by Mayne Reid
The interior was dark, and it was some time before I could distinguishany object. Presently my eyes became accustomed to the sombre light,and I was enabled to trace the outlines of this singular tree-cavern.
Its dimensions somewhat astonished me. A dozen men could have beenaccommodated in it, and there was ample room for that number eithersitting or standing. In fact, the whole pyramidal mass which supportedthe tree was nothing more than a thin shell, all the heart havingperished by decay. The floor, by the falling of this _debris_ of rottenwood, was raised above the level of the water, and felt firm and dryunderfoot. Near its centre I could perceive the ashes and half-burntembers of an extinct fire; and along one side was strewed a thickcovering of dry _tillandsia_, that had evidently been used as a bed. Anold blanket lying upon the moss gave further testimony that this was itspurpose.
There was no furniture. A rude block,--a cypress knee that had beencarried there--formed, the only substitute for a chair, and there wasnothing to serve for a table. He who had made this singular cave hisresidence required no luxuries to sustain him. Necessaries, however, hehad provided. As my eyes grew more accustomed to the light, I couldmake out a number of objects I had not at first seen. An earthencooking-pot, a large water gourd, a tin cup, an old axe, somefishing-tackle, and one or two coarse rags of clothing. What interestedme more than all these was the sight of several articles that were_eatable_. There was a good-sized "chunk" of cooked pork, a gigantic"pone" of corn-bread, several boiled ears of maize, and the better halfof a roast fowl. All these lay together upon a large wooden dish,rudely carved from the wood of the tulip-tree--of such a fashion as Ihad often observed about the cabins of the negro quarter. Beside thisdish lay several immense egg-shaped bodies of dark-green colour, withother smaller ones of a yellow hue. These were water and musk melons,--not a bad prospect for a dessert.
I had made this reconnoissance while my companion was engaged infastening his pirogue to the tree. I had finished my survey as heentered.
"Now, mass'," said he, "dis am ole Gabe's nest; de dam man-hunter nofound 'im yeer."
"Why, you are quite at home here, Gabriel! How did you ever find such aplace?"
"Lor', mass', knowd it long time. He not de fust darkie who hid in disold cypress,--nor de fust time for Gabr'l neider. He runaway afore,--dat war when he libbed with Mass' Hicks, 'fore ole mass' bought him. Henebber had 'casion to run away from old Mass 'Sancon. He good to debrack folks, and so war Mass Antoine--he good too, but now de poor niggacan't stan no longer; de new oberseer, he flog hard,--he flog till doblood come,--he use de cobbin board, an dat pump, an de red cowhide, ande wagon whip,--ebberything he use,--dam! I nebber go back,--nebber!"
"But how do you intend to live? you can't always exist in this way.Where will you get your provisions?"
"Nebber fear, mass' Edwad, always get nuff to eat; no fear for dat. Dapoor runaway hab some friend on de plantations. Beside he steal nuff tokeep 'im 'live--hya! hya!"
"Gabr'l no need steal now, 'ceptin' de roasting yeers and de millyuns.See! what Zip fetch im! Zip come las night to de edge ob de woods an'fetch all dat plunder. But, mass', you 'skoose me. Forgot you amhungry. Hab some pork some chicken. Chloe cook 'em--is good--you eat."
So saying he set the wooden platter with its contents before me; and theconversation was now interrupted, as both myself and my companionattacked the viands with right good-will.
The "millyuns" constituted a delicious dessert, and for a full half-hourwe continued to fight against the appetite of hunger. We conquered itat length, but not until the store of the runaway had been greatlyreduced in bulk.
After dinner we sat conversing for a long time. We were not without thesoothing nicotian weed. My companion had several bunches of drytobacco-leaf among his stores; and a corn-cob with a piece of cane-jointserved for a pipe, through which the smoke was inhaled with all thearomatic fragrance of the costliest Havanna.
Partly from gratitude for the saving of my life, I had grown to feel astrong interest in the runaway, and his future prospects became thesubject of our converse. He had formed no plan of escape--though somethoughts of an attempt to reach Canada or Mexico, or to get off in aship by New Orleans, had passed through his mind.
A plan occurred to me, though I did not communicate it to him, as Imight never be able to carry it out. I begged of him, however, not toleave his present abode until I could see him again, promising that Ishould do what I could to find him a kinder master.
He readily agreed to my proposal; and as it was now sunset, I madepreparations for my departure from the lake.
A signal was agreed upon, so that when I should return to visit him, hecould bring the pirogue to ferry me across; and this being arranged, weonce more entered the canoe, and set out for the plantations.
We soon recrossed the lake; and, leaving the little boat safely mooredby the fallen tree, started off through the woods. The path, withGabriel for my guide, was now easy; and at intervals, as we went along,he directed my attention to certain blazes upon the trees, and othermarks by which I should know it again.
In less than an hour after, we parted on the edge of the clearings--hegoing to some rendezvous already appointed--whilst I kept on to thevillage, the road to which now ran between parallel fences that renderedit impossible for me to go astray.