Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 2

by Valerie Twombly

  “I... Yes, I am curious.”

  “Then let me make the introductions,” Ashley said, turning to the first woman who welcomed her in. “This is Evangeline, but we call her Eva.” Eva stepped forward and gave Abby a quick embrace.

  “She is a guardian and that is why her wings are white.” Ashley then turned to the beauty with auburn hair and emerald green eyes. “This is Kelana and she is our first female warrior in a very long time.”

  Abby noted Kelana’s wings matched those of the men who had stood guard outside the doors. It was all a little confusing. “My mother had told me that all the women became guardians when they mated.”

  The ladies nodded.

  “That used to be true but not anymore,” Ashley said.

  “Oh. What about you? What kind of angel are you?” she asked, mesmerized by the shimmering gold and black of Ashley’s wings.

  The blonde smiled. “I am the Angel of Death.” She shrugged. “It’s not a bad gig.”

  Abby wasn’t sure how to react so, she said nothing and hoped shock didn’t register on her face.


  “Please, call me Abby.”

  Eva smiled. “Of course. Abby, we are very excited to welcome you here. As you were taught by your mother, the Tribunal is the ruling body of our society. At one time, we were also called the Seven, but at the moment we are only Three.” She laughed. “We would like to let you know, you are being considered as our fourth member.”

  Of course, Abby knew about the Tribunal and the Seven. She had been schooled in the matter from a young age. Her mother helped her read the books that had been sent to them when Abby was only ten. It explained how the angel society worked. Angels were born male. A human female was chosen to procreate with an angel and bear a daughter, a nephilim like herself. All nephilim bore a marking on their body. A single wing that indicated they were special. Abby’s was at the top of her right breast. When she mated, it would change into a full set of wings and then she would become an angel. A guardian, or so the books had said, but it seemed that may have changed.

  “I can’t believe I’m a candidate. I’m flattered and honored.”

  “We will make our decision once you finish your training,” Kelana stated.

  “Do you have any questions for us?” Eva asked.

  “I do.” She debated if she should, but she had to know. “My father...”

  Eva gave a small nod. Her smile disappearing. “Unfortunately, your father asked to not be identified. I am sorry.”

  Abby tried not to let it break her. It was no big deal that her dad was only a sperm donor. “It’s okay. My stepfather has always been my real dad anyway.”

  “If it makes you feel more comfortable, he does not reside in this territory.” It was Ashley who offered that piece of information.

  “Thank you.”

  “There is one thing you will need to do before we can finalize your seat on the Tribunal,” Kelana said.

  “Of course. Anything.” Abby was so excited to be part of this exclusive group, but she was nervous. Would she be able to pass their test?

  “Our world can be dangerous, so all women coming in will be trained in fighting and self-defense. You will begin your training immediately with one of the best,” Ashley said.

  Abby wasn’t sure what to think, but it certainly couldn’t hurt to learn how to protect herself. A few judo chops and a kick in the crotch could be fun. “I can’t wait.”

  Cade leaned against the building, one booted foot propped against the siding, and his arms crossed over his chest. He was bored and not at all thrilled he stood in the lot of the Snakehole, waiting for his new charge to be dropped off.

  Yeah, he was fucking elated.

  While he didn’t disagree with the idea the newly formed Tribunal had, in regards to training the females, he just didn’t want to partake. He was a fallen, and it made no sense, unless this was a way for him to regain favor. Next question was, did he want to? Living on the dark side wasn’t so bad. He definitely got to spill more blood. He was confused, not sure what he wanted any more. His life had changed drastically when he renounced the Maker. He honestly hadn’t expected her to turn her back on him. On any of them, and he was kinda pissed.

  No. He was pissed as hell.

  Lyzander had done it to get to his mate who—being part demon—had gone to Hell to track her father, and in the process had gotten into trouble. Cade and Raze followed Lyzander because of their guilt at having murdered Kelana’s family. Granted, they had been following orders, but neither warrior was one to let a fellow brethren take the fall for something they also had a hand in. So, Raze and Cade had fallen to help find Lyzander’s mate and give her the chance to mete out whatever punishment she thought fair to both of them.

  Kelana forgave them, but apparently, the Maker had not.

  Cade was jerked from his thoughts when power surged through the air, and Kelana stepped out of a portal with another female in tow. Cade straightened and looked over his new charge. The nephilim was definitely attractive, her hair the color of caramel, his favorite ice cream topping. Her curves weren’t bad either, especially in the slim jeans and tight tee that dipped to reveal ample cleavage. The tip of the single wing, that marked her as a potential mate to an angel, rose and fell on the curve of her breast with each breath she took.


  This idea was bad on so many levels. Just looking at her caused a stir in his groin. He should have taken the waitress up on the blowjob earlier.

  Son of a bitch!

  Kelana approached and Cade couldn’t take his gaze off the sway of the newcomer’s hips. They were perfect for gripping while thrusting into her sex.

  “Cade, this is Abagail or Abby as she likes to be called,” Kelana said.

  Cade tipped his head. “Abagail.” Using her given name would give him distance. He inhaled then swore under his breath when her sweet honey scent reached him. She was the nectar of nature, and he suddenly had a vision of her naked among a field of wild flowers. He needed to curb his appetite, or this train was going to derail in a big way. He reached for the darkness now residing in his soul and welcomed a little of it to the surface.

  “Cade. Nice to meet you.”

  The way his name rolled past her lips was intoxicating. Why did he think he could do this? Right, he hadn’t been given a choice. The girls––namely Kelana––guilted him into it, and he knew had he refused, Ashley would have simply ordered him to do it. With Lucifer gone, the Angel of Death was in charge, and she was one female he didn’t ever want to piss off. He rather liked his soul, even if it was a little darker now.

  “Shall we?” Cade waved his hand to his bike parked a few feet away. Abagail’s eyes lit.

  “Nice bike.” She headed toward it, and he caught the view of a round, firm ass.

  He quickly shot Kelana a death glare. “You fucking owe me for this.”

  She batted her lashes. “Why, whatever are you referring to?” Then she vanished, her laughter riding on the wind. That woman was pure evil.

  Cade strode to his bike, straddled the seat, and pushed the starter. The Harley vibrated to life under him, and he jerked his head at the female standing there staring at him. “Get on.” He should feel guilty at his coldness, but he didn’t.

  She slipped in behind him. Her arms circled his waist and his breath caught. She might as well have fisted his cock with the reaction he had to her touch.

  “Fun fucking times,” he growled and put the bike into gear, hauling ass out of the parking lot. The three women of the Tribunal, now on his shit list.

  Chapter Three

  Abby thought the angel that she wrapped her arms around was handsome, but something was different about him. Something dark and even a bit dangerous. It both frightened and excited her. She liked Cassiel and wanted to see him again, yet it was difficult to ignore the hard body she tried not to lean against. Realizing all angels were going to be drop-dead gorgeous, she had to set her mind on the mo
st appropriate match. Her mother had raised her to shoot for the best, and Cassiel was it. Abby didn’t think the man she clung to was an elite. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be training her.

  As they sped down the empty roadway, Cade pushed the bike faster, and her grip on him tightened. She’d never gone this fast before. Not that she was used to riding on a bike. This was her first, and at a more respectable speed, she would probably enjoy it. Just as she was about to shout in his ear to slow down, an enormous black hole opened in front of them.

  The last thing she remembered was screaming as they sped into the blackness. She was still shrieking when she heard a loud voice cut through her haze.

  “Would you stop that ungodly noise?”

  Abby opened her eyes and found herself standing on firm ground. The bike and the Colorado mountains were gone. Surveying everything around her, she found herself surrounded by a black and barren landscape as well as an awful smell. Like rotten food. She wrinkled her nose in distaste when Cade stepped into view, his brows pinched down over dark eyes.

  “What happened? Where are we?” She pulled her fingers through her hair, attempting to untangle the knots.

  “Welcome to Hell.” He smiled.

  Her mouth opened. “Hell, as in the Hell?”

  The corner of Cade’s mouth turned up. “Is there another one I don’t know of?”

  She narrowed her gaze. He mocked her and she didn’t like it. “Why did you bring me here? You might have warned me before driving through that... What was that anyway?”

  He shrugged. “A gateway to Hell. What else?” He pulled back his shoulders and a pair of wings snapped wide before settling to his back. She studied him for a moment.

  “Your wings are different.” They were black as the ground she stood on, with threads of crimson running through them. They were beautiful in their own way.

  “That’s because I’m a fallen angel.”

  She took a step back. “F-fallen?”

  His lips pressed into a thin line, and his brows dipped down again. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out he wasn’t happy, and she was the source of his anger.

  Way to go, Abby. Piss off a fallen angel who has just brought you to Hell.

  “Yes. Take a good look, sweetheart.” He spread his wings and gave them a gentle flap. “I am a fallen angel, and you are in Hell. You are here to learn how to fight, and there is no better place in the world.” He snapped his wings back to his side.

  “But the fallen are evil,” she blurted out.

  He stepped into her space. “Then you should take care not to piss any of us off. Now, less chatter and more moving.” He spun and started to walk away from her.

  How dare he! She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him as he walked away. No one turned their back on Abby.

  “Follow or stay, Matters not to me,” he yelled out and kept walking. Away from her.

  Her eyes dipped to his backside clad in denim, causing her to bite her lip. No man should look that good. Especially one who was tainted as he was. Abby waited, expecting him to stop and wait for her but he didn’t, and when he disappeared over a hill, she panicked. Her heart thumped heavy in her chest when a screech came from behind her and caused the tiny hairs on her neck to stand straight out. She took off and ran in the direction Cade had gone, never looking behind her because she didn’t want to know what kind of creature was back there.

  As she cleared the top of the hill, Cade stood on the other side. She skidded to a stop. “You did that intentionally.”

  He worked his jaw. “Lesson one. When given a command you follow it or face the consequences.”

  “What order?” She didn’t recall him telling her to do something. Besides, she didn’t follow orders. She gave them. It’s what one of her station in life did. She’d been overseeing the staff back home for a long time.

  “The one where I told you more moving.” He stepped closer, seemed to enjoy getting into her personal space. “Apparently you require a more direct approach. You will follow every word I tell you, starting with following me. Either behind me or beside me. Choice is yours.” He started to walk away again.

  “Apparently you have no manners.” She moved up next to him, casting a glance over her shoulder to make sure nothing followed them.

  He snorted. “Manners take a back seat when it comes to survival.”

  She shot him a dirty look, but he ignored her. “Where are we going, anyway?”

  “To Lucifer’s palace.”

  She stopped dead. “As in the devil, Lucifer?”

  He finally stopped and looked at her. “Did I stutter?”


  “Good.” He grabbed her wrist and jerked her to him as he took a step...

  Everything went black. Again.

  Cade pulled Abby into a gate that would take them straight into Lulerain. Already the girl grated on his nerves, and he could tell it was going to be no easy task training her. Her feelings toward him were evident.

  She thought a fallen beneath her.

  His mouth curved into a smile at the thought of her beneath him. Ice might run through her veins, but it might be fun melting her. Cade did like a challenge, and this girl was already proving to be a beautiful one. The dark side of him wanted to make this uppity female cry out his name in pleasure.

  The gate opened and he pulled Abby out then quickly released her wrist. She turned to him, a scowl on her face.

  “A warning might be nice. Didn’t we have this conversation already?”

  “You had the conversation. I didn’t partake.” He smirked. “Deal with it. Danger will never give you a warning, and neither will a demon if one decides to take your head.” He found himself standing over her. “Or worse.”

  The thought of what a demon would do to her was like a fire igniting dry pine needles. It flashed over him in a fury. It was then he noticed the flecks that blazed like molten gold in her hazel eyes. Maybe she wasn’t all ice. Perhaps there was a fire that burned in her soul. She would become a beautiful angel. He found himself wondering, once she was mated, what her wings would look like. No longer were the nephilim only guardians. Abagail could become anything.

  He shoved the thought aside. “Let’s move.” He could have simply opened a portal to the palace, but didn’t want her heat that close to him again. Besides, walking through Hell would do her good.

  No sooner had they taken three steps, when his senses went on high alert. He called forth his sword, the pommel still familiar in his hand. Thank the Maker when he’d fallen that his sword went with him. It was true; it was part of him and would remain at his command until his last breath.

  “What’s happening?” Abby’s voice broke the silence.

  Cade clenched his jaw. “You will do exactly as I say if you wish to survive.” The words slipped past his lips, and three demons flashed in front of him. One sniffed. Its large bulbous nose taking in all the scents around him, and then his red eyes landed on Abby.

  “I thought I scented a nephilim. Pretty one.”

  Cade flared out his wings. “Abby, stay behind me.” He pointed the tip of his sword at the demon who dared look at his nephilim with lustful eyes.

  “If you like your head, I’d suggest you leave. Now.”

  The three demons laughed, and the one on the right spoke. “You are one of the fallen who has been seeking to rule. Even took over Lucifer’s palace, but we will bring you and your brethren to your knees.”

  “Not fucking likely.” Cade swung his blade and met the steel from two of the demons. The third tried sending a blast of magic at him, but Cade managed to throw up a shield before it hit him or Abby.

  Cade was a seasoned warrior, and fighting more than one enemy at a time was mere child’s play to him. However, if any more showed up at the party, he would need to call for reinforcements because of the female. Without her to protect, he would care less how many showed up.

  “Umm, Cade there are three more of them coming from behind,” she

  “Fuck,” he mumbled. “Abby, listen to me and do not disobey me, or it will cost you your life. Do you understand?”


  The fear in her voice tore at him. “When I say duck, you do as I command. Ready?”


  “Duck!” He spun, erecting a barrier behind him, then called upon the darkness in his soul. He launched a power sphere from his palm, the size of a baseball, into the air toward the enemy. When it was close, Cade sent a mental command, and the sphere broke into three and sped at the oncoming demons. Within seconds it detonated, taking out the intended targets. He turned his attention back to the two in front of him, still trying to get past his protection. In order to fight hand to hand, he would have to drop the shield.

  He opened his senses, looking for the third demon and couldn’t detect him. Probably had left to bring back more of his brethren. Cade was going to have to take these two out and quickly. Dropping his shield, he flew a few feet off the ground and gave the demon to his left a kick in the chest, knocking it to the ground. With a quick arc of his blade, he severed the head of the other demon, his body crumbling to the ground. Before the first one could get back up, he sent his sword away and pulled out a dagger. Landing, he plunged the blade deep into the heart of the downed demon, giving it a twist. Blood welled up around the dagger, coating the blade with its foul slickness. He pulled his knife free then called back his sword to quickly detach the head of the demon, giving a true death. Gagging noises came from behind him, and he turned to see Abby on her knees. Her hands trembled as she wiped her mouth and looked up at him with fear-filled eyes. For a moment, he wanted to send her home and tell the new Tribunal to shove their training plan. Instead, he hardened himself. “Lesson number one. Never show mercy to your enemy.”

  She pushed herself to her feet and sent him a soul-piercing glare. “You’re an asshole.”

  Perhaps he was. But this nephilim would learn how to deal out death. He would make sure of that.

  Chapter Four


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