Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother ~ Part 1

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Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother ~ Part 1 Page 1

by Harlow Grace

  Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother.

  One night changes everything.

  Part One

  International Bestselling Author

  Harlow Grace

  Harlow Grace

  Copyright 2015


  Adult Only Themes

  Language & Sexual Situations

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother


  1: Grayson

  2: Grayson

  3: Layla

  4: Layla

  5: Layla

  6: Layla

  7: Layla

  8: Layla

  9: Layla

  10: Grayson

  11: Grayson

  12: Layla

  13: Layla

  14: Layla

  15: Grayson

  16: Layla

  17: Grayson

  18: Grayson

  19: Grayson

  20: Layla


  Also by Harlow Grace



  Rich. Sexy. The catch of the century.

  Grayson Forbes is intelligent, gorgeous and heir to a mining fortune.

  He’s thoughtful, gentle and caring.

  Everything a woman wants in a man.

  Beautiful women climb over each other to get into his bed.

  Grayson is also my stepbrother and best friend.

  We adore one another.

  He’s my comfort blanket.

  And to him, I am simply his geeky stepsister.

  Until one night.

  One night that changes everything between us.

  Once I’d had a taste, he’s all I want.

  It’s wrong. It can never be.

  Grayson Forbes is everything I can never have.

  My name is Layla and this is my story.

  WARNING: 18+

  Not appropriate for readers under 18.

  Contains explicit language and descriptions of sexual situations.


  Dear Reader,

  Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to read and review Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother, Part 1.

  I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. At the time I wrote Monster Stepbrother, I’d developed 2 concepts – a dark one and a sweet one. I’m pretty pleased that I got to write both!!!

  If you enjoyed this book, I would really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to leave a review. I look forward to reading it as it really helps an author a lot — especially new ones.

  Thank you so much!!

  Preorders for Part 2 will be available soon. Please check Amazon. Thank you for your continuing support!!

  Take care,

  Harlow xo


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  Copyright 2015 HARLOW GRACE

  All Rights Reserved.

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  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real.

  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Editor: Ellie Aspill

  Cover Designer: Mayhem Cover Creations


  To my beautiful daughter.

  The day you were born was the day my life changed for the better.

  I love you with all my heart.

  To the moon & back...


  To Ugly Ducklings everywhere.

  Every woman is beautiful. You are too.

  See the beauty in yourself.

  Those who love you already do...


  1: Grayson


  Oxford, U.K.

  “You promised me six years. Six years where I could do whatever I wanted. I still have nearly two months left.” I wiped my brow, tired to the fucking bone. I sank back into my chair, my knuckles white as I clutched the phone to my ear.

  The tone of my father’s voice was hard and unsympathetic. “Son, you’re wasting your time. You should be here, working with me—shoulder to shoulder. You have a damn empire to take over.”

  He hesitated for a moment. I could picture him grinding his teeth like he always did when things weren’t going his way. His voice softened a fraction. “I need you here, Grayson.”

  Pressing the phone between my ear and shoulder, I groaned and rubbed my temples. We’d been over this so many times before. Way too many fucking times.

  There was nothing I wanted less than to take over his empire.

  Frustration roiled in my gut. We were never going to agree on this. I loved my father—he was a good, no . . . a great man. But I wasn’t going to sell my soul to please anyone. I was just as stubborn as him. Ironically it was a family trait that had brought us the success we desired. Whenever we set our minds on something, we worked until we got it. Pity we had polar opposite ideas as to what my future career entailed and neither of us were going to relent any time soon.

  “Dad, I hated every second I spent working for you during my school vacations. No offence, but it’s not in my blood. I’m not like you. The thought of mergers, acquisitions, dealings and negotiations make my stomach churn. As much as it excites you . . . it just doesn’t do it for me.”

  A heavy sigh sounded down the line. I closed my eyes and imagined him pinching the bridge of his nose. As usual, neither of us was prepared to compromise. Another trait I’d inherited from him: an obstinate determination to do things my own way. Milton Forbes was a force to be reckoned with, he didn’t take prisoners. But I wasn’t giving up on my dream either.

  “Goddammit, Grayson, I didn’t raise you to slave your ass off mending broken people. You were born into the Forbes dynasty—your rightful place is at the head of our company, just like mine was and my father before me. Forbes International has been run by Forbes men for three generations and now it’s time for you to step the fuck up to your responsibility. I’m tired of this bullshit.”

  Me too.

  The headache I’d developed when I had answered his call just got worse. Slumping forward, I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, willing the pounding in my head to stop. Already ingrained in my mind, I knew what his next words would be before he spoke them.

  “Don’t let me down, Grayson. I need you here beside me, learning the business. You promised me that if I gave
you six years, you’d come home and stop your nonsense.”


  I ground my teeth together as I pushed down the anger that threatened to take over. I needed to stay calm and in control. If I lost my shit, it would just prove to my father that he was right.

  Raking a hand through my hair, I rose from my desk and paced the room like a caged lion. The walls were closing in on me and I struggled to breathe. I loved it here in my tiny loft apartment. It was only two blocks from the university and a stone’s throw from the hospital; this was home to me and time was running out faster than I could handle.

  “You’re probably the only father in the universe who isn’t pleased his son won a scholarship to Oxford University.” I struggled to keep the bitterness from my voice. Silence greeted me at the end of the line, giving me a chance to speak my mind. “Do you have any idea how hard I study? I’m going to be a damn good doctor when I qualify. Do you really want to force me into a career I don’t want because that’s what my great grandfather dictated?”

  “I didn’t have a choice . . . and neither do you. Sorry to remind you, but your time and my patience is running out. Once you start your career at Forbes International, you won’t have even a second to think about medicine or any other bullshit.” He hesitated for a few seconds before continuing. “You’ll grow to love it, just as I have. This is for your own good, Son. One day you will thank me.”

  I snorted. Hell would freeze over before I felt comfortable in his world. Sarcasm crept into my voice. “I guess you don’t want to know then that I’ve been selected for specializing?”

  “No, I don’t.” His agitation was palpable. “Listen, the only reason I gave you six years to go to the bloody U.K. in the first place is because I promised your mother I would. I’ve kept my side of the bargain, now it’s time for you to keep yours.” His tone softened suddenly. “I love you, Grayson. I only want what’s best for you.”

  The funny thing was, I knew he loved me. He just didn’t want me to stray from the path already set out for me since the day I was born.

  His secretary talked to him in the background, something about a meeting he was running late for. Frustration flooded my stomach. I blew out a ragged breath. “I’m studying for finals, so I really don’t have time for this discussion. We’re no closer to a solution and it just makes my head hurt. I’ll be home after my exams.”

  “We can talk more when you get back to Australia.”

  “There really isn’t anything new to say. We’re never going to agree on this. I’m old enough to make my own decisions about my life. I know what I want, and being part of Forbes International isn’t it.”

  “Fuck, Grayson. I’ve got to run. But this discussion is far from over.” My father seldom cursed, so I knew he was equally as frustrated as I was.

  I wished I could do what he wanted. I loved the man and I did want to please him. But there was a part of me that just couldn’t give in to his demands and sacrifice my own dreams. Because, as much as I’d inherited my father’s stubborn streak, I’d also inherited my mother’s tenacity.

  Persistence was my middle name.

  2: Grayson

  Two Weeks Later.

  Sydney, Australia.

  Something stirred in the dark. I scrunched my face at the intrusion.

  Who could be up at this hour?

  My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I recognized the curvy female frame instantly.

  What was she doing here after midnight?

  This was an unexpected treat.

  The taxi had dropped me at my father’s mansion only fifteen minutes ago, and since it was late and I presumed everyone was sleeping, I came to sit in the back garden before letting myself into the house. The flight home to Sydney had been long, and I craved fresh air.

  Intrigued, I nestled further back into the cushions and into the enveloping darkness of the lush garden so that I wouldn’t be spotted. She wouldn’t be expecting me, so as long as I was quiet, she’d be unaware I was watching her. I’d missed her more than I cared to admit. Of all the people in the world, she was the one who grounded me, who made me feel at peace.

  Should I let her know I’m here?

  No. I wanted to watch. I wanted to see what she was going to do next. It was selfish. Even a bit stalkerish. But my gaze was glued to her silhouette as she stood by the water’s edge with her arms raised above her head as if she was trying to catch the stars.

  Mesmerized, I watched as she pulled her nightgown over her head and threw it to the ground. Standing naked by the glistening water with her body perfectly outlined by the three quarter moon, I’d never seen anything more beautiful.

  “Lala,” I whispered under my breath, careful not to alarm her. It was too late to make my presence known without embarrassing the both of us. She’d die if she knew I’d seen her naked.

  I soaked up every detail of her beautiful body and committed it to my memory, it was a sight I’d never forget. Her long hair tumbled down her back and over one shoulder. My gaze traveled Hongrily up the curves of her luscious body, from her dainty feet up her calves and thighs, until it lingered on her bottom. She had the ass of Venus—full, pert and round. Perfect.

  I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to.

  As the cool night breeze hit her nipples, they hardened. Her breasts were heavy and sensual. Just enough for a handful.

  My dick stiffened.

  If I were a sculptor, hers would be the body I’d carve into the likeness of my ideal woman. Curvaceous. Soft. Womanly.

  Slowly I sucked in a breath, careful not to make a sound in the stillness of the night.

  Breathe, Grayson, breathe.

  Layla stretched her arms in front of her and dived into the water with a grace she didn’t normally display. Seconds later her head bobbed up from under the water and she swam several lengths of the pool, her arms and legs propelling her through the water, her long hair surrounding her face as it flowed around her. The blue glow reflecting from the pool accentuated her curves and her nakedness as she moved through the water.

  I’d never seen anything more sensuous. If mermaids existed, Layla must’ve been one in a past life. She swam a few more lengths, able to keep her breath under water for several minutes at a time. I found myself holding mine every time she went under, my lungs burning until she finally surfaced.

  Pushing my dick down with my palm, willing it to settle down, I fought my inner desire. It was wrong to be aroused like this, yet my cock had a mind of its own.

  It was natural for a man to be stimulated by the sight of a beautiful naked body. Men had been wired like that for centuries. It was how our species survived. As a medical student about to qualify, I knew that on an intellectual level.

  Yet it wasn’t the primal instinct of my body I was worrying about. It was the way my heart twisted when I looked at her beautiful face, turned up to the moonlight when she came up for air, that disturbed me most.

  That and the urge I had to touch her. Hold her in my arms. Kiss her lips.

  Make her mine.


  I had no fucking idea.

  3: Layla

  I’d always been lucky.

  Unlike a few of my school friends who had stepfamilies they didn’t get along with, I was one of the fortunate ones. Not only did I adore my stepdad, Milton Forbes, I actually liked and got along with both of my stepsiblings.

  From my desk, I peered over the computer screen to where my stepsister had sprawled herself out on my double bed. After breakfast and still in her pajamas, she’d come to my room to hang out. I just smiled and indulged her, happy to have her companionship. As long as she didn’t divert my attention too often, I’d never shut her out.

  Taylor was a gorgeous sixteen year old going on twenty-one. She was beautiful with a heart shaped face and golden blonde hair. Her long limbs moved gracefully as her feet danced in the air to the rhythm of the music she was listening to on her iPod. Lying on her stomach and flipping through a magaz
ine, she was in her own little bubble. She hummed a tune softly, completely absorbed by what she was doing.

  As if she felt my gaze on her, Taylor looked up from her magazine with a concerned expression on her face.

  “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. How is that little girl you were telling me about? Is she any better yet?”

  Taylor could come up with the strangest things at the most random times, but I liked that she’d taken an interest in my young patient. “Carmen? She’s doing really well actually. She’s able to walk a short distance by herself.”

  “You really are amazing, you know? Helping people like Carmen become mobile again after an accident, it must be so amazing and overwhelming.”

  My smile beamed back at her. “It is. Nothing beats the look of pride and joy on a person’s face when they achieve something the rest of us take for granted every day.”

  “I know. You must feel so proud too, seeing her achieve that. ‘Specially after the doctors said she may never walk again.”

  My eyes misted up. It had been a long and hard struggle to get Carmen to this point. “Well, if there is one lesson I’ve learned, it’s to never give up. Persistence pays. And Carmen’s parents were incredibly supportive too. That’s crucial in a case like this. Miracles happen if we believe in them, you know.”

  “You’re such a softie, Layla. The world is so much better for having you in it.”

  The sincerity in her voice and her beautiful words choked me up even more. “I’m just doing my job, baby girl. Helping other people is what I do best. It makes me happy.”

  “When I grow up I want to be just like you!” The passion in her voice surprised me. I felt humbled yet slightly embarrassed that she thought so highly of me.

  “Haha,” I laughed. “You’re going to be spectacular in your own right. Just find something you love and it won’t feel like work at all. But talking of work, I’ve got to get back to this assignment, missy, it’s not going to finish itself.”

  “Oh, okay. Sorry for distracting you.”

  “No worries. It’s nice of you to care enough about Carmen’s progress to ask after her. But the due date on this is looming and I still need to write a crapload of pages. So let me get back to work okay?”


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