Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 9

by Valerie Twombly

  Chapter Twelve

  Abby had prayed that Cassiel was stuck in the clouds, unable to hurt her or her family, but he was exactly where she didn’t want him to be. Stuck in the mortal world. Before the panic could sink its claws too deep into her, Logan appeared, a scowl on his face.

  “Why do you summon me?”

  Ashley flashed her father a look that spoke volumes. She would be the diplomat. “I’m going to be direct. Do you have anything to do with the darkness swirling around in Peru?”

  “I’ve felt a disturbance, but it is not I.”

  There was a push against Abby’s mind. Gentle at first, then it became more of a shove until...

  Abby? It was Cade.

  Her mouth dropped open.

  Just answer me with your mind. Is he telling the truth?

  She swallowed and contemplated ignoring the question, but she knew the answer was important to everyone here.

  Yes. Logan’s words carried like a warm summer’s breeze.

  Thank you. Cade let the link slip away. She figured he must have informed Ashley of her reply, because the Angel of Death continued.

  “Is it your father, perhaps?”

  Logan seemed to think a long moment before he answered. “While it does carry his power signature, he is not behind the happenings there.” He tilted his head, gaze narrowed. “At least no longer. Perhaps he was a long time ago.”

  Everyone looked at each other then back at Logan. This time it was Tegan who posed the question, his voice honed like a sharpened blade.

  “I suggest you explain that statement.”

  Logan pinned a death glare on the elite angel. “You are in my realm, Angel. I’d tread lightly.”

  “I’m not frightened of you.” Tegan crossed his arms. “And in case you were not aware, I can enter this realm without assistance whenever the fuck I feel like it.”

  Logan scoffed. “I am fully aware you carry the blood of my father. That does not make you stronger than me. Careful you don’t become my enemy. While I’d hate to dispose of my general’s father, I will take whatever action is necessary.”

  Tegan growled and Abby swore he would have advanced if not for Ashley.

  “Stop pissing on the floor you two.” Ashley stepped between the two alpha males, her arms extended and gaze on her father. Abby had to applaud the woman with brass balls. “Let me handle this.” She turned back to Logan. “You made me your general, now treat me like one. What do you know about the power source in Peru? The portals have closed between the humans and angels. Will they close here as well?”

  Logan grinned. “There’s that feisty female. I only know there is a signature of my father’s power laced with the rest, but he is not there.” His lids dropped, turning his eyes into narrow slits of black power. “Do believe me when I say, I’ve already searched for the bastard.” He flicked his wrist. “I can’t speak to the portals. The humans are not my problem. Now, I must be going.”

  He vanished.

  Ashley crossed her arms. “I’m not sure that was much help.”

  “At least we know Lucifer isn’t there, but who the hell is?” Cade piped up.

  “More important, what did Lucifer wake up?” Tegan moved closer to his daughter. “Ash, this is your call, but I’m not sure I’d trust the portals to this world staying open either.”

  Abby had remained silent, biting her lip the entire time, and now she waited for Ashley to reply. The Angel of Death glanced around the room then began giving orders in a calm voice. Abby wished she could remain unruffled, but that would likely never find happen.

  “Zander, you and Kelana stay here until Raze is well enough to fight. Cade, you come with me. I want to see these phenomena myself. Father.” She turned to Tegan. “Do what you have to. I’ll make sure the portals here are monitored, but we can’t all abandon this realm either. There are demons here who need our protection.” Finally, she looked at Abby.

  “Abby, obviously you can’t go to the clouds, and I’m not sure where the safest place is for you right now.”

  Abby didn’t need to think about her reply. “I’d like to stay here and help, but I am worried about my family.”

  “I will check on them for you,” Cade responded.

  “Thank you.” She was grateful to the fallen who looked at her with concern.

  Cade had a quick word with Kelana, asking her if she wouldn’t mind spending some time with Abby’s training. He had no idea how long he and Ashley would be gone, but figured while the two women were together it would be beneficial. Of course she readily agreed.

  He and Ashley took a portal directly to Peru then flew under cover to Machu Picchu. As they approached, Ashley let out a gasp.

  Holy hell. She slid into his mind. Was it like this when you were here last?

  No. It has grown. The once invisible shield of power that surrounded the ruins was now a black storm. A sphere of power swirled debris around the area like a funnel cloud, yet it never moved. They spotted Seph in the distance and flew to him, settling on a rocky outcrop next to the reaper. “Seph, how long have you been here?”

  “I’ve been observing this since last night. In that time, I’ve picked up life forms within the power field, but I haven’t been able to see them.” Seph rubbed his jaw. “I’m beginning to suspect there may be some kind of underground network.”

  Ashley stared then squinted, as if it might help her see past the massive cloud and into the earth beneath it. “Have you tried getting closer?”

  “No. After what happened to Cade, we’ve all been ordered to keep our distance. I can tell you it calls to the darkness inside me.”

  Ashley nodded. “I feel it too, but it does feel different than Lucifer. Dark and definitely powerful, yet not wholly evil if that makes sense.” A chopper flew overhead, Channel 7 painted on the side. A man sat in the open door, camera on his shoulder as he filmed the area.

  “Has anyone watched the news?” Cade interrupted the hum of the chopper blades.

  “It’s worldwide. No way for it to go unnoticed now. I expected the humans to be showing up any minute,” Seph responded.

  “Foolish. Don’t they realize this is dangerous?” Cade asked. The words had only slipped from his mouth when a team of four backpackers came up the trail. Three men and one woman stopped several feet from the invisible shield. At the moment, things were quiet. A light breeze blew, but there was nothing that would lead the humans to believe they were in danger. Cade felt it though as he was sure the others with him did. The three remained behind their cloak and watched.

  The team below pulled off their packs and started to unpack tents. The female walked closer to one of the ruins, and suddenly she was jerked off her feet. Held in an invisible grip, her screams ripped through the air, and the powerhouse behind whatever lurked below vibrated its anger. The woman continued to scream as the invisible fist clenched around her and tossed her to and fro.

  “Fuck,” Cade growled, jumping off the ledge without a second thought. His wings snapped out as he fell to the earth. He reached her just as she was tossed free, left to fall to her death. He swooped low and caught her in his arms. Frightened blue eyes stared at him as he carried her back to safety.

  He set her down, her friends staring at him, one making the sign of the cross over his chest. Cade only rolled his eyes then focused back on the girl.

  “Are you hurt?” Not waiting for a reply, he began scanning her with his power, looking for injuries.

  “I”—she swallowed—“I, um, don’t think so. More scared to death.” She seemed to pull herself together rather quickly. “You’re real.” Her hand raised and Cade knew what she intended. He snapped his wings in and forced them to absorb back into his body.

  “Never touch the wings. Not unless you wish to seduce an angel.”

  Her eyes widened. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  He felt bad for being snippy. “It’s okay.” Ashley landed beside him.

  “Injuries?” she questioned and he
turned his head to look up at her.

  “Doesn’t appear to be.” He narrowed his gaze. “One of us wasn’t bad enough?”

  She shrugged. “I figure you’re on the news now so what does it matter? At this point, they might as well know we are here.”

  Cade rose to his feet, helping the female he rescued up as well. The chopper steadied itself overhead, camera pointed at them, and no doubt rolling live for the world to see. Ashley patted him on the arm and smiled.

  “National hero. I can see the headline now.”

  He snarled under his breath. “You’re in charge here. Fix this.”

  “You know I’m also a little bit of a rebel. Humans have believed for eternity that angels exist. Now they have proof at a time when they may need it most.” She pointed at the ruins that were encompassed in dark power.

  “Excuse me.” The female broke their banter. “I want to thank you for saving me. But, what is that? What’s going on here?” She shoved out her hand. “Oh, I’m Michelle from Channel 5 news. My contacts here in Peru told me there was something weird going on.” She stared into his eyes. “I had no idea I would find real live angels here.”

  Well double hell. He would have to rescue a news reporter. “We are not the cause of the problem but here to find out what it is.”

  She rubbed her arms and looked back at the stationary storm. “Is... Is that a gateway to Hell?”

  “We’ve no idea.”

  Abby climbed the stairs and found her way to the room where Raze was staying. She gave a knock on the door then peeked inside. His face lit up.

  “Abby. Come on in.”

  With a slight hesitation, she entered the room and tried not to stare at the bandage around his neck. Instead, she gave in and simply asked, “How bad is it?”

  Raze was propped up, pillows surrounding him. “It’s healing but will take a few more days before I’m back to normal. The cut came from the back and severed my spinal cord. I need to remain sorta immobile for a bit.” He wrinkled his nose. “I hate sitting still.”

  Abby moved the chair closer so she could talk with Raze, understanding now why Cade had not been himself last night. They really had come too close to losing Raze. She hid a smile at the thought she was part of their team.

  “Have you ever been hurt this bad before?” He reminded her more of one of the surfers that spent their days on the beach. His hair a light brown with sun-kissed highlights, sideburns melded into the short whiskers along his jaw, the same fair color as his hair. He had a smile that would melt a woman’s heart, but there was no mistaking he held a darkness same as the others. She’d seen Raze move in mock combat with Cade, and Raze proved he held the same lethal edge.

  “Pretty close but this is the worst.” He smiled. “It comes with the job.” He clenched his fists. “I hate that I’m laid up while the others are out doing something. What’s going on, Abby?”

  She tried to offer an understanding smile as she repeated what had happened earlier downstairs. “I’m sure they would rather you rest so you can be back at your best.” She contemplated for a moment. Raze made her comfortable, like a little brother except he was likely hundreds of years older than her. “Can I ask you a personal question?” It would also help put his mind on something else.


  “How did you and Cade fall?” She knew they’d come together, and Raze was definitely more open than Cade.

  “Kind of a long story, but shit I got nowhere to be. Long ago Cade, Zander, and myself reported to another elite angel. Zander was our commander, but we were all following orders from higher up.” He paused as if thinking back. “Anyway, we were ordered to kill two women and a child. Malik had told us these demons killed an angel and were sentenced to death.”

  Abby sat in stunned silence, unable to comprehend that women and children would be condemned to death, even if they were demon. But then again, she didn’t think killing an angel was right either.

  “So, we went to the home they had in the human world. Took out the two women, but Zander told Cade and I the child was gone. Fast forward, that child turned out to be Kelana, and we murdered her mother and grandmother.” Sadness hardened his features. “Kelana was there, hiding under the bed, but Zander sensed she had angel blood and knew right away something was wrong. He told our commander that the mission was a success.”

  “I... I can’t believe you didn’t question these orders to begin with.”

  Raze’s eyes darkened to pools of blue death. “In our world, you don’t unless you expect a lot of hurt. At the time, there was a war raging between us and the demons. We didn’t think twice, but thankfully Zander did. He kept the secret locked away until recently, when he and Kelana ran across each other. Come to find out, Malik was her father and wanted his daughter dead.”

  Abby gasped. Her hand over her mouth, unable to speak. How could a father wish his child dead? Her mind went back to Cassiel, and she had her answer. Bastard.

  “As you can see, the two are now mated, but it was touch and go. When Kelana was trapped here by Malik’s demons, Zander fell to rescue her and we followed.” His eyes burned with guilt. “Cade and I both wanted to help after we learned the truth. We even knelt before Kelana and offered our lives as punishment.”

  “Wow. That’s some story. And she forgave both of you?”

  “Yes. Said we’d given up enough when we fell.”

  Abby wasn’t so sure she would have been that forgiving, but Kelana understood this world better than she did. “Why do some angels, like Kelana’s father, seem so evil? It makes no sense to me.”

  Raze shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable, and Abby reached out to help him fluff a pillow. “Some simply go rogue. No one understood why Malik became so dark. Perhaps it was because he was an ancient. He’s dead now so we can’t ask him.”

  “How old is Cassiel?”

  Raze studied her until she wanted to squirm under his intense stare. Did he know?

  “I’m not sure of his exact age, but he is an ancient. Most elite are. Are you worried he will go rogue?”

  I believe he already has. She shook her head. “Just wondering.”

  His blue eyes continued to bore into her. “Cade may be a fallen, but he is a good guy, Abby. He would never harm you.”

  Her heart raced. “Why do you say such a thing?”

  “Most think I’m a carefree smart-ass, but I see things, Abby. You changed after your visit with Cassiel. Even your aura changed color.”

  Abby tugged on the hem of her shirt. “What do you mean, my aura?”

  “When you came to us, the energy that surrounded you was bright yellow, indicating you were a playful spirit.” He gave a slight lift to his shoulder. “Usually an angel can only see the aura of their mate, but a few of us can see it on those younger than we are. Your aura has paled. You fear something.” He crossed his arms. “Except when you’re with Cade.”

  “W-what do you mean?” She feared his answer.

  “It shifts to brilliant red. You are attracted to him, your sexual energy does not lie.” He grinned. “Neither does his. You two are compatible.”

  It suddenly became too hot in the room. Her clothes choked off the air to her skin, and she wanted to run. Instead, she took several deep breaths. “There is nothing between Cade and me.”

  “Don’t fight it, Abby. Whatever hold Cassiel has over you, Cade will break him in half. His power is growing, but I sense the darkness he fights. We all do, except for Zander. I think Kelana helps keep his in check.”

  I want to believe all of it. But dare she put the safety of her mother and sister in the hands of anyone but herself?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cade and Ashley escorted the reporters back down the hillside until they were a safe distance from the disturbance. The entire time, Michelle bombarded them with questions they simply ignored. When they finally reached the reporters’ vehicles, Michelle got Cade off to the side.

  “Can’t you give me something?” Her blu
e eyes pleaded. “It’s not every day a gal gets rescued by a real life angel.”

  Ashley? Do I talk?

  Why not? We can’t hide the fact you were seen rescuing a human. Besides, maybe it’s time we came into the open.

  “Fine. We don’t know what’s going on but we are monitoring it.”

  Her eyes widened. “How many of you are there?”

  “Look. You should really be talking to one of the leaders. Maybe I can arrange it for you.” Tegan was a good diplomat, and this reporter didn’t need to find out there were fallen angels. It would probably frighten people.

  She dug into her pack and pulled out a card, offering it to him. “I can be reached on my cell. Anytime, night or day.” She pulled her bottom lip through her teeth. “I wouldn’t be unhappy if you contacted me some evening.”

  He understood her hidden message. She was pretty. Bright blue eyes, short dark hair, and a curvy body. “Thanks, but I’m spoken for.”

  “Oh. I’m so sorry. I had no idea,” she stammered.

  “It’s okay.” Why the hell had he lied to her? He knew damn well why. Some uppity nephilim had gotten under his skin. Michelle headed to her SUV, and Ashley came up beside him.

  “Why did you tell her you were spoken for?”

  Damn that female and her excellent hearing. “I was letting her down easy.”

  “Riiight.” Ashley smiled and batted her eyelashes.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Cade snarled.

  “It’s obvious that you are attracted to Abby.”

  He scoffed.

  She clasped her hands behind her back and twisted from side to side, looking skyward. “I thought you and Abby might make a good couple.”

  He glared at her through half-lidded eyes. “You tricked me? There is no program to train nephilim?”

  She lifted her shoulders. “Oh, there’s a program but...”

  They were cut off from further discussion when Seph and Eli landed next to them.

  “When will the humans ever learn? Now they know about us?” Eli crossed his arms, irritation dripping off him.


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