Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 12

by Valerie Twombly

  “I felt something. A connection between us.”

  “The bond has begun already. Something tells me we are a unique couple.” He grinned.

  “What do you mean?” She ground her hips, teasing him.

  “I could connect with your mind even before this, which should not have been possible. And now, our souls have already connected. Our bond is already strong, and it’s not even complete yet.”

  She closed her eyes, and the minutes ticked by before she opened them and replied, “I only desire you. I did from day one but was being an idiot.” And then she moved against him, and they were back in the throes of passion.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cade hated to wake Abby. They had made love several times into the early morning, and with each time, their connection deepened. He had no idea it would be this way and would swear this woman had been made just for him. He felt the rise and fall of her chest as he spooned into her back. He kissed her neck, and she moaned, turning slightly; her eyes opened, still full of sleep.

  “I must get dressed so I can go see this daughter who needs waking,” he whispered. Abby rolled into his arms, her breasts pressing into his chest, and he had to fight taking her again. She needed rest, and he had to get them out of here.

  He also had an angel to kill.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “No. You stay here and rest. I must go alone, it’s safer that way. There’s a tray of food on the table when you’re ready.” He kissed the tip of her nose, reluctant to leave the warmth of her side. But he rolled from bed. “I believe you’re safe here, but keep your mind open to me anyway.” Rather than donning the garment he had worn last night, he pulled on his jeans and tee.

  Abby lifted her head. “Such a shame to cover perfection.”

  He laughed. “We’ll have plenty of time to be naked together.” He walked back to the bed, leaned in, and kissed her. A quick, yet passionate pressing of lips. If he allowed her fire to consume him again, he’d tear his jeans back off and have his way with her.

  He tested their connection.

  Ma moitié, I’ll return soon.


  He spun and left the room. A guard waited at the end of the corridor and escorted Cade to the king, who was lounging on a large, brightly colored cushion, sipping something from a clay goblet.

  “There you are. I was becoming impatient.” The king rose, wasting no time. “Come.”

  Cade followed him across the room. When the king stopped at the wall and placed his hand on the smooth surface, a door slid open. The king called his warrior forward with a torch, indicating for him to light the way. Before Cade began the descent down the stairs, he flared out his senses. The scent of the earth, old dirt, reached him. They were descending farther into the ground. However, he detected no life forms of any kind.

  He counted forty steps until they reached the bottom at last. The warrior went ahead and lit a torch on the wall before coming back and handing the flame he carried to his king. With a bow, the man disappeared back up the stairs. The ancient moved across the empty room and again placed his hand on the wall. Cade wasn’t surprised when another door slid open, and this time he knew she lay inside. He waited, however, knowing the king would summon him when he was ready. He watched as the man entered the room and lit several torches.

  “You will come now.”

  Cade walked to the opening then stepped inside. Abby?

  Are you okay?

  Yes, just checking our connection. I’m deep in the earth. Just entered the room where the daughter is.

  Be careful.

  Do not fear. Nothing will keep me from you. Then he closed his connection as he stared at the woman lying in front of him. Her resting place was crafted of the finest gold and lined with cushions. She wore a gold headdress spread out in a fan shape on top of her head, intricate designs carved into the precious metal. The dress was that of a woman of her station, royal purple with a vibrant design woven into the hem and the matching sash. Her collar was a thick piece of gold as were the cuffs on both wrists.

  Her black hair spread out on the pillows and accented her lightly bronzed skin. He knew that if she opened her eyes, they would look back at him a brilliant blue. He wondered who her mother had been, for she bore only a small resemblance to the man beside him. As if reading his mind...

  “Her mother came from another land. She holds her beauty.” Sad eyes met his and then the king bent and kissed his daughter’s lips. “I will leave you. When she wakes, she will hunger and we will rest again.” He touched her hair. “Live well, daughter. Make a good life and find happiness.” Then he was gone, and Cade was left to wonder what the hell he was supposed to do now.

  He studied her, unable to believe she was perfect. Whoever had sent her to sleep had been powerful. He flared out his senses. There was no pulse or heartbeat. Her lungs didn’t fill with air, and by all accounts, the woman was dead. Pulling in a deep breath, he summoned his wings, stretched them wide, and then his power exploded to life. He placed his hands on her stomach. Sent his power flaring into her, searching for anything unusual. He wasn’t Ashley, couldn’t raise the dead, but for some reason he was here.

  As his power raced though her veins, he detected a faint heartbeat.


  Had he done that? He looked to see if her chest rose from breathing, but there was nothing. So he attributed the heartbeat to the fact he’d missed it before. Far as he could tell, she was in some kind of stasis, and the big fucking question was, how did he wake her? If her father was correct, and he went back to sleep after his daughter woke, then it would stand to reason that the shield trapping them might crumble, and he could get Abby to safety.

  With no ideas, he went with the most basic. Shoved more of his power at her and then... “Wake up, Arsenia,” he commanded.

  Her heart rate increased, became louder followed by her first breath. Her eyes snapped opened, and they were as he expected. Vibrant blue.

  He took a step back. “You’re safe.” She had a wild look about her as her pupils dilated and her eyes darted about the room. Before he was able to register what was happening, she leapt from her resting place with a speed that wasn’t human. With a hiss, she had her mouth on his neck and a sharp pain sliced through him.

  Cade? Cade, something is happening. Are you hurt?

  Shit. He couldn’t answer, but it seemed Abby felt his pain. He tried to shut down his link to her, but black dots swirled in front of him. He tried to pry the female off him, but her strength was implausible, and his was quickly waning. He could only manage to utter one word before darkness overtook him.

  In a fit of panic, Abby jumped from the bed and threw on her clothes, not even caring her shirt was inside out. As she flung open the door, Cade whispered in her mind.


  Cade? She knew he wasn’t going to respond. Felt him slip away from her, and as she ran down the corridor, the earth shifted. The guard who stood in her way suddenly vanished, but she was too focused on finding her mate.

  My mate.

  They hadn’t completed the bond yet, but it would happen. Now that she had freed herself of the shackles her upbringing had placed on her, she knew Cade was the one meant for her. He would protect her and those she loved. First, she had to find him because he needed her help.

  Taking a right down another corridor, she came to an abrupt dead end. “Son of a...” She spun and ran back to where she had been. When she reached the other end, she stopped and tried to clear her mind. “Use your common sense.” She and Cade had a strong link, and she had to use it to her advantage. Taking a slow, deep breath, she searched for him, locked on then moved in the other direction. Their connection grew stronger, and she knew now she was heading in the right direction. She only needed follow the beacon.

  After several twists and turns and some backtracking because she’d gone the wrong way, she finally came to a set of stairs. Without hesitation, she made her way down, knowing damn well she w
ould get an ass reaming if Cade saw her running straight into the unknown.

  Abby didn’t care. He was down here and needed her help.

  She heard a hiss and something streaked past her, sending every hair to stand on end.

  When she reached an interior chamber, she found Cade slumped in a corner; blood trickled from two puncture wounds on his neck. His eyes opened, but he seemed to look right through her. She shook him.

  “Cade.” Brushing hair from his eyes, she inspected the wound on his neck closer. She shook him again. Cade? She tried to reach his mind but found only silence. He was breathing, and when she placed her hand on his chest, she felt the strong steady beat of his heart.

  The ground shook and she feared the stone walls collapsing on them. She should go in search for help but didn’t want to leave him alone. Especially not knowing what was out there. Another tremor came and this one did send a few stones crashing to the ground. She needed help to get him out of there. He was far too big for her to move on her own.

  A shadow moved in the outer room, and her heart pushed into her throat. Instinct said whatever was approaching wasn’t friendly. She searched the room for any kind of weapon, but it was empty except for a big golden bed of sorts. She fixed her gaze back on the entry, the only way in or out.

  More shadows.

  Screeching and hissing echoed from outside. The ground bucked like a bull trying to rid its rider, and then the floor cracked and buckled on the other side of the small room. A hole had been blown open, and an eerie glow beamed from inside. Clawed fingers reached upward, and Abby was certain Hell itself was about to erupt. Shouts and the sounds of fighting filtered in between the crashing of rock after each rumble of the ground. Not willing to die without a fight, Abby reached for the only crazy idea she had. Opening her link to Cade once more.


  Still silent so... Logan? Anyone? Please tell me someone can hear me. Cade and I need help. Quick! She closed her eyes and concentrated on Logan so hard her head began to throb.

  A whisper of cool air brushed her skin, and she lifted her lids slightly. Caught the figure standing in front of her then opened fully to take him in.

  “Logan, thank goodness.” He knelt beside her, no longer clad in the dark suit she had seen him wear before. He was now casual in jeans and black tee that stretched across his chest. His dark eyes pinned on Cade.

  “Vampire. There is no such creature in existence, yet he bears the bite and has a great deal of blood loss.” He looked to her. “Did you see it?”

  “No. Is he going to be okay?”

  Logan snarled as a demon began to pull itself from the hole in the floor across the room. How he knew since he was focused on Cade and nothing else, Abby could only assume he sensed it. He turned his head toward the demon.

  “You fuckers will learn to obey,” Logan’s voice bellowed. The demon let out a miserable, ear-piercing scream before it burst into flame then turned to ash. Logan turned back to Abby. “If any others come through that hole, then they are truly stupid and deserve what I unleash upon them.”

  She didn’t even want to go there.

  “Cade will be fine, he just needs rest. However, not even I know what a vampire bite to an angel means.” He laid one hand on Cade and pulled Abby’s into the other. The air thickened and went to black. Seconds later, they were back in the palace where Ashley sometimes stayed.

  “Get him to a room,” Logan commanded to one of the armored demons Abby had seen guarding the place. She knew their appearance, underneath all the black armor and helmet, was that of a human. From the stories she’d been told, many of them had sided with Ashley after she had killed the demon leader. Abby was starting to think she wanted to be like Ashley when she grew up. The woman was fearless or at least appeared that way. Either way, she could hold her own. Protect herself and those around her.

  Abby needed that for herself as well. She’d been getting better with a blade but had a long way to go.

  “What happened? Tell me everything.” Logan pulled her from her thoughts.

  She went into how she and Cade had somehow ended up inside Machu Picchu. The king kept saying something about waking his daughter. She didn’t know much more than that since Cade had been speaking with them in their language.

  “I will speak to Cade when he is strong again. Meantime, everyone is out fighting. Whatever happened had the opposite effect on the portals to Hell. Rather than lock beings out like the clouds, they sprung wide fucking open, and now demons are crawling out. Lulerain is holding on by a thread. I have Ashley and several others stationed there to stave off any misbehaving demons.” His mouth drew into a thin line. “Trouble is, Ashley has no place to send any souls, and it won’t take long for word to spread. It won’t be long before pandemonium breaks out.”

  He flashed white teeth. “And where did this fucking vampire come from?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. I’m still surprised I was able to call you.” Then she remembered. “Wait, you said you had no idea what a vampire bite would do to an angel.”

  His brow cocked and he ignored her statement “Yes, how did you do that?” He ignored her statement.

  “I tried connecting to Cade, and when he didn’t answer me, I called for you.” She chewed her bottom lip, waiting to see if Logan would become angry.

  “Yet you two are not fully mated so that should be impossible. Fascinating.” He touched her shoulder. “There are guards surrounding the place but pick up a weapon and be prepared. I must go.” Then he stopped. “Oh. Your future mate may wake up with a thirst for blood. If this is the case, be sure to feed him.” He left in a whirlwind of black smoke.

  Abby was left standing in the grand entry to the palace, her mind only on Cade and the fact he may suddenly want to drink her blood. She squared her shoulders and started for the stairs, when a flash of four paws and black fur barreled into her, nearly knocking her over.

  “Riot, you crazy mutt.” She laughed, scratching his head. “I have to go see Cade.” She continued to the stairs, ran into one of the guards, and drew upon her years of training. “I need a weapon.” She made sure to stare upward where the slits were that he viewed through.

  I will not wince.

  Though it was difficult when the being towered over her. He wore a suit of black armor with spikes on the left shoulder and several evil-looking weapons strapped to his back. He tilted his head to look down at her.

  “You belong to the fallen, Cade.”

  She stuck her hands on her hips. “I belong to no one. Now, a weapon. Where can I find one?” Was he laughing?

  “You will cut yourself.”

  Her gaze narrowed. All she wanted to do was get to Cade and make sure he was still breathing. His mind was still quiet, which meant he was still out cold. “Listen, you bucket of metal, there must be a blade suitable for me.”

  He raised his hands, and for a moment, she feared he would strike her, but she held her ground. Instead, he pulled off his helmet. Underneath was a mass of curly, black hair and striking, blue eyes. While she knew they looked human, she had not seen one this close. He was devastatingly handsome.

  “I am Drakkar.” He reached for something on his thigh and handed her the hilt of a blade. “Should we survive this, you will be a suitable mate for the one they call Cade. It will take guts to stand by the fallen who will oversee Lulerain. You seem to have that in spades.” He tipped his head toward Riot. “As well as a hound.”

  She accepted the dagger, a little surprised by his compliment. “Thank you.”

  He tipped his head. “It would please me to be your personal guard until such time as I’m no longer needed.”

  “Oh, well then take me to him.” Apparently, her skills in managing the household staff were going to come in handy after all. Who knew such a thing would be needed in Hell?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cade slipped in and out of nightmares. The image of Abby falling to the ground kept repeating itself. Except this tim
e, he saw it was Cassiel who plunged the dagger into her and took her life. He woke with a start. Looked around, expecting to find himself still in the small room in the Inca ruins. Instead, he saw Abby curled up in a chair next to the bed he laid in and quickly realized he was back in Ashley’s palace. He threw off the covers and sat up.

  “Hey. You’re awake.” Abby flew from the chair and landed on the bed. Circling her arms around his waist, she dropped her head to his chest. “I was so scared for you.”

  He stroked her hair. “Last thing I remember was a sharp pain, and then...” It came back with a flood of memories. “Shit! The daughter woke up and she fucking bit me.”

  Abby leaned back and looked at his neck. “The puncture marks are gone.”

  “How did we end up here? How long have I been out?” He pulled her into his lap and settled her against his now painful erection.

  “You whispered ‘vampire’ in my head. The ground was shaking, and I knew you were hurt.” She went on to tell him how she found him and the demons, who were trying to come through the floor. She had linked to Logan via his mind. “You’ve been out for two days.”


  Abby kissed him and he opened to her. Her tongue was hot over his, his little fire mate. Her fingers delved into his hair, and he leaned back against the headboard. Allowing her control and loving it. When she broke free, they were both panting.

  “I need you,” she whispered.

  He grinned. “As you can tell, I’m raring to go.”

  She pulled her tee over her head. With no bra to impede him, Cade cupped both breasts in his hands. Rolled her nipples between his thumb and finger.

  She tipped her head back. “I’m not in the mood for teasing. You scared the shit out of me.” She looked at him again with a lust-filled gaze. “I want you now and forever.”

  He leaned closer. “What are you saying, Abby?”

  “Finish the bond.”


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