by Mayne Reid
At sight of these horsemen my heart leaped with joy, for among theforemost I beheld the calm, resolute face of Edward Reigart. Behind himrode the sheriff of the parish, followed by a "posse" of about a dozenmen--among whom I recognised several of the most respectable planters ofthe neighbourhood. Every one of the party was armed either with a rifleor pistols; and the manner in which they rode forward upon the ground,showed that they had come in great haste, and with a determined purpose.
I say my heart leaped with joy. An actual criminal standing upon theplatform of the gallows could not have been more joyed at sight of themessenger that brought him reprieve or pardon. In the new-comers Irecognised friends: in their countenances I read rescue. I was notdispleased, therefore, when the sheriff, dismounting, advanced to myside, and placing his hand upon my shoulder, told me I was his prisoner"in the name of the law." Though brusquely done, and apparently with adegree of rudeness, I was not displeased either by the act or themanner. The latter was plainly assumed for a purpose; and in the actitself I hailed the salvation of my life. I felt like a rescued man.
The proceeding did not equally content my former judges, who loudlymurmured their dissatisfaction. They alleged that I had already beentried by a jury of _twelve free citizens_--that I had been found guiltyof nigger-stealing--that I had stolen _two niggers_--that I had resistedwhen pursued, and had "wownded" one of my pursuers; and that, as allthis had been "clarly made out," they couldn't see what more was wantedto establish my guilt, and that I ought to be _hung_ on the spot,without further loss of time.
The sheriff replied that such a course would be illegal; that themajesty of the law must be respected; that if I was guilty of the crimesalleged against me, the law would most certainly measure out fullpunishment to me; but that I must first be brought before a justice, andthe charge legally and formally made out; and, finally, expressed hisintention to take me before Justice Claiborne, the magistrate of thedistrict.
An angry altercation ensued between the mob and the sheriffs party--inwhich but slight show of respect was paid to the high executive--and forsome time I was actually in dread that the ruffians would carry theirpoint. But an American sheriff is entirely a different sort ofcharacter from the idle gentleman who fills that office in an Englishcounty. The former is, in nine cases out of ten, a man of provedcourage and action; and Sheriff Hickman, with whom my _quasi_ judges hadto deal, was no exception to this rule. His "posse," moreover,hurriedly collected by my friend Reigart, chanced to have among theirnumber several men of a similar stamp. Reigart himself, though a man ofpeace, was well-known to possess a cool and determined spirit; and therewas the landlord of my hotel, and several of the planters whoaccompanied several of the young planters, behaved in a handsome manner;and the law prevailed.
Yes! thank Heaven and half-a-dozen noble men, the law prevailed--else Ishould never have gone out of that glade alive!
Justice Lynch had to give way to Justice Claiborne, and a respite wasobtained from the cruel verdict of the former. The victorious sheriffand his party bore me off in their midst.
But though my ferocious judges had yielded for the present, it was notcertain that they would not still attempt to rescue me from the hands ofthe law. To prevent this, the sheriff mounted me upon a horse--hehimself riding upon one side, while an assistant of tried courage tookthe opposite. Reigart and the planters kept close to me before andbehind; while the shouting, blaspheming mob followed both on horsebackand afoot. In this way we passed through the woods, across the fields,along the road leading into Bringiers, and then to the residence of"Squire" Claiborne--Justice of the Peace for that district.
Attached to his dwelling was a large room or office where the Squire wasused to administer the magisterial law of the land. It was entered by aseparate door from the house itself, and had no particular marks aboutit to denote that it was a hall of justice, beyond the fact that it wasfurnished with a bench or two to serve as seats, and a small desk orrostrum in one corner.
At this desk the Squire was in the habit of settling petty disputes,administering affidavits at a quarter of a dollar each, and arrangingother small civic matters. But oftener was his magisterial functionemployed in sentencing the mutinous "darkie" to his due the sheriff--sterling men, who were lovers of the law and lovers of fair play aswell--and those, armed to the teeth, would have laid down their lives onthe spot in defence of the sheriff and his demand. True, they were inthe minority in point of numbers; but they had the law upon their side,and that gave them strength.
There was one point in my favour above all others, and that was, myaccusers chanced to be unpopular men. Gayarre, as already stated,although professing a high standard of morality, was not esteemed by theneighbouring planters--particularly by those of American origin. Theothers most forward against me were known to be secretly instigated bythe lawyer. As to Ruffin, whom I had "wounded," those upon the groundhad heard the crack of his rifle, and knew that _he had fired first_.In their calmer moments my resistance would have been deemed perfectlyjustifiable--so far as that individual was concerned.
Had the circumstances been different--had the "two niggers" I had_stolen_ belonged to a popular planter, and not to Monsieur DominiqueGayarre--had Ruffin been a respectable citizen, instead of thedissipated half outlaw that he was--had there not been a suspicion inthe minds of many present that it was _not_ a case of ordinary_nigger-stealing_, then indeed might it have gone ill with me, in spiteof the sheriff and his party.
Even as it was, a long and angry altercation ensued--loud words, oaths,and gestures of menace, were freely exchanged--and both rifles andpistols were cocked and firmly grasped before the discussion ended.
But the brave sheriff remained resolute; Reigart acted a most courageouspart; my _ci-devant_ host, and proportion of stripes on the complaint ofa conscientious master--for, after all, such theoretical protection doesthe poor slave enjoy.
Into this room, then, was I hurried by the sheriff and his assistants--the mob rushing in after, until every available space was occupied.