Disciple: Knights Disciples MC

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Disciple: Knights Disciples MC Page 8

by Hampton, Sophia

  Will gripped her to him. "Come here, you," he nuzzled her. "Where did my little demure honey go?"

  "Demure? Have I been a demure all this time?" she asked. "I want to be a wild cat."

  "You are." Will plunged his tongue in her ear. His mouth found the dip where her neck met her shoulder. He clamped onto it gently and battered it with his tongue. He splayed his palm on her belly to support her. She was so, so wet for him. He took hold of the shower head and drew it down to aim it to a place that would give her most pleasure. She dropped her hand to herself, to make little circles on her sensitive nub to ensure intense erotic payoff.

  He whispered in her ear, "Does that feel good?"

  "Yes," she moaned. Her legs began to tremble and shake. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other to steady herself and, in doing so, found yet another way to excite herself. Her orgasm was imminent and it was irresistible to push on through to make it happen.

  The first of her tremors hit in sweet, powerful clenches. Her body flushed from head to toe, making her feet tingle. Laura slumped back against Will who closed in on her mouth and kissed her slowly, intimately. The hot water was running out. It was time to get out of the shower.

  They stepped out onto a thick carpet. Will fetched two sheet towels and they wrapped up in them. Laura's body had been chilled outside despite the blanket and she hadn't realized until now. After the amazing sex and the hot water, she felt so warm and safe and cozy. Despite the recent ups and downs, she finally felt serene.

  It was short lived. After dressing, Laura peeked in Lucas's room just to check on him and, once again, he was gone. He left a note that since he was not in school and that he was going to spend the next few days with some friends.

  Laura was so upset. Will assured her. He was one step ahead of Lucas. He had texted one of the Knights’ Disciples that Lucas had not met before to tail Lucas's every move. Laura's kid brother could have as much independence as possible under heavy surveillance. Will promised Laura he was safe.

  "Why can't we just go get him?" Laura asked.

  "We can do whatever you want,” said Will. "We can go get him and imprison him until his urge to do whatever he wants to do passes, but if he explores his options under the safety of our watchful eye, maybe he will realize how good he has it. He might learn a thing or two. If we cut off all his privileges and force him to stay, he will resent us. He tolerates me but he still has a connection with you. That could be jeopardized if we strong-arm him."

  Laura was wringing her hands. What Will said made sense but Laura wasn't willing to cut the apron strings.

  Shortly after they had discovered that Lucas had left the house again, Will got his first report. Laura watched as his face changed. If he didn't like what he was hearing, she wasn't going to. When he got off the phone, Will sat her down. "Okay. You know from your Criminal Justice studies and your work at the volunteer center that Members of Park Heights Gang has a lot of street gang enemies.

  It seems that Lucas has taken great pains to associate himself with a rival gang. My hunch is that he will be gone for a few days to undergo some kind of initiation. I guess our plan isn't going to work the way we wanted it to. We will go pick him up."

  Relief cooled Laura's insides and for a moment she relaxed. "I know I am going to smother him if I try to prevent every bad thing from happening, but I can't say I am unhappy that we're bringing him home. I haven't been hard enough on him. Well that's all going to change. Let's go," she said.

  "No, baby," Will said.

  "What do you mean ‘no’? You know, you do to me what I am doing to Lucas. I am not fragile. I am not afraid," she said.

  "I am glad you aren't afraid," he smiled as he stroked her hair. "But the answer is no. We aren’t going to get him. There may be guns and other weapons. You would be a hindrance, not a help. You don't want to get anyone hurt by being there,” he said softly.

  "But -" she protested. She saw, however, that there was no pleading with him. "Can you please at least tell me what gang? Where he is?"

  Will smiled. "No. It's for your own good. Now I am going to get my shoes and my coat on. I am going to meet up with some of my guys. Pete will stay here with you. You ought to be safe. We should be back in a few with your brother. What would be an enormous help is if you call this guy. He is a detective, gang division with Baltimore Metro Police. He has been working on Lucas's case. He's the one who came over to inspect the vandalism at your place yesterday."

  While Will went upstairs to get ready to go out, Laura did a really bad thing. She checked his texts and found the address where the Knights’ Disciples were going to retrieve Lucas. She had her own idea about how best to reach her younger brother. As part of her work with gang outreach, she had a cache of urban clothing. She did just was Lucas did when Will left and went upstairs and pretended to retire to her room. She snuck out and drove over to her place to get her things.


  It wasn't easy to break into her own place. There were a few windows boarded up and the place was surrounded with police tape. There were lights burning and she could see a couple of the Knights’ Disciples in the house. Laura would either have to break in or just announce herself at the front door. If she walked through the front door, Will would be tipped off immediately that she was not where she should be and if she broke in, she risked getting shot as a burglar.

  She sat in her car and studied her house. She had grown up in that house and she knew it inside and out. She did have a good chance of sneaking in. She saw that the guys were in the front of the house; her bedroom was in the back over the kitchen. She very carefully tiptoed around back. She climbed up on the roof of the porch. She remained still just outside her window. The window was locked, but Laura knew how to get around that. She very carefully tugged at the sash. It pulled out of its slot and lowered. It had been broken long ago from the one or two times she snuck out as a teen and from having to get into the house without a key.

  She made a mental note that it should be replaced with the other windows. She rolled into the room and pulled out a box underneath her bed. It was a collection of costumes she had put together for some role-playing she did for class. They studied how various kids reacted to them wearing suits, regular jeans, and then gang garb. Laura dressed in the dark. She slipped on a latex dress and a pair of platformed spikes. She may not have had a gun, but her spiked platforms were lethal weapons.

  She checked herself out the full length mirror in the shadows of the room. As she turned, she dropped her car keys. She bent over to pick them up, her legs made extra long by the six inch heels. She could feel the latex taut over her buttocks. It was at that point that the lights went on. She was stuck in her vulnerable position and had to work her way up.

  "Don't move," said Will Shriner. Laura didn't obey. She put her hands on her knees and slowly hoisted herself upright. "I should spank that."

  "What are you doing here?" she asked still not able to face him.

  "I have the same question for you," he said. "Your little brother is home, by the way. We got him that fast. He is mad as a hornet but we got him. What have you got on?" A couple of the Knights’ Disciples rushed to the door behind Will.

  "Jeez," one exclaimed.

  "That's enough," murmured Will. "Can you please leave us alone?"

  Laura heard the door close and she turned to look at Will. She blushed from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. "Thank you for getting Lucas for me," she said in meek tone.

  His tone was scolding but soft, "Did I know what I was talking about?"

  Laura nodded.

  "So why did you leave poor Pete holding the bag? He had to tell me that he let you get away and for a few minutes no one knew where you were. Do you know how much that sucks?"

  Laura had not thought about that. It was killing her that she was losing her brother to the clutches of the dark world of gangs. She was desperate. She stepped out of her spikes, preparing to change back into her regular clo

  "I’m not finished talking to you." He stepped closer to her. "Put those back on please." He wrapped his powerful arm around her waist to steady her until she fished her foot back into the shoe.

  Will walked her over in front of the mirror and stood behind her as the two of them gazed at her reflection. "Nice clothes," he said teasing her. "Do you have any other little gems you haven't disclosed to me?" His voice was as soft and sweet as honey.

  It sent heat throughout her and Laura was aroused. The circumstances were stressful but she wasn't sorry Will saw her in the latex. She had a great body and the gang clothing made her look wickedly hot. It excited her that she had been caught. She liked the look in his eyes as his eyes raked her. He looked like he was going to ravage her.

  "No, this is it," she answered his question.

  "So not only did you ditch Pete, you broke in here," his voice was low and still.

  "Yes, but - " she pleaded.

  "Yes but nothing," he said. "I mean good job is in order and my guys will have to step up their game, but it's bad enough that I have a teenager sneaking around putting himself and everyone in danger. But now I got you to worry about?"

  "I said I am sorry," Laura repeated. Her body was completely aroused. Her nipples were hard and they showed through the tight latex. Will lasciviously grazed their erect peaks with one finger and with his other hand cupped her between her legs. He then skimmed the rubber up her hips slowly as they both watched. He guided her hands to press against the wall around the mirror. Their eyes never left each other, connected in their reflection.

  Will unfastened his pants. He slipped into her, entering with a rigid erection while she was half-clothed in the rubber dress, her body jutted and flexed in the platform spikes. He steadied her as he drove into her fiercely. Will gave the round firm curve of her buttocks a spank. Laura's eyes widened with surprise. He did it again before pumping wildly, his body racked with a powerful climax. Finally he covered her, sandwiching her between the mirror and his torso, gently, securely as he recovered from the powerful quickie. His breath was hard as he struggled to come back to reality. He clutched her.

  "You have to promise me that you won't do anything like this again," he said. "We will handle this. Put your other clothes on and if they are any other goodies here, I want you to bag them up and take them back to my place." He pulled her latex into place and helped her as she stepped out of her shoes. When she went over to the box of her urban clothing, Will paused to rummage through it. He looked at her with a wolfish gaze. There was something of that cold bloodedness she had witnessed in Carl's Little Bar that had scared her. And thrilled her. Will cupped that back of her head and kissed her intently. She never felt so safe and cared for as a woman ever.

  When they broke their kiss she laughed softly. "You spanked me."

  "I did," he said with no hesitation. "Kinda had to with you dressed like such a bad girl – a delicious one. You're lucky you look so amazing, baby doll. I didn't like having my stomach in my throat with worry. I might have to confiscate all this stuff and let you wear it on special occasions if this is what gives you confidence dealing with bloodthirsty gang members."

  "Bloodthirsty?" Laura was taken aback. "Who did Lucas get involved with now?"

  "Oh, he did his homework," Will replied. "And if you had made it to their place and they had saw you in this," he paused. "I don't even want to go there. We are going to go home, go to bed and in the morning we are talking about how strict we all need to be where your brother is concerned."

  "But it's the gangs -" she protested before he cut her off.

  "Laura, baby doll. It's him. He is reaching out to these gangs. He is trying to find a way to be man. If he can find a way to not act on the urge to connect with these guys, I think we can show him how to do that. But it might get a little worse before it gets better and I need you to promise me you won't do stuff like this to undermine us. I’m serious, Laura. I gotta be square with you. I adore you. Not since my wife -" he stopped himself. "But as I told you I was a cop, and once a cop always a cop. I am going to have to put Lucas before you and me if it means you try to do another end-run. Am I clear?"

  Laura stiffened her spine. She had not expected that. "Yes," she replied. "Just so you know I have to do what I think I have to save him, too."

  "That would be me, Laura," he answered. "I am Lucas's best shot and your only chance. I gotta know you're with me. Now shall we go home to him?"

  "Yes, Will," she said looking into the most amazing hazel eyes she had ever hoped to see. She didn't finish changing into her other clothes. She wore the tight rubber dress, her winter coat, for the temperatures had dropped that night, and her boots. She and Will carried her stuff. One of the other guys rode his bike over as Will drove her car.

  So many things swum around her head as she headed to Will's, which felt like an extension of her own home, that somehow Will and she and Lucas were becoming a family, or at least that was what her mind was telling her. Whether or not it was true, she had knew for sure she had an insatiable appetite for him. That the passion and electricity she felt for him was boundless. It was love. Of all the uncertainty in her life, Laura Mills was pretty sure she was head over heels in love with Will Shriner.


  Snowflakes landed lightly on Laura Mills' face as she walked from the car to the substation of the Baltimore City Metro substation. The snow was really picking up. They were calling for six inches – the first real snowfall of the season. Laura adjusted her hat even though she was going to go inside. She walked into the lobby and called for the elevator. A dark figure stepped up behind her, cast a shadow onto the floor over her shoulder. Whoever he was, he was standing way too close. Laura didn't have a chance to just step aside and wait for the next elevator. The doors opened up and he just shuffled them both in. Laura braced herself and summoned the courage to face her fellow passenger.

  When she laid eyes on the man, her heart stopped. He rested a shoulder casually in the corner of the elevator car; a trace of smug amusement curled his extraordinary features. "You," she gasped. "Why are you here?"

  "I imagine that I am going to the same place you are," he said with a touch of playfulness in his voice.

  It had been about three months since Laura Mills laid eyes on Will Shriner. Her affair with him was instantaneous, intense, and hotter than a heat wave in July, but brief. She fell madly in love with him but when it came to making a choice between her kid brother and the two of them, the choice was a no-brainer. Laura broke it off abruptly with Will and turned her back on the best sex she ever had, or would ever have, in her entire life. But other than blistering chemistry, they were as different as night and day. Laura was working on her Masters in Criminal Justice and Will was the Sergeant at Arms of the Knights’ Disciples, a notorious biker club. In the split second it took to ride up to the third floor, a flood of stills rushed her mind of the many episodes of their intense sexual history.

  "Hi there, babe," he said. His amazing hazel eyes twinkled at her, reminding her of what she had been missing all these months. "You doing okay?"

  "Yes," she stuttered. In truth, she had been a wreck. She had left Will to focus on her young brother, Lucas, but Lucas left her anyway. She heard from him from time to time; he was alive, that much she knew, but she learned very quickly that taking Lucas away from the watchful eye of the Knights’ Disciples was a huge mistake. "How are you?"

  "I am finally eating at least once a day and sleeping mostly through the night," he said, professing to a broken heart. Laura felt the pangs of mourning the loss of their relationship, as well. The elevator stopped and the doors opened up. Both Will and Laura were heading to the same place, indeed.

  Will reached around her and opened the door for her in a gentlemanly gesture. His body brushed hers, making her catch her breath.

  "Well, well," greeted Detective Frank Vasquez. "If it isn't the dynamic duo." Will shook the detective's hand. Everyone sat. "I didn't mean
to make anyone uncomfortable by calling this meeting. There's a rumor going around that your little brother is making quite a name for himself in the gang he's gotten involved with. Will, were you in an altercation with this gang at Carl's Little Bar a while back?"

  Will shrugged. "I knocked some guy flat on his ass. He got in our face while we were having a drink. I wouldn't call it a full-blown altercation."

  Detective Vasquez leaned back in his chair and grinned. "That's actually the technical definition of an altercation, Will, and apparently the Marauders aren't forgetful. My guy on the inside said that they are kicking around a little revenge."

  Laura interjected, "I thought the guy in the bar was a biker."

  "He was," replied Will.

  "But Lucas is with a gang," she countered, "and I thought you said bikers had a code."

  "We have a code, sweetheart – I mean Laura. The Knights’ Disciples have a code. There are good clubs and bad clubs. Lucas, unfortunately, is in with the bad guys. They can offer him protection against the gang who harassed him, but he's going to owe them now."


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