His Long Shot

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His Long Shot Page 6

by Allyson Lindt

  There was no way Vance knew Zach’s playboy persona was a façade, but the invitation made it feel like he did. It was a shame Zach couldn’t ask Rae.

  He cringed. That was a bad train of thought to loiter on. She was the last thing he needed hanging over him right now. The memory of her skin against his. The taste of her kisses. His cock stirred at the reminder of being pressed against her heat, hearing her gasp. The unfinished business in his office with her yesterday.

  He was starting to worry Scott wasn't going to show when a familiar SUV pulled up to the valet. The jet-black Escalade was hard to miss, but the G4M3G0D vanity plates were a dead giveaway. A whisper of relief passed over him. An attendant opened the passenger door, and Zach's eyes grew wide as he saw who stepped out. He slid his sunglasses down his nose to make sure he wasn't imagining it.

  A white sundress dipped low enough to show a hint of cleavage, but not so low it was inappropriate, had replaced Rae's gauzy top and denim skirt. A sliver of pink peeked out from under one of the shoulder straps. Leave it to her to hide a hint of color under something plain.

  The bottom edge of her dress swirled around her legs and ended just above her knees, elongating well-toned legs. The sinking sun caught traces of auburn in her sandy hair, refreshing the lingering memory of strawberry shampoo that had teased Zach since he’d lifted her onto his desk.

  Scott had said he was bringing someone and insisted she was just a friend who’d make things more comfortable. Maybe Zach should have asked for more details.

  The couple stepped onto the curb, and Zach extended a hand. “Running into you is becoming a habit.”

  Rae hesitated before accepting the handshake. “No date?” She flushed and ducked her head, leaning into Scott.

  Scott wrapped an arm around her waist.

  Zach noted the intimate interaction. He had to bite the tip of his tongue to keep from making a joke about the two dating. No reason to make things even more awkward in a situation that already promised to be less than pleasant.

  Rae wrapped the strap of her purse around her finger and released it.

  Even if Zach knew what to say, their dinner companions heading toward them put a hold on any casual conversation. He pasted on a smile, and taking the hint, Scott turned to face Vance and Selina. Both were dressed in their work clothes still, even though Selina had taken her hair down and let it drape around her shoulders and down her back.

  Zach hadn’t had a chance to get a good look at her in the office. He took the opportunity now, using his sunglasses to hide his observations. Selina’s jacket accentuated every subtle curve on her tall frame without showing any skin between the neck and knees. He let his fantasy trip over what was hidden under the burgundy suit and peach button-down. Black lace, maybe? Or something more practical?

  Nothing as fun as hot pink. He glanced at Rae. Maybe she was free after dinner.

  “Gentlemen, I’m glad you had time this evening.” Vance shook their hands.

  Like we had a choice. “It sounded like a great chance to get away and get to know the two of you better.”

  “I'm sorry to see your girlfriend couldn't join us. Or is she not here yet?” Selina tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I'm afraid work demands so much of my time I don’t have a social life.” Zach tried not to choke on the pleasantries. He didn't mind the platitudes most of the time, but hated discussing his private life. “There's no girlfriend.”

  Scott stepped in. “This is Lorraine.”

  Zach bit back his surprise. Rae was using her full name. Some of the muscles in his neck loosened, and his shoulders relaxed. She was taking this as seriously as they were. Things might go more smoothly with her here.

  Vance shook Rae’s hand. “We should head inside. I'd hate to keep you out so late you can't finish your homework.”

  Zach’s bit the inside of his cheek. He was seconds away from giving a notably unprofessional response. He knew the older man was rude, but really?

  Rae’s smile didn’t match the way her hand tightened on her purse. “It's all right. I don't usually work at night, but the right people know how to get a hold of me.”

  “What do you do, dear?” Selina asked.

  Rae unzipped the outside pocket on her purse. She plucked two business cards from a small silver case and held them out. “Financial and operations consultant.”

  Vance tucked the offered card into his jacket pocket. “Interesting. I didn't realize the unemployed got such fancy titles.”

  Rae's smile twisted but didn't falter. “Neither did I.”

  “You misunderstand.” Zach couldn’t keep the edge from his tone. It took most of his remaining restraint to keep from speaking through clenched teeth. “Lorraine is one of the most sought-after names in the country. Anyone worth the C in front of their title is familiar with her name and knows she can make any budget work. A talent like that doesn’t tie herself to a single employer.”

  “That’s an impressive recommendation.” Selina stepped between Zach and Vance.

  Scott cleared his throat. “She deserves it. I think our reservations are waiting?” As they headed toward the restaurant, he wrapped an arm around Rae’s waist again and shot Zach a glance, eyebrow raised.

  Zach turned away from the unspoken question. He knew better than to let emotion show in business conversations, especially defensiveness. It was going to be a long night. Vance managed to work his way to the front of the group. The doorman greeted them with a nod, holding the smoked glass open.

  Zach gave the dimly-lit room a cursory glance. There wasn't a bench seat to be seen in the steakhouse. Burgundy tablecloths and soft candles decorated every table, accessorized by snifters and napkins folded to look like swans. Even though half of the restaurant was full, the quiet chatter barely reached above the clang of silverware on porcelain.

  Years ago, when Scott's parents were the ones with the money, and Zach only tagged along when his friend begged, the high-end restaurant would have intimidated him. Since then he'd learned to appreciate the indulgence, especially when there was a good reason to expense the bill.

  The conversation shifted to business after they were seated and ordered.

  “I was concerned to see your names in the news this weekend.” Vance draped his cloth napkin over his knee. “That's not the kind of image we like our executives to project. Reflects poorly on the company as a whole, you understand.”

  Right, Scott went off at a trade show last week.

  Zach wanted to mention DM needed to get used to it. Scott’s reputation was built on that kind of bullshit, and the fans ate it up. They’d beat that argument into the ground months ago, though. “Of course. We’ll keep that in mind in the future.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Rae whisper something to Scott, who forced a smile and nodded back.

  Zach tried to ignore his twinge of jealousy, and focused on Selina. She had yet to toss passive-aggressive insults at him. “So how long have you been with the company?”

  She chuckled and took a sip of her wine. “Too long.”

  “You can contact PR if you need any help,” Vance said. “I'd hate to see this reflect badly on either of you.”

  Scott sighed, and Rae whispered something else to him.

  “I appreciate the offer. I'll let you know if we can't handle it.” Zach forced his smile to stay intact. He desperately needed a smoke.

  He almost jumped when a foot traced up his leg. Looking up, he caught Selina's eyes over the top of her glass. She winked before glancing away. Even if he’d been interested, sleeping with the HR rep from his parent company seemed like the fastest way to make things worse. The last thing he needed was to deal with sexual harassment complaints or sensitivity training.

  What he needed instead was to walk away for a few minutes and collect his thoughts. He reached for his pocket. “I thought I turned this thing off.” He lit up his phone as he pulled it out.

  “Something wrong?” Disdain hung heavy in Vance
’s voice.

  Zach stared at the device, feigning concern. “I need to take this. I apologize.” He stood, already holding the phone to his ear as he walked away from the table.

  He pushed outside, letting the evening air wash over him. Great. Five minutes into dinner, and he was already making weak excuses. He rounded the corner to escape from foot traffic, lit a cigarette, and inhaled deeply. He could make it through the night. This was what he did. He could ignore the arrogant old man taunting them with what was rightfully theirs.

  And he could make plans for after dinner. He took another drag off his smoke and then pecked out a quick message to Rae.

  Busy later?

  He didn’t expect a response during dinner. She was wearing the same cool, professional mask as the rest of them. So he was surprised when his pocket vibrated within a few minutes.

  I’m your important call? I’m flattered.

  He couldn’t help his smile. Like that, a layer of his tension evaporated. Texting at the table? That’ll earn you another jab about your age.

  A few seconds later: Powdering my nose. Have to get back, and no, I’m not busy later. Want to change that?

  His cock twitched in response to the bold flirting. He inhaled deeply, and then blew smoke through his nose, trying to calm his reaction. His reply was brief. After dinner?

  Because closure, right?

  He smirked, still unable to force his heated blood to cool down. His mind raced ahead with suggestions about the ways they could define closure. Dragging her zipper down. Following it with a trail of kisses along her spine. Drawing his palms up her stomach to cup her breasts...

  He sent back, Of course.

  What happened to sensual seduction? she asked

  That’s what this is. He knew better, but this was fun. Light-hearted and simple, the way the two of them should be. He wasn’t sure where the thought came from, but as it rolled around in his head, it felt right.

  God, you’re an ass.

  He laughed at his phone and the empty air. More of his tension evaporated from his tight muscles. She might have meant the comment cruelly, but something told him she was having as much fun as him. Only because I can’t stop thinking about how incredible yours is.

  My ass?

  And the rest of you.

  *Blush* Don’t be late.

  A half smile stayed with him while he finished his smoke. He hovered outside for a few more minutes to let the smell dissipate and then headed back to dinner. Rae had already rejoined the group and was swapping stories with Selina about whether it was better to give someone a written warning right off or talk to them first. When Selina took the hard, fast line of no exceptions, Zach was even more relieved he’d ignored her flirting. Not that she held a candle to Rae.

  “Everything all right?” Scott asked as soon as Zach was seated.

  Shit, Zach hadn’t come up with an excuse. This entire thing was screwing with his head. His brain kicked an answer to his mouth without pausing to let him process. “Broker.”

  Scott scowled. “Of course.”

  Vance laughed. “At least you’re planning for your future.”

  Rae gave Zach a brief glance. She looked away before he could be sure if what he saw dancing in her brown eyes was laughter.

  He resisted the urge to call off the night early. Knowing what was waiting for him would at least make things more tolerable.

  Chapter Seven

  Rae perched on the edge of Chloe’s couch, intertwining her fingers and then unwinding them again. Should she change? She’d already stowed her shoes in the guest room. She smoothed the sundress over her knees, even though there was no one around to be modest for. Her sister was spending the night with Jordan, so Rae had the place to herself. Was she making a mistake with Zach?

  No. She kept thinking she might feel differently each time she asked the question, but she couldn’t convince herself this was a bad idea.

  She jumped at a knock on the door, hand flying to her hammering heart, and giggled at her own reaction. Remember to breathe. She tried to take her time crossing the room to answer.

  “Hey.” It was the only thing she could manage when she saw Zach. She stepped aside, using the excuse to study him when he entered. The tailored jacket hung off his shoulders perfectly, and the slacks made his ass look fantastic. She liked the view when he was around.

  Her hostess instinct kicked in when she couldn’t think of anything else to say. She latched the door and leaned back against it. “Can I get you anything?”


  That was corny. And she didn’t care. Her lips and skin still tingled with the memories from his office, and that was only a kiss. She forced down her hesitation and stepped closer. “Easy enough.”

  “Easy’s not the word I would have used.” He rested a hand on her cheek and kissed her softly. His mouth trailed down her jaw to her throat and over her shoulder. “I could go for intoxicating. Or distracting.”

  He was good at that. Her body yielded even as her mind tried to stay in control. Getting rid of the sexual tension between them was definitely a good idea. She tilted her head back, sinking into every new sensation. “It’s not a negotiation.”

  “Hmm...” The sound rumbled through her skin. “Says you.” He slipped a finger under the shoulder strap of her dress and slid it down to the top of her breast before moving back up again. “Pink bra.” He kissed along her collarbone. “Flared skirt.” His hand rested on her waist. “Wait. What were we talking about?”

  She relaxed further. This wasn’t the salesman who worked his verbal bullshit magic at dinner or the guy who didn’t hesitate to ask for a waitress’s phone number. Would he actually let down his defenses for the night and let her see the real him? She was trying to deny it, but she missed that person—the banter, the fun, the long hours just talking.

  She couldn’t separate the past from now, regardless of how hard she tried? Was this a mistake? The desire flooding her said no. The ache of the past disagreed.

  “You’re too quiet.” He nipped her neck, and she gasped. “That’s a start. Something on your mind?”

  No way was she spoiling the moment by voicing her doubts or observations. She broke away with a smile, pushed his jacket off his shoulders, and hung it on a hook by the door. “Only one thing.”

  He grasped her fingers with one hand, pulling her close while wrapping his other arm around her waist. He kissed her lightly again. “The kind of thing you’d be willing to describe in vivid...” He caught her bottom lip between his teeth “...lurid...” He bit her earlobe, voice barely a whisper “...detail?

  Every new sensation sent another spark through her, making her lightheaded. She pressed against him, memorizing the way her body molded to his. “I’m not the wordsmith you are, and what I had in mind is a lot more hands on.”

  He slid around until he was standing behind her. His lips traced up the back of her neck, breath hot against her skin. “I like the way you think.”

  She tilted her head back and rested it against his chest. He glided his palms up her stomach, the light but confident touch sending tingles of desire through her. This was simple, how was it so enthralling? She didn’t care, as long as he kept going.

  His nose tickled her shoulder then her ear. “Strawberry, right?” His question was soft. “Basic, but seductive.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Every sensation was something new to lose herself in, and she wasn’t sure which to give her attention to next.

  He brushed the bottom of her breast. Temperature rising, she gasped and pressed closer to his body. Wetness grew between her legs at the feeling of his hard cock against her butt. He was as turned on as she was—the realization amped her desire another notch.

  He squeezed gently until he reached her nipple. He pinched the hard nub through her dress, increasing the pressure as her moans grew louder.

  She grasped a fistful of skirt when she couldn’t find anything else to hold onto. He glided his free hand down her
bare arm, covered her fist, and then continued lower. He inched the fabric up until his fingers reached the outside of her thigh.

  “You have no idea...” He pulled her skirt higher, nails raking lightly up her skin. “...how hard it was to concentrate at dinner, knowing you were waiting for me.”

  It took focus to form words, but she managed to find her voice. “I have a little bit of an idea.”

  Still sliding her dress up, he reached her waist. The air caressed her now-exposed leg, and she shivered at the contrast with his hot touch. He squeezed her tit. The hint of pain mingled with pleasure, and tore a moan from her throat. Letting go of the edge of her dress, he sought out her mound with his fingers, and rubbed through her panties. She shifted her weight to bring herself closer to his hand.

  He kissed along the back of her neck. “Is this what you want?” He shoved the thin, cotton crotch aside. His groan mingled with her gasp when he touched her slit. “God, you wax? I love these surprises.”

  She didn’t have a reply. All her attention was on his hands, and her breathing grew shallow.

  His fingers dipped between her folds. “And you’re so wet.”

  Her back arched when he found her clit.

  “There?” He placed a finger on either side of the swollen button.

  She nodded. Speaking was beyond her grasp right now. He worked his hands in rhythm tweaking her nipple and stroking her sex. She wrapped a hand around his left arm, nails digging in. His pace stayed steady, almost maddeningly so. Enough to build a solid rush inside, but not grant her release.

  She bit the inside of her cheek, torn between covering his hand with hers to pick up the rhythm and seeing how much longer she could sink into the delicious sensation. She hovered on the edge of climax, and her mind fuzzed.


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