Smart Baztard (Baztards MC Book 1)

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Smart Baztard (Baztards MC Book 1) Page 8

by N. S. Johnson

  Prince dropped his arm and cursed under his breath. The two men's heads snapped over to where they stood. Gabby took a step around Prince, preparing to launch herself at the redhead, but Prince held her back.

  "Hey, Princess Leia," said the red headed man.

  "Hey, Chief," said Gabby.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Prince's eyes connected with clear blue eyes fogged in a haze of smoke. He'd known those eyes for most of his life. He'd seen them glint with triumph as Chief took down a bully twice his size for daring to extort kids on the playground for their lunch money. Prince had seen those eyes sparkle with false sincerity as he assured first one and then another girl that his feelings were true and solely for her. Prince had seen those eyes narrow with focus as he stood side by side, ready to back him if anyone dared cross his closest friend.

  "What's up, brother?" Chief drawled.

  Prince's jaw tightened as he looked down at Chief lounging back with smoke swirling around his head like a crown. There was a small smile on the man's lips that belied casualness. Prince knew Chief was alert and ready to strike at any moment.

  They studied each other. Prince noted that Chief looked the same as the last time he'd seen his friend over a year ago. Same shock of red hair. Same devil may care grin. And just like old times, he held a joint in his hand.

  Chief wore his Baztards MC President kutte in the warm evening air. The cut off jacket made Prince feel tight and stuffy in his tailored suit. His VP jacket was in the back of his closet at home where it had hung since the last time they'd rode over a year ago.

  "Are you trying to get arrested?" Prince pointed to the joint. "That's felony possession and distribution in your hand on government owned land."

  "Relax," said the other man. Prince recognized him as the governor's son, Russell Drummon. "I have a medicinal license for this hypoglycemia in my eyes."

  "Do you mean glaucoma?" Gabby offered.

  Russell frowned, and then a full five seconds later, he snapped his fingers. "Yeah, that's what it's called. I've been having a shit of a time remembering. I kept saying guacamole for a while."

  "But you don't have eye problems," Prince turned his attention back to Chief.

  "No, dad, I don't." Chief took a leisurely pull of the joint before passing it on to the governor's son. "What are you gonna do? Arrest your brother for partaking of an ancient ritual of healing with his fellow man?"

  "Whoa," said Russell as he blew an O of smoke from his lips, looking at Chief with admiration. "That's like some deep, shaman shit."

  "I should," said Prince, ignoring the half-baked blond kid and focusing on Chief. "Then you would finally realize there are consequences to your actions."

  "Like jail?" said Chief. "Been there, done that. And I ain't going back. Besides, his pop's gonna legalize it."

  "Oh, no," said Russell with a slight cough. "That's never going to happen. He just said that at his one and only college rally. The conservatives that surround him will never let weed fly. Especially not that holy man Chief of taff, Voigt. My dad's an old, rich, privileged asshole." Russell took another hit and spoke around the smoke he exhaled. "He's not progressive despite his number of marriages and philandering."

  "I've heard Pastor Voigt's congregation is pretty exclusive," said Chief.

  Chief's tone was casual as he turned his attention back to Russell. Prince knew better. He was up to something. Chief liked to play the charmer, but he was as sneaky as a snake when it mattered to him.

  "Some of the members have been linked to the Klan." Chief took a toke as he leaned back, eyes on Prince as though to challenge him to either take the joint away or take a hit.

  "You haven't heard the half of it," said Russell. "Dad dragged me to a sermon once. Totally killed my buzz with all the BS Voigt spewed. I think my dad fell asleep in the pews."

  "BS like what?" Chief asked.

  "Does his son attend the church?" asked Prince.

  Russell screwed his face in concentration as he looked between the two men. Two questioners were obviously too much for the stoner to handle.

  Voices sounded inside. A voice much like the pastor and father in question. Chief handed the half-smoked joint back to Russell.

  "Sounds like it's time to go," said Chief.

  Prince took Gabby's hand and followed Chief towards the stairs off the deck that led down into a yard.

  "Wait," called Russell. "Did I pass initiation? Am I a Baztard now?"

  Chief tossed a grin over his shoulder as he took the stairs. "You definitely are bastard material. But I gotta check with the other guys. We're a democracy. Give me a call next week and I'll let you know the vote."

  "But I don't have your number," called Russell.

  "Sure you do," said Chief. "I gave it to you. Remember?"

  "Oh," drawled Russell as he put the joint to his lips. "Right."

  Once they were all down the stairs and making their way across the yard towards the front of the house, Prince let go of Gabby's hand and went in on Chief.

  "What the hell was that?" Prince asked.

  Chief didn't slow his stride. "Someone graffitied the community center."

  That pulled Prince up short. The center was under Baztard protection, had been since the two of them were kids and hung out there.

  "I'm trying to figure out who," Chief continued. "Nobody from the neighborhood would dare."

  "What did it say?" asked Gabby.

  "There was a swastika, and…" Chief pursed his lips. "The words 'Take your taco trucks back to Mexico.'"

  There were a lot of kids of Hispanic origin at the community center. The majority of them were from El Salvador, not Mexico. But the message was clear and would deliver a devastating blow to the children who sought a safe place at the center.

  "You think it was someone from the governor's camp?" asked Prince. "Or the Henchmen?"

  "That's what I'm trying to find out." Chief turned his gaze to Gabby who stood pensively beside Prince. "What about you? Gabby-Gabs finally roped you into playing house for real?"

  "No, he's still resisting my charms," said Gabby. She grinned, leaning into Prince's side like she belonged there.

  "He has his business face on," Chief nodded at Prince, but still addressing Gabby. "So I'm guessing this outing isn't about pleasure."

  "Crow was in an accident," said Gabby.

  Playtime left Chief's face, and he turned serious. "He okay?"

  Gabby nodded. "Prince thinks it was personal. The guy who did it is the son of the Governor's Chief of Staff. We were hoping he'd be here tonight, but he wasn't."

  "Roman Voigt?" Chief addressed this question to Prince, who nodded. "President of the Henchmen MC?"

  Prince nodded again.

  "So they're fucking around in our front and backyard," Chief growled.

  "Watch your language around Gabby," snarled Prince.

  Chief turned his gaze to Gabby and looked her up and down. "You do realize she's a grown woman now. Or has D.C. blinded you?"

  "I'm not blind," said Prince. "I see the bag of weed in your pocket and that you're strapped."

  "Fuck yeah, I'm strapped. And my gun license is in my back pocket."

  "Carrying a gun during a drug sale can get you seven years."

  "I wasn't selling, I was sharing."

  But Prince ignored his friend. "You keep putting me in these situations."

  "It had nothing to do with you."

  "That's why I left. You think I want to be the bastard to bust my best friend? You fucked up what we built."

  "No," said Chief. "That was you. I'm still here holding shit down while you're out playing cops and robbers."

  "You know what? Fuck you."

  "No, fuck you."

  Prince held up his middle finger. "Put this in your pipe and smoke it."

  Chief grinned and backed off. "You know what, I will." Chief headed through the maze of cars and found his bike. He hopped on, turned the engine over. When he took off, it was with one middl
e finger in the air.

  Prince ground his teeth as he watched the man retreat into the night. Then he turned back to Gabby. "Come on, I'll take you home."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Prince was tense the whole drive home. Gabby allowed him his silence. Instead of trying to engage him in conversation, she spent the drive making a plan. By the time he pulled off the highway, she had an order of operations; distract him, guide him, surprise him.

  Prince parked at the curb of his parents' home, just outside the gate. He killed the engine and sat drumming the steering wheel. Gabby watched him, trying to determine the best angle of attack when he sprung out of the car.

  "You want a nightcap?" Gabby asked after he rounded to her side and handed her out of the car.

  "What?" he asked shutting the passenger door. "No. Are you drinking?"

  Gabby smiled up at him. "I'm legal, Prince. But no. I'm not drinking."

  She'd had a beer her freshmen year at college and found the fizzy drink revolting. Wine was more her cup of tea.

  Prince shoved his hands in his pockets, but made no move to leave. Good, he was still distracted.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" She placed her free hand on his chest.

  Prince looked down at her hand. He picked up her fingers and peeled them off his shirt, gently. Gabby curled her fingers around his. He didn't pull away.

  "I'll walk you home," he said.

  "I didn't realize you and Chief weren't talking," she said as they began the short trek to her house.

  "Chief should go to the police to report that incident about the community center. There are procedures in place."

  "The Baztards are neighborhood watch over there. Don't they have procedures?"

  "We can't play vigilante games anymore. We're grown men."

  Gabby nodded as she leaned into the perfect specimen of man at her side. "From what I've noticed of men, you're all pack animals. But you've been without a pack since you left. You've been without a family. Who's been cooking for you? You're skin and bones."

  She ran her hands up and down his biceps. He stopped at her mailbox and turned to look down at her.

  "I didn't abandon him," he said. "Or you."

  "You took off without saying goodbye. You've never done that before. Plus, you wouldn't take any of my calls while you were away. It felt like you purposefully avoided coming home when I was on a break. I think that's the definition of abandonment."

  "I just needed some distance from everything," he sighed.

  She set them again in a forward motion, but away from the mailbox and towards the back gate. Prince followed her lead, opening the gate and allowing her to precede him. It wasn't until they crossed the threshold that he realized what happened.

  "Gabby," he sighed.

  She flicked the light switch on in the pool house.

  Gabby didn't wait. She reached up and captured his lips. They were in a firm line. The tip of her tongue slipped out and tasted his top lip.

  Prince sighed and his mouth opened. His hands came to her shoulders. He didn't push her away. They stood still, hardly breathing, not quite kissing.

  She was cocooned in his arms. He gazed down at her. She saw the struggle in his eyes as they roved over her face. Saw the tension in his lips. She wondered if he was seeing the pudgy caterpillar she'd been in her youth or the elegant butterfly that she was now?

  She wrapped her arms tighter around him and rested her head in the crook of his neck. It was enough. She wanted him, but she didn't want to add to his stress. She wanted to be a part of his release. She wanted to be a safe place for him.

  Prince held onto her, resting his head atop hers. "Gabby," he sighed again.

  "I missed you so much," she said into his neck. "Can't you be mad at me without being away."

  "I'm not mad at you." He pulled away and ran a hand through her hair, across her temple, down her cheek. His thumb caught on her lip. "I'm mad at myself. I shouldn't have these feelings for you."

  Her heart sped up. He had feelings for her.

  "Why not?" she said. "I have them for you. I've always had them, my whole life. They're pretty awesome feelings. There's this warmth in my chest. There's a fire in my gut. There's clarity in my mind." She turned her face and nuzzled her lips at his thumb. "There's a tingling sensation lower."

  Prince pulled his thumb away, but not the rest of his body. "I feel like I've cheated you. You should've been out there dating."

  "I did. No one compared to you. No one gets me. No one makes me feel safe and heard and important."

  "You are important to me; you know that."

  Gabby shook her head. "Not when you run away from me. Not when you won't talk to me."

  He closed his eyes, but still, he didn't pull away from her.

  "I knew I loved you the moment I first looked at you," she said.

  He opened his eyes and gazed down at her. "You weren't even a month old."

  "But I was sure then. I'm legal now."

  He took a step away from her then. But she followed him, pressing her body into his.

  "I have my own mind," she said. "I know what I want. And it's you."

  Gabby reached up and captured his lips; his bottom lip this time. This lip was soft and pliable. He didn't kiss her back. He sighed into her. He didn't pull away. He held still.

  She could feel him working through the process. Weighing his options on which move to take. Gabby tilted her head back, running her full lip against his top lip, trying to tilt the scales in her favor.

  His gaze went unfocused. The corners of his eyes twitched, like a calculator that had too big a number to process. Then he closed his eyes and groaned.


  His hands gripped her hips on both sides. His forehead came down to rest on hers as though he couldn't handle its weight any longer. His breaths came out in shallow pants.

  "Fuck," he whispered again.

  His fingers dug even deeper into her hips. They were becoming painful, but she didn't complain. His eyes slammed open. She felt trapped inside the crosshairs of his hazel gaze. It was exactly where she'd always wanted to be.

  "Okay," he said. "Okay, just a kiss."

  "Hmm," she nodded in agreement, locking her crossed fingers behind his back and pressing her eager hips into his groin.

  Prince rubbed his bottom lip across her top lip. The gentle touch felt like a punch to her gut. With a gasp, she buckled into him. Her open mouth pressed into his. Her breasts hit his chest. Her belly pressed into his groin, trapping a hard, throbbing length between them.

  "Fuck," he groaned as he caught her body and her lips.

  He pressed her into him. One of his large hands came to the back of her head. He tilted her chin up with his thumb and then slanted his mouth fully onto hers.

  Gabby heard a snick as they locked into each other. The fit was perfect. The seal he made on her was unbreakable.

  He tilted her head back farther, bending her body to his will. His grip at the back of her neck gave him total control. He slipped his tongue inside of her mouth and began his quest. Didn't he know that she had surrendered long ago?

  If not, she had no plans to tell him. If she had had any defenses he would've broken them down with the same methodical patience and attention that he gave to any problem.

  He licked the seam at her lip and it broke. He tilted her head to the left and conquered the right side of mouth, she yielded. His grip torqued her to the right to quell any resistance he might find on the left side of her mouth. There was none. When he realized victory was his, he let her up for a breath.

  "Fuck," he sighed again, as though he were the one who'd lost the war.

  She stepped back from him before his game plan could change. His hands at her neck and hip tightened, unwilling to let her go. Gabby grinned. She had him.

  She reached up inside the tight cage of his embrace and pulled at the straps of her dress. Prince looked down at her fingers and grimaced. There was a mixture of fear and helple
ssness and anticipation storming across his features. He swore again when the dress fell to the ground. She hadn't worn a bra. She was left in her panties and her heels.

  "This will be burned into my mind forever," he said as he licked his lips.

  There wasn't much space between them. For her, it was too much. She took a step towards him.

  He dropped his hold on her. Holding his hands up in front of his chest in a stop motion. Gabby didn't stop. She took another step until her breasts filled his palms.

  "Okay," he said, eyes on her breasts, fingers trembling. "Okay. Second base and then that's it."

  Gabby pressed the front of her panties into his third base.

  "Fuck, Gabby."

  "Yes," she said. "That's exactly the plan."

  Chapter Fifteen

  He was losing his mind. He'd lost his mind. And he didn't care. Everything in him told him to take her. Mine rang through his head like he was some caveman. And maybe he was. And this was his woman.

  He picked up Gabby. Like the little monkey that she was, her limbs wrapped around him. He felt her warm core through the thin fabric that covered her treasure. The inconsequential polyester of his slacks and cotton of his briefs were no match for the heat emanating off both of their groins. But he wasn't going there. He couldn't.

  He was only aiming for second base. But hadn't he said he'd stop at first? Before that, hadn't the plan been to have a talk with her? He couldn't remember. The game plan was unclear in his head.

  What was clear were the twin orbs staring back at him. Gabby's nipples looked like caramel morsels in the dim light of the pool house. He was just going to have a taste, just one swipe of his tongue and then he'd stop.

  He could hear the laughter in his own head. Looking down, he realized it wasn't coming from inside him. It was coming from her.

  He'd laid Gabby down on the couch, the same couch he'd splayed her on three years ago and licked to the center of her sweetness. She looked up at him with a triumphant, smug grin on her face.

  He'd seen that look on her face many times. When she was a baby, he'd played peekaboo with her. She learned quickly that he was never truly gone. She'd stopped giggling when his fingers covered his face, and she'd smile smugly when he reappeared only a second later.


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