Trouble Comes In Threes

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Trouble Comes In Threes Page 7

by Roberts, Laylah

  “He doesn’t want coffee, Daddy,” Michelle explained patiently. “I’m making him tea.”

  Jon smiled at her indulgently while Rick just shook his head.

  “I thought I might have both, that okay with you, little one?” Jon asked her.

  “Okay,” she said. “But it seems kind of greedy.”

  “Michelle,” Rick scolded, but Jon just laughed.

  “She reminds me so much of my little girl, I miss her so much.”

  “Where did she go?” Michelle asked bluntly.

  “Michelle, that’s enough!” Rick barked. “Sorry, Jon.”

  Jon waived his apology away. “It’s okay. Little girls are curious. My little girl died in a car crash, sweetheart,” he told her.

  “Oh.” Michelle bit her lip then got up and waddled over to him, patting his hand gently. “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you.” His eyes were sad, though and she felt bad for bringing it up. “Want a hug?”

  Jon looked up at Rick who nodded. “I would love a hug.”

  Jon drew Michelle onto his lap and as he hugged her tight Michelle looked up at Rick, realizing how devastated she’d be if anything ever happened to him. He gave her a look filled with love.

  One cup of coffee and a cup of tea later, Jon stood up to leave. He ran a hand over her hair.

  “Bye Shelley, hope to see you again, soon.”

  She smiled and waved at him. When Rick returned from seeing him out, she raised her arms at him.

  “Daddy?” Michelle asked.


  “I’m ready to be a big girl now.”

  Rick helped her stand and stripped off her diaper before giving her a deep, full kiss.

  “God, I love you, Rick,” she told him.

  “Love you too, sweetheart.”

  “Don’t ever die on me,” she told him desperately. Her heart couldn’t stand losing him.

  “I’ll try my best, sweetheart. But only if you do the same.”


  Addy was going insane. Bad enough she couldn’t use the TV, computer or phone or see her friends, but she couldn’t even leave the house.

  She’d gotten the sniffles and her husbands were nothing if not overprotective when it came to her health. The day she’d woken with a blocked nose and sore throat, they’d gone into smothering mode. Vitamins, lemon and honey drinks as well as strict orders to stay in bed had been forced upon her. When they’d found her outside getting some fresh air on day two of the cold, she’d found herself back in bed, wrapped up tight with a very hot bottom to keep her company.

  By day four she’d been feeling fine but tired. It was now day six and she was going completely insane. She only had to get through today and tomorrow and her punishment would be over. But right now it seemed like such a long time to wait. Just as she was pondering the likelihood of getting outside for a walk without one of them finding out, the house phone rang. She moved quickly, expecting it to be Eliot. When she was sick he tended to ring more often and check that she was okay.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Hello, trouble,” Michelle’s voice drawled back.

  “Hi Michelle,” she greeted her friend, even as she looked around to make sure no one could overhear her. Silly, she knew she was alone. “What’s going on?”

  “Want to go shopping?” Michelle asked.

  Addy sighed. “I wish I could but I can’t leave the house.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’ve got a cold,” she explained.

  “Oh, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Shall I bring you some soup?”

  “That’s really nice, but well, I’m okay now. It was only a small cold. But you know how the guys are. They won’t leave me let the house.”

  “But surely it will be okay if you’re feeling all right?” Michelle wheedled. “I promise we’ll stay inside at all times.”

  “I’m not supposed to leave…” Addy trailed off, her resolve dissolving. What could it hurt?

  “Please, I’ve got a dinner this weekend with Rick’s snobby workmates, I need a knockout dress. Pleeeasssee, Addy.”

  Addy relented. Going shopping sounded like fun and she was so bored.

  “Okay,” she said quickly, not giving herself time to think about it. “Pick me up in thirty, though. I can’t take the car.” Her men had hidden her keys.

  “Thank you!”


  Of course, Addy knew she was in deep trouble when she walked through the front door. Even if she hadn’t seen Dash’s vehicle parked out the front, his bellowed yell for her to get her butt into the living room would have done it.

  She stepped into the living room to find him pacing back and forth. He was livid, his face red and his eyes narrowed.

  Going out with Michelle had been a bad idea all the way around. They hadn’t found a single dress for her. Addy had spent the whole time feeling guilty, then sick and she’d finally had to beg Michelle to take her home before she burst into tears.

  “You’re home early,” she said to him, smiling weakly.

  “Don’t even start, Addy. You are in so much trouble. Get into the punishment room; I will be there in five minutes. I want you naked, lying face down on the spanking bench.”


  “Without any arguments,” he yelled. She jumped and walked to the punishment room, moving quickly. Stripping, she lay on the spanking bench. Dash wasn’t there in five minutes, though. Fifteen minutes later and she was seriously considering getting up and going to find him when he walked in the door, tapping his belt against his thigh.

  Addy gulped. “I thought maybe you’d changed your mind.”

  He snorted. “I was calming myself down. You know I won’t punish you while I’m mad. Scoot down to the end of the bench, please.”

  Addy moved down until her hips rested off the end of the bench. The bench was extra high, so her toes only just touched the floor. Dash immediately began spanking her bottom with his hand. That was Dash; there was never any hesitation and little conversation. If he believed she needed a spanking, she got a spanking.

  No matter where they might be.

  By the time he got to the belt she was already in copious amounts of pain, her bottom stinging, tears coursing down her cheeks.

  Thwack! She let out a loud squeal as the belt landed.

  Thwack! Lord, it burned.


  “Please stop, oh please, Dash. I am so sore. I am so sorry.”

  “Not nearly sorry enough, I’d say,” Eliot spoke up as he entered the room. Addy looked over through tear-filled eyes at his stern face.

  “I’m sorry,” she wailed. The belt landed again and again and again. When it stopped she was a mess, the padding damp beneath her face, her bottom aflame, so hot and swollen she knew she wouldn’t be sitting for a long time.

  Somebody rolled her to her side and wiped a cool washcloth on her face then she was held up against Dash’s chest as he sat on the rocking chair. Eliot crouched beside them and held a glass of cool water up to her lips.

  “I-I-I’m sorry,” she sobbed.

  Dash kissed her forehead. “We know, baby. But I couldn’t let you away with such disobedience. Particularly when you’ve been sick.”

  “Is she running a temperature or just hot from her punishment?” Eliot asked.

  Dash felt her forehead, swearing profusely. “I’m a fucking idiot. She’s running a temperature. Damn, I should have checked that first. I should never have punished her.”

  Her men never punished her while ill. But they did keep track of her punishments while she was ill and she always had to pay the piper in the end.

  “No,” Eliot said. “You did the right thing. If she was feeling well enough to leave when she was supposed to be inside and resting, then she was well enough to be punished. Just where were you, Addy?”

  “Michelle asked me to go shopping,” she explained quietly. “She needed my help.”

  Eliot sighed. “You should hav
e said no. You should have told her you were being punished and you couldn’t leave the house. This is unacceptable, Addy.”

  “I know. I really am s-sorry. I felt b-bad the entire time.”

  “Not a fun trip out then?” Dash asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Dash was worried when he couldn’t find you. So was I. We had no idea where you were. I hope you bought some things, because you won’t be shopping for quite a while.”

  Addy nodded. She’d figured that.

  Dash shook his head. “We were feeling sorry for you. That’s why I came home early, to tell you that you could use the computer and the TV again. Instead, I found my disobedient brat had run off.”

  Addy shifted, groaning as she realized how close she’d been to the end of her punishment.

  “I don’t suppose you’d still consider doing that?” she asked hopefully.

  Dash snorted. “Oh no, baby girl, you’ve earned a whole new punishment for this.”

  “For the next two weeks you are not to talk to Michelle,” Eliot interjected. “And you are going to be getting a morning and evening spanking.”

  Addy gulped but didn’t dare protest.

  Eliot brushed her hair back from her face. “I love you, Addy-girl. I don’t like seeing you sick.”

  “And I don’t like not knowing where you are or if you’re safe,” Dash interjected.

  “We’d rather you spoke up and talked about your frustration with us than take off and not let us know where you’re going, okay?” Eliot said.

  Addy smiled at that. “You’d have spanked me if I protested your punishment.”

  “Not if it was done respectfully, sweetheart. We love you; we’ll always try our best to listen, okay?”

  She nodded at Eliot’s words. “I love you guys too.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell Michelle you couldn’t go shopping?” Dash asked. “Shopping is hardly a good enough reason to gain more punishment.”

  She shifted uncomfortably. “Shopping is important to Michelle. And, well, I didn’t want her to know I’m still being punished.”

  “Why not?” Eliot asked with a frown. “It’s not like Michelle has never found herself in the same position.”

  “But Michelle thinks I’m weird because I need it,” Addy explained.

  Dash held her tight as Eliot grasped her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  “You know there’s nothing wrong with you, don’t you, Addy? There is nothing wrong with needing to be held accountable for your actions, for needing us to take charge and punish you when necessary. You are a strong, beautiful, capable woman.”

  Addy smiled. “I know. It just surprised me. I thought she was the same as me.”

  “She is, darling,” Dash said. “She’s just lying to herself. Don’t worry, Michelle will find her way.”


  “Evening, honey, yum this looks great. What did I do to deserve this?”

  Michelle smiled at the pleased look on Rick’s face as he took a look at the roast with all the trimmings she’d made for dinner.

  “Guilty conscience,” she admitted as her stomach churned.

  He raised his brows as he sat.

  Michelle sat with a sigh. “I’ll let you eat first.”

  Rick ate with gusto while Michelle picked at her food.

  “Eat up, Michelle,” he told her sternly. Rick insisted she eat healthily and regularly, if she even hinted at going on a diet, then she would find herself over his knee.

  Only she hadn’t been spanked at all this last week. He hadn’t once spanked her other than that one time as little Michelle.

  And now Michelle knew she’d done something to deserve it and she’d come to the realization of just how much she needed it. She needed Rick’s boundaries, his strict love, and the way her guilt disappeared once her bottom paid the price for her misbehavior.

  After he helped her clean up, Rick took her hand and led her into the living room.

  “What’s going on?” he asked as they sat on the couch.

  Michelle looked at her lap and fidgeted, trying to find the words.

  “I need a spanking,” she blurted out.

  “What?” he asked in surprise.

  “I need you to give me a spanking. I made Addy go shopping with me today, even though she wasn’t allowed to leave the house. I made her sneak out. I-I need your discipline, Rick. I feel better when I have rules and consequences. I’ve felt well, lost, out of control and uncertain lately. Please, will you spank me?”

  Michelle braced herself as Rick leaned toward her. But instead of pulling her over his lap, he merely kissed her, softly, gently.

  “Over the spanking chair, miss.”

  Never, had Michelle been so happy to hear those words.

  Chapter Five

  Addy woke to mind-blowing pleasure. Zings of delight raced from her clit around her body. Her legs were parted as a firm tongue flicked her clit over and over. Two fingers entered her, pressing deep.

  “Oh God,” she groaned.

  “Feel good, baby?” Dash asked her, leaning up on an elbow to stare down at her. That meant Eliot was the one torturing her pussy erotically.

  “Yes,” she sighed as he leaned down and sucked her nipple into his mouth. “Oh, Dash, Eliot, please,” she cried.

  Tingles raced up and down her body as she ran her hands over Dash’s head and shoulders; anywhere she could touch, trying to make him as frantic as she was.

  “Please what?” Dash asked.

  “Please take me,” she begged.

  Dash looked at her as he lightly pinched one nipple. “Well, you have been a very good girl, lately.”

  “I have, I have,” she said frantically.

  “What do you say, Eliot?” Dash teased her.

  The blankets fell back as Eliot sat up. He stared at her through slumberous eyes, his lips covered in her dew. His tongue dipped out and licked her essence off his mouth. Addy’s breath caught.

  “I think she deserves it,” Eliot replied.

  Addy sighed.

  Dash sat up, resting back against the headboard. His cock stood at attention, hard and firm.

  “On your hands and knees, darling,” Eliot told her. “You’re going to suck Dash off while I take this sweet pussy.”

  Trembling with want, Addy quickly moved onto her hands and knees. She slipped her mouth over Dash’s cock as Eliot entered her from behind, his thick shaft sliding deep. All three of them sighed together as she and Eliot set a rhythm, Addy taking Dash deep as Eliot thrust forward.

  Back and forth. Up and down. Addy’s body was set to self-combust, the need to come so bad she could taste it.

  “I’m nearly there,” Eliot groaned. “Dash?”

  “Damn, yes.”

  “Come then, baby,” Eliot told her. Addy took Dash deep and swallowed, massaging the head of his cock. He yelled, coming, and she swallowed hastily as Eliot continued to thrust. He reached his hand around and tapped her clit firmly.

  Addy closed her eyes, drawing off Dash’s cock so she could groan aloud as her release rushed through her. She collapsed forward onto Dash as Eliot rolled to his side with a groan.

  “I’m dead, gone. Stick a fork in me I’m done.”

  She giggled at Eliot’s unusual silliness. Generally, he was quite serious. He had a sense of humor, but he wasn’t much for joking around.

  It was Sunday; none of them had to be anywhere. They could stay in bed and make love all day. Or…

  Addy took a deep breath to quell her nerves, trying to gather up the courage to ask for what she needed.

  She could do this. She knew how much Eliot and Dash wanted this, wanted her full surrender to them. They even had a nursery all set up, not to pressure her, but just in preparation in case she ever decided to be their baby girl.

  And that day was finally here.

  “Dash? Eliot?” she asked. Both men rolled over to stare at her. It was something she hoped she never took for granted, the fact that they would
drop everything to give her their undivided attention.

  “What is it baby?” Dash asked.

  “I was, well, I…” she trailed off.

  “Addy?” Eliot asked, frowning with concern.

  “I was wondering if I could be little today.” She looked at the end of the bed rather than watching their reaction. But Eliot was having none of that. He grasped her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her seriously.

  She nodded. A grin broke out of his face as Dash hugged her tight against his body. “You’ve made us so happy,” he whispered in her ear. “But if anytime you want to become big Addy again you just tell us, all right?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she replied in a girlish voice.

  Eliot ran his hand over her hair. “I bet my little girl needs to go potty, don’t you?” he asked in a tender voice.

  She nodded shyly.

  Eliot took her hand and helped her from the bed.

  “I’ll get some breakfast started,” Dash told them, kissing her forehead before he left the room.

  Eliot led her into the bathroom and lifted her onto the toilet. She expected him to leave, but he moved around the bathroom, tidying things.

  Addy wiggled on the toilet seat, desperate to go.

  “What’s the matter, sweetie?” Eliot turned to her with a look of concern. “Are you having trouble?”

  “Aren’t you going to leave, Daddy?” she asked.

  He smiled gently. “No, baby, you’re too little to go potty by yourself. You need Daddy to clean you up and make sure you’re okay. You let go now. Unless you’d rather Daddy put you in diapers?”

  She shook her head. She wasn’t ready for that yet.

  “Do you need Daddy’s help?” Eliot asked.

  Again, she shook her head. But Eliot turned on the tap, washing his hands and Addy found she could hold on no longer. With a loud sigh, she let go.

  “Good girl,” Eliot praised her as she finished. He walked over and grabbed her hand as she reached for some toilet paper.

  “Uh-uh,” he scolded, shaking his head. “Little girl’s don’t wipe themselves clean. Naughty girl.”

  Addy blushed as he wiped her clean, making her stand so he could be very thorough.

  She looked up as Dash stepped into the bathroom. “Breakfast’s ready. I brought some clothes for our little one.” He held out some bright pink panties with fairies on them and a little dress.


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