Trouble Comes In Threes

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by Roberts, Laylah

  Trouble Comes In Threes

  By Laylah Roberts

  Mending Mari, Loving Addy, Punishing Marly


  Warning: This item may not be reproduced or distributed without the written permission of the author. The distribution of this book on the internet is illegal.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places and events is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination.

  The following stories involve the consensual spanking and babying of adults by their loving partners.

  Strictly adults only. R18.

  Copyright held by Laylah Roberts, 2012.

  Cover by Carey Abbott:



  Thanks for buying this book. These three short stories are intended to be small snapshots into the lives of these characters. I hope you enjoy reading about Mari, Marly and Addy and their delicious men.

  Laylah 

  Please feel free to contact the author at:

  [email protected]

  Table of Contents

  Mending Mari

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three


  Loving Addy

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Punishing Marly

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Four


  Mending Mari


  Laylah Roberts

  Chapter One

  Cancer, oh, lord, she had cancer.

  Mari sobbed, letting her pain, her fear break free. She’d been holding her worry inside for too long. Now, she had an outlet.

  Her flaming bottom had provided that.

  She stood in the corner of the living room like a naughty little child. Her nose firm against the wall, her hands on her head, her skirt tucked up to reveal her naked, red buttocks.

  And she sobbed. Huge, loud sobs that rocked her very soul.

  Not because her butt hurt. Well, it did. But she’d had plenty of roasted bottoms in her time— none of them had ever caused a reaction like this.

  Cancer. She had cancer.

  “Honey, calm down or you’ll make yourself sick.”

  Mari heard the worry in Dan’s voice. Knew her husband was wondering if he’d been too harsh with her. But she couldn’t make herself stop crying long enough to reassure him.

  “She’s still crying?” Jake, her other husband, asked as he entered the room. “I’ve seen her endure worse spankings with less reaction. What the hell is wrong, Mari?”

  She shook her head, unable to explain. Dan placed his hands on her shoulders, turning and tucking her into his chest. Mari dropped her arms and hugged his waist. He kissed the top of her head, crooning to her softly.

  God, how could she tell them? This would devastate her men. They’d lost their mother to breast cancer. Watched her die. She knew this would ruin their happiness, completely turn their world upside down. They’d been her rock for so long. Her men, her life.

  No, she couldn’t tell them. She had to do this on her own.

  Dan picked up his slight wife, easily carrying her over to the sofa. He sat, settling her on his lap, ensuring that her sore bottom wasn’t resting on his hard, jean-clad thighs. He tucked her head beneath his chin and started rocking her. Sobs rocked her body as she continued to cry, breaking his heart.

  Dan hated causing her pain, hated listening to her cry but he firmly believed that it was better she have a sore butt than think she could risk her safety without consequence. If a spanking helped her to remember to look after herself then he was prepared to listen to her pain-filled cries each time.

  But not this. This was different. These cries sounded like her heart was breaking and it was tearing him in two.

  Had he been too hard on her?

  Had he bruised her? Harmed her?

  “She deserved the spanking,” Jake said calmly, as always able to read what his brother was thinking. “She knows better than to climb a ladder. If she had fallen, she could have been seriously injured. She knew the consequences of what she was doing.”

  Dan knew his brother was right. Mari knew the rules well and had chosen to deliberately disobey them. But knowing she’d earned the spanking was little consolation as deep shudders rocked her slight body and his t-shirt became soaked with her tears. Some crying and sobbing was expected. But this was over the top.

  When Dan had arrived home that afternoon, he’d been furious to find her up the ladder, cleaning out the gutters. He’d been planning to get to that job this weekend and she knew it. But instead of waiting for him to get around to it, Mari had decided to deliberately disobey them and take matters into her own hands.

  Mari was scared of heights; she got dizzy and light-headed when she was a few meters in the air. Early on in their relationship, he and Jake had set a rule that she was not to climb ladders or trees or anything higher than a meter up. And she knew what would be the consequence of disobeying that or any of the rules they’d given her.

  A very sore, red bottom.

  So when Dan had found her clearly disobeying him, he’d yanked her down off the ladder, marched her inside and put her over his lap for a well-deserved spanking.

  She had no one to blame but herself.

  And yet his guilt still raged.

  He didn’t like hurting her. But he knew she needed their discipline. She needed to know that someone was going to hold her accountable for her behavior.

  Before they’d met Mari she’d been on a self-destructive path. Alcohol, late nights, partying, reckless driving. They’d helped her clean up, steered her on the right path.

  Now, she was under some very strict, but loving guidance. She knew the rules well. He and his brother weren’t jerks; they didn’t set her up to fail. The rules they set for her weren’t to restrict or control her. They were there to keep her safe.

  Mari knew she wasn’t to climb any ladders, just as she knew they wouldn’t tolerate her speeding or leaving the house without a charged cell phone. Dan knew other people would think them controlling, but Mari thrived on structure and rules and he and Jake needed to know she was safe. Following her rules would hopefully keep her that way. Most of them were common courtesy anyway.

  Jake and Dan believed that breaking the rules should have consequences. And that those consequences should be a sore bottom, or having to stand in the corner, or a cleaning out—either her mouth if it was potty, or her bottom if she became disrespectful.

  “She's been sleeping badly lately,” Jake said, his own face screwing up in concern as Mari continued to sniffle and cry. “She needs to take a nap, I'd say.”

  Mari stiffened in his arms but didn't protest. Very strange indeed. He raised an eyebrow at Jake. Maybe she was simply exhausted. She did tend to get tearful and become more childlike when tired. Never to this extreme though.

  “You heard him, baby girl. Nap time.” Dan stood, Mari held in his arms.

  “Damn it, it feels like she's lost weight.” Now he was really getting concerned. She couldn’t afford to get any thinner. She was already under strict instructions from her doctor to gain weight.

  Dan looked down into her face, so beautiful to him, even when her eyes were swollen with tears, her cheeks blotchy with her crying. Her large, green eyes swam with tears. Her tiny little nose, which was upturned at the end, was red with her crying and her fu
ll lips trembled, holding back her sobs. Her short, dark hair lay messily around her head; it was lacking its usual shine and bounce.

  Dan noticed how pale she was. Her skin was almost translucent and it was pulled tightly across her face, her cheekbones sticking out sharply. How had he not noticed her growing thinner?

  He and Jake had been busy at work, but still, he should have been paying close attention to their wife. She came first.

  No matter what.

  Jake stared down at her. “Have you been eating properly, Mari?” he asked.

  She was silent, a sure sign of guilt.

  With a soft growl, Jake left the room. When he returned, he held her food diary in his hand, his forehead puckered as he read it. In an effort to help her gain weight, because they were so worried about her health, Jake and Dan had set up a food diary for her. Each night, Mari was required to write down what she’d eaten during the day. They often asked to see it and if they thought she was eating too little or not enough of the right sort of foods, they’d sit down and see what they could do to help her.

  Neither of them spanked her if she’d fallen short of what they expected. They didn’t want the food diary or eating to be seen as punishment in any way. However, filling in the diary incorrectly or forgetting to fill it in was a very serious offense.

  The one and only time she’d fudged things in her diary, she’d been punished so severely that Dan fervently hoped she would never do it again. Because he didn’t think he could stand to be so harsh with her a second time.

  “It all looks okay,” Jake said. “Weigh her before you put her down, though.”

  “You wouldn't be lying to us in your diary would you, Mari-girl?” Dan asked. “Putting things in that you didn't actually eat?”

  “No,” she said quietly. “I wouldn’t do that. Not after last time.”

  Jake stared at her then looked at her diary. “Did you eat all of this? Or just a few bites?” he asked.

  She sighed, her face terribly sad. “I haven't been very hungry,” she explained.

  Jake put the diary down and stood with his hands on his hips. “Well, from now on, Mari, my lovely wife, you're going to be writing down quantities as well. I want to know exactly how much of every bit of food you eat. Understand me? You know the doctor said you're underweight.”

  Dan turned and headed toward the staircase, Jake walking behind him.

  “Are you going to spank me again?” she asked in a small, lost voice. Dan threw a glance over his shoulder at Jake as he entered the bedroom then strolled through into the attached bathroom.

  “You know how much I hate lies, Mari,” Jake began. Mari flinched, growing so pale Dan was alarmed. The two brothers glanced at each other in concern.

  “What's wrong?” Dan asked, pushing her dark hair back from her face. “You can tell us, sweetheart. You can tell us anything.”

  Mari nodded, her shoulders slumped. “I'm okay, just tired. I’m sorry.”

  “Maybe she's getting sick,” Jake pondered, placing his hand over her forehead. “She feels a little warm. You get her weighed and ready for bed, I'll get the thermometer.

  Dan stripped their slight wife until she was standing in only her panties. She shivered a little, and he moved to turn up the heat as she stepped on the scales. Dan peered over her shoulder and sighed.

  “You're lost five pounds, Mari.”

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  Dan really didn’t like how sad she seemed. This wasn’t like their full of life, vivacious wife. Normally, she’d be running rings around them until they were exhausted with trying to keep up with her. It was just as well Jake and Dan had wanted a woman to share, because one man wouldn’t be able to keep up with Mari. She needed the two of them to take care of her.

  Dan slipped one of his t-shirts over her head. “Go see Jake. I'll get you one of your protein drinks.” The doctor had prescribed the drinks to help Mari put on weight. But with the brother's strict watch over her diet she hadn't needed them lately.

  Jake watched as his slight wife stepped hesitantly toward where he sat on the bed. A jar of lubricant with a thermometer sticking out of it sat on the bedside table beside him.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” he encouraged her, worried about her weight loss and pale listlessness. He'd heard what Dan had said. How had they missed the weight she'd lost? Of course, they had been working long hours. When they got home she was in bed and often they got up before she woke.

  But it was no excuse for neglecting her health.

  With great reluctance, Mari lay across his lap. He pulled up the back of the t-shirt and stripped down her panties, smiling at the still-red bottom he revealed. He loved her bottom, it was full and firm and perfect for spanking. Pulling her bottom cheeks apart with one hand, he scooped up some lubricant and rubbed it around and into her tight bottom hole with his finger.

  Mari let out a little squeak, but she lay still and Jake worried at her compliance. Usually she'd be protesting vehemently about being too old to have her temperature taken this way.

  He popped the thermometer into her bottom slowly and watched as Dan returned with a large bottle filled with her protein drink. Normally they had to force her to drink the stuff and they found that a large baby bottle worked best for everyone; it was easier to get in her mouth and hardly had any spillage, no matter how much she fought them.

  Jake pulled out the thermometer.

  “Slightly high,” he pronounced before flipping her over slowly and laying her down on her back. “I think she'd do well with staying in bed for the rest of the day.”

  Mari's eyes filled and he braced himself for her protests. Mari hated naps, hated missing out on anything. But most of all, she detested being sick.

  “Okay,” she cried and two large tears tracked down her cheeks making his heart break. He lay on the bed and gathered her close, his mouth brushing against her forehead.

  “Shh, baby, shh,” he soothed as Dan cuddled into her other side. Gradually, she calmed and when he pulled away, her eyes were shut.

  “Open up, Mari-girl,” Dan ordered softly, brushing the teat of the bottle against her lips. Obligingly she opened her mouth and he popped the nipple inside.

  “Good girl.”

  Jake rose and went to the wardrobe, pulling out a box they rarely used. He reached in and grabbed a diaper. They only used the diapers when she was really ill and they didn't want her getting up and down to go to the bathroom all the time. Even though her temperature wasn't that high, he was alarmed by how tired she appeared to be.

  Moving toward the bed, he pulled her panties from her and lifting her legs into the air, placed the open nappy beneath her hips. Mari murmured and opened her eyes, but Dan whispered something to her and she closed them once more, sucking lazily on her bottle.

  Jake and Dan stared at each other; there was no need for words between them. They worked together, lived together, loved the same woman, they were used to reading each other’s minds.

  Something was wrong.

  Jake rubbed cream over her, and did the diaper up tight before slipping her under the covers.

  “No getting up, Mari-girl. Understand me?” Dan ordered.

  Mari just nodded, still sucking. Before they left the room, each of them kissed her lightly on the forehead.


  Mari walked around the house, saying goodbye to her home. When she’d first discovered the lump in her breast all she’d wanted to do was tell her men, let them hold her, comfort her. But then she’d realized she couldn’t. She couldn’t do that to them. She couldn’t put Jake and Dan through this—not again.

  She knew how their mother’s illness had affected them.

  They’d been absolutely devastated. Dan hadn’t smiled for a year, amazing for a man who was such a fun-loving guy and Jake had nearly killed himself, working long hours at their construction company. It was only through time and a lot of love and patience that their pain had started to ease.

  She didn’t want
to see them like that again.

  Mari intended to fight her illness with every ounce of fight she had in her. But she knew she had to do it on her own. Not that her husbands would ever abandon her. Oh no, quite the opposite, they’d drop everything to help her.

  And that was another problem.

  Their business was just taking off. They needed to spend every moment growing, expanding. While they were by no means poor, the more time they invested the better for their reputation for their future.

  They deserved to be successful. They didn’t need to be worrying over her.

  She walked out of the house, pulling her suitcase behind her. Sniffling, she had to hold back her tears. The last thing she needed was to be blinded with tears while driving. Wouldn’t an accident be the icing on the cake?

  She’d left the guys a note, telling them where she would leave the car. How much she loved them. How she hoped they’d move on, find someone else as she didn’t expect them to wait for her to return.

  Mari had an appointment in a few days with a cancer specialist. She swallowed heavily, feeling the fear rest heavily in her tummy. Doing this alone was a daunting thought.

  Luckily, her friend, Annabelle, had an apartment in the city she hardly used. Mari could stay there. She had some money saved, money that she’d made from her jewelry sales. Hopefully she could continue to do that, selling her jewelry online to keep her income up.

  Mari drove to the next town over, knowing she couldn’t catch the train from Raven. Everyone knew everyone else and gossip flowed rich and strong.

  She parked up at the train station, went in and bought a ticket to three cities, each in different directions. Then she walked to the bus station three blocks over and bought a ticket to her true destination.

  Already exhausted, her spirits plummeting even further, Mari gave in to tears as she left her home, her loves, her life. For good.


  Jake took another sip of scotch and stared broodingly into the fireplace as Dan paced.


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