Retribution (The Lone Riders MC Series Book 2)

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Retribution (The Lone Riders MC Series Book 2) Page 7

by Michelle Betham

  ‘I said, watch that mouth.’

  Kip stared at him as he came closer. ‘Look, just ‘cause you’re fucking my sister it doesn’t give you the right to speak to me like I’m some wet-behind-the-ears Prospect.’

  ‘I’m the President of this chapter, son, okay? Which gives me the right to speak to you any way I like. You got that?’

  ‘Fuck you!’ Kip spat, pushing past Coby and heading outside.

  Lexi was in the yard talking to Red, and Kip watched as she handed Ozzie over to him, obviously issuing the day’s childcare instructions to the only Prospect she seemed willing to trust with her son. And that was probably purely because Callie – Red’s girlfriend – was a qualified nanny, which had worked out perfectly for Lexi and Coby.

  ‘I don’t know why you don’t just stay at home and be a proper mum to him,’ Kip muttered as Lexi walked over. ‘I mean, it’s not like you’ve got anything else to do.’

  Lexi narrowed her eyes as she glared at her brother. ‘You want to tell me where you get off speaking to me like that?’

  ‘For fuck’s sake…! Did you and the scowling Scotsman both wake up this morning determined to throw the “I’m in charge” card around?’

  Lexi’s frown deepened. ‘Something wrong, Kip?’

  Kip sat down, removing his cap and pushing a hand through his hair. ‘What’s up with Coby this morning, huh?’

  Lexi sat down next to him. ‘I don’t know. He spoke to Dad earlier, just before we left to come here, but apart from that…’

  ‘What did he talk to Charlie about?’

  Lexi shrugged. ‘No idea. I didn’t ask, and even if I had done I doubt he would have told me. If he wants me to know stuff, he tells me.’

  ‘Do you think it’s something to do with Mia?’

  ‘Like I said, Kip, I have no idea.’ Lexi looked straight at her brother. ‘You interested in her?’

  Kip’s gaze dropped to his hands holding tightly on to his cap. ‘There’s something about her, Lex. I don’t what it is, but… She seems different to any of the other girls that hang around here.’

  ‘That’s probably because she isn’t a porn star or a wannabe mama. But you’ve got to forget going there, Kip. It’s way too soon, okay?’

  His eyes met hers. ‘Shouldn’t that be something she decides?’

  Lexi stood up, digging her hands into the pockets of her skinny jeans. ‘Just be careful, Kip. Please. I mean, I’m not saying she’s trouble or anything. But I know what she’s been through. And I know how that can make someone feel inside. She might think she’s ready to jump straight into some kind of new relationship, but I doubt very much that she is. And you’re my brother. I don’t want to see you hurt, that’s all.’

  Kip threw his sister a small smile, waiting until she’d walked away before he let out a heavy sigh of frustration. He was a big boy now. He could look after himself.


  Ben opened the door, unable to hide his surprise when he saw her standing there.

  ‘How did you…?’

  ‘Know where you live?’ She shrugged, throwing him a wide, somewhat mischievous smile that somehow managed to kick him hard in the solar plexus. ‘Your receptionist has to go to the bathroom at some point, doesn’t she?’

  He frowned. ‘You…?’

  ‘Jesus, Ben, I’m not some kind of stalker. And I didn’t go rifling through any files in your office, either. I’m just messing, okay? I saw you at the deli earlier, and I kind of followed you home. And I know that makes me sound like some kind of stalker, but I promise you, I’m not gonna go all weird on you. I just thought that, if I called first, you might say no.’

  No to what, exactly? Ben wondered. But she was right. If she’d called first he would have told her no. He would have told her there was no future in this; that what had happened was a one-off, a silly, thoughtless act that he should have stopped before it had got as far as it had.

  ‘You would have said no, wouldn’t you?’

  His expression had obviously given away more than he’d intended, and he dropped his gaze, digging a hand into his pocket.

  ‘Oh, for Christ’s sake…’ Mia sighed, pushing past him and kicking the door shut behind her. ‘Look at me, Ben. Come on.’

  He raised his head, his eyes meeting hers. With her long dark hair, full lips, and soft, inked skin she was, by far, the most beautiful, most intriguing woman he’d ever seen. And looking at her, standing there, the only thing he could think about was how good it had felt to fuck her. How good it had felt to hold her, kiss her, come inside her. And all he wanted to do was go there again. Because he was weak. He was so fucking weak.

  ‘What’s the matter, huh? Someone warn you off?’

  He said nothing, just continued to look at her, unable to pull his eyes away.

  ‘Jesus!’ she laughed, throwing her head back, laughing a touch louder, a slightly manic tone taking over. ‘They have, haven’t they? Who was it, Ben? Who told you to stay away? Was it Charlie? Coby? Who?’

  Ben pushed a hand through his hair, his gaze dropping to the floor. ‘It shouldn’t have happened, Mia.’ He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. ‘I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that.’

  ‘Taken advantage…? What the hell…? I’m quite capable of making my own decisions here, Ben.’ Her voice was low and steady. ‘And I wanted you to fuck me.’

  ‘Are you sure you didn’t just want to be fucked?’

  The slap came before he’d had a chance to realize it was happening, and he slowly raised his hand to touch his throbbing cheek.

  ‘I wanted you to fuck me,’ she hissed, her eyes burning into his.

  Just hearing her talk like that made his skin break out in goose bumps, his heart start to beat that little bit faster; alarm bells loud and deafening ringing out inside his head.

  ‘I should have walked away,’ he said quietly, his hand falling away from his face.

  She moved a step closer to him, cocking her head slightly as she held his gaze. ‘Who told you to stay away, Ben?’

  ‘Listen, Mia, I’ve worked for this club long enough to know that this – it isn’t a good idea. And I think you know that too.’

  ‘I don’t care what anyone else thinks…’

  ‘Well, you should.’ His tone was harsher now. Because he felt as though he had to stamp some kind of authority on this situation before his weakness took over. ‘You should care.’

  ‘Why, huh? Why should I care?’

  ‘Because this club didn’t hurt you, Mia. Lennie hurt you, and the club – all they’re trying to do is help you put the pieces back together and start again.’

  ‘I don’t need their help. I don’t need anyone’s help…’

  He grabbed her wrist, his tone harder, and tinged with a frustration he hadn’t expected. ‘You do, Mia. You’re just too fucking stubborn to see it.’

  She looked down at his hand circling her wrist with a grip so tight his knuckles were starting to whiten. ‘Once a biker always a biker, huh?’ Her eyes slowly met his, and he dropped her arm, stepping back from her.

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  She moved closer, taking over the space he’d just vacated, her eyes blazing through the deep, dark blackness. ‘You don’t strike me as the kind of man who lets somebody tell them how to live their life.’

  ‘With all due respect, Mia, you don’t know me. You don’t know anything about me.’

  ‘I don’t need to. I don’t even know if I want to because I’m not talking marriage and babies or even a relationship here, Ben. I’ve had enough of commitment and all the crap that comes with it. I just want to have some fun now.’

  ‘Fun for who, Mia? You?’

  ‘Don’t you think I deserve some fun?’ She reached out, running her fingers over his thickening stubble, her eyes searching his face.

  He took hold of her wrist again, more gently this time as he pulled her hand away. ‘I think you deserve to be happy, yes. After what you’ve been through. But maybe you ne
ed to look a little closer to home for that fun you’re talking about.’

  She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him, laughing slightly. ‘I’m sorry? I’m guessing, from that comment, that you mean I should look inside the club, is that what you’re saying? Take my chances with another man who could so easily turn out to be just like Lennie?’

  Ben bowed his head, once more nervously rubbing the back of his neck. ‘I’m not the right man for you, Mia.’

  ‘You don’t know that.’

  He raised his gaze, unable to stop his eyes from meeting hers. And this time the blazing black had turned softer, vulnerable, almost. Something he still thought she was, even if she’d never admit it. ‘I know it wouldn’t work.’

  She shook her head. ‘You’re over-thinking this, Ben. You’re making it seem way more important than it really is. And if it’s Lennie you’re worried about…’

  ‘I’ve said everything I have to say, Mia. Look, I’m… I’m almost forty years old, things are settled in my life now, and I like the routine I’ve…’

  She laughed again, turning away from him for a second or two. ‘Routine? Come on, Ben…’ She turned back to face him, moving closer still, reaching out to touch him once more, and this time he didn’t stop her. ‘Don’t you want to get back out there on the open road, hmm? Straddle a Harley again; go riding off some place nobody else can find you? Far away from all the crap that makes up so much of everyday life? Don’t you want that?’

  He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply, placing his hand over hers, his fingers tightening their grip.

  ‘Come with me,’ she whispered, her mouth so close to his ear he could feel her warm breath on his neck, which only served to make every hair there stand on end. ‘Come outside, get on that bike, and let me show you that world you’ve denied yourself for far too long. That world you want to live in again, I know you want that, Ben. I can feel it.’

  He kept his eyes closed, scared of what he’d do if he opened them.

  ‘You know you want to do this,’ she murmured, her mouth brushing that spot just below his ear, and he felt himself spiralling out of control, so fast his head was spinning. All the resolve and the strength he’d wanted to have – he realized he’d never really had it at all. She was like a shot of something new and forbidden, and he was too weak to resist the temptation. Had he been too long without a woman in his life? Too tied up in his work to know how to handle this kind of thing now it had happened? How could he even answer that? He’d had no idea Mia Rose would come crashing into his world. And even if he had, he doubted he could ever have been prepared for her; for how she was making him feel. ‘Just come with me, Ben. It’s that easy.’

  ‘Mia, I…’

  ‘Do you really want to spend the rest of your life behind a desk? Doing everything the club tells you to do? Don’t you want some control back over your life? Don’t you want that escape…?’

  ‘I’m happy, Mia.’

  ‘Are you?’

  Was he? Really?

  ‘Routine is so boring, Ben. It’s way more fun to get up in the morning not knowing what the rest of the day is gonna bring. And you’ve known that feeling; you’ve lived those kinds of days. Don’t you want to live them again?’

  He groaned quietly as her mouth moved down over his neck, kissing the base of his throat before moving back up, until their lips finally touched. Pulling her against him he held her close, every inch of her body touching his, her fingers in his hair, and he’d never felt so weak. But he’d also never felt so alive. So free.

  ‘Come with me,’ she whispered. ‘Come on.’ She took his hand, pulling him outside. ‘You won’t regret this, lawyer man. I promise you.’

  He closed the door behind him, following her down the front path, the warm Californian sun bouncing off the chrome of the Harley Davidson Roadster parked outside, the black paintwork shining so bright he had to shield his eyes from the glare. He’d been up close with these bikes many a time over the years, because of his association with the club. But he’d never once, in all that time, dared to stand still and take in what magnificent machines they really were, because he’d been too busy remembering how terrifying they could also be.

  He’d used to ride his own Harley every day, without fail, until both he and the bike he’d once loved had ended up under the wheels of a refrigerated truck, resulting in both his bike – and his leg – mangled beyond any recognition. But was he going to let that memory haunt him forever? Was he really going to let it stop him from rediscovering something that had once given him the kind of freedom most people could only dream of? None of it had been his fault. The accident hadn’t been caused by reckless driving on his part. The bike hadn’t been to blame. And he had to start remembering that.

  ‘Whose is it?’ Ben asked, letting his fingers tentatively touch the paintwork.

  ‘One of the Prospects loaned it to me.’

  He looked at her as she leaned back against it, resting her hands on the thick leather seat. ‘They trust you with it, huh?’

  She smiled, and he once again felt that metaphorical kick to the stomach. ‘I can ride as good as any of those brothers. Shit! I was born riding.’

  He laughed as he walked around the bike, crouching down briefly to take in every detail. ‘And you’re quite happy to ride pillion, huh?’ He stood up, his hands now in his pockets, his eyes fixed on hers as she turned to face him. ‘You trust me to ride this thing? A man who hasn’t ridden in over a decade?’

  She leaned forward, her hands still resting on the seat, that smile still lighting up her beautiful face. ‘I guess I’m willing to take a risk.’

  He laughed again, taking a hand out of his pocket, placing it on the handlebars. And as he did so he felt a surge of something strong and powerful wash over him, his grip automatically tightening. He was going to ride this thing. And he was going to enjoy every last, exhilarating second.

  ‘Go on,’ she encouraged, watching his hand as it clung on to the handlebars. ‘You know what you’ve got to do. There’s no turning back now, Ben.’

  He looked at her. His heart was hammering out a heavy rhythm, and he could feel the blood pumping round his veins so fast it was almost making him dizzy. But she was right. He’d come this far…

  Putting his other hand on the handlebars he took a long, deep breath before carefully straddling the bike, lowering himself down on to the leather saddle, closing his eyes as hundreds of memories flooded his head, rushing forward like a tidal wave, reminding him how much he’d once loved this.

  ‘Feel good?’

  He heard Mia’s voice from somewhere close by, but even though he knew she was standing right beside him, she seemed a million miles away. But then he felt her climb on behind him, her arms circling his waist, her chin resting on his shoulder.

  ‘I knew, once you saw it, you wouldn’t be able to resist,’ she whispered.

  Opening his eyes, staring down at his hands still gripping the handlebars, he smiled to himself. He could do this. He could ride this anywhere he wanted to; somewhere quiet and secluded, and then he would ride her until she screamed out his name, her fingernails drawing blood as their bodies moved together like two rutting dogs. Jesus! He was turned on just thinking about it!

  ‘You got something on your mind there, lawyer man?’ she murmured, clinging on tight as he started up the bike.

  Feeling just the tiniest hint of panic as the engine spluttered into life, Ben soon pushed that to one side as he felt Mia hold him tighter, her arms giving him a safety he didn’t think he really needed, but it was nice, having it there anyway. ‘I should have done this a long time ago,’ he said, his body suddenly filled with an indescribable anticipation. ‘Hold on, darlin’. We’re outta here.’

  And as he roared off on to the road, turning the corner out of his street, he felt a curtain of relief rise up, unveiling the life he’d once been too scared to face again. A life he wasn’t going to let go of a second time.


leaned forward, his elbows resting on the desk as his head dropped into his hands, a loud cry of frustration echoing around the empty room. He should be able to handle this. But he felt like he was losing control. Like age was suddenly catching up with him.

  ‘You okay, boss?’

  Charlie looked up as the bulky figure of Bear filled the doorway – his trusted Sergeant-at-Arms; a man who’d been by his side for almost two decades. ‘Everything’s fine. Nothing I can’t handle.’ Wouldn’t do to let even those closest to him know that control was slipping through his fingers. Even more dangerous to let them know why.

  ‘You sure? You seem a bit on edge, if you don’t mind me saying.’

  Charlie forced himself to smile at the tall, well-built man. A born and bred northerner, Bear was afraid of no one. Nothing fazed him. Nothing. Not in all the years Charlie had known him. ‘I’m sure. It’s just been a long day, that’s all.’ He sat back in his chair, raking a hand through his hair.

  ‘Everything okay over there in Paradise?’

  Charlie shot a look at Bear, his expression briefly registering surprise, until he quickly realized he was just asking how things were with Lexi and Coby. ‘Everything’s fine. Coby’s got it, just as I knew he would.’

  ‘I always thought he’d make a good President, one day,’ Bear continued, leaning against the doorpost. ‘And Lexi – she’ll make one hell of a Queen. Got a daughter to be proud of there, Charlie.’

  Charlie narrowed his eyes slightly, beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable that this conversation was carrying on. Did Bear know more than he was letting on? ‘Is there something you want, Bear?’

  Bear shook his head, unfolding his arms and stepping back from the doorway. ‘Just came to see if you were okay. Not seen you around the compound much lately, that’s all.’

  ‘I’ve had things to do.’ Not that he had to explain himself to anyone, not even his most trusted brothers.

  ‘All right, well… Look, some of the guys are heading down to The Eagle now, for the pub quiz. That’s always a good night, and a few laughs and a couple of beers might be good for you, y’know? We’re leaving in a few minutes if you want to join us.’


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