Smart Baztard (Baztards MC Book 1)

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Smart Baztard (Baztards MC Book 1) Page 11

by N. S. Johnson

  Prince tilted her chin up. Then, in answer to her question, he slanted his mouth over hers. Just like last night, they fit together perfectly. Two puzzle pieces that had been laying side by side on the game board all along. Anyone looking at the pieces could easily tell that their edges and grooves were a match.

  Gabby lifted up off him. Prince followed her mouth as she pulled away, coming to stand before her. She locked her fingers with his and gave a tug.

  "What happened to your face?" she asked walking backwards.


  "Ah," she said and dropped it. She'd grown up surrounded by testosterone-riddled males her entire life. She needed no further explanation.

  "I spent the night at the clubhouse to figure this all out." Prince mirrored her every step; moving forward as she stepped back.

  "You've worked it all out?"

  "Yeah," he said. "I've found my solution."

  "Are you going to make love to me now?" she asked. "No more stopping just as things are getting good."

  He grinned, nipping the edge of her mouth. "I think we should wait, take it slow."

  "I've been waiting all my life for you. We are not going any slower than we have been for the last twenty-two years. We're alone now."

  Prince broke his gaze from Gabby's lips and looked around. They were at her bedroom door. He didn't even remember climbing the stairs. How did she keep doing that to him?

  When he found her gaze again, he didn't hold it for long. His head dipped as she slid the sundress she wore off her shoulders. The garment dropped to the ground to reveal those caramel tipped breasts. She wore pink, cotton underwear today with a little blue bow below her navel.

  "This is where we left off," said Gabby. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of those pink panties. She gave a tug outward, but not down. Prince saw the dark curls he'd been dreaming about for the last three years; the pink flesh he could still taste on his tongue.

  Still, she didn't tug down. She waited.

  Prince took a deep breath. Then he took a step towards her. He placed his hands over hers and slid both their fingers down her hips. He bent his legs, pressing his lips to her breasts, her belly, and the place where the panties used to be; the panties he now tossed to the side.

  He stayed down on his knees, breathing her in. His arms went around her waist. His hands filled with her ass. Her hands came to rest in his hair.

  "Gabby," he sighed. He pressed a kiss to her damp folds. Then he couldn't help himself, his tongue struck out, like a match seeking a flame, a bow seeking a string.

  Gabby vibrated under the pull of his tongue. The tune he strummed across her labia wasn't sad. It was a joyous crescendo as her voice joined in to hit the last high note.

  Between her cries of joy, the sweet taste of her in his mouth, and the throb of his cock, Prince was delirious. He scooped her up and carried her to the bed. Her legs fell open as she hit the mattress, begging him to use a different instrument for the next song.

  He made quick work of his shirt and pants. His cock was in his hand. His chest pressing up against hers. His lips covered hers, pulling at the plump lips that met his with eager abandon.

  Gabby writhed beneath him, eager for the concert of their bodies to begin. She reached between them, taking his baton in hand. His bare cock jumped and pulsed at her touch, but he held himself back.

  "Wait," he gasped.

  "Hell, no," she growled.

  "Gabs, we need protection."

  She shook her head. "I've never done this before."

  "You're still a virgin?"

  "Of course. It was always going to be you." She said it as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

  "I haven't been with anyone in three years," he said.

  Gabby grinned up at him. She circled his cock head around her core and then arched until his hard edge met her soft entrance. Prince sank down into the mattress. Gabby surrounded him. Her lips sucked at the bottom of his mouth. Her legs wrapped around his ass. Somehow, he managed to pull back.

  "Gabby, wait," he begged. "Wait."

  "This is happening," she growled. "With or without your cooperation."

  "We still need protection," he reasoned. "Are you on birth control?"

  "Oh," she sighed. "Don't worry about that. It's taken care of."

  "Thank God," said Prince.

  Because he was at the end of his control, the edge of his sanity. He allowed his body weight to sink further into her body. All he wanted to do was thrust into her tight, slick heat. But he had to be patient. He had to be gentle. She was untouched. She'd waited for him. He'd waited for her. Now, was the time.

  "So you're on the pill," he sighed with relief.

  "No." She thrust her body up to his.

  Prince felt the tightness within her, the place where he imagined her maidenhead to lie. She pushed past it and swallowed him whole with an unladylike grunt, followed by a sigh of the deepest pleasure. And that's when her single-syllabic response penetrated.

  But it was too late. He was lost inside her. He'd lost any pretense of control.

  Gabby set the pace. Her limbs were wrapped around his ass, his shoulders. Her hips thrust upward, taking him into her body again and again. His little monkey wrapped around his middle.

  The idea of protection was laughable. He'd never had anything to guard himself against this woman. Not time, not distance, not anything. It was inevitable. He had belonged to her since the first time she'd wrapped her hand around his finger. Now she wrapped her body around his.

  He felt her body tensing for its second release. His balls tightened. His cock wept. His eyes teared. His mouth captured her cries as she trembled beneath him. And her mouth captured his, as he shuddered above her, releasing his mind, his body, his heart, his soul to her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Gabby's eyes opened slowly. Outside her bedroom window, the clouds of blue moved across the sky like notes on a sheet of music. Birds chirped and tweeted in vocal accompaniment. The sweet sight and sounds couldn't match the joy that strummed through her heart.

  Prince's nose was tucked behind her ear. His mouth blew soft breaths along her neck. His arms were wrapped around her tight. His eager cock pressed into her back.

  Gabby turned and reached down for him, thrilled that she was finally able to do so. But he stayed her hand.

  "You're sore," he said.

  Gabby ignored him. She hitched a leg over his hip and rubbed her bare core against his stiff rod.

  Prince groaned. "Gabby." His tone was a warning, but he didn't stop her.

  She aligned herself with him. She rubbed the fleshy part of his cock against her soft folds and winced.

  "I told you so," he said, sitting up.

  "I don't care."

  "I do," he said kissing her lips. He moved her hips back until she was sitting in his lap with his cock between them. "I don't ever want to hurt you."

  Her fingers encircled his cock, and he hissed.

  "But I want you," she said.

  "You have me." Prince gathered her into himself. "In every sense of the word, you have me."

  She hadn't managed to get his cock back inside her that morning. Instead, Prince offered her his tongue. It was a consolation prize she'd accept daily.

  After she caught her breath from more orgasms, and they washed and dressed, they ventured downstairs in search of sustenance. Before Gabby could pull out the fixings for brunch, she heard voices and splashing outside.

  Hawk and Eagle had made an impromptu visit home. At the pool deck, Ellie sat on Eagle's lap. His thumb and index finger toyed with the strap of her bikini bottom while she giggled as he whispered in her ear.

  Hawk was in the pool with the pretty nurse from the hospital. Cleo, was her name if Gabby remembered correctly. Back at the hospital, Gabby had sensed that there was an attraction between her and Eagle. But now, Nurse Cleo and her brother splashed around in the pool playing basketball. When Hawk snagged the ball from Cleo, she jumped up
and wrapped her legs around him. He caught her by the ass which freed the ball from his hands. Cleo took advantage by grabbing the ball and making the shot. In retaliation, Hawk gave the nurse's ass a firm spank.

  "Gabs," Prince whispered in her ear. "Why don't we go back inside and let them have the pool."

  He gave a tug, but Gabby stayed put. She'd known that Eagle and Hawk were wild when it came to women. She also knew the two males had shared everything since they were boys.

  "Hey, look everybody," shouted Eagle. "There are the newlyweds."

  Ellie hopped off Eagle's lap and came up to Gabby with her arms thrown wide. She enveloped Gabby in a hug. "Congratulations, you two."

  "We're not …" Prince began but gave up. "Thanks," he said accepting Ellie's hug.

  Gabby smiled up at Prince and his look of resignation. She wrapped her arms around his bicep and led him over to the lounge chairs with the others. He came willingly.

  "Are you going to wear an engagement ring?" Ellie asked. "Did you know the custom springs from Rome where wives wore rings attached to keys indicating their husband's ownership and-"

  "El," said Hawk with a warning tone before his girlfriend went off on one of her info dumping tangents. But there was a smile in his voice and on his face. The way Hawk looked at Ellie, Gabby knew that her brother was thinking about his own lock to put around this girl.

  "Ownership can be a good thing," said Cleo as she took the vacant seat in Eagle's lap. "But it depends on the owner. Instead of a ring, I gave my girlfriend a gold choker."

  Gabby's eyebrows rose to her hairline. "You have a girlfriend?" She looked up at Eagle. "And a boyfriend?"

  Eagle winked at her.

  "Yep," said Cleo as she tucked her toes under Eagle's thighs. "I don't knock marriage. I believe in lifetime partnerships. I'm devoted to my Toy."

  "That's her sexual submissive," offered Ellie from the comfort of Hawk's lap.

  "Are you a dominatrix?" Gabby asked.

  Cleo nodded.

  "Is Eagle your slave?" Gabby asked.

  Both Hawk and Ellie laughed. "She wishes," Ellie said.

  Eagle only grinned. He looked up at Cleo with the same adoration that Hawk shone on Ellie. "I'm at her service," he said.

  Cleo grinned back, trailing a finger down his bare chest. "Yes, you are."

  "Hey," growled Hawk. "Don't corrupt my baby sister."

  "I'm pretty sure my brother's already done that," said Eagle.

  "You did what, Yohaness?"

  Six heads turned to the gate that connected the Hernandez and Obademi properties. Prince and Eagle's mom stood just inside the open gate. Her eyes weren't on her younger son and the woman sitting in his lap. No, they were on her eldest son and the woman sitting at his side with her fingers entangling his.

  "What are you doing holding hands with little Gabby?" said the judge. "She's too old for that."

  Which was it? Was Gabby a child or was she too old? Gabby made a move to stand, but Prince slowed her motion. He held onto her waist as he rose coming alongside her. He wrapped his arms around her and faced his mother.

  The judge frowned as she looked at the two standing side by side, but she continued on. "I've been looking for you because Kemi stopped by yesterday."

  Prince gave a shake of his head. "I'm not interested in Kemi. I'm with Gabby."

  The judge's mouth slackened. She took a step back as though she needed a different vantage point to take in the scene before her. She got the same look as Prince when he was working out a problem. It was the same look that Gabby knew she got when she was trying to figure out how to get her own way. Finally, Mrs. Obademi held up her hands.

  "It's your life," she said on a slow exhale. "Who you date is your decision. But it's a decision I'm going to have trouble supporting."

  Gabby felt Prince tense beside her, but he didn't follow his mother as she made her way back towards the gate. Before she reached it, the door to the pool house opened.

  A mop of red hair backed out of the door, followed by a mess of braids strewn haphazardly into a low ponytail.

  "Promise me, you won't tell a soul?" Diniece was saying.

  "On my honor," grinned Chief, making the sign of the cross on his chest.

  Diniece leaned in for another kiss. But her face fell as she caught sight of the crowd gathered over Chief's shoulder.

  Chief turned and then gulped. "Good morning, your honor."

  The judge only shook her head and then continued on through the gate, closing it behind her.

  Chapter Twenty

  Prince rode into work on his bike on Monday morning. He hadn't felt like facing the confines of a car, not after he'd finally opened himself up to what he really wanted.

  He'd spent the rest of the weekend in Gabby's bed, feasting on her body, listening to her talk about everything and nothing at all. Sitting with her as she worked on her school projects while he wrote his report.

  They essentially played house for two days while Diniece made herself scarce. Though Prince assumed she was hiding. Whether she was hiding from him and Gabby or hiding from Chief, Prince didn't know. Chief had been tough to get a hold of for the rest of the weekend as well. In the end, Prince assumed the two were hiding out together. It was better than blue balls, a bruised cheek, or a broken nose.

  He'd kissed Gabby goodbye at the front stoop of her house. He'd mounted his bike, but stopped and stared at her before pulling on his helmet. She was a picture framed in the doorway. Her hair was tousled from their lovemaking during the sunrise. She'd pulled on a sundress, but that didn't hide her curves. She leaned against the frame in bare feet.

  Prince nearly hopped off his bike and went back to her. But then he realized, he could have her at lunchtime. Then again tomorrow morning, and every night after that. He was going to marry her and they were going to spend the rest of their lives together, having mornings just like this where she kissed him and sent him off to work.

  He pulled the helmet down and took off for the city so that he could return to her as soon as possible so that they could start that life.

  Prince pulled into the courthouse complex. Though the city was a major metropolitan, they didn't have an FBI Field Office. But there was a resident agency led by a supervising agent. Prince waited patiently as Special Agent Dawson reviewed his report.

  Dawson turned over the last page with a grimace. He squinted and gave a shake of his head as he flipped the stack down on his tiny desk.

  "It's all there," said Prince. "There were racial slurs exchanged before the race. Mr. Voigt admitted to me that the emblem on his race car was one of hate. He also admitted that he attacked the Watchers Crew race driver for a racial reason."

  "But the victim that he attacked is a white male."

  Prince nodded his head slowly, trying to follow the trajectory of Dawson's line of thinking. "Crow -Mr. Trent- is part of a diverse group of drivers. Roman was attacking that group."

  "But only Mr. Trent was injured. Hate crimes are crimes against people of color, various religious groups, individuals who identify as LGBTQ, and people who have been historically attacked for their apparent differences. You can't extend that definition to the majority group. Mr. Voigt's attack doesn't fit the definition of a hate crime."

  Prince leaned back. He squinted at the other man, then at the stack of evidence he'd compiled. "Are you telling me that if you're white, nobody can commit a hate crime against you?"

  "I didn't make these rules," Dawson said.

  "Hate can extend to everyone. Mr. Voigt appears to hate everyone that isn't like him. There are implications that he graffitied a community center filled with kids of Hispanic origin. If we let him get away, he will continue to commit more heinous acts."

  "Hey, I'm on your side, but it's not enough."

  Prince shoved away from the desk. He stood and began pacing the room. He felt the steam coming out of his ears. Was this asshole going to get off on a technicality? A racist one at that!

  "You've go
t an even bigger problem," said Dawson. "Roman Voigt is the son of the chief of staff for the new governor. With the tension in this state after the election, this would create a media frenzy if we brought this case to trial and didn't get a conviction. And we do not have enough to get a conviction. We don't even have enough to make an arrest. Crashing is a common occurrence in race car driving. The track meted out its punishment. The state didn't find criminal fault. The victim isn't pressing charges. And now the governor is involved."

  "So we're just going to let him walk." Prince didn't wait for an answer. He stormed to the door. "This is bullshit."

  He marched out of the small office, and who should he bump into but the villain in this case. Roman Voigt was coming out of the Attorney General's office. Unlike the District Attorney who is elected by the people, which Samuel Hernandez was, an Attorney General was appointed by the President.

  The AG shook hands with Levi Voigt while Roman smirked at Prince.

  "You still want to have that talk, Agent Obademi?" the bastard asked.

  Prince held his tongue. It was easy because he was concentrating on keeping his fists down at his sides. But his control snapped when Kemi walked out of the AG's office. She let out a long sigh as she saw him. She directed her client and his father towards the elevator. Roman winked at Prince before he headed into the opening doors with his father.

  Kemi steeled her shoulders before she turned to Prince.

  "Proud of yourself?" Prince asked. "You just put a misogynist, racist aggressive bastard out on the street."

  "He hasn't committed a crime," Kemi said holding up her hands. "And since he's not a criminal, he still has rights."

  Prince stepped away from her. "He violated the rights of others."

  "Listen." Kemi reached for his arm. "I know you're upset. Why don't we go out to dinner and talk about it?"

  Prince looked down at her hand. He couldn't fathom how he'd ever thought her touch anything other than poison. "I don't think that would be a good idea since we're on opposing sides of this case."

  "There is no case, Prince."

  "There will be. This isn't over. But we are. Or didn't my mother tell you, I'm engaged."


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