hearing the voices. She needed to find a way of making sure she was heading in a direct line. Most of all she did not want to run in circles in an unknown strange forest.

  She got in an area between the tall trees, ignoring the scratches. She held out her arm over the leaves. Yes, there was a faint shadow. Okay, there was also the wind. It would seem to her if they were on top of the cliffs, then the sea had to be where the wind was coming from. If she were to move into the wind, she would eventually find the edge. She could follow the cliffs as she moved away from the crokteam house.

  She had eaten an extra large lunch, so she stopped at a clean point. She dropped her shorts to relieve her body. She took a big breath, then did what she hated to do, she took off the waterproof cover. She would not melt, she would just get wet. She took a few minutes to inspect the material carefully. She tried to tear it, but that was impossible. She had nothing to cut it with, so she carefully wrapped the scratchy material around the bracelet on her wrist. She didn’t know if this would have any effect on dampening the signal of the bracelet, but it was all she had and it was a good chance. She didn’t rush even though she needed to move on. She made sure that it covered the bracelet. She wrapped up around her arm to make sure it would stay in place as she moved. It was bulky around her arm and got in her way, but she finally felt she had done as good a job as possible. She started out again, walking into the wind, moving around the large trees. She found she could actually use the wrapping to push branches out of the way as she moved.


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