How You Get The Girl (Theme Song Book 2)

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How You Get The Girl (Theme Song Book 2) Page 1

by Jessica Florence

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events, and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of those terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Jessica Florence© 2017

  Editing by LibrumArtis Editorial Services

  Proofreading by Judy’s Proofreading

  Cover by Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations©

  This book is dedicated to Fun Love

  The type of love that you can laugh, smile, and enjoy.



  Joel Kline

  “Hello, Lips.” I was stunned by the woman that just walked into the bar: tanned skin, brown hair, legs for miles in that sweater dress, and swollen pink lips. The exact color of her light eyes were hard to tell in this dim light, but the whole package together made her look exotic, like a freaking Victoria’s Secret model. When her eyes collided with mine then continued to peruse my body, I was already contemplating my approach. Then the pink on her cheeks showed up, and that was it. My feet were moving, and my eyes were holding hers. I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she knew what type of man I was—a man that would fuck her into the morning hours and still have her screaming for more.

  She watched me as I placed myself in front of her and leaned in, my lips caressing the wispy tendrils of hair around her ear.

  “I know you liked what you saw. Time to sign the deal. Let’s go home.” I pulled back and put on my special movie star smolder that always worked with the opposite sex. They liked to bag the title holder of the Sexiest Man Alive award, but the smolder was what made their panties drop.

  I wasn’t quite prepared for the surprisingly hard smack to my cheek, because to be honest, it’s never happened before.The feeling was odd.

  She looked at me with disgust, turning on her heels and swaying that sweet, apple bottom ass of hers away from me. Wishing my teeth were sinking into it instead, I sighed and returned to my best friend, Killian, who was sulking at the bar over woman problems.

  “Have fun?” He had a smirk on his face, clearly finding my rejection funny.

  “Chick’s got spunk. Made my dick hard.” It did, actually. I wasn’t much of a man that mixed pain and pleasure, but I think with her fiery spirit I would be drawn to that type of kink. I grabbed a shot and downed it; the burn in my throat did nothing to ease the sting on my cheek. I watched her as she scanned the rest of the room, looking for who she wanted to play with tonight and coming up short. She was a man eater for sure, which kinda wanted to ruffle her feathers, so I’d get to see that wild in her come forward. An idea hit me, and I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face.

  “Be right back,” I said to Killian, and walked over to the little DJ booth.

  “Hey, that girl in the blue sweater dress said she really wanted to sing the next song, but was nervous. Will you take the choice out of her head?” I called out to the dread-headed DJ, and he gave me a thumbs-up. The person who was currently slaughtering their song was almost done, so I went back to Killian and waited for the moment to happen.

  “What’d you do?” he asked, but then a bunch of girls latched onto me. Normally I would find this entertaining, but right now I didn’t care; I wanted to see what my little spicy vixen would do when the DJ called her up.

  When he did, and her eyes were throwing swords at me, I had to repress my belly laugh. This was priceless. She wasn’t the type of woman to let things go. Honestly, I bet she would be the type to rip your pillows into shreds and then smash your windshield with a bat. A Harley Quinn-like woman.

  Crazy, but fuck if it didn’t turn me on.

  She walked onto the stage, whispered to the DJ, and grabbed the mic. She was planning something devious, and it was making my dick twitch just watching her retaliate from my scheme.

  “This song goes out to all you ladies who think you’re leaving with a prime steak, but all you got is a hot dog.” That voice. Dear sweet baby Jesus, did she have an accent? Fucking hell, she sounded so hot.

  When she started singing Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood, I was a goner. Not sure how in the world things were going to happen between us, but I felt our fates intertwine as she wiggled those hips, and told these women on my arms that I was a devil in disguise.

  We watched her, and after she left the bar, I wasn’t in the mood to be around people. I just wanted my home, my friend, and the Pacific beneath my board.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  As we drove back to my home in La Jolla, I couldn’t help but think if I knew any way or had contacts who could find that woman. I wasn’t ready for this little story of ours to be over.

  Chapter One


  “I can do this.” My words disappeared into the empty trailer as I looked over my new work station for the next four months. Everything was organized, all my makeup and special effects products were laid out for me to grab easily. I had been a makeup artist for close to ten years now; it was basically second nature to me.

  So why was my heart beating erratically, and my palms starting to sweat a little? My eyes found themselves in the brightly lit mirror in front of me.

  “Okay, you’re going to be working on Joel Kline, all day, every day, for the next four months.” I knew the answer to my own question. No use fighting myself like it was some great mystery.

  Joel Kline was Hollywood’s hottest actor. He was huge right now, especially after his last movie with the comic book studio. Everyone knew who he was, especially me. I watched my cheeks turn pink as I thought about the first time I met him.

  He was at the bar, looking sexy as hell, just like he always does on screen. But this time he was flesh and blood, and I swore I could feel the heat from his gaze on me. I had been on the hunt for a man to play with for the night, but as soon as I saw him, I changed my mind. It had been a while since I had been with a guy, and I wasn’t going to start with that one.

  Nope. I wouldn’t get involved with Joel Kline in any way if I could help it. He was too much. My body would love it; I saw that in his eyes. He promised a great night between us. But the damage to my life could be astronomical. Cameras followed him everywhere; some even came up online about that night the morning after. I looked! I couldn’t play with that bonfire. Nope.

  When he whispered his line to me, it all but sealed the deal. It was stupid. What woman would fall for that crap? He was good-looking, but dumb as a rock. I bet he couldn’t have an actual conversation with someone without trying to use his looks to get whatever he wants. Now he had status to help him out even more.

  I’ll admit he is a pretty good actor. My son, Jenson, idolizes him right now, which is yet another reason not to get involved with him.

  My son.

  Shaking my head, I didn’t wanna think about how much of a protective mama I was right now.

  Checking my appearance once more, I decided I looked good, and professional. I was not about to wear cut-off shorts or anything that signaled to a man that I was up for grabs. He made it very clear he would fuck with me any chance he could.

  I still can’t believe he signed me up to sing on stage, but joke was on him. I was a feisty bitch. I looked him in the eye, and the girls that were hanging on him, and turned it back around.

  “You are not going to let him rile you up,” I told myself in the mirror.
  I smacked my red lips at myself, and ran my sweaty hands over the thighs of my jeans. My black hair was rolled in a pinup-like style and my makeup was on point to show off my blue eyes and long lashes. My oversized but fashionable sweater looked cute with my skinny jeans tucked into my knee-high, flat boots. I was comfortable,yet functional. I didn’t know how some of these women wore heels all day. I loved heels, but not when I was on my feet for hours, like I would be today. I looked at the clock on the desk in front of me. Almost 7:00 a.m. He should be here at any moment.

  The door creaked open, and Lisa, the key makeup artist, along with Joel stepping into the trailer behind her.

  Seeing him in person made me say a silent prayer to the heavens that he didn’t remember me from the bar. It was over a month ago, so I mentally crossed my fingers.

  Then his eyes met mine. Those piercing, light-blue-almost-silver eyes found mine, and his lips went up one side. He definitely remembered me. Oh well, there went that prayer.

  “Alessandra! On top of the game, as usual.” Lisa smiled at me then looked at Joel.

  “Joel Kline, meet Alessandra Rose. Alessandra, meet Joel.” She did a quick introduction for us,and then asked him to sit in the chair facing the mirror. We needed to go over everything one more time, with Joel present, so I could see his face properly.

  He and I hadn’t said anything to one another, but his eyes would meet mine in the mirror occasionally. I just ignored it.

  When Lisa felt I was ready to fly on my own, she left the trailer to go check on the other artists.

  “Tilt your head up, now to the right. Close your eyes,” I directed him, keeping up the professionalism in the room. It wouldn’t last long though; I knew he wouldn’t stay quiet.

  “I’ve imagined you so many times in my head since our first meeting.” He approached the elephant in the room with that. I just rolled my eyes.

  “I’m sure you have.” He simply hummed hearing my voice. Maybe thinking about those probably dirty thoughts he’s had before.

  “Just as sexy as I remember, and feisty.” This was going to be a long four months, if he kept this up. Time for me to lay down the law.

  “Okay, open your eyes, and then look at me,” I directed him. He did, and I was momentarily stuck looking into his eyes. They weren’t hiding any of the lust and desire he held for me. It was a little unnerving.

  “I am your new makeup artist for the next four months. I will not be sleeping with you, nor having any sort of relationship other than a professional one. And don’t try to take that as a challenge, either. I’ve got too much riding on this to screw it up with you. So yes, we met before at a bar and you threw some stupid line at me. I smacked your pretty boy face because you deserved it. Then you tried to get me back by making me sing, which I did, and it felt good. That’s it. There’s no more to our story. Got it?” I pointed my brush at him, being completely serious. He just flashed his white teeth at me and didn’t say a word for a few seconds, which was starting to rile me up on the inside a bit.

  “I feel like there’s more to our story, Lips.”

  Lips. I scoffed at his use of the word as a nickname for me.

  “That’s not an attractive nickname.”

  “You’ve got the sexiest lips I’ve ever seen.”

  “Okay, I think we are done here. Let’s just finish your makeup so you can move onto wardrobe. You have a galaxy to save, and a princess to seduce.” I tried to move on to better subjects, like finishing up my work so he could go make movie magic.

  “Okay, Princess.” His smile grew, if that was even possible, signaling that it was time I shut up and moved on. Anything I said could be used against me by this man. He stayed quiet for the remainder of our time and then a cute little blonde with a blue streak in her hair waltzed into his trailer. She popped a gum bubble as she walked over to us.

  “Ready to get some sexy space warrior gear on?” She wore denim shorts and a button-up blue plaid shirt with black Doc Martins. I said hi to her earlier while grabbing breakfast in the parking lot, but she didn’t acknowledge me.

  “You know it.” He stood and grabbed my hand before I could react, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss against my skin. A chill shot down my veins, but I wouldn’t let him see that. He placed my hand back at my side, winked, then headed to the closet on the other side of the trailer to go over his clothes for the scenes today.

  When my eyes found my face in the mirror, I knew I was in trouble. My cheeks were pink, and my eyes were lustful.

  “One down, only three months and thirty days to go,” I told the woman in the mirror.

  Chapter Two


  “Cut!” Leighton, our director, shouted. It was time for a break. We’d been shooting all day, and I was starving. But at least I didn’t fuck up my lines, so we only did a few retakes here and there.

  We had been shooting for about a week, and everything was going smoothly.

  For the most part this story would feature just me, the lone warrior, battling his way across time and space to rescue the love of my life. A woman who picked up a book in which I was trapped. As she read my story, I would be getting closer and closer to her. Then in the end, I would almost die, if she didn’t confess her love to me. A fictional character, in her eyes, but she still falls in love, regardless, thus freeing me from the book and into her life.

  The movie was based on a bestselling book. People fell for the story, saying it was like The Never Ending Story, except for adults. When I auditioned for this role, I had read the book, and truly embodied the character, Luc. He was strong, cunning, and loved the owner of the book with all his being. Truly an interesting story.

  I walked over to the catering table and jumped right in with a plate. Leighton came over to talk to me. I listened to what he said about shooting the scene we just did a different way, but when Alessandra walked by, everything the director said went in but never registered.

  She was into me. I could tell by the blush on her cheeks, and the way her eyes lit up when we bantered. It was like foreplay, in a way, for us. Every time I had to get my makeup touched up, she would try to ignore me, and I would try to rile her up. She and I had been going back and forth with each other since that first day. Nothing extravagant—a little conversation here, a little wink there, and then she would roll her eyes, and shut down all my attempts to seduce her.

  “Ten more minutes, then we go back in,” Leighton said and then walked away. Wish I had heard more of what he’d said instead of entertaining myself by thinking about foreplay with Alessandra.

  God, even her name was like foreplay to me. It sounded sexual, perfect for the temptress who was eating a carrot at this very moment.

  I had no shame in my body that I mentally replaced that carrot with my dick in my imagination. Her lips wrapped around it gently before she nibbled her little piece off. My dick was with my head in this moment. Both of us wanted those lips on my cock.

  When her lips lifted into a smirk, I knew I had been caught. Lifting my eyes up to hers, I saw that little crazy glint in them. She licked the carrot seductively, and I swear I even heard a little moan. My lips parted, and my dick was standing up, like a damn dog ready for his treat.

  Then she bit the shit out of the carrot.

  “Fuck!” I groaned, swearing I could feel that bite on my dick. Without thinking, I covered my crotch in protection. Evil woman.

  She laughed, tossing the remains of the poor carrot away and headed toward my chair so she could touch up my face before we started back up. She played dirty; good thing I found that undeniably sexy about her. I just prayed that she only liked to use a tiny bit of teeth while she played with my dick.

  After I finished my plate, I washed my hands and went over to drop into my chair for her touch-ups.

  Neither one of us said anything, mostly because I was still imagining her biting my cock.

  “You doing all right there, Cowboy Casanova?” she asked as she went to work.

nbsp; “I’m not a cowboy,” I grumped, but it seemed she was sticking with this nickname since it was the song she sang back at the bar.

  “But you are a casanova. Bet you’ve slept with a bunch of women here, haven’t you?” She was wrong about that, but I didn’t feel like correcting her. She had this notion in her head that I was a huge manwhore. I did have sex, lots of it. But I wasn’t a manwhore like she was thinking. And even though I wanted her more than anything, I never mixed business and pleasure. I had a reputation for professionalism. You could ask anyone in Hollywood—they would tell you that I never slept with my coworkers, something most actors and actresses couldn’t say.

  Don’t shit where you work. It was the easiest way to fuck up a movie. The lover gets angry and makes your life miserable. No, thank you. But everything was different with her. I wanted to screw her into an orgasm coma for sure, but I also wanted to make her banana pancakes in the morning, wash her hair in my shower, and rub her feet after the long days of her standing on set. I actually liked being in relationships. I wasn’t a serial dater, but when I found someone I could spend time with other than just sex, I would.

  Alessandra just wasn’t getting it.

  “All right. Go get dirty.” She shooed me towards the muddy set ahead of me. I was about to go crawling through the mud, on the run from a creature that was trying to eat me after having escaped his prison.

  The scene was easy enough, and when the day was done, I went back to my trailer and took a long shower.

  Continuing my little routine since I first saw Alessandra, my hand wrapped around my cock and I began to stroke myself. Instead of imagining her lips around my cock—because carrot— I thought of her hands pressed up against the glass of the shower while I grabbed her perfectly tanned tits in my head, fucking her so hard that her screams could be heard outside the trailer.

  She’d ruined my daydreams of her mouth on my cock forever. Only the real-life sight would erase the damage she did.


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