Trouble Comes In Threes

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Trouble Comes In Threes Page 10

by Roberts, Laylah

  “No, baby girl,” Adam answered. “We don’t ever want you to see that as punishment. It’s been a while since you had a long stint as a baby girl. We’ve been neglecting you in that area and the next two weeks will be a good time for you to spend as a baby. Your punishment is going to be in the form of regular spankings, one each morning and then again at night. There will be no TV and you’ll be having an afternoon nap each day.”

  She started to sniffle. The punishment was one of the harshest they’d ever given her. “For two weeks,” she cried plaintively.

  “Yes,” Zac answered firmly, “and you keep that tone of voice up and you’ll be getting it twice as hard on your bottom.”

  Adam sat down in front of her, placing a plate of gray muck on her tray. His plate and Zac’s held a full breakfast. Suddenly, strangely enough, she was starving.

  But not starving enough to eat porridge.

  Adam held up a spoon filled with porridge, Marly shook her head, refusing to take it. She crossed her arms over her chest. She wanted eggs and toast and sausages, not this icky stuff.

  “You’ll eat this,” Adam ordered quietly.

  “No,” she pouted, still upset about spending her whole holiday being punished. It wasn’t fair, they were being so mean!

  “Marly,” Adam warned.

  “No!” she yelled, but while her mouth was open Adam slipped the spoon into her mouth. However, Marly was determined not to eat that muck and spat it out again all over the tray.

  “You’re gonna pay for that, little girl,” Zac said as Adam calmly stood and opened the tray. Adam picked her up and sat down on one of the chairs, placing her face down over his lap. Her stomach protested the position, but its discomfit was soon overridden as her diaper was undone, her bottom bared, and Adam’s hand was slammed down in full force on her bare ass.

  “Daddy, no!” she yelled, sobbing as his hand landed heavily. He didn’t show the least bit of consideration for the state of her stomach and head.

  “Please, I’m sorry,” she cried as he continued his punishment with steady, even force.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  Adam’s hand landed again and again on her buttocks as she bawled, tears pooling on the floor beneath her head. Her legs kicked back and forth as he moved down to her seat spot.

  “What are you sorry for?” Adam asked calmly. Smack! Smack!

  “F-for s-spitting out my f-foooddd!” she sobbed, certain her bottom was on fire, the pain of it so intense she couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Are you,” smack, smack “going to do,” smack, smack, smack, “as you’re told,” smack, smack, “like a good little girl?”

  “Y-y-yes!” she screeched. Suddenly she was right side up, howling loudly as Adam stood her in front of him. She danced up and down like a little girl, trying to alleviate the pain, unable to rub her sore bottom as Adam held her hands in front of her.

  “Daddeee!” she screeched, trying to tug on her hands.

  “Come here, sugar,” Zac said from behind her. Adam let her go and she turned to where Zac sat. His breakfast was almost finished. He pushed back his chair and pulled her between his open thighs. With one hand on her chin he tipped back her face, looking down with serious eyes.

  Marly grabbed her bottom with her hands, hissing at the contact. She rubbed frantically, trying to alleviate the pain.

  “Uh-uh, none of that now, baby girl,” Zac said, reaching around to grab her hands, placing them on his thighs. “Keep them there,” he ordered as she lifted them a little. The look in his eyes convinced her to put her hands back on his legs and keep them there.

  “Do you know why you’re being punished?” Zac asked.

  “B-because I spit up m-my breakfast,” she stuttered, still sniffling miserably. She heard the clink of cutlery against a plate as Adam ate his breakfast. Her stomach growled.

  “I’m not talking about that, sugar,” Zac said gently. “I meant your two week punishment. Explain why we’ve given you such a long punishment.”

  “Because I drank alcohol when I said I wouldn’t,” she said quietly. Zac wiped her face with a napkin and helped her blow her nose. Her bottom still burned and she knew if she looked in a mirror it would be bright, scarlet red. She hoped they gave her skin a chance to cool down before placing a diaper back on her. Diapers held the heat in, they were unbearable on a newly-spanked bottom.

  “Yes, because you disobeyed us and drank alcohol. We gave you some very definite rules, little one and you managed to break them all, didn’t you? You stayed out past your curfew and forgot to ring us. You scared us to death, sugar. We love you so much, little girl. The thought of anything happening to you, it tears us up inside. Do you realize you could have been seriously hurt, even killed?”

  “I-it was just a n-night out. Women do it all the time.” She was starting to feel guilty and it made her defensive.

  “Yes, but you know you don’t handle alcohol well, Marly,” Adam interjected. “You know that we only gave you those rules to keep you safe. We don’t want to stop you from living, darling, we just want to make sure that you are safe. Tell me, where were you when you called us?”

  She turned to him and Zac patted her sore bottom to push her forward, toward Adam. She glared over her shoulder at Zac as she moved back over to Adam and let him cuddle her.

  Marly dropped her head, feeling awful. “In an alleyway.”

  “In an alley, by yourself, where anywhere could have hurt you. You promised not to wander off by yourself, didn’t you? How would we have found you if you’d been attacked, Marly? Don’t you know that if you’d been hurt we would have been devastated?”

  Guilt raged inside her as she nodded slowly.

  “Good,” Adam said with satisfaction before sitting her back on her high chair. She winced as her sore butt hit the seat. Adam stood and heated up her porridge, adding a bit of chopped banana. She managed about half the bowl before turning her face away.

  Luckily, Adam didn’t push her to take more. Instead, he wiped her face and hands with a cloth.

  “Come here, sugar.” Zac undid the tray and held his arms out to her. He pulled her up into his arms and moved to the living room to sit in his favorite chair. Settling her on his lap, he ignored her squirming as he held a bottle of formula up to her lips.

  “You’re going to drink all this down, little girl,” he said sternly.

  Marly whimpered as she took the nipple into her mouth and began to suck the disgusting formula down. She hated formula, milk too, but as a baby girl knew she’d have to drink plenty. Her men took her health seriously and the formula had added protein powder. She’d always been thin, but if she didn’t keep an eye on her diet, she tended to run to bony.

  Zac and Adam took special care to make sure she didn’t lose any weight, keeping on top of her calorie and vitamin intake.

  “Drink it all down, sugar,” Zac said sternly, patting her bare bottom in warning as she stopped sucking. She began to drink more quickly, not wanting another spanking.

  When she was finished, he sat her up, causing her to squeal as her bottom came into direct contact with his hard, jean-clad thighs.

  “Daddy,” she cried, trying to squirm off him.

  “Settle down, baby,” he said calmly. “You’ve got another spanking coming, remember?”

  “No,” she gasped, horrified, shaking her head, even though it was starting to hurt again. Damn alcohol, she was never drinking again. “Daddy, no.”

  “Yes,” he countered firmly.

  “But I already had one,” she cried, tears rolling down her face.

  “That was for spitting up breakfast, this is your morning spanking as part of your two week punishment. Now I want you to go stand in the corner, with your hands on your head and think about how naughty you have been.”

  With a wail of protest, she padded off to do as he said, crying the entire time.

  Chapter Four

  “Come here, baby girl.”

  Marly whimpered. She hated
standing in the corner, but she hated being spanked more. She turned and walked toward Zac slowly, her stomach churning.

  She came to a stop as she noticed him tapping her wooden hair brush against his thigh.

  “Daddy Zac, no,” she whined.

  “Get over here, now,” he ordered. She shook her head, sobbing.

  “Marly, come here. If I have to come get you I’ll be giving your naughty bottom a clean out,” Zac warned.

  Marly moved, pretty much throwing herself across Zac’s lap. She hated getting her bottom cleaned out.

  “Keep your hands in front of you, miss,” Zac ordered before he started spanking her with his hand.

  Smack! Smack!

  It only took a few smacks of his heavy hand on her bottom before she was crying out loud. Marly began to sob, wriggling as she tried desperately to get away. Her bottom was still so sensitive after her last spanking. She really didn’t know how she’d survive a session with the hair brush.

  “Right, now for the hair brush, you’re going to get twenty, miss.”

  “No, no, Daddy pleeassee,” she screamed, but he paid her no mind, laying into her bottom as if she hadn’t just had two hard hand spankings.

  Fiery, burning pain overtook her, stealing her breath for a long moment as she lay across his lap, unable to move, to breathe, to cry. Then air entered her lungs in a rush and she wailed loudly, begging him to stop, kicking her legs as if that would help with the excruciating pain.

  When he finished, she barely realized it. It was only when she found herself back in the hated corner, her hands placed on her head that she realized he’d moved her. Her bottom throbbed, the searing pain taking up all her attention.

  “Stay there, young lady and no touching that bottom,” Zac warned.

  Marly simply stood and cried for a long time, shifting from foot to foot, trying without success to ease the pain of her burning bottom. She didn’t dare rub it; she could hear Zac moving behind her and knew he wouldn’t hesitate to spank her if he caught her rubbing.

  When she’d calmed down to just sniffles, her bottom still burning, but not to the point she thought she’d been set aflame, she heard the door open.

  Adam spoke. “That’s a well punished bottom.”

  “It certainly is,” another voice replied and she stiffened, having to use all of her control not to move, not to cover herself.

  It wasn’t as though the owner of the other voice hadn’t seen her bottom before. Drew Sanders, the foreman of their ranch, knew about their relationship. He was an experienced dominant and had her husbands trust.

  Once he’d caught when she’d been out riding. She’d jumped a fence when she’d been expressly forbidden from doing so, and he’d known that. Chasing her down, he’d drawn her off the horse, scolding her horribly. Then he’d made her ride home while he’d held her reins, as though she was a naughty child who couldn’t be trusted.

  He’d then forced her to confess to Adam what she’d done. Of course, Adam had given her one hell of a spanking on her bare bottom and in front of Drew. She’d been so humiliated and had yet to forgive Drew for it.

  “Come here, Marly,” Adam ordered.

  Marly dropped her arms slowly and turned. She refused to look at Drew as she made her way over to where Adam now sat on the sofa. The t-shirt she wore had dropped so it covered her. Just.

  When she stood in front of Adam, he stared at her gravely.

  “Turn around and bend over,” he ordered.

  Gulping heavily, Marly did as he asked, praying she wasn’t about to get another spanking. She had another spanking coming tonight and that was all too soon to her way of thinking. Adam’s large hand rested over her bottom and she stiffened.

  “Well, I bet you’re feeling sorry, now, baby, aren’t you?” Adam asked her gently.

  “Y-yes,” she cried.

  “Stand up and turn back to me.” She stood and turned around, trembling. Adam drew her into his arms and rocked her gently. Marly sighed, falling into his arms gratefully.

  “Good girl,” he murmured soothingly, kissing her cheek. He ran a hand over her head.

  “Time to go back in your diaper, though, I think.”

  She stiffened, looking over her shoulder at Drew and Zac who were discussing the ranch quietly.

  “Hush,” Adam said as she went to speak. “Don’t think about them, babies don’t worry about who sees them. You don’t need to worry about anything.”

  Adam reached down beside him and she saw he’d brought a diaper, wipes and cream into the room with him.

  “On your back, baby,” he instructed her.

  With a whimper, Marly moved onto her back, lying on the carpet. Adam knelt before her, splitting her legs wide so he could wipe her folds and bottom. Drew and Zac continued to talk as Adam took his time cleaning her up. She glanced anxiously over at Drew, but he didn’t even glance her way.

  Adam lifted her legs and placed the open diaper under her, then covering her in cream and powder, did up the diaper. Then a binky was placed in her mouth and she was rolled onto her stomach on the floor, a stuffed toy placed before her.

  She was embarrassed, in pain, and wished Drew would leave.

  “Right, I’ll get onto that, don’t worry.” She looked over as Drew stood. He stepped over and crouched down beside her.

  “You okay there, Marly, baby?” he cooed softly, patting her head. She bit into the binky, barely managing not to spit it out and snap at him. He chuckled as though he could read her mind.

  Before she lost it, he stood and left, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Right, sweetheart, I want you to drink another bottle,” Adam bent down and picked her up in his arms. She hissed as he sat her on his lap. Her bottom was still sore, but sitting was not completely unbearable, her diaper creating a small buffer. Adam pulled out her binky and placed the nipple in her mouth. She sucked down on the water, feeling exhausted, her eyes beginning to close.

  “Looks like someone’s going to need a morning nap,” Zac mused.

  She shook her head, moaning quietly in protest.

  “Keep still,” Adam growled softly. “And you’ll be going to bed after this bottle, baby girl. Any more protests from you will be severely dealt with. I can tell we’ve let you away with far too much lately, you’ve become very disobedient.”

  Marly felt her eyes tear up at his words. She closed them and continued to suck. She was so tired she barely felt him remove the nipple from her mouth and replace it with a binky. She was asleep before he even placed her on the bed.

  Chapter Four

  “Ready to get up, sugar?”

  Marly looked over as Zac entered the room and sat beside her on the bed. She nodded, smiling.

  “Yes, Daddy, I’m awake now.” It had been five days since Zac had to rescue her from the dance club. She was almost halfway through her punishment. Thank goodness, because she didn’t think her butt could take much more.

  Leaning down he kissed her gently on the lips. “Do you know what today is, baby?”

  She shook her head, sucking on the binky in her mouth. She knew it wasn’t Christmas, that was still four days away.

  “It’s time for a check-up,” Zac told her with a smile.

  Marly shook her head frantically. “No, please, Daddy, I don’t wanna.” Her lower lip trembled. She hated her monthly check-ups, they were humiliating and sometimes painful, especially when she rebelled and got a spanking as punishment, which often happened.

  Her check-ups, as Zac called them, were never on a set day. Her men knew she hated them and they didn’t want her worrying and fretting over them. Instead they sprung a check-up on her once a month, varying the days.

  “No fussing, baby girl,” Zac warned her. “You know you it won’t make any difference. Now, are you wet?”

  Marly whimpered as he stood and pulled back the covers, reaching one hand down to search in her diaper.

  “Yep, that’s one wet diaper,” he said cheerfully

walked in with a full bottle of formula just as Zac was slipping a changing mat under her bottom.

  “Here you go, sweetie,” Adam said as he sat on the bed and held the bottle up to her lips. Marly shook her head, refusing to take it, knowing he’d slipped something in it to make her urinate. She always received a drink with a diuretic in it before her check-ups.

  “Marly,” Adam warned. “You already have your punishment spanking due; you don’t want extras, do you?”

  Marly shook her head but kept her mouth stubbornly closed. There was no way she was having that drink.

  Zac slipped the wet diaper off her bottom. He folded it up and went to the bathroom to dispose of it.

  Marly looked up at Adam who stared down at her sternly. “Marly.” She knew that tone, knew she was in trouble and her eyes welled with tears.

  “Just take the bottle, baby,” Adam said almost gently.

  She shook her head, her lips tightly closed, she just couldn’t.

  “Put her over your knee and we’ll take her temperature, then she can have her bottle,” Zac said.

  “No, Daddy, no,” she moaned softly but didn’t try to fight Adam as he picked her up, placing her over his lap. Her legs were trapped between his, while her upper body rested on the bed.

  She felt his hands part her butt cheeks before the lubricated thermometer was pushed firmly inside her. Then her bottom cheeks were pushed together to hold the thermometer inside.

  Marly knew it was probably only five minutes but it felt like forever before the thermometer was pulled out. The thermometer wasn’t big enough to be painful but it was humiliating to lie there with it sticking out of her bottom as her two men looked on.

  “Slightly warm,” Adam declared and she let out a sob at that. Any hint of her running a temperature meant her men would be taking her temperature regularly for the next week.

  “Ready to drink that bottle, baby?” Zac asked her.

  “No,” she said grumpily. She was so put out by having to have her temperature taken that she didn’t notice the stern note in Zac’s voice. She should have taken note, though, as she soon found her bottom cheeks parted once again, before something hard and small was smacked against her asshole.


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